
«There was something to do with fairies. I would gladly help,» says Narrator. «Either that was true or I'm starting to lose my mind.»
"Oh, sorry about that chap. I am an insect, and have a parallel nervous system, and therefore you probably should test the reliability of what I say. I've never know any fairies," Then sighs whimsically, "But I can dream.."
"Oh, sorry about that chap. I am an insect, and have a parallel nervous system, and therefore you probably should test the reliability of what I say. I've never know any fairies," Then sighs whimsically, "But I can dream.."

"Just so long as you don't decide to suck me dry, Mkay" Marcus said
Narrator follows Marcus.

After walking towards that direction, they come across a wooded fort fabricated out of tree as a brown scaled velocoraptor stands behind a wooden trading booth reading "எண்ணிக்கை" the raptor then says "good afternoon" in slightly broken English
"Hello," replies Narrator. He telepathically tells Marcus, «It says "number."»
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«Or strength»

The raptor says "I don't know about da shadow being, but you hav tu pay da toll to enter da village." Before holding his scaly hand out saying "fiv guld"Marcus then handed the raptor fifteen gold covering the toll for everyone in his party. The raptor then walks out from behind the trading booth and opens the fort gates allowing the three to walk in.
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"Hello," replies Narrator. He telepathically tells Marcus, «It says "number."»

Behind the fort is a villaige populated by either bug people like pidswivvy or feathered raptors as Marcus becomes self conscious as he was possibly the only human in town.
"Thanks" Marcus said, but villagers still stare at the duo. Marcus then said still feeling uncomfortable "D-does anyone here know The whereabouts of a Marck Fissbach?"

@Salsa @EchoNightwish
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