RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

She looked confused, "But he's cute. And you two look adorable together. I personally think you should marry him, it would be romantic."
"May you really are a dreamer, aren't you?" Alex said with a laugh. "I think maybe you just like Connor, May." They were almost at the ice cream place.


"So...," Connor said trying to break the silence "You like Alex?" This was alittle akward.
May looked even more confused, "If I think someone is cute does that mean I like that person? Jasper said that thinking someone is cute means you want to stay away from them. He's told me that ever since I was little."


Jasper chuckled, "A little, she is kinda adorale."
"Yeah, I mean she's okay." Connor said imbarested.


Alex smiled at May "We're here." Alex opened her door and stepped out. They walked into the ice cream place together and sat at a table.
Jasper smirked, "What do you think of May? She's crazy right? She doesn't even know much abou boys and love. I told her this huge lie ever since she was young and now she doesn't even know when people are trying to flrt with her. It's all hilarious, really."


May smiled, "Yay." She walked over to the counter pulling Alex along.
"May's cool, but why would you tell her a lie?" Connor looked a Jasper like he was crazy.


Alex went over to the front desk and ordered for them then went back to May.
"So that she doesn't flirt with guys," Jasper looked at connor threateningly. "You don't want to know what happened to gys who showed an interest in her."


"Alex, how can you tell if a guy's into you?"
"Well, they flirt with you, normally." Alex said feeling like a big sister helping her little sister with dating proplems.


"What happens?" Connor asked.
May looked at Alex feeling really confused. "Isn't that what they do if they don't like you but want to get you in bed? That's what Jasper told me, he said he knows better since he's a guy."


Jasper glared at Connor, "I hurt them, a lot."
"Well, it normally depands on the guy, some times you can tell if the blush around you." Alex said wondering how a girl that age didn't know all this.


"Ah," Connor said "So, are you dating anyone?"
May slouched gloomily, "I don't understand this. I'm doomed in love."


"Yeah, two someones actually." Jasper smirked. "What can I say, I'm a player. What about you? Have ou got anyone?"
"No, I'm singal," Connor said "If you already have two girlfriend why would you hit on Alex" He said going into protective friend mode.


"Your not doomed love comes whenever your ready." Alex said smiling at May.
"Because it's fun," Jasper replied.


May pouted, "I'm super doomed. Seriously. Noone will ever like me."
"So, what where you going to do, flirt with her and get a kiss then just leave her heartbroken?!" Connor said raising his voice Alex was like a sister to him and if anyone hurt her he would kill them.


"Come on," Alex said trying to make May feel better someone out there will be the one for you." She smiled softly.
Jasper sighed, "Relax dude, if you don't want me to flirt with her then I won't so shut up. Do you know it's rude to shout at someone who's hurt?"


"Kaykay," May said, cheering up again. "I want to marry a prince when I'm older. By the way, ignore Jasper's flirting."
"I know, sorry. I never said you couldn't flirt with, but only do it if you want to be serious about her." Connor said, inbaressed that he yelled.


"I don't know if you will marry a prince, but marry someone that will treat you like a princess." Alex said. "Why?"
jasper shrugged, "It's okay. By the way, you're not gay are you?"


"Cause Jasper is a meany. he breaks lots of girls hearts and then I'm the one who has to get them to stop crying." May bit her lip nervous all of a sudden.
"NO! I am not," Connor said "Alex wants a boyfriend, so if you win her over then break her heart, you have another thing coming."


"What's wrong?" Alex asked May.
Jasper yawned, "Yeah yeah whatever, I'm kinda t9red now so can you please shut up?!"


"I don't know." A second later she was back to her usual self again.
"Okay, gosh." Connor said raising his hand in serander.


"Well, okay," Alex said taking a bit out of her ice cream.
May ate her ice cream incredibly fast then got a brain freeze. she sqealed, "Ahh brain freeze."


Jasper closed his eyes as the doctor came to examine him.
"Will he be okay?" Connor asked trying to act like he was worried.


Alex laughed, "Okay, well soon we should head back to the hosptal." she said taking her last bite of ice cream.
The doctor nodded, "Yes, we're gonna keep him in for the night. He just needs to rest."


May pouted, "Fine. But I was hoping Jasper would rot in there. I'm angry at him right now."
"Good." Connor said, he sat in a chair.


Alex got up and picked up the ice cream for Jasper "Come on." Alex said to May.
Jasper felt an urge to pee. "Erm excuse me," he said to the doctor. "I have to pee." The doctor handed him a container type thing. Jasper made a face and took it. he looked at connor, "Don't look."


May skipped out the door and waited for Alex to follow.

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