RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

May smiled, "That he fell........from a great hight." She closed her eyes imagining Jasper falling off a cliff.
Jasper smirked coldly, "If they hear I'm involved they'll run a mile away. they could care less about me. Or May since she chose to live with me."
May pulled out her credit card, "With this silly. They didn't leave me unprepared." She smiled and said proudly, "I also have a job. A really cool job."
"I work part time at the animal shelter, it's really fun. I get to help poorly animals, it just feels really good." She smiled brightly at them all.
"Cool," Alex said "I will go to the front desk to get him a room, okay?" Connor didn't want Alex to leave him alone with the maybe killers so he said "Maybe we should all go together?"
May was daydreaming while Jasper was dreading having to wear a hospital dress. "I'm bored," May said. "Can we just leave him here?"
"Where would we go?" Alex asked. She thought maybe a sister would want to stay with her hurt brother. Connor left to go look for the doctor.
May smiled brightly, "To get ice cream of course." Jasper pouted, "I want ice cream too." May poked her tongue out at him, "You can't not after the incident at home."
"Okay, we will get some ice cream, but we will bring Jasper some," Alex said. She could really go for some ice cream "We will go to the one across the street." Connor (for once) thought that was a good idea.
May hopped from one foot to the other. "Come on, come on," she said excitedly. "I want chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce and and chocolate sprinkles and a chocolate stick."
"Wow you really like chocolate." Connor said smiling, he was finally starting to lighten up. Alex said "Okay we will go after you brother tells me what kind he wants." She turned to Jasber was really being really quiet.
Jasper looked at Alex, "Strawberry with strawberry sauce." He added in a whispering tone, "don't let May have too much chocolate or sweet stuff, she goes hyper sometimes." May giggled, "It's true."
May followed after her, "Apparently I talk too much. My daddy says so, so does Jasper. I don't think I do, I think other people talk too less."
"That's a good way to look at it." Alex said smiling, she turned to Connor "Come on." Connor said "I'll just stay here, with Jaspere."
May smirked, "your funeral, all Jasper talks about his collection of Playboy magazines and girls. And money."
"I am good with that, you guys have fun." Connor said to Alex and May. Alex replyed "We will, is there anything you want from there?" Connor thought for a moment "No, I'm good." Alex and Mat went to the car and Alex started to drive to the closest ice cream place.
"Do you love Connor? Are you gonna get married? If you do, can I come to your wedding?" May started questioning Alex.
"No! What? You can come to my wedding, but my groom hopefully wont be Connor. I love him, but like that? That's just - Th-that.....Dude," Alex babbled, knitting her eyebrows. This chick was persistent, what was it gonna take to make her realize she and Connor are not a thing?

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