
The king dodges the greatsword attack and yells, "Strun bah qo!" A storm collects outside and thunder cracks. A flash of lightning incinerates a nearby pot.
The king dodges the greatsword attack and yells, "Strun bah qo!" A storm collects outside and thunder cracks. A flash of lightning incinerates a nearby pot.

Outside the castle, disorganized bands of disguised demons seige the castle tossing out dark energy & Fire at many a sentry. Lihko then claws into the king's chest, ripping apart his royal wears in an attempt to rip out the king's still beating heart.
The king takes a nodachi and stabs it in Likho's kidney. "Now please stop fighting," he says, not noticing his extreme blood loss.
The king is knocked back and yells, "Fus.. ro dah!" Likho slams into the wall. "I might die, but you attacked first," he says, unwrapping a jolly rancher.
The king is knocked back and yells, "Fus.. ro dah!" Likho slams into the wall. "I might die, but you attacked first," he says, unwrapping a jolly rancher.

"Immateur khhumans, alweys trying to heve de upper hand, jus admit defeet and let de proletariot heve power fer once." Lihko said as he watched the king die before him
The king shakes his head and whispers, "Od ah viing." He dies.

"пусть это будет известно, я теперь провозглашают эту землю как демонического социалистической республики Dankness под меня, как генеральный секретарь и сальса как наш национальный союзник, старый замок будет сохранен по историческим причинам, так что люди будут помнить свою триумфальную победу, я буду имеют председательствовать губернатора замка untilla здания governace может быть правильно построен." Lihko verbally and telepathically proclaimed to his governors and Salsa
Salsa smiles, but then notices abnormally huge energy spikes near the kingdom Dankness. "Very dangerous entity coming your way."
(Sorry for not replaying...i just woke up, and i where staying in the bed because I LIED IN IT LIKE 6h AND COULDEN'T DANG SLEEP ,_,)

[Shiiii you guys did much FUU XD]

{Let me try to fix my position, sorry Tonstad39!}

Marcus and Freemankiller where ready. Both had packed their things. They where ready...but had diffrent plans.

''The all-seeing all...'' Freemankiller said. But Marcus counterd it with ''...after we saved the Land.''
(Sorry for not replaying...i just woke up, and i where staying in the bed because I LIED IN IT LIKE 6h AND COULDEN'T DANG SLEEP ,_,)

[Shiiii you guys did much FUU XD]

{Let me try to fix my position, sorry Tonstad39!}

Marcus and Freemankiller where ready. Both had packed their things. They where ready...but had diffrent plans.

''The all-seeing all...'' Freemankiller said. But Marcus counterd it with ''...after we saved the Land.''

(Please Don't control my character)

"So, I take you to the cave of the all seeing eye and I deal with the red wizard, right?" Marcus said
Salsa nods his head. A huge claw rips out the room and a great wyrm red dragon peeks into the castle. It roars. (Try looking up "d&d great wyrm red dragon")
(Please Don't control my character)

"So, I take you to the cave of the all seeing eye and I deal with the red wizard, right?" Marcus said


(I had to...too much happend...and RP nation won't contact me if something happens GODDAMNIT!)

He starts walking to the all seeing eye.

(I had to...too much happend...and RP nation won't contact me if something happens GODDAMNIT!)

He starts walking to the all seeing eye.

Marcus waves goodbye to the freeman killer before he receives an apparent parsol from Gerenhiem.

"кыш кыш, убираться отсюда, уйти от моей республики!" Lihko calls to the dragon before demons launch balls of darkness to shoo it away from the castle.

He sees Marcus waves away. But Freemankiller self had almost no more emotions. He waved very short back and then walked fast to the all seeing eye.
He sees Marcus waves away. But Freemankiller self had almost no more emotions. He waved very short back and then walked fast to the all seeing eye.

Marcus opens the parsol and sees a stone with a note attached that reads ( @Salsa what does the nite say by the time Marcus gets because the note can change)

the sun was already up and the paths around the cave of the all seeing eye is now bustling with many horse and buggy drivers delivering goods.
(The note says "Hey Marcus! Keep this note and stone somewhere safe. I will contact you through the note.")

(Also, Marcus' name changed from Marco to Marcos.. then finally Marcus)
He sees all of these goods and it fills him with something...[NOT DT XD]that he whold steal something...but not in this life. He tries to avoid getting crashed by the horses and still walks on the direct way to the eye.
(The note says "Hey Marcus! Keep this note and stone somewhere safe. I will contact you through the note.")

Marcus shrugs and takes the stone out, the return address was from Garenhiem, but then thinks 'okay who is this Gerener watching out for me?'
He sees all of these goods and it fills him with something...[NOT DT XD]that he whold steal something...but not in this life. He tries to avoid getting crashed by the horses and still walks on the direct way to the eye.

There is a sign reading 'Cave of the all seeing eye' as people walk the opposite way of the apparent path to the cave.
He whold maybe want to ask the people why they where going the opposite way...but he didn't want to scare them with his look, so he just walks the way the eye.
He whold maybe want to ask the people why they where going the opposite way...but he didn't want to scare them with his look, so he just walks the way the eye.

A feathered velociraptor walks out of the cave saying "Greetings brother machine" while walking in the opposite direction
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