
Narrator grins and hits a shadow, resulting in an explosion of light. "No shadow will kill me!"

(He has never died yet.. how would they know?)

(It's simple reasoning that it is a pointless arred to kill a god, be it good or evil, they also know from the deities in hell that gods simply reincarnate themselves.)

the explosion of light expels the two shadows, thus ridding the building of demonic activity.
(But they must know that it takes a while to reincarnate.)

(The reason why demons kill is to get the victim's soul, they couldn't get a god's soul since gods never go to the afterlife & in the short term it seemed like a better idea as this plan never had a lot of thought behind it.)
(Ther can be a scenario where Narrator goes to Gavenheim and dies! Causing the whole land to (temporarily) fall in ruin! AKA me not playing as the narrator)
(Aright) Narrator tells the Combine, "Go to JackSepticHotel, you'll find a guy there named Marcus," says Narrator, walking out of the inn to resume his journey.
Meanwhile, Salsa sits down at his battle plan sheet of the entire land. "Narrator moves one tile closer to me," he says, moving a small onyx figure one tile east.
Suddenly, an unexpected thing happened. The kingdom Dankness is starting to hire troops! Salsa yells, "Fus ro Dah!" and the table that the battle map was on is slammed into the wall. It breaks.
Meanwhile, Salsa sits down at his battle plan sheet of the entire land. "Narrator moves one tile closer to me," he says, moving a small onyx figure one tile east.

One of salsa's ninjas walking and quietly asked "Sensei, what is the problem?"
The Combine Unit watched the entire thing (While i where sleeping xD) and then where thinking: If these...things kill that man, mostly nothing for him will change, but it looks like that person can help him. He wasn't so sure what he shall do, but he knew he needed some medical attention. He started to walk to the direction where there shold Markus, but before he left the inn, he placed a bugging device, hidden under a table. He whold hear through his Overwatch what plans they have... and that this ''Kingdom'' maybe could help him to get out of here. He hoped noone whld now see him, because he has some good gear...

A few signs read "Plague doctor .4 mi" "Jack's villaige 1.5 mi" "cave of the all seeing eye 1.0 mi"
''Hmmm....'' the unit thinks. ''The seeing eye will help getting again to my shift...or knowing where Freeman is...but i shold heal myself up first. So, let's go to Jack's villaige!''

He starts walking of to Jack's villaige.

Much of the path is empty save for a few campsites dotted near the path.
He still walks on the normal because the man told him there is someone in Jacksvillage that can help him...and it seems he dosen't lie and he knows much abouts CP's.

The rest of the path is still empty for it is 3:40 AM and raccoons scamper across the trail.

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