Roleplay Pet Peeves

2.5 dimensional means they are more developed than a 2 dimensional character but not quite 3 dimensional. a child character or childlike character is better if they are not done for the sex appeal. this is why i usually cover my childlke characters in modest fitting outfits and try to cover up skin in some way with something either cute or professional.

Ah I see.

I do also think that child characters (who are actually children and not just moe) are better, but I still don't like child characters anyways. That doesn't really have anything to do with the concept, but more to do with the fact that I have yet to come across someone who writes them well. It doesn't really make much difference it they're presented modestly, though at the very least I don't have to come away from an encounter with such a character feeling like I need to bleach my brain lol.
When you find someone that doesnt godmod, but hase very boring characters

i nearly forgot english i just need to go away

i hate it when somebody tries to use their character's race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, nationality or culture as a crutch method to make their characters stand out despite being otherwise boring, i don't care if your character is a chaotic good transgendered male drow who was blessed by an angel, cursed by a demon, bled dry by a vampire, bit by a werewolf, went through the ritual of bahamut to gain draconic powers and is attracted to male kobolds while dancing with a scimitar in age hand, raging like a controlled typhoon, and being followed by a panther that transforms into an onyx figuring. you just essentially copied the backstory of every other carbon copy of Drizz't and piled on a mountain of additional things to make your character edgier,
Ah I see.

I do also think that child characters (who are actually children and not just moe) are better, but I still don't like child characters anyways. That doesn't really have anything to do with the concept, but more to do with the fact that I have yet to come across someone who writes them well. It doesn't really make much difference it they're presented modestly, though at the very least I don't have to come away from an encounter with such a character feeling like I need to bleach my brain lol.

i play a lot of "False Children" or physically underdeveloped characters that actually aren't children. most of the time, they are small and frail, and easily mistakeable for children. they can play the role through clever application of costume, makeup and method acting, but they aren't really children and usually aren't human, i even stress that there is somethng not normal about them. they merely adopt the persona as a survival mechanism but that is all it is. something to protect themselves from certain types of intelligent predators or something they use to get themselves out of trouble. i usually make them fey or even minor deities.
i play a lot of "False Children" or physically underdeveloped characters that actually aren't children. most of the time, they are small and frail, and easily mistakeable for children. they can play the role through clever application of costume, makeup and method acting, but they aren't really children and usually aren't human, i even stress that there is somethng not normal about them. they merely adopt the persona as a survival mechanism but that is all it is. something to protect themselves from certain types of intelligent predators or something they use to get themselves out of trouble. i usually make them fey or even minor deities.

Yeah, I don't think I'd enjoy being in a roleplay with characters like what you're describing. Nothing objectively wrong with any of what is involved with those characters, but for me personally, the phrase "physically underdeveloped" makes me cringe because I don't like to think of how developed characters are one way or another. Also, I just get annoyed by characters who are constantly being childish because it doesn't feel right to me. I work with kids during the summer, and I have yet to meet anyone who plays kids accurately (or at least, accurately based on my experience and what I've learned in developmental psychology).

Again, nothing wrong with playing any of what you describe. If you like it, it's great that you can enjoy something I can't. Being entirely honest though, those characters irk me so it's a pet peeve of mine when people use characters of that demographic.
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Again as I'll always roleplay as warriors being one irl through many trials. Truth Seeker/Warrior/Bushi/Sage/Philosophy/Lone Buddha. I greatly with venom in all my glacial tones dislike anyone who desecrated a true warrior by playing as one. When they don't even know that there's type of battles Conflict & Competition. One has set rules with limits the other one has no limits as what martial artists strive for. The key point is know to Excel on the right battlefield say in roleplay it's simple don't compete excel and find your Kensho & Satori. Also stand on your own two feet only call aide if needed,even then don't call for it accept the transition to higher realms beyond the six samara. But my point is peeve is limits & those who know nothing of being a warrior. If needed ask for help they can guide you not teach you it's turn to struggle as all warriors did at one point.
Yeah, I don't think I'd enjoy being in a roleplay with characters like what you're describing. Nothing objectively wrong with any of what is involved with those characters, but for me personally, the phrase "physically underdeveloped" makes me cringe because I don't like to think of how developed characters are one way or another. Also, I just get annoyed by characters who are constantly being childish because it doesn't feel right to me. I work with kids during the summer, and I have yet to meet anyone who plays kids accurately (or at least, accurately based on my experience and what I've learned in developmental psychology).

Again, nothing wrong with playing any of what you describe. If you like it, it's great that you can enjoy something I can't. Being entirely honest though, those characters irk me so it's a pet peeve of mine when people use characters of that demographic.

thankies. would you be willing to RP with said characters in a group setting if there were other characters involved? i mean, it might bot be accurate. but by "Physically underdeveloped". i mean "they have a short and slender form that makes them appear younger than they are."
many RPGs teach players to build characters around what role they bring in a group environment. meaning that in a dice RP. that count's sickly child niece might be the diplomat of the group out of necessity because she might be seen as to ill to fight. at that same time, the big lumbering viking might become the meat shield or tank of the group. because RPGs teach that what skills your character brings to the table is more important than your characters personality.

I am speaking specifically of people who build a character around a fetish or their bedroom position. Like how does building a character purely so someone else can perve all of over them OR you can get your rocks off while portraying said character benefit anyone?

I don't care if you build a character around a specific trait. You build your character however you want to build your character. I just think when you make your character a fetishized trope that's creepy and nothing anyone says will change my mind.

Seriously I can't tell you how creeped out I get when people are like "I always play ukes or sekes or whatever." Or "my character is a loli / shota who likes [ insert random child like things ]" it's like no. I just find it super fetishized and wildly uncomfortable. 
thankies. would you be willing to RP with said characters in a group setting if there were other characters involved? i mean, it might bot be accurate. but by "Physically underdeveloped". i mean "they have a short and slender form that makes them appear younger than they are."


I know what you mean by physically underdeveloped, I just prefer to use the phrase "young looking", or in the case of character sheets I would write out the description of their physique in full. That's just personal preference really, I don't seek to dictate the terminology people use (though I may seriously consider backing out if certain phrases are used because I have them filed under "red flags").

As for your first question, I would still be reluctant to join any roleplay where there are children involved. There are several reasons for this, one of which is that it is a pet peeve of mine when they are portrayed in a way that is (at least in my opinion) completely inaccurate. Child characters aren't a "deal breaker" per se, merely a pet peeve (though "lolis" and "shotas" are most definitely deal breakers, and any concept which resembles that is walking a very fine line in regard to whether I get involved in having to interact with that character). With all of that said, I will sometimes give it a shot, regardless of whether the rp is a group or one on one. More often than not I end up regretting doing that, so I have been trying not to compromise too much on things that make me uncomfortable.


Another one of the reasons that I do not like to be in rps with child characters reminds me of another pet peeve of mine. I do not like child soldier characters, and I like stories revolving around child soldiers even less. I can stomach it with high schoolers, but once it gets to middle school or younger I have a hard time suspending my disbelief at the fact that if there are able-bodied adults commanding these tiny children, they would choose to have the children do the direct fighting rather than attempt to fight on the front lines themselves. Things often have to go very far before it feels realistic, and usually, by the time it gets to that point, it is not a setting that I would be interested in anyways.
thankies. would you be willing to RP with said characters in a group setting if there were other characters involved? i mean, it might bot be accurate. but by "Physically underdeveloped". i mean "they have a short and slender form that makes them appear younger than they are."

As a random note as someone who as I said finds underdeveloped to be a bit of an awkward term with someone who acts child like. You might consider changing your descriptor to "looks like a child" this gives the exact same description without drawing attention to a physical attribute that from your descriptions you are trying to ignore.
I am speaking specifically of people who build a character around a fetish or their bedroom position. Like how does building a character purely so someone else can perve all of over them OR you can get your rocks off while portraying said character benefit anyone?

I don't care if you build a character around a specific trait. You build your character however you want to build your character. I just think when you make your character a fetishized trope that's creepy and nothing anyone says will change my mind.

Seriously I can't tell you how creeped out I get when people are like "I always play ukes or sekes or whatever." Or "my character is a loli / shota who likes [ insert random child like things ]" it's like no. I just find it super fetishized and wildly uncomfortable. 

truesies, it is rather distubing, of course an average child is going to like childish things, but while preferences and desires can be a base for a character, that should be something that is kept out of fetish territory,
truesies, it is rather distubing, of course an average child is going to like childish things, but while preferences and desires can be a base for a character, that should be something that is kept out of fetish territory,

Well I mean I'm not like talking about a five year old liking to play with baby dolls. I'm talking about a teen/adult character who acts like their five and plays with baby dolls. 
Well I mean I'm not like talking about a five year old liking to play with baby dolls. I'm talking about a teen/adult character who acts like their five and plays with baby dolls. 

i don't go that young. for childish hobbies, i generally pick childish hobbies an adult might not feel as self conscious about partaking in. like animation, video games, RPGs, Trading Cards, or collecting plush toys that a teen or adult would realistically not be embarrassed to own, i don't build bronies, but i might play a childlike figured female who owns a 3DS and still plays nintendo games or collects pokemon plushies. as an example. a teen who acts like she is 5, still wears pullups, and still plays with baby dolls would disturb me too.
i don't go that young. for childish hobbies, i generally pick childish hobbies an adult might not feel as self conscious about partaking in. like animation, video games, RPGs, Trading Cards, or collecting plush toys that a teen or adult would realistically not be embarrassed to own, i don't build bronies, but i might play a childlike figured female who owns a 3DS and still plays nintendo games or collects pokemon plushies. as an example. a teen who acts like she is 5, still wears pullups, and still plays with baby dolls would disturb me too.

Yeah it's just not a character type that makes me comfortable. As even if it's not fetishized it's just obnoxious. Like I get that their are grown men who watch my little ponies but they don't tend to like it because it's a childrens show they just like the characters.

So it's less about the specifics and more about the attitude. If your character is acting childlike for sexual purposes OR as a means to get away with stuff it just doesn't sit well with me. 

I think it's because to me there is a difference between child-ish and child-like

Childish doesn't bother me. if you want your character to be immature, socially delayed, or act in a manner that isn't quite lining up with their age that's fine. There are plenty of people in real life that seem to be stuck in a childish immature mentality well into their twenties. 

But that's different to someone who acts childlike. As in mimics the mannerism or actions of an actual child.

The last part creeps me out or irritates me. 

But as Apfel said that's just my personal preference. I don't think that having child-like characters in and of themselves is bad, I just don't care for them myself. Heck even making fetishized characters, sure I find it creepy. But I find most erotic content roleplays creepy. That's not to say I think anyone who makes them is bad or a awful person. They just aren't my cup of tea.
Yeah it's just not a character type that makes me comfortable. As even if it's not fetishized it's just obnoxious. Like I get that their are grown men who watch my little ponies but they don't tend to like it because it's a childrens show they just like the characters.

So it's less about the specifics and more about the attitude. If your character is acting childlike for sexual purposes OR as a means to get away with stuff it just doesn't sit well with me. 

I think it's because to me there is a difference between child-ish and child-like

Childish doesn't bother me. if you want your character to be immature, socially delayed, or act in a manner that isn't quite lining up with their age that's fine. There are plenty of people in real life that seem to be stuck in a childish immature mentality well into their twenties. 

But that's different to someone who acts childlike. As in mimics the mannerism or actions of an actual child.

The last part creeps me out or irritates me. 

But as Apfel said that's just my personal preference. I don't think that having child-like characters in and of themselves is bad, I just don't care for them myself. Heck even making fetishized characters, sure I find it creepy. But I find most erotic content roleplays creepy. That's not to say I think anyone who makes them is bad or a awful person. They just aren't my cup of tea.

i guess childish is more appropriate than childlike. because they are immature and don't act in a way appropriate to their age, however, they don't adopt the mannerisms of an actual child,
If I kill my own character there is usually a reason why. Please don't take it upon yourself to conjure up power you did not previously have to revive them without my permission.
Another one of the reasons that I do not like to be in rps with child characters reminds me of another pet peeve of mine. I do not like child soldier characters, and I like stories revolving around child soldiers even less. I can stomach it with high schoolers, but once it gets to middle school or younger I have a hard time suspending my disbelief at the fact that if there are able-bodied adults commanding these tiny children, they would choose to have the children do the direct fighting rather than attempt to fight on the front lines themselves. Things often have to go very far before it feels realistic, and usually, by the time it gets to that point, it is not a setting that I would be interested in anyways.

You would most likely not like the Metal Gear Solid games.
Me: *Purposely makes a character who is an a**hole*

Other person: "Can my character be one exception who your character actually likes?"

I don't know if this makes me an asshole but honestly if y'all have characters that are always friendly and jumpy OR brooding, angsty dark folk who don't talk to anyone...well. There has to be an asshole out there with something to live for and isn't a nice person, but that doesn't mean they get involved in your suddenly righteous muse that mine logically has no intention of getting on friendly terms with, without breaking out of character. XD just saying.

Oh, and this nonsense:

I make a new character and nearly every time for a while, someone with a character with powers like mind control or is 'very charismatic and everyone listens to them': "Is it okay if your character is a servant to mine?" 

Uh, you've asked this multiple times and I've said no. Then this happens.

"Can you make another character who is a slave/serv-"

No. Let me explain. I have 30+ characters because I want to play as each of those characters. If I want to make a character just to satisfy your needs...I probably won't do that. If I do, it's gonna be a one dimensional character with no real anything because...well...I don't want to put that much effort into something that's gonna be thrown aside. Just my thoughts. Though I know a lot of you won't even read this. Don't care. Just...gonna walk away now...

If I kill my own character there is usually a reason why. Please don't take it upon yourself to conjure up power you did not previously have to revive them without my permission.

This has been something Ive ran into many times. It is one of the legit peeves that infuriates me. Thanks for bringing it up! <3
No problem. Yes, it makes me very angry too. Not as much as damsels in distress though. That is the bane of my roleplay existence.


My face when a damsel jumps in a tree, trips and falls into the clutches of bandits.
Anyone ever been in an RP with two other people and constantly end up as a third wheel who has to warm the bench while the other two do stuff with their characters and scenes exclusive to them and only them? And you sit there like, "Why am I here....?"

I was in this RP once where me and one other person were the parents and the third person was the child. Well, they kept replying when I wasn't on to RP with them and eventually the RP ended up going in a whole other direction and when I came back I had to read 5 pages of RP before I could actually post anything. Very annoying.
Mostly I just find it annoying when I'm in a 1 x 1 and the other person's character doesn't interact with yours at all so you're basically roleplaying with yourself. -_- Which is creative writing itself, so...

Or if I'm in a 1 x 1 and I'm busting out these multiple paragraphs or a good amount of dialogue and the other person posts one line in response. I'm the one who has to move it along...and I'm not the one who proposed the idea of the 1 x 1. Whyyyyyyyy

That's mostly it.

Oh, or when I'm the GM, and I say I'd prefer it if someone's character didn't have some sort of mental illness (ex. CS either says "batshit crazy," doesn't seem to represent the illness well, the character is so dangerous I fear for the safety of other characters and I'm literally terrified of the character, or the person claims the character "hides it well") and they get all annoyed and leave because I'm just concerned.

(Is that classified as a "roleplay" pet peeve? *shrug*)
Always being in the opposite time zone of the people you're role playing with. For example, you post something in the morning, go to school, come back and see NO new posts at all. You shrug, go to sleep and wake up the next day to see 45 posts. 45!! That is a genuine thing that has happened to me. Ok, sometimes, I get lucky and they're a couple hours later, but most of the time it's 8 hours or more, so it makes it impossible to play. Then, when you go to the OOT to apologise and leave, you have this one person who moans at you and calls you 'lazy' or 'uncommitted' or something like that. What!? So I'm lazy for not being awake in my 3:00am to post!? In which universe does that make sense!?
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I hate when I'm thrust into a roleplay with 0 diversity. It was a highschool one, and there were like, 20 characters. Not a single one was POC or had more than 5 letters in their names. I'm not saying everyone must make a POC character, but it is really annoying not to see any as well. Don't even get me started on people who decide to "live a little wild" and use a koreon face claim thinking that's going to add diversity. 
I hate when I'm thrust into a roleplay with 0 diversity. It was a highschool one, and there were like, 20 characters. Not a single one was POC or had more than 5 letters in their names. I'm not saying everyone must make a POC character, but it is really annoying not to see any as well. Don't even get me started on people who decide to "live a little wild" and use a koreon face claim thinking that's going to add diversity. 


Actually that's pretty accurate to my own real life high school experience. And in the high school roleplays taking place in the real world in america it's not outside the realm of possibility the student body could be entirely or nearly entirely white.

At my school ( in mayberry admittedly where we have like maybe 5% of the population aren't white ) there were maybe 3 to 5 non-whites in my graduating class of about 100 kids. And of those I'm pretty sure there was like one other hispanic and three korean exchange students.

So I guess I wouldn't assume that there is any malice behind it if there aren't any POC or mostly caucasians. Likely the color of people's skin is entirely based one A. a face claim issue, in that they just half-assed a face claim by picking a rando model or B. they are basing it off their own experiences in being in a predominately white high school. 

If it bothers you I'd just ask if some people wouldn't mind adding in POC characters or if you can bring in your own POC characters. 
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