Rominov School for Vampires

Well, then. I guess if everyone who actually posts on this on a normal basis is dropping, then there's really no point to the RP. Guess we should consider it officially closed, then.
Letting someone play the creator of Vampires is letting someone be Goku in a DBZ RP while everyone else is just random characters, or Naruto with regular ninja's.

There have been placed now a glass ceiling which is unobtainable for character development as The most powerful character in the known world is now in the hands of a player. Water him down all you want but at the end of the day he is still the strongest character that can exist. Whats the reason for my character or anyone else's character to keep going and trying to develop them in a story that they will never be able to reach potential greatness and ever be the best.

but lets be honest if I would have got in a fight with his character when he stepped it.. and I would have shot and Gabriel would have typed block all the bullets and knocks Bram down with a swift kick because he ran so fast dodging and blocking the bullets. We all know you would have because you immediately said my character is weaker then yours and more powerful... and Yeah you are because you are a walking god mode waiting to happen.

At least with me and Nathan it made sense for me to call him weak because he is a new vampire that just started who cant even control his thirst and Bram kills people like that as his life. Although I don't doubt Bram would get injured fighting Nathan (because lets face it as you can see my guy is prone to getting injured) I doubt he would lose.

Kinadra handled the daughter of the king of Euro vampires very well she is on the same level as the other people and can grow with them, and can lose to them and beat them.

You give someone the key to the city eventually they will unlock every door and then whats the point of putting locks on the doors anyways.

Your thread will live on without me. But to have my Rival as you have already made clear by stepping in with Evangeline asking questions and stuff about Bram. You want to make him a Rival with Bram a mostly human character. I am all for losing and stuff but not when I lose and cant ever get better it's fighting a battle you can not win with anything.

Although I am thoroughly interested in how the God of Vampires lost his memories by some cataclysmic event that no one knows about except him. Because lets face it you would need a pretty huge or strong thing in order to take his memories. And how he ended up in a 15 year old's body... Can he transfer bodies or change his form, and yet he has his swords?

I am in no way trying to destroy your thread in fact I like the story aspect of it. But these are strictly just my opinion
Well, Castor has no access to his original powers. When I say that he is stronger than Bram, I didn't mean significantly stronger. Bram is a freshman, correct? Castor is as well, yet his past experience, that he doesn't remember acquiring, allows him to fight on par with, say, Dimitri. He is definitely not godlike, and he wasn't gonna defeat Bram. Actually, I planned on having him lose the fight and need Evangeline's blood to survive, but that didn't happen. Whatever, it's fine. Plus, because Castor has no memories of his past, it allows for me to develop his character and demeanor all over again. My skeletal idea for the memory loss is that he was put in an almost stasis type of deal in that his youthful appearance was preserved rather than aging. Really, Castor is more of Nathan's rival since Nathan likes Evangeline while Bram likes Hannah. Trust me, I've been on the site for almost a year now, so I know a thing or two. I wouldn't create a character that completely ruins a RP. That wouldn't be fun for you guys or me.
I am in no way doing this out of hatred of spite for you @KaitWink I really enjoyed your RP and I hope I can join you on more but, This one seems done to me, with a story that cant really progress much farther with the top of the food chain here. Although once again this is all my opinion. I speak for no one else nor coaxed anyone into leaving with me you have my word

I would like to Talk to you in PM's KaitWink if thats alright
Okay, everyone. I'd really like to keep this going if at all possible. Since it seems that if one person goes, they all go, I'm just going to try to make everyone happy here. @Gabriel Rider there is a point here, that your character may be too overpowered still. If he is a freshman, he isn't going to be on par with people who are seniors, especially if he's been in some stasis mode for such a long time. I'd really appreciate it if you'd please revise your character. I really don't want this to die so soon because it seems to be doing really well thus far. Maybe Castor could also be a pure blood or something of the sort. I also hope you choose to stay with the RP because I don't want to make anyone feel left out or bullied out of it!

If there's anything else that we need to address please PM me and we can all try to work this out. I don't want any characters to be ridiculously over powered and I don't want any of the participants to feel as if they can't stay in the RP just because they don't like someone's character.

In other words, if Castor is not changed it's unfortunate but I can see that everyone is going to drop the RP because of it. If he is changed it would be really appreciated and we can try to keep all of this going.

Like I said, let's just work all of this out. It's supposed to be a fun RP where everyone is pretty much equal (based on the high school setting) and I don't want anyone to feel like the RP has become 'pointless' just because people are starting to make characters with elaborate back stories and godly powers.

Until you make a decision on what to do about your characters, the RP will stay closed and my approval for Castor at least is withdrawn. I mean, it won't matter either way if everyone quits.

Also, I am not making this post to sound like some mean, evil, controlling person. I am making it because I had really high hopes for my Roleplay and don't want it to die off already. I put a lot of thought into it and now I have to look out for it's best interests.


It's alright. Kinadra and Humor were in the RP before me, and their characters have a good dynamic. I joined late, so my charrie isn't too far into the plot or anything. Feel free to continue on without me. Just disregard Castor's posts. And don't worry, I am not leaving because I feel bullied, or anything of the sort.
I'm sorry ): If you want, you can definitely stay in the RolePlay and just make a new character? It's totally up to you.
[MENTION=4722]DPChimichangas[/MENTION] I replied to your post quite some time ago and am awaiting a response from your character.

Well, anyway, the RP is open again. Y'all can start posting. Sorry about all the mess ):
(I want to get rid of Drake, and have this girl instead.)

Name: Alice Cromwell

Age: 15

Grade: "Personal Feeder" to Bram.

Specialty: Combat, secretly of course. She is top of her class, Bram could never quite beat her, and she takes great pride in such.

Short Bio: Part of the same Order Bram is from, her history is of no concern, or as some people would like to say, "It's classified." She was forced to come to this school with the creatures she hates, to protect someone that she doesn't even like or trust. She has
never lost a kill, all she targets, eventually end up dead. One way or another. She isn't allowed to kill Bram, for obvious reasons, but she gets at him other ways. Before he was a half, he could never quite beat her in a fight, and it tortured him. She was younger by a little bit, and was supposed to be weaker. She trained her whole life, and still trains, for the sole purpose of vanquishing the evil of the world that are vampires.

Personality: Has a strong hatred for Vampires of any kind, be it a babe, a pureblood, or even a half. She is stubborn, headstrong, knows exactly how she wants things done.


{May I join? Fantastic plot by the way}.

Name: Jasper Valerian

Age: 18 years

Grade: Senior {Grade 12}.

Specialty: ~ Combat ~ He specialises in unarmed combat and is almost never armed with a weapon. Both incredibly fast and strong, he is also known for his extreme agility, flexibility and enhanced regeneration. He is also extremely intelligent and experienced in medicinal or surgical situations.

Short Bio: His mother was tragically identified with cancer when he was only 3 years of age and died a few months later in hospital. Jasper was abused by his father till the age of 12 and had been unfortunately molested in his earlier years. He became a vampire at the age of 18; he was changed by a distant cousin.

Personality: His exterior appears silent, private, intense, mysterious and sometimes even dark. He is, however, sensitive, loyal, caring, intelligent and intuitive. He prefers to be unique than to follow the crowds like a cloned sheep and rarely speaks to strangers. He is very private of his past and is against the way in which his father treated him. He is also extremely open-minded and understanding, having spent most of his life dwelling within a pit of misery and loneliness.


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(( [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] So is this girl a knight, feeder human, or Vampire? It's hard to tell from your description. I figure she's no Vamp since she hates them, but I can't tell from your skelly if she's human or knight? Accepted either way, as long as her "never loses a target" thing doesn't become an issue :3 no killing students, in other words. Also, your image isn't showing up. Or maybe it's just my cell phone that won't show it))

(( [MENTION=4740]Poisoned.Huntress[/MENTION] Accepted. And thanks! I hope it picks back up, we had a rough patch earlier this week but it is all okay now!!))
{Thank you! Sorry about the pathetic form - I don't really have much access to internet. I'm using free wifi at the Coffee Club at the moment, so do you think it would be okay if I posted another form or two? I planned on having more than one character, but with the internet being how it is, I only had time to make one form}.
{I am not yet sure of whether or not I am permitted to post a couple more forms, but here they are. I would also appreciate if you would inform me of when I am allowed to post. Thanks}.

Name: Shiree Chantrea

Age: 18 years

Grade: Senior {Grade 12}.

Specialty: ~ Feeder ~ She usually only feeds Jasper Valerian, her best, closest and only friend, and his younger brother, Alex. She is indeed a mortal; however, she is incredibly intelligent and psychic, meaning she often experiences blurred visions, or senses the thoughts, presence or emotions of others around her. She carries a dagger.

Short Bio: One of the main reasons she converses and gets along well with Jasper is because of the past they have in common. She was abused by both her mother and father, who died in a violent car crash when she was 16. She met Jasper before the age of 5. Since the age of 11, she was obsessed with charms, books and everything "magical".

Personality: She is psychic, intuitive, caring and not afraid to stand out of the crowd. Usually she is fairly quiet, but has been described as loyal and honest also, especially towards friends or those she considers innocent and trustworthy. Because of being so open-minded, she is commonly referred to as: freak, weird and crazy. Much like Jasper, she enjoys being unique and the fact she is the black sheep of thousands or even millions of people never bothers her. When she makes a promise, she never breaks it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-2.jpeg.4cf4e9f13784e51bd67977913ea04597.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-2.jpeg.4cf4e9f13784e51bd67977913ea04597.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Alex Valerian

Age: 15 years

Grade: Middle Senior {Grade 10}.

Specialty: ~ Magic ~ He controls and creates the element of fire, which he uses for both good and troublesome purposes depending on his mood and the amount of control he has over himself. Although his unarmed combat abilities hardly match those belonging to Jasper, he is talented in it and uses it often. He carries no weapons nor equipment.

Short Bio: As the younger brother of Jasper, they both shared in the same past. His brother changed him at the age of 15 years; at this point in his life he was a newborn vampire and during a crazed loss of control, he killed his abusive father. Despite the age gap, he often follows and converses with Shiree and Jasper, whom he idolises and is loyal to.

Personality: Outgoing, protective, defensive, sarcastic and dangerous are all words to describe his personality. He won't hesitate to stand up for a friend or family member and is usually less cautious and shrewd of strangers than his brother. He can also be quite irritable, and when his temper blows, all hell breaks loose. His own safety and the safety of Jasper and Shiree is generally more important to him than the safety of others. He has an adventurous and curious nature and is also very determined.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_mcfhtnA05v1r9j3mwo1_1280.jpg.5d6a420f4dad748a1ea5efa5ef857c90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_mcfhtnA05v1r9j3mwo1_1280.jpg.5d6a420f4dad748a1ea5efa5ef857c90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[MENTION=4740]Poisoned.Huntress[/MENTION] go for it. As long as you submit them for approval and can keep up with them all, that is :)

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