Other Roleplay Pet peeves

people who send you a PM replying to your interest check, you reply, and then they ghost. i'd rather get no bites on an interest check than field 7 million of those before getting to someone who will actually stick around.
Too true feel this good luck we are around! We exist!
Small posting codes. I generally skim by them in a role play. If your text is too tiny for me to read and it requires me to scroll through something smaller than the reply box. Like significantly smaller. I likely wont involve my characters with yours because to read your posts and reply to them kills my eyes. I find it inconsiderate to those who have eye sight disabilities.

I'm a bum I know but I'm done copying and pasting your work into a doc and blowing it up so it's legible to me.

Pet peeeeeeeve
When you get that sinking feeling that the Rp death rot is irrversible and terminal.

Like no matter how many rpers remain, after the initial ghosting cull, it goes well. Then the slow posting rate and chatter in the ooc dwindles. Then like one rper decides to drop. Then another. The callouts and t@gs by gm doesn't get those that promise to post to post. The remaing rpers eff around wondering who should post next. Cuz its been a minute since anyone posted. Like a good one too.

The gm posts some valiant posts but by then the rot is too deep and it is a quiet cold and silent abandoned rp death.

*shrugs with annoyance then clicks on the int chk forums*
When fandom roleplays remove fun and unique things from the canon setting.

For example, Bungo no Stray Dogs is a manga about people with super powers working at a detective agency. However, all characters with powers are named after famous authors and their powers are not only named after one said author's work but is also tied to it thematically.

However, I have literally never seen a single Bungo no Stray Dogs roleplay that involves OCs not ignore this completely. And I can not figure out why. All it does is make the setting blander and less original.
-Necroing old threads (especially when they're labeled as closed).
-When a person who has ghosted in the past has "no ghosting!" in their rules.
-"It's what my character would do" to justify doing the most aggravating and anti-teamwork acts
-People projecting onto their character or using them as a vehicle for their personal views/rants
-"CCxOC (no doubling)"
-Leaving a placeholder and never finishing/deleting it

When fandom roleplays remove fun and unique things from the canon setting.

For example, Bungo no Stray Dogs is a manga about people with super powers working at a detective agency. However, all characters with powers are named after famous authors and their powers are not only named after one said author's work but is also tied to it thematically.

However, I have literally never seen a single Bungo no Stray Dogs roleplay that involves OCs not ignore this completely. And I can not figure out why. All it does is make the setting blander and less original.

I think people sometimes flatten the themes of or a gameify the media that their RP is based on to make it more appealing to the general audience.

I also hard agree with your BSD example. While not much of a fan, the one time that I did create a character/co-GM an RP for that, one of the biggest things we looked for was how well someone's OC incorporated elements of/embodied their corresponding author. Granted I would have rejected the manga author's version of Steinbeck but that's neither here nor there
When people have their characters leave the scene as mine are attempting to engage with them. I mean, I'm writing collaboratively, and my characters aren't going to chase after yours, especially when they were just attempting conversation. It's a hard stop for me in any situation in a thread though- what am I meant to do, when the other half of the thread is gone?? It kills my motivation like nothing else.
Favoritism is a big one for me, especially when it is difficult to avoid seeing it happen. Usually I say out of sight, out of mind to it but it can be difficult to ignore if it is brought up directly or you just see it happening. I am the type of partner who responds according to who has replied to threads/messages first and so on, so forth. But when I have a partner who repeatedly buries something we are writing together to respond to other things first with other people, it can be pretty discouraging and lead me to assume that perhaps I am doing something not as good or interesting in comparison to others.
When that one person in a group roleplay has to make their character the center of attention by monopolizing the whole plot and having said character get into unrealistic trouble where all the other characters have to go save them. Then, when everyone is strategizing on how to rescue that damsel in constant distress without doing some deus ex machina stuff, here comes the so called captive character rejoining the group after simply 'running away'.

Two from me, and one relates to recruitement.

"Message me" left as a comment. Like... If you are going out of your way to reach out to notify me of your interest, but that interest is to tell me to make the effort to send you a message instead of just... sending me a message yourself?

And the seecond are people that just want to be "along for the ride" so to speak. "I'm fine with any of your ideas" and then make no commitment to providing input or inspiration or ideas of their own. Just strikes me as people that treat RP as a lazy river you can just barely react to and a lot of these people spend half of their post just parroting what you read "When MC saw the thing they were surprised" and so on.
Ghosting is annoying, but it is a part of the RP hobby. Fine. What really grinds my gears is a player disappearing for a month or longer, with no word whatsoever, and right when I'm about to move the scene along and consider that player having ghosted, they suddenly show up, post a measly couple of sentences that add nothing to the scene, then disappear again. I'd rather people ghost than do this. Players who do this are clearly not invested in the game, and it's a waste of mine and my players' time.

I'm considering implementing new rules in my game because this has become such a problem and it's caused my players and myself frustration. I really don't want to have to do that because I want RPing to be a relaxing hobby, but I gotta do what I gotta do.
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Taking an idea from your mind in vivid visual format into words. It gets more complicated the older I get. I don't know why. Vivid imagination and fickle digits.
Failed projects that would have been successful if not for that one thing that always starts a chain reaction.

And also, making it very clear it's a canon rp and the first thing everyone asks is "Can I use a OC?"
Another one after reading. I hate when people only list "A x B" and like 15 different pairings but no plots, no ideas, no hooks, nothing to grab you. Just "I am willing to do something and it might include characters resembling A and B in them".

Even just a one liner about what sort of plot hooks you got, or what ideas you've been craving for, or anything really. Anything more than just "A x B".
Roleplayers that aren't focused on character interaction...I find it mostly affects like, people who are into military plots. Like, really interested in military plots. It's great you wrote three pages of stuff going on but you left little room for me to interact and contribute to the plot.
I used to RP Battletech/MechWarrior. My group doesn't do much of this, but even so I often struggled to participate when we got to actual battles. (Maybe this is why our one friend used to always have his guy get a concussion early in the battle, lol.)

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