Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki watched him walk out, pleased that he finally left. She sighed and relaxed. She changed out of her outside clothes and into a tank top and some sweat pants. She grabbed something from her mini fridge, a big thing of soda, and she grabbed a bag of Doritos. She then sat at her desk and began slaving over her role play and other assorted internet things.
Bea grinned at him, pleased. Greg seemed very nice. She went inside the cafeteria, going straight for the neko section, forgetting that Greg might not like the same things. She got her food quickly and sat down, waiting for him before she started eating.
Greg looked around the Neko section and tried to figure out what to eat. He would have gone to the human side of the cafeteria but he didn't want to make her wait. So he grabbed a bunch of things and started to make his way towards her but he ended of slipping and falling. He he hit the ground hard on top of his food.
Ryuu set out all of his things making sure everything was there, "Charger. Check. Books. Check. PSP. Check, seams like everything important is here" he said smiling "well time to lay down and relax till class" Ryuu said pulling out a piece of gum.
Not paying attention to the girl anymore, he tried stepping down the stairs but tripped over something..or more like someone. He fell forward towards the main floor. "Gyahhhhh!!" He screamed while turning to avoid crashing on his merchandise. He was lying on his back with the box on top of his stomach. He stood back up and glared at the blonde girl

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Hearing a loud crash and a very girly scream, Bea looked up, to see Greg smash his face into his food. With a worried frown, she bounced up and helped him up. "Do you want to go back to the dorms, to clean up?" He was an absolute mess, and was he turning that funny red color again?
Eri flashed a smile at him, her canine teeth slightly sharper than a human's. She turn and headed back to her dorm, and called to him over her shoulder, "You should really watch where you're going. Wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything." She paused, throwing a smirk in his direction. "I take that back; your ego was probably big enough to cushion your fall." With that said, Eri left the human, and the stench from his box, at the beginning of the stairwell.
Ryuu popped his head out his door hearing the crash and Eri's rude remark, "hey cat lady you know that's the wrong person" he said snickering. Ryuu went out to help the guy who had fallen on his back, "hey im Ryuu and are you ok?" he asked politely
Kyle stood back up and cursed under his breath. He pushed away Ryuu's hand out of anger, he would get that girl somehow. Sweet revenge was always his way. He looked at seemingly red headed boy, '' I'm more then ok, move before i cut your hand off.'' he started walking towards the exit. Just what kind of Dorm was he in, was that the president plan. Kyle would do anything to return to his old dorm ,amongst all the other races.
Ryuu snickered at the boy, "what a rude one, obviously stay out of his way this year". Ryuu pulled out another piece of gum and crammed it into his mouth, "well i guess its time for more sleep" Ryuu said with such delight. He walked back to his room and laid back down on his bed and fell asleep.
Kyle walked into the school and went directly to M.Hanji's classroom, the science teacher. She was one of those crazy hags that would do experiments and practically blow up the whole classroom. He stormed inside and dropped the box on her desk. He glared at her waiting for his pay. She opened her wallet and grinned wildly, she took out 300$ and gave it to him. She grinned even wider, '' Thank you Kyle-kun. Like you said fast and safely arrived. I'll remember to do business with you.'' She simply stated getting absorbed into her new experiment subject, Kyle walked out of the classroom mumbling, ''Freak of nature.'' At least I don't have this crappy dragon organs in my room. He continued walking in the road towards the dorm pretty tired.
Miki continued munching on chips. She took a long swig of soda before burping quite loudly. She giggled and went back to her drawing. She was in the midst of making a romantic shot of Rin and Len when there was a crash outside. She didn't even bother. She just went back to drawing.
Greg was grateful that Bea had helped him up but was kind of embarrassed as well. Why does stuff like this always happen to me. When she offered to help him to his dorm room he gladly said yes. He wiped most of the food off his face into the trash can and began walking back to the dorms.
After successfully tripping the annoyed human, Eri strolled causally back to her dorm to relax. Upon her arrival, she found that Greg wasn't present, and wondered briefly where he went off to. She found herself in the kitchen once again and opened the fridge to get something else to eat.
God most of hated him for making him live in that dorm. Before this ordeal, he was curious about them and wanted to know more but right now, he would kill any of them. Starting with his roommate and then with the blond neko. He roamed the hallway lazily till he reached his room .
Miki had been drawing for forever. She sighed and let her hair down, just to put it back up. She blinked a couple of times. She when to go take out her contacts. She put on her big glasses and tied her hair in a bun again, returning to her drawing in the peace and quiet. That was, at least until she heard footsteps outside the door. She groaned and continued eating.
He stepped into the room, it was still bright which annoyed him. He simply took out his shoes and looked at the neko on the bed next to his. She kind of looked cute with glasses, but he would never admit that and to add up, she was the most annoying thing he ever met. He fell on his bed, they still haven't eaten but he was very hungry. His stomach just confirmed it with a loud noise. ''Wake me up when it's time..'' he simply stated falling asleep right after not even hearing her reply.
Miki looked over at him. His face looked slightly less psychopathic when he slept. Not that she would ever let him know that. She turned back to her drawing. She looked around the room for something to inspire her. She tried not to wake him in the process, mostly because she didn't want to lose anything else and also because she didn't want to have to get blood all over her babies(Her katanas).
Bea led Greg back to his room, passing Eri, who was shuffling through the dorm kitchen. He looked a little miserable so she tried cheering him up a bit. "It's okay, Greg. I trip sometimes too! And I know humans aren't always as good at balancing as we are." That said, it wasn't like she could physically help him clean, so she stepped back and moved back to her dorm, nearby. To her utter surprise, and delight, she found a red-haired boy sleeping on the bed next to hers. With a little squeal of excitement, she jumped onto the new boy's chest, as if she were a real cat and weighed a whole lot less. She poked and pinched his face in curiosity. "Hello? Hello? Are you my new roommate?"
*An hour later*

Miki finished dinner. She enjoyed cooking, and the food wasn't hazardous to your health so she figured it was fine. She walked up to her room with a cup of ice water. She walked over to him and shook his arm. "You told me to get you up, so I'll get you up." She mumbled after he just kept on snoring. She took the small cup of ice water and poured it strait on his head.
Eri didn't seem to notice Greg had just entered their room. He went over to his side of his room and pulled out a mirror seeing how big of a mess he looked liked. "Man I really need to be more careful." he said quietly. He had noticed that some of the food had gotten on his shirt making it also look like a mess. He was about to take it off when he realized that Eri was still in the room. He didn't want her to feel not wanted its that he didn't fell comfortable taking his clothes around people. So he tried saying with nicest tone he could muster "He Eri could I by chance have the room to myself for a few seconds while I change?"
Kyle was waking up slowly because of the aroma's in the air. It smelled good and was about to open his eyes and check out what it was when suddenly water was poured on him. He snapped his eyes open as he felt the icy water slid down his skin. " WTF!!'', he jumped from his bed trying to wipe all the water before it went farther and tortured him.
"You said you wanted to be up, and shaking you wasn't working, so I resulted to plan B." Miki said smiling. "Foods ready." She said, walking out, taking her key with her. She walked downstairs to the kitchen and served herself food.
Eri hear Greg come into the room, but didn't see him because she was occupied with choosing something to eat. In response to what he had said, she nodded and replied with, "Yeah, that's fine." Eri grabbed some salad from the fridge and a fork, turning to Greg as she left the room. She noticed that he was covered in food, and raised her eyebrows. "What happened to you?"
Kyle was about to strangle her but he was too hungry and just stormed to the kitchen. He walked to the kitchen and gave himself quite a generous portion. He sat on the table and ate the food which tasted great.

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