
"Well, this is a bit modern for middle ages," reMARKs Narrator. "Wonder if there are channels..?" He sees three shows: (420)MarkiTV, (666)JackSepticShow, and (1337)PewdieVids. Narrator checks out MarkiTV, but there is only white noise. "So television exists in this time period. It must be ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!"
"Well, this is a bit modern for middle ages," reMARKs Narrator. "Wonder if there are channels..?" He sees three shows: (420)MarkiTV, (666)JackSepticShow, and (1337)PewdieVids. Narrator checks out MarkiTV, but there is only white noise. "So television exists in this time period. It must be ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!"
"Well, this is a bit modern for middle ages," reMARKs Narrator. "Wonder if there are channels..?" He sees three shows: (420)MarkiTV, (666)JackSepticShow, and (1337)PewdieVids. Narrator checks out MarkiTV, but there is only white noise. "So television exists in this time period. It must be ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!"

Marcus looked with a wide open gaze, the portrait was roaring and displaying a moving blizzard! "WHY IS THE PICTURE FRAME DOING THAT!" Marcus exclaimed. As a color 16:9 test chart came on MakiTV, but there wan't a tone.
Narrator nods and says, "Glory greatest country," walking upstairs. To the apartment room.

"Who knew that there was a civilization in the forest so advanced that they can summon shows through a black picture frame?" Marcus marveled as the tv cut to a small time schedule reading as follows

அடுத்த , 5 நிமிடம் தகவல் அப் 12:55

சாத்தியமற்றதாக கோமாளிகள் தொடர்ந்து 13:00

[பத்திரிக்கை ILUMNIS மொழி வசனங்கள் ரிமோட் கண்ட்ரோல் மீது " சிசி " பொத்தானை]
"Swap to Tamil.

Soon , 5- minute info -up 12:55.

Stalk impractical humor 13:00.

[ Press ILUMNIS word subtitles on the remote control "CC " button ]

 Like this." Narrator presses the CC button and chooses the ILUMNIS word subtitles.
Narrator flips to JackSepticShow.

The tv now depicts a sharply dressed bossitronio (not jse btw) giving the viewer the news before the next program "Now, a bellhop by the name of pidswivvy was murdered outside of college town, we have yet to work out the details as his exoskeleton lacked any stab or arrow wounds, but we suspect an illuminate is behind all this. In other, less local news a group of scarlet circle cultists were slain by the all powerful narrator and his Mage. Though narrator almighty had good intentions, their collective dark energy could summon a Russian Demon who'd pose a threat to the ilumnis civilization, so be on the lookout for a 12ft tall demon with the pentagram & the communist symbol carved into him. That's all for the septic bullion, jack will see you tonight"

it faded out before displaying a schedule while the announcer said "up next, happy wheels at 1:00 followed by the slime rancher at 2:00 here on Jacksepticshow, the network for BOSSES"
Narrator smiles. "I knew it. There IS a real Likho. Now I can get a challenge," he says. He turns to Marcus and explains, "Ever since the Ethereal War, no evil demon OR god has shown themself. Now I can fight somebody that WON'T die in one hit."
Narrator smiles. "I knew it. There IS a real Likho. Now I can get a challenge," he says. He turns to Marcus and explains, "Ever since the Ethereal War, no evil demon OR god has shown themself. Now I can fight somebody that WON'T die in one hit."

"Do you even know where Likho would conjure himself?" Marcus asked as the tv displayed an episode of Happy Wheels (where criminals are executed by an obstacle course)
"The closest to a place with lots of people.. and the killer," replies Narrator. "But where would that be..?" He ponders this question.
"The closest to a place with lots of people.. and the killer," replies Narrator. "But where would that be..?" He ponders this question.

Outside the window, a large cloud of dark energy curves and snakes above & around septic town "well you did kill a camp of his followers, so maybe you are the killer, but your a god, demons would want noting to do with you.
"Well, here's a secret. I am a spirit who lives forever, but my body can be considered weak. I can die, but yet I reincarcenate myself. Remember when I told you about the alphas? How they kept on making more alphas before one of them made a beta?" says Narrator.
"Well, here's a secret. I am a spirit who lives forever, but my body can be considered weak. I can die, but yet I reincarcenate myself. Remember when I told you about the alphas? How they kept on making more alphas before one of them made a beta?" says Narrator.

"How long would it take you to reincarnate yourself if Lihko does end up damning you?" Marcus asked
"Around hundreds, but they plan to become millions. They got twenty people last hour."
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Narrator groans. "Stupid sto--" He stares at the pitch-black clouds and lack of lightning. "No way.."

The static took over the program before a shot of a demon's face With a red pentagram in the background. The demon on camera had three horns, a mouth full of sharp teeth, black eyes and pointed ears.
Narrator flips the TV off. "F### you, b####!!" he yells.

The cloud hearing narrator yell, moved it's way to the hotel room & said though the window "признать нас,  рассказчик?" It sounded like several corrupted souls were speaking simultaneously.
"Привет , Лихо," Narrator says. He stands up and opens the window. "Что привело вас сюда?"
"Привет , Лихо," Narrator says. He stands up and opens the window. "Что привело вас сюда?"

"мы не Лихо , мы его последователи , что ты убил пару часов назад!" The cloud snaps

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