~Romance Themed School~ (Under construction, making changes) [Inactive]


Junior Member
SteevieX1 submitted a new role play:

~Romance Themed School~ - A new take on school romance!

You may have been driven away by the title before even clicking "School Related Romance?! Ha, how generic". However I like to put my idea into a different category, this is no normal school you see. In this school the students are only here for one reason to fall in love and reproduce.


In the near future humankind has been hit with the second verse of the black death but this...
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OOC: here we go phew, it has been a while since I have role played, but before that I have a couple announcements. I have decided to let people join us until this upcoming Friday, I do this because I think I can handle a couple more people; you know the more the merrier ^.^. Other than that let the role play begin! (check ooc chat as well for some an important message concerning the tone of the story.)

IC: (( ))= OOC

As Leon wakes at the young hour of 8 p.m. he straightens his wrangled dress shirt that he attempts to cover up with his black polka dot tie. He gets up unrequited for the day and opens his curtains and peers at the students who are already in the court yard ((sorry for the godmod, this is the last time it happens)), which confused him quite a bit, he remembers struggling waking up at that age. Shrugging off the confusion, he grabs the small webbed microphone connected to the intercom with a long orange cord that made sparking noises when started, probably due to poor electrical connection. He sets the microphone on his drawer, looking into the mirror that sits there and proceeds to look into the mirror giving eye contact with his reflection and does his currently messy grey hair. After he makes himself at least slightly presentable he holds the mic close to his mouth and speaks with a unemotional voice "Class starts in 27 minutes spot, I expect you all to be there" Leon sets down the microphone but quickly brings it back up to his mouth, remembering something important "Oh yes, I wouldn't be late or absent if I were you." He turns the microphone off, giving a slight chuckle and sits on his wheeled chair directly behind him that brings him to a picture of his deceased family, "well honey" Leon looks towards the window sighing a bit "here we go."

((I know I said I wouldn't do one this early but I have decided to because I am in a writing mood ^.^. sorry if this was not up to par with what you are used to, it's my first time starting a role play. Other than that I hope you enjoy yourself on my rp thread, if you have any problems please feel free to message be to let me know and I will do my best to assist... or if you just want to chat :3! Have fun :D ))
Bobby styfled a yawn as he stood in the courtyard along with the other students. Naturally he wasn't very dispositioned to get up early in the morning, but he made himself do it regardless. He hadn't brushed his very long dark hair this morning, he had simply forotten, so it was slightly out of order without his knowlege. Otherwise he looked quite presentable, having made sure to look neat for everyone.. He had simply forgotten the top of himself, that was all.

27 minutes... He thought, after the message on the microphone rung out over the courtyard. There wasn't exactly much he could do in that short amount of time. He glanced around tentatively, looking the other people around him over more closely. How was this going to be? He had no idea, and he didn't quite like that feeling. He liked to have things planned out and neat and easy to undersand. This was uncertainty, this was... Unsafe somehow. A slight fear of not getting along with anyone surfaced within him, and he glanced over at the females of the group once more.
Yoshi sits on a bench in the courtyard, chatting excitedly to a group of nearby students, though they do not appear to be listening. This does not seem to phase the girl as she adds compliments and positive reinforcement in her one-way conversation. Her camera is laid in her lap, with its leather strap still hung loosely around her thin neck. Her hair is straightened falls to her rib cage; her fingers reach up, every now and then, to stroke her bangs carefully out of her gray-hued eyes. Yoshi's speaking goes more on the mute side as she concentrates on her camera, studying its focus, perfecting the cleanliness of its lens.
Lillia walked as calmly and gracefully as every time she did towards the courtyard, cluelessly ignoring gazes from fellow students and teachers. She sighed softly, seeing that there were quite a lot of students at the area already. Most took up the spaces on the benches and seats, which left the other students like her hanging--or in their case, standing. "Welp," She mumbled in a silly way, noticing a small group of students waving at her and pointing to a vacant space at one bench that she could sit on. As she walked closer, she noticed that majority of the group were males, but she didn't mind that much. She sat, letting her legs wave while responding and chatting with the fellow students. "Twenty-seven minutes..." She mumbled out of a small amount of boredom.
seraphina say in a grassy spot near the buildings, everyone within view of her good eye. she trembled slightly at the thought of meeting many new and fearing that maybe she wasnt good enough to be here. the announcement only made it worse..such little time to prepare herself. she kept her hair up in a slight messy bun and she adjusted her eye patch so it fi properly. gods i hope i was sent here for a reason..other then finding a proper mate. just the thought makes me woozy. what kind of guy would be interested in a scarred peice of work like me? these thoughts kept running through her head as she looked at the students..one them maybe to be her love.
Coraline stands awkwardly amongst the small crowd in the courtyard. She's tired, and sullen. She looks around, wishing she could be anywhere but here. She feels the bile rise in her throat at the aspect of finding a mate, human contact is not something she is too fond of, for some reason she couldn't remember why.

She only anticipated the worst from this experience. If I'm lucky no one will want to talk to me, and they'll just find someone else to have babies with. Anxiety fills her mind, she tries to reassure herself everything will be fine, and, she did want to find a friend.
Kazuto sits in the courtyard. His black hair covering his eyes as he hasn't felt the desire to push it to the side. I hope my 2nd year won't be boring... The mysterious boy lies in the grass under the sun, waiting for the first bell. He ignores the group of students after the announcement over the intercom, continuing to think amongst himself...
seraphina lie on her back for a moment, her silvery white hair rustling gently in the breeze, the sky bringing her comfort like it always did. maybe it wont be so bad here, the people here..are here for a reason arent they? to find love? maybe she really could find someone, it would make her happy if she could.
Kazuto finally decides to sit up before brushing his hair to the side revealing his lone eyes. "It shouldn't be long now..." Said Kazuto with his cool voice. As he stands, he slides his hands in his pockets and walks over to a wall, leaning against it as he waits for the bell once again.
seraphina lifted her eyepatch and looked around her, even though she couldnt see it with her eye the sun still had a feeling to it like nothing else. she stood up knowing not much time was left and she adjusted her eye patch back. she looekd around and started to walk towards people but froze in her spot..her social anxiety starting to kick in.
Kazuto looks up in interest at the odd girl with the eye patch who had stopped in front of the group of people. "Looks like a shy one's there..." Kazuto whispers to himself as he continues to observe her and the other students.
she looked at them all, some talking to each other others standing alone she noticed one person and thought to say hi but they looked at her and give a wince at her face. she trembled slightly and put a hand up to her eye where some scars showed past the eye patch. she started to back up some from the people, "what am i doing.." she took frantic glances around and tripped backwards falling onto her back and knocking the wind out of herself. "uhf.."
Kazuto continues to watch the eye patched girl until something happens and she trips backwards, falling onto the ground. The 17 year old boy jogs over to the girl. As he gets to her, he sticks a hand out to her and smiles. "Hey there, you okay? My name's Kazuto, nice to meet you." Finished Kazuto as he continues his smile.
seraphina groaned and her sight was blurred in her good eye and when it came back to focus a boy with dark hair was leaning over her with his hand stretched out to her, he said something but it took her a moment to register it herself. "n-not really.." she took his hand and stood up wobbling a bit "m-my names seraphina..thank you for helping me" she smiled gently at the strange boy
Kazuto helped pull her up and as she smiled to him, he smiled back. "Well once again, nice to meet you Seraphina. If I may ask do you know what caused you to fall? " Asked the boy. His shirt slowly flapping in the calm wind.
his smile made her feel more ate ease and she felt embarrassed that he saw her fall like that, "i-im just clumsy..must have tripped over my own feet" she tucked stray hair behind her ear and adjusted the straps to her patch.
"Oh, okay. Well glad to see your fine and nice to meet you Seraphina," finished Kazuto before smiling and waving as he goes back to his wall. He leans up against it once again and continues to wait for the long lasting bell. "Seraphina... Nice name..." He whispers to himself.
"o-oh um..nice to meet you too kazuto, thank you again" she watched him go and she felt thankful that through all this fear she had there was someone who stepped out and showed her kindness. she hoped they would meet again later something about him made her feel much more at ease.
Sachi stood with her back resting on the wall of the building, slowly scanning the courtyard and its inhabitants. So these were the people she had to be with? She mentally shrugged, deciding that the less she thought about it the less it would bother her. This was happening and there was nothing she could do to stop it, not that she wanted to. She was unsure of whether she should go and join one of the groups of people that were there or just remain alone in her corner of the yard. She decided against it, thinking it would be better if they came to her, not that such an event was going to happen.
Eventually Bobby got tired of standing around thinking about things that might go wrong. Maybe it was best to just start heading off to the classroom. Some people seemed to be content in standing by themselves, it seemed rather useless to Bobby. They were here to socialize, were they not? Not that he was that fond of socializing, but when that was the whole point it seemed that standing somewhere like a statue.

He saw the small scene unfold between the girl he had seen with an eyepatch and a dark haired boy who then returned to his post near the wall. It was not quite normal for him to feel this frozen into place, though he didn't feel encouraged by all the stand-alones. Not that he liked the ones standing in groups either- It just seemed stupid to go over to someone who was already engaged in conversation. He stroked his long black hair behind his ear and sighed, looking around again. It was a stalemate.
Alexei looked out at the other students in the schoolyard from his vantage point at the stairs of the building. They seemed so awfully young, but he did not quite know why he felt so much older. He was only twenty after all. He looked over at one of the boys standing alone. He had long black hair and looked a tad more mature than most of the others. Alexei knew that the point of this was to socialize and befriend, and in the end, seduce girls, but he felt that making friends amongst the boys would not be bad either.

And so, he stood up and straightened his coat. And stepped towards the boy. "Hello," he said, making a brave attempt at smiling. "My name is Alexei, this is my first year here."
seraphina found a place in the grass to sit back down, she had had a conversation with someone and was pleased with herself and he was nice to. making friends would be good first step in this place shes seen friends turn into lovers. so making friends with the men first would be a good idea. she grew happier at the moment realizing they're were people who might not mind the patch or maybe even how her eye looked underneath, and maybe that there was a chance for her here.
After falling asleep for about 20 minutes Leon wakes up in fit of rage, having a nightmare just a moment ago. His glasses fell onto the ground, luckily not shattering or even scratching He slowly gets out of the chair, letting loose of the picture frame of his family he was clutching during his short slumber and slowly setting it down on the mahogany drawer. Before opening the door to make his way to his class he gives a minute long stretch to relieve some of his muscle aches from the awkward position he slept in. He slowly opens the door which led immediately to a steep set of stairs that went down, he grips the metal railing tightly and walks down the stairs, going slower than usual trying not slip and break his neck or some other bone related injury. After finally making his way down the stairs he makes it onto the second floor where the class was located, the floor had a series of empty rooms with nothing in them but were still decorated with beautiful wall papers of doves and roses flying about upon them. Some even had portraits of numerous Greek goddesses, most had them in erotic positions often exposing their breasts or a bright smile. Looking for his class 201 he struggled to find it on his search though he ran into the principals room, out of curiosity he knocked on the lovely door with many designs on it of humming birds and a males hand on the bottom reaching to the top of the door where a female hand was waiting. No one answered Leon's call though, however a map appeared under the door without Leon even asking for directions. He picked up the map, it was surprisingly pleasant to hold, he looked at the map to noticed a circle on the map with the words "this is where you go". He followed the map to a room directly next to the stair case that when you looked down them you could see the entrance. Leon took the keys out of his back pocket, they were the most beautiful keys one could have crafted, highly unnecessary but it was a nice touch. They were made from solid gold with diamonds laced on the handle, the key's end was weird and had a human like figure. He inserted the key into the lock and opened it without a single creaking noise, the door was obviously taken care of and oiled probably every day. Once he opened the room he couldn't help but take in the scenery, this class was much too nice and it looked small on the outside but on the inside it was huge. fountains were there to separate the rows in the middle and the noise they made was music to the ears. the floor was made out of pure marble with an outline of platinum and the wall papers were ten times more beautiful then the ones in the other rooms, it was if they were alive and present with you. The desks where made of polished wood that where so smooth that one could sleep for days on them, chairs were cushioned and windows were a pattern of many colors of stained glass. This was overkill for a class room, Leon couldn't do anything but stand there in absolute awe. He went to the far corner where his desk stood, it was just as nice, if not nicer than those of the students and even had a better microphone than his half ass one in his room. He checked his watch, 26 minutes have passed since he last made the announcement, he was just on time. To make sure students would attend class he made a quick announcement on the new microphone "This is just a reminder, class starts in a minute. Room 201" his voice was still stuttering from the intake from the class room and the microphone captured his emotions perfectly.
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After hearing the announcement, Kazuto begins to walk to classroom 201 to start off his day. His unbuttoned uniform flapped calmly in the wind as he began his walk to class. As he entered the room he noticed the teacher standing but Kazuto continued around the seats to the back right desk. The boy notices the fountain in between the middle row and was quite amazed. But he sat his bag down next to his desk as he awaited the rest of the students and for the beginning of his day.

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