
(I think I can't do this anymore, I know it was fast, but I can't keep up with something so... Fast paced... Sorry)
A raptor looks up at the mention of the name. "Yas, we know a Feeshback," she says. "We were grait friends untill he disaperd."
"I dunnoh, he jsut disaperd for sum reezun," replies the raptor. "Yoo can hav de house for ten gold."

"A. I'm not into the color B. I already have a house. But do you at least know the whereabouts of the red wizard?" Marcus said
The raptor says, "You mey find sum seekretz in de house. Ten gold." Narrator gives the raptor ten gold. «I'll take it.»
The raptor says, "You mey find sum seekretz in de house. Ten gold." Narrator gives the raptor ten gold. «I'll take it.»

"Now, let's check this place out" Marcus said walking into the house

Salsa was here

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Narrator nods and opens the door. The living room is empty and has a note on the floor.

Marcus picks up the note & it reads "I haz markimoo, if you want him back, gimme 1000 gold, send the sack to 420 pot st. The Angels, coastland- RW" upon reading it, Marcus says "it's a ransom note" before handing it to narrator
"Should we go to the place or mail the 1000 gold to the place?" the Narrator asks, looking under a vase.
"Should we go to the place or mail the 1000 gold to the place?" the Narrator asks, looking under a vase.

"If we send 1000 gold there, we will still have to deal with the Red Wizard anyways assuming that that signature isn't forged, so I think we should go there & knock two birds with one stone!" Marcus said
"Well, we COULD go, but wouldn't he just flee?" asks Narrator, finding ten gold in between cushions.

"Well I guess we should go tie the ransom to a messenger raven, send the ransom to the address and see what happens, I mean we got the money" Marcus said
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Narrator nods and takes out 1,000 gold. He puts it in an envelope, the envelope somehow fitting all that gold. He ties the envelope to a messenger raven, whispering the address in its ear. The raven flies off.
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