Royal Witches

Ok. I feel like that kid that can't sit still and knows something good is about to happen. May that be getting ice cream or finding out he now owns a pony.
Of all the people to not put their prompt in their profile, I'm almost sad that it's @Zahzi ... Cain had a gloriously sappy love letter to Amelanch going.
Eh. It's something the Queen can cherish privately and hold above his head.
So since there's no healing magic, how contagious is this Blight affliction? Like a zombie apocalypse where you get a scratch and you're fucked, or does one of them beasties have to gnaw on your arm for a little bit?
@Father Gigantor

There's no socialized education. Illiteracy is higher among men than women, because most women end up in the military at some point and even country bumpkins learn to read and write there, even though it's not a perfect grasp of grammar and spelling. That being said, if your character lives near a large town or a city, they have a much better chance of finding a teacher or tutor.

There IS however, a magic university at Sylva, which is where you find all them damn 12-petals.

@Hungry Hungry Hobo

You're pretty fucked if they bite you, that's why ranged fighting is recommended for the bigguns. A little scratch though, I mean, you might be barfing for a day or two but you'll get back up on your feet if you have someone to take care of you.
Just an update on my CS, I have only the bio left to fill in. But once again, last minute essays are bogging me down, but I'll try to have it up by tomorrow the latest. (It's 10pm where I live for reference)
Hi folks! I'm here as a proxy of Mr. Valmont. He's unfortunately indisposed at the moment due to severe internet death (sometimes I swear we live in the internet dark ages over here). He says he's still interested and will be back with you as soon as he can!
SOLUXIS HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! posted this (I asked him via text we know each other IRL) and my internet has just randomly started working again....the engineer meant to fix it isnt due to another WEEK T___T did you just...web shame my internet to work? :P
The magic of friendship - haven't you ever watched My Little Pony?
The power of positive thinking, my friend. That and my voodoo powers.

On a more related note, I'd love to join this rp if it's not too late!
Soluxis said:
The power of positive thinking, my friend. That and my voodoo powers.
On a more related note, I'd love to join this rp if it's not too late!
It's never too late, it's only slightly later than it was before.
A wizard is never late. He arrives exactly when he means to.... or maybe it should be witch in this case.

Regardless, expect a character bio submission soon. I have a concept, everything else should flow from there.
I have a proposal and a question... My character's parent's sent her to Sylva to pursue her research, but they didn't go along with her for reasons. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in having her as a boarder. I can just make up a family, but I thought I'd offer. She's a 15-year-old workaholic/mad scientist who can be polite-if you have money or social influence. She would be appreciative of anyone who lets her stay in their home, though. Very much a poor kid who loathes being poor.

And my question: Does the currency in Arcana work in terms of gold, silver, and copper pieces?
Capella said:
I have a proposal and a question... My character's parent's sent her to Sylva to pursue her research, but they didn't go along with her for reasons. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in having her as a boarder. I can just make up a family, but I thought I'd offer. She's a 15-year-old workaholic/mad scientist who can be polite-if you have money or social influence. She would be appreciative of anyone who lets her stay in their home, though. Very much a poor kid who loathes being poor.
And my question: Does the currency in Arcana work in terms of gold, silver, and copper pieces?
If you want, I have an NPC character you can live with.........Matriarch Neave Niccals. She's a scientist and is rather obsessive with the Blight.
Hell, Grojen Mcakinley would love to have a guest. He hasn't cooked for anyone in ages. And him and the Misses have an agreement. No fish unless there are guests. Don't ask why, she just doesn't like fish.
Beowulf said:
Hell, Grojen Mcakinley would love to have a guest. He hasn't cooked for anyone in ages. And him and the Misses have an agreement. No fish unless there are guests. Don't ask why, she just doesn't like fish.
This sounds like an excuse for fish....a ploy, a plot, a scheme... DON'T TRUST HIM! HE'S ONLY IN IT FOR THE FISH! HE'S USING YOU FOR THE SALMON!

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