Rominov School for Vampires

"So she is a dog on a leash to you?" Bram started at her "I mean, I understand keeping your food source close. But to call her your sister... I would for lack of a better work call her a pet. Calling her an equal would mean she had freedom which she does not unless i missed something." Bram was getting angrier he started to tightly grip Hannah's hand. "You are a noble Evangeline I understand you want to look as a humanitarian and try and set a good example for young vampires." His eyes sharpened and maniacal grin spread on his face. "Prove you care about her, and set her free." Bram had done it now he had to see her hand she would deal. I'm doing this for you Hannah everything I do is for you.
Ene thought it was getting kinda corny how they all sounded good together, so she took her hands off the piano and continued to watch the other two as they continued to play. She would continuously look back and forth between the two, staring at there hands and fingering, curious about how they were so good.
Ana shuffled through the papers. "Belinsky and White...." She said quietly. "Here you are. Sorry about the delay, I couldn't seem to locate your file before. It seems almost like someone other than myself has been rustling through my filing cabinet. Why, I have no clue. But it seems a lot of my paperwork has been misplaced or put out of order." Ana sounded quite suspicious, but then decided not to make the children nervous about something such as this. Maybe she'd done it herself, after all. There probably wasn't anyone snooping, although it did seem odd... "Well, either way, here are your papers. In it you will see your dorm information and your schedules."

[MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION]
Bittersweet smirked as he saw Ene walk over to the piano, playing along. He had to admit, she wasn't half bad herself. Yet through all this beautiful music, Bit was trying very hsrd not to release a gust of wind from his violin, fearing he would ruin the moment. After a few moments, he started to hum a little.
"Thank you!" Adaline told her excitedly. She had pretty much gotten over the nervousness, and was now bouncy and excited. You could see that she was very eager to go see her room and the rest of the school, so she quickly thanked the Headmistress and rushed out of the room. "Come on Alex!" She said, "Let's go find my room!"
Anastasiya smiled at the contented students, glad she could help but definitely feeling the effects of being stuck in her office all day with a bunch of paperwork to sort through. She tried to reorganize her filing cabinet somewhat, sure that she just must have misplaced some things in her sleepiness. She went to sit back down at her desk when she remembered the other boy she'd asked to wait outside. She went out and looked at him. "Okay, I can assist you now, please come in and we can sort all of this out."

[MENTION=4662]Gabriel Rider[/MENTION]

Ember smiled at him as he looked away. "I wonder if he could hear you Ember?" He giggled lightly. "I think so the way he keep glancing over here." She shook her head in amusement of her own mind as she giggled again. She let the razor blade fall fom her mouth as she holds it with her lips.

Damon stops playing as he glances at the two. "So guys?" He moved off the piano on to the floor, crossing his legs. "What is there to do around here. Anything fun?" He chuckled lightly. "This docent look like the place to have any parties."
Hannah looked at Bram, shocked, and spoke in a hushed tone, "Bram..." She held onto his hand still and looked him in the eyes, frowning as Evangeline began to speak, "Free her?" She almost began to laugh, not a happy laugh, but rather a sad wishful tone that displayed her feelings.

"A dog on a leash... A pet... You really think I care what others think of me? Especially royals?" Evangeline folded her arms in front of her as Hannah squirmed slightly, feeling extremely awkward. She continued, "I have offered her freedom before. Ask her yourself. She and I both know that it is a fleeting dream. If she escaped my horrid family, she would be as good as dead. My father makes sure none of the servants get away with their lives."

Hannah looked at Evangeline with sad eyes, "Evangeline it is ok..." Evangeline looked at her and bit her lower lip, "How is it ok though? Bram is right... I want my father to finally die so that I can take the damned throne, and not press you all into service. Trust me when I say I dislike... No, I hate the way they all get treated."

"Do you wish her dead Bram? You seem to like her quite a bit," Evangeline said, halfway between anger and depression, "I offered her freedom before I knew the consequences.... We are lucky she did not, lest she end as her mother did..."

Hannah whimpered quietly at the mention of her mother, and Evangeline went on, "Oh, she did not tell you what happened? How her mother ran from service, and got slaughtered?" Hannah looked away, attempting not to cry, and Evangeline sighed, "I am sorry Hannah... That wasn't called for of me to tell him such... I just... I hate how undesirable vampires can be. I wish I had just been born normal. A human."
Dimitri moved up with the rest of the line, which was moving relatively quickly. The girl in front of him would be up next, but he didn't think that she realized it. She kept mumbling to herself. Suddenly she spit a razor blade out of her mouth, holding it between her lips. He was almost shocked, but as usual didn't outwardly express the emotion. Why was it in her mouth to begin with, he wondered. Either way, she was called in by one of the guardians who kept watch over the humans. Someone had to be there at all times to make sure that the humans didn't get hurt, and to make sure that the students didn't drink too much. The consequences of draining a human of blood and killing them were.... Bad. Dimitri wondered to himself if the girl kept the razor in her mouth while she fed...
Ember looked up to the guard and shook her head and moved out of the line giving Dimitri a sweet smile while the razor blade hun from her lips. She moved over to the closest wall and leaned against it as she watched Dimitri. "Hmm..." She thought as the Razor blade cut her lip. She yelped in surprise and yanked it from her mouth. She growled as the blood flowed from her lip and down her chin. She wiped it off and licked it off her finger as she grumbled. "Well Ember look what you have done." She let out a laugh as she spoke to herself. "I made a mess of myself." She giggled as she licked the blood off her lip.
Adaline was really excited. She knew that she probably shouldn't be quite as excited as she was, but she couldn't help it. She was excited. Adaline had not been in a school for a long time. She had attended primary school and had begun her first year of secondary school, but as soon as she began her transformation into a vampire her parents took her out of public school and home schooled her. She was over-excited to the point of being jittery, and Alexander had to remind her several times that she probably shouldn't run in the hallways. He had good reason to say this, as she found out when she almost ran into someone. Or rather, a group of someones (Evangeline, Bram, and Hannah), interrupting what seemed to be a very serious discussion. "Oh, sorry!" she apologized, after abruptly stopping in front of a girl with long golden hair. "I wasn't watching where I was going!"
Ene looked up. "What? Oh.. Well... I guess..." She tried to remember some good things about that school, and ended up saying the first thing that came to mind. "The food here is good! I love the sandwiches!" Her eyes lit up as she dreamed about a tasty sandwich. She assumed she probably looked like at the moment, and quickly turned beet red, biting her lip, only to find the taste of blood in her own mouth.
Dimitri was surprised to see the girl pass up her turn. She wasn't in line for the feeders? But why stand here all that time just to move to the side when the time came? Shrugging it off, he took a few steps forward before he heard a small yelp come from where the girl was standing, followed by the distinct scent of blood.

All at once, the Vampires in line turned to Ember, trying to see what had happened. A lot of people left, unable to be around the smell without being bothered by it. Vampire blood smelled just as tempting to other Vamps as human blood did, which is the whole reason some Vampires turned bad. They wanted the blood of their fellow Vampires, and would kill them to get it. Some people pushed forward, trying to get to a feeder before the smell tempted them too much, and most people covered their noses to block the smell, including Dimitri.

She looked actually hurt, but she was laughing about it. He was going to ask her if she was okay, but she acted like she was amused by the cut. The remaining students tried to file back into a somewhat orderly line, and Dimitri was ushered forward to the feeders.
Reeling back as if getting stabbed with each word from Evangeline. His body trembling only slightly from anger and rage at the words she said, not at her. His mouth was agape from shock as she spoke. She cant be freed... her mother was killed. His mind absorbed every word like a sponge making it heavier and heavier with guilt. He removed his hand from Hannahs as he looked at the floor in shame of not knowing... and thinking he did. "We have a common goal." His voice was shaking with pleasure and rage. He will kill her father, to save Hannah and the rest of them... Then he will kill Evangeline and end the accursed royal blood line of Aeternus. The Enemy of your enemy is your friend.... for now anyways. He slowly moved his head up to meet the crying Hannah. His eyes met hers. I will save you... I promise. His hand closed into a fist his veins slightly bulging. He had gained a new mission that day. Kill the Euro king of Vampires...
Castor heard the Headmistress's invitation to enter her office, so he obliged. Strolling into the office, he could smell her blood as well, which was pure, although not as pure as the girl's. 'I must learn to control this thirst. I can't afford to hurt anyone.' he thought pensively as he took a seat across from the Headmistress's desk. "Good morning. My name is Castor. The reason I sit before you today is..." He trailed off, unsure of how to explain his predicament. 'She is the headmistress at a school where all the kids are like me. I suppose she will be receptive to what I say.' he told himself. Continuing from his previous pause, he said, "The reason is is that I have almost no memory of my life. The last thing I remember is waking up in a town where all the people were... Anyway, the first thing I felt was a thirst. An irrepressible hunger for the life essence of living creatures." With a sigh, he admitted what he had not wanted to say out loud. "My very being called for flowing, pulsing blood of others." Having said this, he relaxed in the chair, steepled his fingers, and asked the question he'd been meaning to say. "I heard you had a school for people with this... ailment. So, here I am. What is this need for blood?" With another deep breath, he asked, "What am I?"
Ana was astonished with his predicament. There weren't many people who couldn't tell right away that they had been turned, but she could tell that Castor was going to be a special case. He'd woken up with his bloodlust so strong that, even after arriving at the academy, he couldn't control it and had attacked another. Then again, he probably didn't know that he was now one of them. "It is just as simple as can be, dear." She said. "You're a Vampire. One of us." She offered a small smile, once again sending out those comforting vibes. She knew that being turned was a difficult transition for many of the students, with a multitude of them hating what they'd become.

"We can help you here." She continued. "We have classes to help you, counselors if you need them, and feeders who are more than willing to quench the bloodlust you've been fighting. However, please understand that the humans here require moderation. Draining a human of blood and killing them while you are enrolled here comes with serious consequences." She thought about Castor attacking Eva earlier and continued, "And killing one of our own comes with it's own undesirable effects. That will be explained in your classes, but it is something all students need to know from the very beginning. We do not attack other Vampires." Moving on, she figured she should get him ready for classes. "I just have a few questions and I can send you on your way."

Anastasiya ran through the basics: name, age, where he'd come from, how recently he'd been turned, any outstanding side effects that might become problematic, and last, "Have you noticed increased strength, or maybe an affiliation with some sort of magic?" She asked. She needed to know whether to put him in magic or combat classes, but he hadn't mentioned a specialty. Maybe he hadn't specialized yet, but usually it happened immediately after adolescence in born Vamps and right after waking up in bitten ones.
Evangeline half-smiled at Hannah, "Cheer up... I'm sorry I brought all that up." Hannah hugged Evangeline tightly, "It's ok... I had accepted it a long time ago... I don't know why it still upsets me..." Evangeline's face twitched for about a nanosecond, but she regained composure, her fangs down, but hidden. Hannah backed up and looked at the two of them, "Come on... We have to get used to the school." She started ahead, leaving Bram and Evangeline next to each other.

Evangeline looked at Bram, then began to walk, following Hannah calmly as she spoke, "To kill him would be hard. I kind of hope that one organization gets him.... what are they? Something knights... I can't remember... Religious vampire hunters. You know of them right? Heck, they seem pretty good to get on the radar like they are. Royals are always going on and on about finding their base of operations." She continued looking at him as she spoke, "I don't know what I think of them myself... I mean, they want to kill people like me. Kind of sad, since I never got a choice. However, vampires have a horrible reputation, so I understand on that side as well."

Hannah looked back at them and smiled, back to her happy self. She wondered though in the back of her mind, What could they be talking about?? I hope Bram and Eva will get along... and what did he mean about a common goal? Does he want to kill Dagan?! That would be nearly impossible without a ton of people... Oh I hope he doesn't get hurt...
Castor remained quiet, taking in what the Headmistress was saying. She seemed knowledgeable about this topic, so he knew he was in good hands. When she brought up the unfortunate incident with the female student, he apologized profusely. "I apologize for that incident. I'm not quite sure why, but that girl's blood was... purer than others that I have encountered. Your blood is the same, just a bit less pure. However, I can assure you, I will NOT let it happen again. You don't have to worry about the students, or the humans you refer to as "feeders". I will exercise self-control." he said with an apologetic smile. Then, she began questioning him about his experiences, which he had no problem answering.

"As I said, my name is Castor. I'm not quite sure how old I am, where I come from, or when I was "turned", as you say. However, the effects you speak of are present. The last memory I have of my entire life is waking up as a vampire in a town. I can't say that I have magical abilities, but my physical abilities are all far above human levels. I had a run in with... a human law enforcement platoon because I couldn't explain my mysterious presence in the center of town. In the fight, I completely outclassed them physically. I was faster, stronger, more perceptive, and more reflexive. However, that is not the most curious part of ordeal." Pausing to let the Headmistress take in his words, he continued. "Not only was I physically superior, but I had an intimate knowledge of how to fight. I woke up with the swords that are on my back." he said, pointing to the blades. "I knew exactly how to wield them, as if I was an experience master. As I fought, I remember tips on how to fight that seemed to come from the deep recesses of my mind. Yet, I don't remember ever having fought anyone, let alone having such insightful battle experience. Again, this goes back to my quest to regain my knowledge from before I was bitten. Curiously though, there were no marks on my body, and definitely no bite marks."
"I believe the Knights are a necessary evil. They balance the scales of war, without them vampires would just keep breeding and feeding and kill off and or enslave all of humanity." Bram looked at Evangeline. "Evangeline... think about it, why would a school like this be built... to protect vampires maybe but to teach them how to harness and control their powers. Teaching them compassion to humans in a sense of the word. They are grooming us to kill the Kings and queens of old to create a new way of life for vampires. That is why we take combat and magical classes... I doubt you thought it was to train us to protect ourselves from humans. I at least know you are smarter than that." Bram was enjoying the conversation with her. She is still his enemy but not for now. "The day's of your father are numbered he will die this generation." Bram stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked with Evangeline at his side Hannah happily moving ahead of them glancing back and smiling at them.
Nathan was walking through the halls alone, he had his hood up and was looking down . He had stayed out of everyone's way for a few days, hopefully he can do it for the rest of the school year. Because he wasn't looking where he was going he bumped into Hannah. He drops his books on accident and he frowns "Oh my, I'm so Sorr-" the words caught in his throat as he looked up at the group his face red. "S-Sorry!" he stuttered out, trying to pick up all his books before they said anything, but he kept dropping them. He was so flustered he couldn't even say anything.
Hannah was just humming to herself at this point, while Evangeline was nodding in agreement of what Bram had said a few feet back. A young boy bumped into her and dropped all of his books. She felt bad for him and began to help pick up the books, "Calm down. I'm not going to be mean. My name is Hannah. What's yours?" By this time the others had caught up to Hannah and the boy. Evangeline smiled sweetly, "My name is Evangeline. Like Hannah said, try to calm down. You don't need to be so nervous and worked up." Hannah looked at the others and smiled before turning back to the boy, "Do you have all your books now?"
Ana tilted her head curiously. Yes, he was indeed going to be a special case. "Well, with no magical affinity, all I can do it direct you into combat classes. With your abilities it shouldn't be too much of a problem to stick you in with others of your grade..." She typed a few things into the computer while she thought more about his story. A lot of bitten Vampires woke up with few memories of their human life, but she'd never met one with none at all. It was definitely something she'd need to look into as soon as she could. She had a lot on her plate with all the students getting registered and with classes starting in less than twelve hours, but after all that excitement died down she'd have more free time to investigate.

"Here you are, Castor." She said, handing him the paperwork with his information on it. "This is your room number here, and down here is your schedule. I suggest you get well rested up, as the teachers like to test their students abilities on the first night to see where everyone stands. Classes will start just after the sun sets, which means your first class will start at 7 pm." She gave him an encouraging smile. "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to announce curfew."

Anastasiya got on the intercom system, which ran throughout the entire school. Turning it on and leaning towards the microphone, she spoke clearly, "Attention students, it is now one hour from curfew. Please finish with whatever you are currently doing and return to your dorms. Thank you!"

She turned off the intercom and turned back to Castor. "Please feel free to come see me at any time if you need assistance."
Bittersweet shrugged," Hm. Not exactly sure. Been here for only a while and it seems nice enough. Haven't gotten a chance to look around much..."
Nathan looks up at Hannah, he instantly picked up the amazing scent of her blood. He pushes his tounge against his fangs. He hadn't fed in days. His hands were shaking and he wanted nothing more then to plunge his fangs into her.. Soft... Beautiful. Skin. Nathan was close to losing control "N-Nathannn." he stands up, almost a full head taller than Hannah. Being a Newborn vampire was very hard. Feeding off people was one thing about being a vampire that Nathan hated. "Y-you smell deli- very good miss." His green eyes stare deep into Hannah's. His fists clench and he steps towards her.
Ignoring the curfew call for now, Evangeline steps between Hannah and Nathan, fully realizing that the smell of her own blood may torture the newbie more. "Nathen. You seem new at this," Evangeline said calmly, she couldn't get mad at someone so new, it was hard at first for people bitten, "You need to push the thirst to the back of your mind. I know it isn't easy, but Hannah isn't going to be bitten." She sighed inwardly, thinking to herself, if he tries anything... I will have to give him a warning shot... In the back of both of their minds, they wondered how Bram would respond.

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