Rominov School for Vampires

That might actually work with my charrie. Evangeline may have hear stories of my charrie from her father, who probably knew my charrie. Think of my character as the very first. King Dagan could have been the first offspring, and then my charrie disappeared, leaving King Dagan as the one to "create" the rest of the race.
That's one of my concerns as well. Along with your character's family, my characters are also one of the remaining 'first' pure blood lines other than the royals, from the creation of Vampires. I was just curious as to how they were planning to work around that.
It already says in my sheet that her father was the first vampire... >.> She's a royal (And hates it by the way xD )
Yeah. As I said, I could create a mysterious vampire that was the very originator of the species. However, his offspring were left by him for some unknown reason, and they intermarried and created the rest of the vampire race. Essentially, they are the pure bloods, and the eldest son and daughter of the my charrie, Evangeline's parents, were deemed the royal line. Thus, Evangeline and the current Rominov that is Headmistress may have heard of my charrie is stories from their parents. Tie that in with what I posted on KaitWink's profile, and I think it works out.
I think maybe we can work this out if we think of a way to make both of your stories work. If Gabriel's character came first, how would he creat Vampires without a mate to bear his children? I could understand if he seemed to be some asexual creature that was able to reproduce by himself, but I'm not gonna get into the birds and bees on that, we all know how that works. Or he could be kind of a semi-god-like being that can create races at will. Also, he would have had to be created so far ahead of his children that he would become just a myth even to them, otherwise it would be difficult to pull the "he's alone and has no memory" thing. That way, everyone in the world would believe that the King and Queen were the first and why they are royalty. But that would make it hard for other characters to know the 'creator' when he saw them. You know what I mean? Like he would be the creator of all Vampires, making the king the first real Vampire, and he is more of a mythical role that no one knows is real until he shows up?
So... a bit off topic from the present discussion of first vampires and such, I was wondering if there is a character limit? I have no intention to add any more characters at the moment, but I would like to keep it in mind. How many characters can we have?
Yeah. That sounds pretty awesome! Nice idea. So, perhaps he's extremely old, yet still has the appearance I posted on your profile. Perhaps the mate died in the creation of the vampires, which occurred accidently quite a ways into his life. Thus, he left them alone to be the "first" vampires. However, somehow, he lost his memory. I'm trying to think of a way that they might know that something is "different" with him.
@Natasha the more the merrier, go for it. Just make sure you can handle them all before making them.

@Gabriel This part of the storyline is okay with me. If kinadra is okay with having another being create the first ever 'real' Vampire - Eva's dad/the King - then it's okay with me. Just clarify in your character skelly where you're going with it. Ex: is he a Vampire or is he a godlike being disguised as one (since that would be an easier way for them to recognize him anyway). If you decide on a creator in disguise, then just make sure he is not a crazy all-powerful being that can smite people with a single glare. Lol
Name: Castor Kahoe

Age: 15

Grade: Ninth/Freshman

Specialty: Abnormally gifted combat vampire w/o any formal training (He fights as if experienced, yet doesn't know where such experience came from) - He is best with bladed weapons, especially dual swords. He grasps one normally and one in a reversed form. He does have his own swords, although he doesn't know their origin as he had them with him since his first memory. The reversed sword is a katana that he uses for slashing/cutting and quick parries, while the regularly held sword is an estoc, which is used for thrusting and heavy defense.

Short Bio: Castor remembers almost nothing, besides his status as a vampiric being. All he remember is waking up in a sleepy town to find every townsfolk dead, their bodies completely drained of blood. His clothes were tattered and drenched in dried blood. But, all he could think about was a thirst. He wandered for days, finally decimating the populations of enough towns to quench his need for sustenance. However, he feels that something isn't right, and he knows that he can't continue to lay waste to entire villages. So, he has come to this school to seek help and to regain his past memories.

Personality: Castor is the quiet type. He doesn't comment unless asked too or unless he feels that something must be known. When he does speak, he speaks in a formal, polite tone. It isn't cold, just detached. That doesn't mean he can't be friendly, and he does have some remote feelings about loyalty and honor. However, his most pressing need right now is to find out more about his past, which means he may be a little aloof, vague, and even a bit selfish.

Appearance: Click here.
Accepted :) I can't open the picture though, and I'm unsure if it's just me or everyone so posting it on the CS might be better than a link. If your character killed off entire cities, surely you'll understand that the Headmistress will have him under watch? Unless he doesn't tell her or she has no way of knowing or whatever.
Well, I'm sure Castor wouldn't deliberately tell the Headmistress about his actions. But, surely she would have heard of entire towns being drained of blood, of all things. So, perhaps she will be suspicious or something like that.
Um... so I'm a little confused, sorry! I was wondering if you could help me sort it out? I'm not quite sure what happened to my characters. They were in the headmistress's office and they had just said what their last names were, but I don't think I ever got a response. Now Evangeline is in her office, and I'm not quite sure what happened. Did I miss one of your posts or something? I'm not sure what happened, but I'm sorry if I made a mistake! Do you know what happened?

I said "what happened" a ton of times. XP
Lol, I'm not sure either. I thought your characters were there and I thought for sure I replied but I WAS having computer issues so maybe it didn't post? That may be the case. As soon as Evangeline is no longer in the office I will make sure to repost what was supposed to be there lol.
[MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION]

No one is in the office now, I'd like to finish up the scene with your character if you wouldn't mind :3
Oh, yeah! She might have a room to herself though... seeing as she's royalty, and she's got Hannah. Other than that I'd love that, especially because Adaline is more comfortable around humans sometimes, and Hannah's company would be nice. Oh! And I need a roommate for Alex! *totally forgot about him*
Ummm... [MENTION=4662]Gabriel Rider[/MENTION] 's character is a boy as well and I believe he doesn't have one.
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] If you're still accepting..

Name: Nathan Marshall

Age: 16


Specialty:Combat, he is best with Daggers

Short Bio: He is an orphan, he was turned very recently. He has been alone until he found out about the school.

Personality:He is very shy, especially around girls. He tries to stay out of the way as best as he can. His looks are deceiving as he is a very good fighter, if he holds a grudge against you watch out

appearence:View attachment 13579

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