
(Luigi's Mansion 2 refrence, like you say ''Hello?'' in the first part and then you can spam say later in the game ''Mario?'')
''I think i am...'' he replies. ''I am an Brainwashed Human 'Extras'''

"You can empty the part of the data bank that you have on your internal hard drive." The all seeing eye said


That's just the gem powering up.


"Oh" Marcus said as he continued carrying the rock through the forest as a couple of squirrels in the distance climb up the tree and people with horse drawn buggies drive down the opposite side of the road.
Salsa sees the existence of Narrator. "Well, that could be a problem," he says. "I think that we should kill Marcus later on."
"Maybe. But now, since no Narrator is around, I was wondering if you were up to the task. If not, I can always go."
Salsa replies by saying, "Nah. I want Marcus to painfully die. I'll send my high executioner to take care of this. He always prolongs the victim's pain."
Salsa replies by saying, "Nah. I want Marcus to painfully die. I'll send my high executioner to take care of this. He always prolongs the victim's pain."

"Okey, I'll build de governance buildink while yu teke care of dat, bye" Likho said
Salsa severs the mental link and calls over his executioner. The executioner walks in and asks, "What do you need, sir?"

"I need you to kill the ally of Narrator."

"It shall be done."
Salsa severs the mental link and calls over his executioner. The executioner walks in and asks, "What do you need, sir?"

"I need you to kill the ally of Narrator."

"It shall be done."

There was a sign hung up before a three way path with a sighn reading "Tribal lands ahead:  ⬅️Hitlerite ⬆️ Featherclaw➡️ Scarlet
(As for salsa's group) one of the samurai goes up to the high executioner and suggests "Maybe we should disguise ourselves so they don't know that we're there to kill them" @Salsa
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"Travelers," the high executioner says. "Marcus is on the road, without a doubt."

Good idea.


The gem shines a small bit.

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