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Fandom -Rookie's Stage- {O}ut {O}f {C}haracter

I feel like Muon and Morgenstern could be pretty good friends. The way you just answered her, it seemed as if Muon genuinely cared. If they do become friends, she may be able to be sort of a rock. She’d help Morgenstern keep her cool, and Morgen would be able to show her certain things in return perhaps
Muon's someone who socializes very easily, and has a "bit" of a motherly side to her XD But yeah, they could become friends, in fact if things go the way Muon wants everyone there can just be friends.

SavingStar SavingStar
I await thine response :)
I’ve been pretty busy the past few days. Hopefully I’ll have the time soon. If not today or tomorrow, definitely Friday. I have a 5-hour drive to do whatever I want if I don’t fall asleep
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Quick Update
Regal should be returning to the helm soon (his internet situation is hopefully fixed), so my reign of terror is soon to end for now.

By the looks of it, I believe Idea Idea should probably be posting with Muon before Jayson can actually reply.

SavingStar SavingStar I'm not for sure of your situation, but you can post for Morgenstern any time. I actively decided to progress quite hard out of that argumentative rut the group was in for a minute.

RANGYOKU RANGYOKU Posts on you. It's really just a "flavor" post both describing North Death City and showing Biyu the more appropriate side of Midori, but it's how I do character and world-building, so... bear with it.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper We all do await your return. I did steal Biyu from Taz for a minute, but I'm sure he can find trouble somewhere else.
I was taking my time since I have other replies to do plus IRL, but I am definitely working on a reply and I was thinking of either having it ready today or tomorrow
I was taking my time since I have other replies to do plus IRL, but I am definitely working on a reply and I was thinking of either having it ready today or tomorrow

Not a problem! I've gotten in the habit of "recapping" what's going on, but it's not quite as necessary here. In my Hosted Project, there are so many subplots going on simultaneously that it's just beneficial to post reminders/recaps like that if only for myself. They're like mile-markers for progress as well as gentle nudges. :P
Not a problem! I've gotten in the habit of "recapping" what's going on, but it's not quite as necessary here. In my Hosted Project, there are so many subplots going on simultaneously that it's just beneficial to post reminders/recaps like that if only for myself. They're like mile-markers for progress as well as gentle nudges. :P
I actually quite appreciate the recaps. There are so many references to things I was just thrown in the middle of that any guidance about what's actually going on helps
Well, to give you an overall recap of what has happened up until now, it requires a bit of a timeline, but I can make it pretty concise.

Event A: The RP started with almost an entirely different set of characters, a slightly different atmosphere and some familiar faces but also a lot of people no longer playing. Phayne for instance used to play Kasper whom you've probably seen him refer to. Kasper was a slightly unhinged Demon Weapon with an absurdly powerful ability called the Gates of Hell which he decided to open in the Cafeteria. So Event A is generally known as the "Cafeteria scene" as basically all of the major events revolve around the fight with him. As the fight progressed, Kasper and his partner Mina went batshit crazy and basically tore through all of the students. Meanwhile Conor was basically beating the shit out of a group of upperclassmen for essentially being douches. This scene ends with Conor using 100% of his offensive ability to use a Soul Rejection technique called Raijin to cancel the Gates of Hell, and at that time ends with a scene where Kasper and Conor meet in a temporarily shared Soul Space during the brief moment that Conor's wavelength bleeds into him.

Sidenote: This is still my favorite scene of the RP for various reasons. Not only did I find the parallels between the characters beautiful and the play on Soul Eater Lore very interesting, but it was incredibly fun to actually write with Phayne.

The Takeaways from Event A: We decided we needed to slightly prune down the character base for more... sane characters, for one. This is also the advent of us trying to make smaller groups. We had damn-near twenty people at one point in the RP actively trying to get in and posting was a mess. The entire reason Conor was fighting some randoms was to split up and organize the mess.

Event B: This happened a little while after Event A and was a period where Regal, Fangirl and I were acting as GM's with reflective Professors. We split the remaining players up into three groups and eventually pruned them through using tests from the professors. Each group was intended to be "tested" differently, but everything somewhat fell through. Apex (my professor) ending up failing all but Kuro then took Kuro to interfere with another Professor--this entire scenario ended up with the timeskip that lead us up to where we are now. One group had its test entirely ruined by Conor, basically. The Professor was a Three Star Death Scythe that basically said "yo I'mma be a Kishin, you need to run away and treat me like one" except Conor was like "fuck that" and waited three minutes before turning right back around to fight her. Conor won canonically (though it was timeskipped) and the rest of the group turned on the TA to beat him. Defeated the entire point. Regal's group was one being hunted down by Mythical Creatures and it's the one Apex let Kuro intervene with. The ending to it is more ambiguous, but everyone still failed--including Midori and Stein.

Sidenote: This, conversely, is my least favorite part of the RP. I felt it was a mess from the beginning and we still had too many people. I never really 'wanted' to make Apex. He was a character of necessity. The only real interesting parts of this arc for me were the few times I got to use Daisensei, whom is this scary old guy in the basement of the DWMA that can do all sorts of things, like foresee the future.

The Takeaways from Event B: We pruned the roster one more time and basically got it 'just right' on this one, but we split the group up just a bit too much. There were too many dependent events going on and time was being eaten up, people were waiting. This is where we really pushed more organization, and we established certain partnerships like Midori and Stein and Taz and Biyu.

Event C: Is this event that's ongoing and basically done. You've seen most of it, but the short end is that Lord Symmetry and his advisers decided that the looming threat of up to three Kishin (thank Daisensei) meant that the trial and error of teamworks and students going from One Star to Two Star based on personal growth wasn't enough. Other threats existed too, and it was becoming a problem, such as rising stress between the DWMA and Wiccan Council alliance. So instead of model of students being taught to partner up with whoever and just learn to work together, he took the advantage he found as a former member of Spartoi to create permanent groups of students under a mentor to be taught. For him, it was Dr. Stein. For our beloved group, it's Crowley. This gave a lot more organization to suit the more suitable player roster all while fitting the lore well (I'm a stickler for Lore). So, everything you've seen up until now is Crowley basically bringing everyone in to introduce them and it went about as well as you would expect. He started them out with a magical bubble and a fight to test their abilities which worked for a while, then Stein and Mido got bored. Mido saw Taz using Ninja Arts and darted in after him. He "assassinated" Kuro, then went after Taz, and as we all know once he beat Taz, his impatience got the better of him and he intervened with Stein to take down Jayson himself. That's about where I believe you came in.

Sidenote: While it may seem counter-intuitive, all of the problems the group has now is actually 100% expected and is why Lord Symmetry decided to make these permanent groups in hopes that over time and with experience, the members will learn to work together instead of dying trying with whoever they're paired with. The common themes of death, loss, and refusal to work together is the exact reason this new model is being used.

The Takeaways from Event C: Well, it's still ongoing, but turmoil that exists is self-evident. It all basically centers around the fact half the group was salty with Midori for his assassination style to begin with and it was only made worse when he looked like the aggressor in his argument with Stein. The more logical thinkers of the group sided with the sound argument, but the emotional people and even the emotional sides of most of them seemed to want to side with Stein. Unlike all of the other events that have taken place, this one has a lot of internal struggles and in my opinion that reflects that the GM team is doing a better job at making the plot more interactive and meaningful even if less is actually happening.

One note, though, is that I've removed Conor from the main cast of characters. He was used to solve a lot of problems in Event A and B. Sure, his scene with Kasper was cool, but he also single-handedly took down an opponent that the whole roster couldn't all after fighting a group that technically outranked him. And, in Event B, he solo'd a Three Star Demon Weapon while injured (he was recovering from the Raijin technique). Baaaaaasically, he's a little over-tuned, and instead of working on adjusting them, he's going to stay overtuned and just be trained by BlackStar because... that's how you deal with OP. You don't neuter it, you nurture it, and keep it separate from the rest of everything else until you conveniently need a dues ex machina.
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul , thank you for the heads-up, perfectly fine with the "flavor" post. Admittedly, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how Biyu will approach this revelation, given my desire for her to develop from this point onwards while also not have her do a one-eighty in terms of personality but that's on me.
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul , thank you for the heads-up, perfectly fine with the "flavor" post. Admittedly, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how Biyu will approach this revelation, given my desire for her to develop from this point onwards while also not have her do a one-eighty in terms of personality but that's on me.

Well, my suggestion here would just be not to do anything too hasty. A character will develop one way or another if played organically, that's a constant for any good player. Your approach, as you mentioned, is really the important part here. It wouldn't make sense to give her a turn-around, though. She's not the cold, cynical type from the CIA, but she is a logical thinker. A lot happened in the span of events and she's not the most experienced in handling this type of interpersonal interaction, so it makes sense for her to be "normal" about it and the normal thing here would be to take everything she's told (by anyone other than Akane) with a grain of salt. Midori is a character built to be duplicitous. Him doing these 180's is not only natural, but expected--or at least it will be over time.

So while she may be given a lot more to think about, I would suggest delaying her conclusions until later. When she's had time to think. When she's away from Taz, Conor, Midori, etc. and has a moment to herself to reflect. Most people come to the best conclusions on their own, specifically quite isolated. A lot of people jump to meditation, but honestly, it could be thoughts being played out as she showers for the night. That type of thing. She's not a supercomputer that's going to instantly process this to make a decision, right or wrong. She's a human that's going to have emotions and distractions clouding her judgement and may require some time and the right setting to think more logically about what happened.

Eliminating "distractions" is going to be something that will be reinforced depending on how much I use Akane.
I take t Regal told you what was going on with my end? I’ll try my hardest to get a post out soon, it’s just hard. So I stand by the puppeting thing. Say what you need her to say if I take too long,( as long as it doesn’t go against her)
I take t Regal told you what was going on with my end? I’ll try my hardest to get a post out soon, it’s just hard. So I stand by the puppeting thing. Say what you need her to say if I take too long,( as long as it doesn’t go against her)

Thus far, there's no real plot pressure on her. I tried to alleviate that. The only people she's 'really' interacting with now are Muon and Jayson, whom are waiting on each other for a post basically. She has a lot of potential reactions, but the way I see it, she would likely choose to remain silent primarily because the atmosphere of the group was prominently sided against her. If you tally it up, really the only person that completely jumped to her aide was Jayson. That said, it would be a scenario of 'well talking more might make it worse' and since we don't want her to literally be batshit insane, just waiting it out until things cooled down seem like the most 'logical' course of action both for the scene and the character herself from my point of view.
Sorry about the lackluster post, I really couldn't tell how to move things foward at all in the current situation...
It's fine! The ball rolling is always good.

The only thing that kind'a throws me off about the post (aside from the tense) is that Muon never appears to have any like... thought. It's all feelings and even some memory, but has she actually rationally thought about what Midori said?

I only really kind'a ask because it totally felt like his entire, completely relevant speech, was summarized to "let's just prove him wrong" when they like... can't. Like, Midori didn't say anything like "you'll never amount to anything" or "you won't make it past one-star"; everything he said was about what just happened. For instance, he told Jayson he was only defending Stein because he was projecting his own insecurity. That's an opinion/observation. I don't get how they're gonna 'prove him wrong' as Muon suggested.

It may be hard for me to interpret because it's written in first person, but like... it literally feels like as Muon is written, she just vilified Midori. Which is somewhat in contrast to her last post where she was actually able to somewhat relate to what he said. Actually, she literally described herself as "the Midori of Jayson's life", which makes the complete leap that happened here feel a little odd.

Just my observations here.
It's fine! The ball rolling is always good.

The only thing that kind'a throws me off about the post (aside from the tense) is that Muon never appears to have any like... thought. It's all feelings and even some memory, but has she actually rationally thought about what Midori said?

I only really kind'a ask because it totally felt like his entire, completely relevant speech, was summarized to "let's just prove him wrong" when they like... can't. Like, Midori didn't say anything like "you'll never amount to anything" or "you won't make it past one-star"; everything he said was about what just happened. For instance, he told Jayson he was only defending Stein because he was projecting his own insecurity. That's an opinion/observation. I don't get how they're gonna 'prove him wrong' as Muon suggested.

It may be hard for me to interpret because it's written in first person, but like... it literally feels like as Muon is written, she just vilified Midori. Which is somewhat in contrast to her last post where she was actually able to somewhat relate to what he said. Actually, she literally described herself as "the Midori of Jayson's life", which makes the complete leap that happened here feel a little odd.

Just my observations here.
Well, for starters, it ain't good to just automatically assume your character's indesputably right. Not that it is what you're suggesting but disagreeing with your character isn't irrational.

Not that that is too relevant to this specific case, but it had to be said. That said, as for why Muon is seemingly acting different, it's not that her beliefs have changed. She does, to an extent, agree with what your character said. She is even a tad worried about it to some respect. However Muon is someone who forgives and forgets with ease and who doesn't put any semblance of trust in plans for the future, so she tends to act on what her feeling, intuition and quick wit tell her. Muon tries to live in the present, for the present.

Hence to her, it doesn't matter too much if in the future someone might get hurt or anything, if that means having blindly trample over the present feelings everyone has. She villified Midori, yes, but only because she is talking to Jayson whom she believes will be more comfortable this way.

As for lack of thoughts, well, the way I'm writing, the whole post is on the character's perspective. So, narration and thought are woven together.
Well, for starters, it ain't good to just automatically assume your character's indesputably right. Not that it is what you're suggesting but disagreeing with your character isn't irrational.

You're quite right. I could go into a great bit of detail from the classes we had to take (and unfortunately pay for) regarding Leadership Development, but the one that really applies here is Conflict Deescalation. There are tons of leadership styles and just as many types of leaders, but resolving conflicts is a skill in and of itself no matter what type you are. Midori absolutely neglected one of the core tenants of this concept in that he gave zero fucks about how anyone felt in the whole scenario. To Midori (and by proxy, a lot of inexperienced leaders), the only thing that often matters is who or what is right and what is wrong, but even if you're right or you have great support and/or ideas backing you, your execution can either waste that or just plain make your efforts detrimental entirely.

I'm not playing a Paladin, needless to say. :P

She villified Midori, yes, but only because she is talking to Jayson whom she believes will be more comfortable this way.

This actually is the answer I was looking for. This makes absolute sense on multiple levels, and it's something that can easily be lost when wrote in first person. You covered the two questions I really had: a) was there a transition in her opinions/thoughts? b) If so, why?

There was a transition, it seems, from her more logical thinking to more empathetic thought process with Jayson--which would make sense of a lot more things. Like, the idea of 'proving him wrong'; if she's being empathetic, it doesn't necessarily have to make semantic sense. It's just how she/they feel.
There was a transition, it seems, from her more logical thinking to more empathetic thought process with Jayson--which would make sense of a lot more things. Like, the idea of 'proving him wrong'; if she's being empathetic, it doesn't necessarily have to make semantic sense. It's just how she/they feel.
It wasn't so much lost due to first person, but due to the show don't tell rule. Whether I was doing it in first or in third, I would still not have outright stated how her thought process works every single time I make a decision with her. For that, I have the CS.

You're quite right. I could go into a great bit of detail from the classes we had to take (and unfortunately pay for) regarding Leadership Development, but the one that really applies here is Conflict Deescalation. There are tons of leadership styles and just as many types of leaders, but resolving conflicts is a skill in and of itself no matter what type you are. Midori absolutely neglected one of the core tenants of this concept in that he gave zero fucks about how anyone felt in the whole scenario. To Midori (and by proxy, a lot of inexperienced leaders), the only thing that often matters is who or what is right and what is wrong, but even if you're right or you have great support and/or ideas backing you, your execution can either waste that or just plain make your efforts detrimental entirely.

I'm not playing a Paladin, needless to say. :P
I suppose. I wonder if Muon's gonna turn into the mother of the group XD
Not going to happen. I should have been home twenty minutes ago. I am still atleast 2 hours away. Will have to happen Friday. Sorry
Not going to happen. I should have been home twenty minutes ago. I am still atleast 2 hours away. Will have to happen Friday. Sorry
It can wait, it can wait. I took my time, and have work to do anyways, so don't worry about it and just do it when you can :)

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