
''Hello...i suspect you are Mark.'' He says and shows him his wounds. ''I can pay you for your healing services. I whold need an Combine Unit Charging Station or something familar like that. I can pay you with Credits...they are same as worth as silver...well thats what i experienced.''

"Uhh sit down while I perform magic" Marcus said pointing to one of the beds "hello" tiny box Tim says
''H-Hello?!'' he says confused. He then goes to the bed and says: ''Someone told me you could help me...he had an black face, hairs and suit. I meet him at a skeleton, can you help me?''

"Narrator told you about my talents, but I can help you" Marcus says before using healing magic on freekiller
''Thank you...i can pay you what you want...but i heard some things around. I placed a bugging device...some people i think want him dead...and then attack the Kingdom of something like 'Darkness''' he awnsers.''I think i gonna rest a bit again and then go to the all-seeing eye.''

"Of course, that sounds like a good Idea-uhh" Marcus said trying to get this enchanted being's name.
"What about SCP-049?" Narrator asks.

"He works with poisons and knows how to treat a range of conditions, from vampire venom to cancer, he is the go to for those with a fatal disease" the clerk says while going to the front window putting up a sign reading "wir akzeptieren keine Service von Katzen"
"Hallo, weißt du, wie zu heilen .. nether Gift ?" Narrator asks, setting down a chest of gold. He got it from his pockets.

You won't understand, it's God stuff.
"Hallo, weißt du, wie zu heilen .. nether Gift ?" Narrator asks, setting down a chest of gold. He got it from his pockets.

You won't understand, it's God stuff.

"ich habe einen besonderen Antivenom, aber in Ihrem Fall könnte es sein, Terminal" the plague doctor said getting out a syringe full of blue antivenom.
"Ich kann leben ; Ich bin Gott , nachdem alle," Narrator replies.

"wenn Sie von negativer Energie gemacht wurden, würden Sie in Ordnung sein, aber weil du ein Wesen der positiven Energie der poisen wird von innen zu töten aus" the plague doctor explained
"Also, wenn ich das Gegenmittel zu bekommen, fällt auseinander meinen Körper ?" Narrator asks.

The plague doctor nodded yes and said "das Antidot nur den Tod verzögern würde, auch gibt es anothet Option. es wird Sie nicht vor dem Tod zu verhindern , aber es ist einen Versuch wert"

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