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Fandom -Rookie's Stage- {O}ut {O}f {C}haracter

My response:

Yeah I am aware Muon is pretty new. I began my response by stating that I was talking "before it is too late". Now, I understand that may have been lost given the length of the response itself, so I'd like to restate it again here. I wasn't arguing for Muon specifically as a whole, and in those parts I was I was only referring to it as something to keep in mind as we move foward rather than as something that is a problem that needs immediate correction.
Furthermore, I did also state that I wasn't asking for scenes tailored to Muon, but rather for content that actually had her be able to make something of significance or which at least engaged the character into what is going on, rather than me having to work her into it every time. In fact, you shouldn't try to talor a scene for Muon specifically, not until Muon is of such impact to the other characters as to engage the other RPers about what happens with her (or if you do, then you should give others something to do in the meantime that doesn't tie them to a storyline they don't care about). This is why I was complaining about the spy thing, because even though I can tell it was made to engage someone's character, it was placed in such a way that this big reveal was neither hot nor cold to me, because there simply couldn't be any impact. Rather, my suggestion was for scenes that let us explore the characters as a whole or which really tie the story to the group/personal reasons the characters have. At the very least, scenes shouldn't leave the impression that the characters are disposable and replaceable in their own story. The example I gave of what could've been done was like this: It gave everyone a chance to work on their characters as individuals without sacrificing the point of the scene.

I understand that coming up with scenes like that everytime is exahusting if at all possible, I've been a GM myself many times. It's especially hard for a half-alive RP like this one. But that's why it's all the more important to, at the very least, give us material to work with. Even if only 1 in 10 posts, even if there is only one post per two weeks, if by the time those people come they don't even have anything they can do for their posts- because the environment the characters are in is too restricted to give them that option and the GMs didn't provide anything for the characters to do in it- then it's gonna be really hard for anything to pick up. Even if everyone suddenly had a bunch of free time, came and immediately tried posting, at this point progress would be zero because there is nowhere to progress to.

From what I've garnered reading your response, you do have the next step, you just chose not to include it in the post. I'm really confused as to why, given as i said, there is nothing for us to do with the post as it is, nor any reason for the players to care. Again, I get that these people are supposed to be impressive, but if supposed to be impressive is all there is to them, that's far below what's enough to engage. Breaking it down to this extent is not gonna help the RP, it's gonna make The Rpers that could post simply not want to.

You said it yourself, that we're having an amazingly slow pace. Well, then you have plenty of time to figure how to find something that's gonna work to give a chance for everyone to be pulled in. There is no need to rush, but planting walls ain't gonna help.
From what I've garnered reading your response, you do have the next step, you just chose not to include it in the post.

The answer rather simple. You yourself complained that you feel as if there is no place to interject organically. If I go on in one post literally guiding them through two sets of doorways, donning their safety gear, etc., then that problem is made even worse. On the other hand, if I cut out the whole scene and just do a short skip to them at the workshop stations, not only do you miss out on the experience of getting from point A to point B, I indulge in a complaint from earlier in the RP in that it was "choppy" in its transitions. In what I've done here, I've given you a decent amount of information that can still be replied to even though not entirely ideal without removing a lot of chances to reply. Again, I have to take into consideration Taz and Jayson whom are both very hot-headed, temperamental characters. Even if I'm doing nothing more than allowing them a chance to make a snarky remark, it's an opportunity they should have.

Also, when I'm an RP'er, I hate it when a GM makes massive blocks of text for exposition. It cuts out interactivity, for me, and it's even worse than these short spurts. One big post that gets a lot done is no better than several shorter ones. That's how I operate. I do throw this to the side at some point, but I'm going to make another point clear: in addition to that post, I had to come to the OOC and say we officially removed players. So that short post is also the transition to a different approach to the RP, and that's something to consider.

Going back to Biyu for a moment, I'm going to give you the best comparison I can here. Regal and I have plans to do Conor's training with BlackStar--whom is in his own little pocket world--as a separate part of the RP. It's of literally no relevance to any other character, it's not going to have anyone tagged, but it is going up. That level of exclusivity is on par with Biyu, Midori and Akane in relation to the other characters. It's separate. It is by design and unapologetically not intended to have an impact on the other players because that was a series of events designed for Biyu and Razzle.

I'm gonna reiterate this. I have been allowed to post with Paul twice. Twice. I haven't even been allotted the time to give you the open world environment that would allow the options for diversity and character development as you've requested. If everyone suddenly had the free time to post, they would have donned their gear, replied effectively, and I would have promptly replied in such a way that they were lead to the next chronological step in the series of events.

I'm going to be blunt. What it appears you're suggesting I do is gloss over several "steps" in the scene until you just plain have open free reign. I've had two posts. If I was six or even four posts in and things were going ungodly slow, I might consider streamlining it. But, I've had two. Two. Two with brand new character in a brand new location with an entirely different scene approach. So no, I'm not doing that and I'm going to say that you as a player with those particular critics and suggestions are not giving me sufficient time to make the difference I need to.

I'm going reiterate this. This is the first scene I've controlled, we're literally posts in, and in that time, I've had to remove officially remove three people because of issues outside of my control. I'm going to need just a bit more than two posts to get into the groove of what's going on, and I'm certainly not going to make a massive post and puppet characters along until I get there. It's not that I can't. I could structure the whole scene so that each character is prefabricated to be sitting in their seat and have the gist of what's going on before I hand the reigns to the player, but that's not my style. I'm not going to write a short novel of exposition to get there. And, really, I've had far more successful across the board, across RP's, across my time as an RP'er and GM, when things are broken down to respond to in digestible chunks instead of the post wall.

I can only say this so many times. There have been one post cycle and two posts from me in this whole scene. There may perhaps be too many conclusions being drawn from those posts alone because I can assure you the direction they're going is unlike the precedent the RP has set.

I don't feel like I failed to provide sufficient information for a reply. I can reread my post and make a decent response out of it for any of the abundance of character I have. Is it going to be some incredibly in depth, character-building response? No. It's going to be a transition to the rest of the scene going on. Not every post is going to be gold. However, whether you provide too much information or too little information, you run into the same problem: players may not know how to respond. In this case, it's pretty obvious how to respond because I verbally made it so: don the safety gear, wash your hands, reply as wanted. If can't see simple responses out of that, then I have no hope of seeing more complex ones out of more constructed posts.
I will admit, I missed the part of the post where you told our characters to get dressed. I guess that is something rather than nothing, seeing how the dialogue is meaningless if it is something that again there is no reason to care about. I still stand by what I said, after all your point about a text wall doesn't apply here because it isn't long at all, nor is it a time when the characters could do all that much even if they were the biggest rebels in town. What they could do could easily be retconned. But I guess I have enough material for about as barebones a response as I can muster. We clearly disagree on how to handle giving material to players, so in light of an unreachable agreement I'll stop complaining for now and let you take it your way, you and Regal are the GMs here after all. What I had to say has been voiced.
We clearly disagree on how to handle giving material to players, so in light of an unreachable agreement

I think this is the point you really missed. I'm not entirely disagreeing. I'm saying, if anything, to be a little more patient before that's provided. This RP was starved. I had to wait in the background nearly two months to start this scene because people just didn't put out posts. So, yeah, I'm going to 'start out' breaking this famine by giving short posts that merit clean, functional responses and build up just a bit, but again, it will not stay this way. What I do not expect, notably, is to literally go from starvation in posting to a bountiful banquet of well-developed posts provided in a reliable, timely manner; and, neither should you until consistency proves that we can expect more.
I think this is the point you really missed. I'm not entirely disagreeing. I'm saying, if anything, to be a little more patient before that's provided. This RP was starved. I had to wait in the background nearly two months to start this scene because people just didn't put out posts. So, yeah, I'm going to 'start out' breaking this famine by giving short posts that merit clean, functional responses and build up just a bit, but again, it will not stay this way. What I do not expect, notably, is to literally go from starvation in posting to a bountiful banquet of well-developed posts provided in a reliable, timely manner; and, neither should you until consistency proves that we can expect more.
I am not saying to expect that, I was saying don't choke the posts that there can be when they are already starving. I get now that you have your own of doing things and trying to convince you to look at it from that other angle is not gonna work, but that's really all I was trying to say, in regards to that point. What we disagree on is whether the post you gave is enough to work with. You don't see a problem with how much you provided I see an invitation to a dead alley. But as I said, I don't wanna be complaining anymore, it's not my RP to GM, run it as you like.
Ah fuck. After all that complaining, I still managed to get hit by the exam season wave and get unable to post...

I'll get my next response by wednesday! My deepest apologies for the huge-ass delay!
I'm adding in more to respond to each post, but the focus for now is Jayson. Not that we could advance much at the moment anyway..
Will try get a post up over the weekend. Working 6 days this week so hardly any free time.

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