
"Probably not" the shadow creature says "for the past few months, The pewd villaige has had several demon attacks thanks to the scarlet circle & now that Lihko reared his ugly head in the human world over at jack's villiage, demonic activity will possibly be worse so then usual, so be oin your guard." @The Narrator
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"Okay, thanks!" says Narrator. "Also, if you ever hope to slay a demon instantly, have this." He passes Umbra to the shadow creature and walks off.

Narrator says, "I'll go to Pewds Village." He walks to Pewds Village.

the path still retains its emptiness untill the normal back path to the pewdievids transmitter is blocked off by a small wooden building with the word "бордель" inscribed just above the door
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Narrator says, "Nope," and just walks towards Genenheim, hands up in the air.

The path to garenheim goes behind the fortifications of the pews villaige & music can be heard from behind the fortification

(this is the music)
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Narrator goes to an inn. It is 3 AM in-game, after all

Skeletons are tending the inn (really more like a lodge) for the overnight hours "hello, can I give you a room?" one of the skeletons ask "apologies for the music, there's a house party next door"
The man in the black combat suit and an Black Gasmask with lighting eyes (See my CS ;3) walks down a road. It is named ''Pewds Village''. ''Oh my...'' he says. He just woke up, without knowing what was going on. But he remebers that on the end of his mission he got trapped in an scrapped teleporter that still worked.

''Huh.'' He sees an INN, but he didn't know what that is. After all, he didn't remeber anything about them. But maybe...the Freeman was trapped once in he goes inside, but only sees living skeletons. He whold shoot them, but they are not dangerous. So he talks to one of them and says: '' First: I Need a Map. Secound: I whold maybe like to stay here a while. 3: How do i get out of here. 4: Do you know where i can find...the Freeman?'' he says quick and short.

One of the skeletons said "listen, I don't know what your talking about, but you can still stay here for 20 silver." The other skeleton said in fear "A-are you from the illuminati!"
Narrator shakes his head. "I am no combine, but if you are referring to the rebels of City 17, I believe they have taken over the Citadel, if I'm not mistaken." He pulls out an ancient husk of a gravity gun. "This might seem familiar."

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