Rominov School for Vampires

[MENTION=4684]TheyCallMeFox[/MENTION] Accepted, post any time.

Okay, everyone, the room mate thing is getting really unorganized. I'm going to assign them all to someone, and post them as soon as I can. I'll tag y'all when I'm done with it. Please note that some of the room mates already assigned may change, if I have to move things around to get them all situated.

Room Mate Assignments!!!

Liliya - Ember

Dimitri - Damon

Izio - Bram

Ene - Sky

Melost - Bittersweet

Rayne - Adaline

Alexander - Castor

Evangeline - Hannah


[MENTION=4684]TheyCallMeFox[/MENTION] since your character was most recent, there was no one to pair him with. However, the next male student that is created will become your roommate.

[MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION]


[MENTION=4662]Gabriel Rider[/MENTION]





[MENTION=4375]Aria Rising[/MENTION]


[MENTION=4441]Helena Sky[/MENTION]
Also, if anyone is planning to drop the RP at any time for any reason, please let me know so I can move people around. There's nothing more boring than waiting for someone to respond if they've randomly decided to quit the roleplay, so just let me know :3
Name: Drake Manslik

Age: 423

Grade: Teacher (Librarian or English teacher? ^.^ Up to you)

Specialty: Combat speciality, long range weapons specifically, but knows how to use a katana.

Short Bio: Bitten a while ago, he doesn't really share his story much. He was born and raised in a farm setting, not really knowing much of the outside world until he was pressed into service for a war, and "died" there, only to be reborn a vampire. Once this school was formed, he immediately wanted to become a tutor here for the students. He was changed at age 23.

Personality: Almost apathetic to most people, stern, but has a soft spot for the underdogs. Quiet as long as you do not make him mad. His handsome appearance commonly gets him hit on, but he doesn't know how to deal with it.

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] Definitely accepted! Thanks - we really need more teachers lol. I was hoping they wouldn't all have to be NPC's, that gets boring :3

[MENTION=4611]Nightmayr[/MENTION] No problem, reply as often as you internet access allows.
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], I think a lot of people worry that you wouldn't want a teacher to be played by just anyone. :) I worried. But thank you!! So >.> Librarian or English teacher? (I love literature, can you tell? xD )

I'm gonna say both if you need him to be... but English officially >.>
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] Go for it!! Haha. Anyone is free to make a teacher, so long as the subject they teach is acceptable.
I just wanted you guys to know that my internet is not always letting me onto RpNation for some reason, so if I'm not here for a while that's why. Sorry about this, I'll try to keep up!
Thanks for letting us know. Post when you can, and I'll keep this in mind if we decide to time skip (I hate putting other people's characters on like autopilot or something lol but sometimes it can't be avoided if everyone wants to move ahead).
Um guys, I actually think I'm going to have to drop out. I just had a rather big schedule change, and I don't think I'll have much time to post. Added to that I'm already pretty bad about keeping up, and I just don't think I can do it between a busy schedule and my internet problems. I figure it will probably be fine since my characters haven't really engaged with the other characters much yet anyway. Sorry about that!
Sorry for not being on often! I was swamped with work for the past few days. I'll get back into the RP now, so don't hesitate to interact with Castor. XP
Name: Cj Prince

Grade: sophomore

Age: 15 vampire

Speciality : ever since he was a young boy, before he was changed, he loved rainy days and snowy months. And now as a vampire he can continue to enjoy Water.

Bio : One night he was late home so he sped his bike through lightly snowed hills and a frozen street. While on the street he saw a figure of a man. He almost collided with the brooding man and he swerved off the street down a steep hill breaking many bones in his body. The mysterious man brought him back, he changed him, and left. The boy had a sudden fire thirst and went on a rampage to quench it, the thirst for blood. He ran away from home, frightened by himself, and found the school.

Personality ; quiet and peaceful. he enjoys the cold and solitude. He is nice to every one he loves and he rarely speaks for extended amounts of time.

Appearance :

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[MENTION=4722]DPChimichangas[/MENTION] accepted. He will have to be a late transfer student since we're already into classes and such, but start him off with the Headmistress and we'll get you into the swing of things :3
KaitWink said:
[MENTION=4722]DPChimichangas[/MENTION] accepted. He will have to be a late transfer student since we're already into classes and such, but start him off with the Headmistress and we'll get you into the swing of things :3
I'm kind of a new role player :P so if you could exude me at times... and some pointers xD
Haha no problem. Just make an opening post on the actual RP where your character is introduced to mine (Ana) and I'll try to guide you a bit if you need it ^^
KaitWink said:
Haha no problem. Just make an opening post on the actual RP where your character is introduced to mine (Ana) and I'll try to guide you a bit if you need it ^^
Where would I meet you? Have you been anywhere specific lately? Or do all the people that RP have to be all at once :P
Lol no no, Ana is at her Office, Liliya is with Castor, Eva and Nathan, and Dimitri is with Ember. Lol. Your character would just go to the office to enroll.

Heard that you let Gabriel play the creator of vampires... that lost his memory and in a 15 year olds body....

Yea i am not okay with this.

Best of luck on your RP I hope it goes well.

If you wish to know my discrepancies feel free to ask I will have no trouble telling you.

But I will kill off my character in a post so dont worry about writing him out.
Woah! What's wrong? If you're worrying about any abuses of power, there's no need. I completely watered him down and discussed with KaitWink. There won't be any OP funny business.

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