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Realistic or Modern Roommates

Sarah McQueen

"I'm ready now," Sarah said, smiling to Alexander. She grabbed her purse and her keys off in her bed and walked over to the door. Opening it, she waited for Alex to get whatever he need and walk out the door before she closed it and locked it behind them. As they walked down the hall towards the stairs, she asked, "So, um, Alex...where are you from?" Her voice was hesitant and shook slightly. Making conversation with people she didn't know always made her nervous, but she resolved herself to trying.

Angeline walks out through the front doors and walks out... I feel like giving up, how am I going to find my roommate if I can even find one person... Hay! There is a guy on the grass with blue hair. Cool, maybe I can ask him?

She walks slowly out on the grass... "Um... Excuse me..." She starts carefully "I am Angeline, have you time to help me? I can't find my roommate, and i think he or she has my key but I don't know if he or she has comed yet... Will you help me?"

@Kawaii Ghost Demon

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah noticed right off that Theo seemed to like things in a neat order, the only thing she liked organized was her shoes. She got up and walked over to her dresser and pulled the top drawer open, she looked at her clothes and how she just threw them in there not really caring. She quickly closed it before he might have the chance to see it, she could hear her phone go off, she walked over to the little office area she read the text message and got right on her laptop, she opened the file and without putting any headphones on she started playing it, it was just someone singing. She started listening to it and started hitting different buttons causing different sounds and beats to come out basically just adding music to it. She got so into it she kinda forgot that Theo was still there. Once it was over she snapped back to what was going on around her, she closed her laptop and stood up "Sorry about that" she said to Theo feeling a little embarrassed.

Ace jumped at the voice of the female, looking at her as if she was a ghost. "U-Um, I-I'm Ace... U-Um... D-Do you know which r-room you were a-assigned?" Ace stuttered, his voice trembling. He fiddled around with the bracelets covering his arms, barely looking up at the girl. Ace was internally screaming at himself for being such a trembling idiot. Great... First day and I'm already making a fool out of myself.. Stupid, stupid stupid... Ace let out a barely audible sigh.

Angeline giggles softly and sits down next to him and start searching in her bag... And takes up a letter "I got this letter from the school, you can have a look on it. I think the room number stands at the end of it."

Angeline hands over the letter and gives him a friendly smile

@Kawaii Ghost Demon
Ace outstretched his hand, and took the letter, and skimmed quickly for the room Angeline was assigned. "O-Oh... We were assigned the same room..." Ace didn't sound either disappointed or happy about it, just a bit scared. He gave the girl a small smile before slowly saying, "I-I can show you the room if you would like.." Ace shyly messed with the grass, avoiding eye contact.


|| Aylessa Kyo ||

While walking up to her room, Aylessa continued nibbling on her bagel and drinking her hot cocoa looking around the hallways. 'This place is pretty awesome.' She thought chewing on the piece of bagel in her mouth. Once she made it to her room she had finished her bagel and hot cocoa. Aylessa threw away the empty cup and napkin in the nearest gaebage can. She headed back to the dormroom and stuck a hand in her pocket realizing the key wasn't there. 'Crap I must've left it with James' She thought. Aylessa started knocking on the door hoping her roomie was inside to let her in. @Raidenxp
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Mallory eyed Xander, still scowling, but offered a small nod.

"Yeah. Mal." He replies, hands hanging limply at his side. He isn't quite sure what to do next, so simply turns back around, shirt firmly in place, and sits back down, watching his new roommate on the reflections of his screen, waiting patiently for something to happen. After a moment, he continues his plan of ignoring his roomie until given reason not to, replacing his headphones, straightening things up and hitting space bar, watching the melodies and bass blend together in front of his eyes, little green bars dancing to he beat.
Alex nods excitedly and hurries to grab his wallet and his phone and follows after Sarah. 'So far this has been a good experience.' He thinks to himself as his roommate takes care of the door behind them.

He walks with his hands in the pockets where he put his phone and wallet, as he is too lazy to move them after putting in the items. "Me? Well, I'm from California. But if you count my family background, I'm Korean." He grins to himself. "How about you?" he asks, looking at Sarah and then in front of him where he's walking.


(sorry, apparently I'm not allowed to use my phone on vacation AT ALL. So I'm sneaking it in wherever and whenever i can.)
Theo Matthews

Theo looked up from his drawer, closing it softly as he heard something. At first he thought that Neveah was talking to him, but as he listened closer and caught sight of his roommate at her computer he realized that it was music. His eyes widened as he watched and listened to the girl remix the simple vocals. Leaning back on his heels a small smile pulled on the left-side corner of his mouth as he watched the girl really absorbing the music and going into her element. As the song ended she was seemingly embarrassed, slamming her laptop closed and apologizing. "Wh-. How-." Theo blinked trying to form a coherent sentence. "That was freaking awesome, why are you apologizing?"




Cassandra grinned, satisfied with the way things had been going lately before standing up and snagging her coat, keys, and phone. Slipping on the garment Cassandra playfully galloped to the door, throwing it open and gesturing outside.
"HERE WE GO, TRAVELING THROUGH LANDS UNKNOWN ON OUR QUEST FOR GREASY, FATTENING FOODS!" With one last glance backwards, Cassandra charged through the door. "ONWARDS, MY FRIEND!"


Neveah Jacobs

Neveah was actually taken back a bit when Theo complemented her music, which normally didn't happen. " um thanks, no one has ever really liked it" she looked down at the floor still feeling really embarrassed, she looked back at her laptop, " I can show you more if you want, well better ones I should say but if you don't want to that's fine" even getting a little bit more embarrassed, she walked back towards her bed going right by him but not looking at him.

Wendy had been sitting in her room for more than half an hour, setting her things up. Walking downstairs, she smiled to a couple people, not really expecting any conversation. Sitting down on the grass outside of the dorm, she turned on her phone and began looking through pinterest feeds, her All Time Low album playing in a background application. She felt incredibly cliche. She took off her shoes and just let her feet feel the grass and dirt under her feet and looked up at the midday sky. She had hoped to find someone to talk to. It seemed as if her roommate was a no-show. She sighed at the thought of making friends in a less obligatory way, but she didn't mind much. Just... effort.

Now dancing to the music he hears a bang he takes off his headphones and hears a another one.Walking to the door he opens it to see Aylessa"Come on in princess"he says trying to sound like albert from batmam and bowing down with his hand sticking out towards the inside of the room.
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|| Aylessa Kyo ||

'Okay that was pretty funny.' Aylessa thought and couldn't help but to give a small smile. "Thanks." She said and walked over to her bed sitting down. Aylessa stretched and laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling. @Raidenxp
LonelyAssassin said:

Nathaniel York

Nathaniel was by the window when he heard what he thought was the door close, his room mate must have arrived. He turned around and saw her, she was inspecting the beds and hadn't seemed to notice him; he was also surprised that it was a girl - weren't two of the same gender usually put together? Not that he was complaining. He didn't know how to get her attention, he stood for a moment trying to think what's best to say first, how irritating that a greeting could be so pinnacle at this moment so he decided to go for the classic and cliché, "Hey there.."

James Rite

"No problem my lady"he said still talking like albert and closing the door.Walks back to his computer and continues dancing and singing"Now watch whip now watch nae nae"he sings then he sees Aylessa looking bored"Hey you look bored"he said walking up to her still dancing"Come on wanna dance"he said holding his hand out with the widest smile he ever had.@Aero
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Theo Matthews

Theo narrowed his eye as Neveah spoke of no one really liking her music. "Well, have you ever actually played it for anyone with ears? Because I don't see how anyone could not like that, it was freaking awesome." He stated matter-of-factly. He kept his gaze on the girl as she walked in front of him to her bed. He could tell that she was embarrassed, though he didn't understand why. Her music was honestly really cool and he was really interested. "I would love to hear more!" Theo spoke enthusiastically while running his fingers through his hair. "I mean of course, that is, if you want me to hear more. I don't want to make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about anything." Theo spoke without breaking his gaze on the girl, trying to read her facial expressions.


Kaede's head turned towards the source of the sound, obviously surprised to see somebody else in the room. She hadn't noticed him at all. "Oh, hey," greeted the blonde, offering a faint simper. Then, she turned back to her baggage and started unpacking. Her guitar was first, and was placed carefully against the wall beside her bed. Rather than leaving her roommate in an awkward silence, she spoke again as she grabbed her clothing and shoved them into the drawers made available by the bunkhouse. "I'm Kaede, by the way."

After the blonde had finished, she glanced around before plonking down on the bed, on her rump.
Might as well converse with him a bit, since we'll be seeing a lot of each other.

Raidenxp said:
James Rite

"No problem my lady"he said still talking like albert and closing the door.Walks back to his computer and continues dancing and singing"Now watch whip now watch nae nae"he sings then he sees Aylessa looking bored"Hey you look bored"he said walking up to her still dancing"Come on wanna dance"he said holding his hand out with the widest smile he ever had.

Nathaniel York

Nathaniel stood there and blinked a couple times before taking a seat on his chosen bed as she unpacked, he noticed the Guitar which kinda made him smile, he wouldn't mind a musical room mate and all sorts of questions about it popped into his head about her little hobby. She then addressed him suddenly and it took him longer to answer than usual, which may have made him look a bit strange or little in confidence, "Nathaniel, or just Nathan."

They were both on their beds now, a momentary awkward silence now between them. He decided to break it, "So you play guitar just for fun or looking to become professional?"

@Ktulu, sorry I quoted twice, thought you didn't get notif xD​

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah couldn't help but smile when Theo said that he actually liked her music, and he actually wanted to hear something else.

She stood up and grabbed her red Beats and walked back over to the laptop, she started looking through her files trying to

find the best one to show him, she picked one that she had made about a month ago. "Put these on, it makes it sound like 100 times better" she plugged the headphones in and handed him the headphones. She picked a song that she did with her cousin, she figured it was the best to show him because it had all the different types of music, like the beginning was only a piano and violin, then went towards more of a dub step.

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The blonde-haired female pondered over that question for a moment, before finally giving a response, "It's mainly just a hobby, but if some kind of opportunity arose, I'd probably go for it." Playing guitar was her favourite pass-time when she had nothing else to be doing, so being able to do what she loved as a career would of course be pretty great. However, that was a bit unlikely. She didn't really compose things herself too often anyway - it was covers or altered versions of songs from her favourite bands that she played.

"What about you - any hobbies?" There was a curious edge to Kaede's tone. She enjoyed speaking to creative people, but was still open to other interests.

@LonelyAssassin, don't worry! Sorry I took ages to respond. xD
Ophiel said:
Alex nods excitedly and hurries to grab his wallet and his phone and follows after Sarah. 'So far this has been a good experience.' He thinks to himself as his roommate takes care of the door behind them.
He walks with his hands in the pockets where he put his phone and wallet, as he is too lazy to move them after putting in the items. "Me? Well, I'm from California. But if you count my family background, I'm Korean." He grins to himself. "How about you?" he asks, looking at Sarah and then in front of him where he's walking.


(sorry, apparently I'm not allowed to use my phone on vacation AT ALL. So I'm sneaking it in wherever and whenever i can.)
Sarah walked beside Alex, headed for the cafe. "I'm from Georgia. I'm going to start college here soon, so I figured I'd go ahead and move here to get a feel for the city." Though she was from the south, Sarah felt like she didn't have much of an accent, at least compared to other people. "And I'm not going to go into my whole family ancestry, as most 'white girls' are wont to do." She said, laughing a bit. "Let's just say I'm squarely Northern European." They finally reached the cafe and joined the short line.

Nathaniel York

"I'd like to here you play one time. What I like to do is to draw." Nathaniel reaches into his bag and slides from it a drawing tablet packed in it's box, "I like to do traditional stuff as well." he grinned, he liked to show people his drawings and liked to draw things for people. He wondered then wondered what sort of things Kaede would want him to draw once they got to know each other more... maybe he was thinking too quickly about this.​

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