
The executioner reads the following.


For a while I thought I really escaped this place. But despite the 'trees' and flora, I think this is actually just another room. I did, however, find deer, so I might at least get to eat.

They make some strange sounds though...


The Narrator note says,

That's odd.
The executioner reads the following.


For a while I thought I really escaped this place. But despite the 'trees' and flora, I think this is actually just another room. I did, however, find deer, so I might at least get to eat.

They make some strange sounds though...


The Narrator note says,

That's odd.

"Oh narrator" Marcus said "they must be talking about one of those carnivorous deer!"
(The fangirling!! despite being male)

The party exits, through a back door, into a small field with 'trees' and 'flora.' And some deer.

What ARE carnivorous deer, exactly?
(The fangirling!! despite being male)

The party exits, through a back door, into a small field with 'trees' and 'flora.' And some deer.

What ARE carnivorous deer, exactly?

The executioner and his samurai (disguised as travellers, of course) get behind Marcus. A deer looks up because of the noise. The deer growls as it bares its teeth, dripping with blood. It runs at Marcus.
The executioner and his samurai (disguised as travellers, of course) get behind Marcus. A deer looks up because of the noise. The deer growls as it bares its teeth, dripping with blood. It runs at Marcus.

Marcus fires ten arrows into the deer.
The deer collapses on the ground half a meter away. The other deer runs at Marcus.

Throw the gem at it!
The deer atumbles a bit before running on.

I said......

A voice booms in Marcus' head (and his alone). "THROW THE GEM!!!"
The deer atumbles a bit before running on.

I said......

A voice booms in Marcus' head (and his alone). "THROW THE GEM!!!"

Marcus throws the gem at the deer, surprised that narrator's telepathy still works in the afterlife.
The deer's energy seems to be sucked into the gem. No corpse is left behind. The gem teleports inside Marcus' pocket.

Shall we carry on? :D
The deer's energy seems to be sucked into the gem. No corpse is left behind. The gem teleports inside Marcus' pocket.

Shall we carry on? :D

Marcus got out the gems it of his pocket and said "Follow me" as Gohan faithfully followed Marcus through the scary wilderness.

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