Roleplay Pet Peeves

Although just as a devil's advocate. There is the Night Theme presumably some of the lighter texts would actually show up pretty nice against a black background. Not recommend using them, in fact I recommend not using colors at all for that very reason. What looks good one one theme might not look good on the others. And since you don't know what other people's themes looks like I wouldn't risk it. 

Blah yeah this is kind of obnoxious even on black background but I can at least read it. Yellow mellow looks dang good actually. I hate this color but it looks amazeballs on black. 

I don't mind colours on normal font as long as they are Bold.
I don't mind colours on normal font as long as they are Bold.

I was talking more of those obnoxious neon colors. Cyan is hideous on white for instance, and obvious white would be flat out invisible. But if your on Night Theme they all look really good. 

So it's like just be mindful that not everyone is using your same theme. The same goes when you copy text from other places in black, on Night Theme that ends up being invisible which is likewise hard for your partner to read. 

It's why I stay away from all the colors except for maybe grey because I know that grey is going to show up on pretty much all screens equally well. Or red if I really want to make something pop cuz that's another universal color. 
Cyan looks okay as long as it's bold.

Bold makes everything so~ much more easy to read.

Don't you agree? (Yellow is still kinda hard to read though, even in bold)
Cyan looks okay as long as it's bold.

Bold makes everything so~ much more easy to read.

Don't you agree? (Yellow is still kinda hard to read though, even in bold)

When it is all colorful like that my eyes go haywire like they are focusing in an out because I tried to read it. To my eyes, it all starts moving together like an optic illusion. 
Yeah I can really only read green. Cyan and Yellow make my eyes hurt. There isn't enough contrast I think. 

To be honest it's less so about colour and more so about Comic Sans.

Having to read paragraphs of it is just impossible, I'll get through about two lines before I have a headache xD 
When it is all colorful like that my eyes go haywire like they are focusing in an out because I tried to read it. To my eyes, it all starts moving together like an optic illusion. 

Optical illusions are cool ^_^  

but you would never find me using more than two colours on one post, even then, they would be dull, like

Dark green Dark Orange Purple 

I personally don't like dark theme as it has this weird glitch where certain fonts just glitch out
Optical illusions are cool ^_^  

but you would never find me using more than two colours on one post, even then, they would be dull, like

Dark green Dark Orange Purple 

I personally don't like dark theme as it has this weird glitch where certain fonts just glitch out

They are but I pay dearly after looking at them. I have a weak muscle in my eye so it dilates at bad times.

The darker colors don't bother me but I prefer someone's detail writing vs how much time they spend on html coding to make a pretty font. 
They are but I pay dearly after looking at them. I have a weak muscle in my eye so it dilates at bad times.

The darker colors don't bother me but I prefer someone's detail writing vs how much time they spend on html coding to make a pretty font. 

I do multi-paragraph posts >.>

And colours take like two seconds, they aren't even HTMl xD 

I just use them to outline speaking e.g.

Sarah was walking along before mumbling aloud "I wonder why the sky is blue, and not green. People say it's just a reflection of the ocean, but wouldn't that mean the grass would reflect too?" and she continued on her merry way for the rest of the day.
I do multi-paragraph posts >.>

And colours take like two seconds, they aren't even HTMl xD 

I just use them to outline speaking e.g.

Sarah was walking along before mumbling aloud "I wonder why the sky is blue, and not green. People say it's just a reflection of the ocean, but wouldn't that mean the grass would reflect too?" and she continued on her merry way for the rest of the day.

Well I never said you didn't do multi-paragraphs and I had no intention of insulting or offending you. I know lots of people who use colored fonts and write awesome responses. I just simply stated what I preferred over the other. 
Well I never said you didn't do multi-paragraphs and I had no intention of insulting or offending you. I know lots of people who use colored fonts and write awesome responses. I just simply stated what I preferred over the other. 

It was awfully suggestive 

sorry for misunderstanding.
It was awfully suggestive 

sorry for misunderstanding.

No problem. I really didn't mean anything by it, I promise. I have a no problem saying something offensive to someone but when I do I am not suggestive. I am more straight forward. If I thought you was an idiot who couldn't write because you use font colors then I would say, "you are an idiot who can't write because you use font colors." 

But I know using font colors doesn't define the level of someone's intelligence or the capabilities to write a decent roleplaying response. I am also a roleplayer of 14 years, so html code use to be one of the only ways to get font colors on forums back in the day(Man, I hate saying that). I really don't know how it works now. Back in the day, it was a major let down when you got tons of html coding but a one liner. I guess that was what I was referring too. So I'd call it a back in the day pet peeve when someone would take 30 minutes to make it pretty for a single sentence, but I was not accusing you of being that way. My response was in general. 
No problem. I really didn't mean anything by it, I promise. I have a no problem saying something offensive to someone but when I do I am not suggestive. I am more straight forward. If I thought you was an idiot who couldn't write because you use font colors then I would say, "you are an idiot who can't write because you use font colors." 

But I know using font colors doesn't define the level of someone's intelligence or the capabilities to write a decent roleplaying response. I am also a roleplayer of 14 years, so html code use to be one of the only ways to get font colors on forums back in the day(Man, I hate saying that). I really don't know how it works now. Back in the day, it was a major let down when you got tons of html coding but a one liner. I guess that was what I was referring too. So I'd call it a back in the day pet peeve when someone would take 30 minutes to make it pretty for a single sentence, but I was not accusing you of being that way. My response was in general. 

That's okay. Glad to see someone around my age for once ^_^

Recently stereotypes of younger RPers have been floating around that we're all illiterate and can only do one-liners, it's rather frustrating for those of us that like detailed more than just people writing one or two lines per post. I would enjoy RPing with you sometime if we get a chance, I don't do 1 x 1s, but if you ever find an RP that interests you, gimme a notification and I'll most likely join.  ^_^  

I don't use HTML code as it's more pain than it's worth, I know the basics of it, but nothing in detail so:

a) it would take me too long


b) it wouldn't turn out great.

so those are my reasons for not doing it.
That's okay. Glad to see someone around my age for once ^_^

Recently stereotypes of younger RPers have been floating around that we're all illiterate and can only do one-liners, it's rather frustrating for those of us that like detailed more than just people writing one or two lines per post. I would enjoy RPing with you sometime if we get a chance, I don't do 1 x 1s, but if you ever find an RP that interests you, gimme a notification and I'll most likely join.  ^_^  

I don't use HTML code as it's more pain than it's worth, I know the basics of it, but nothing in detail so:

a) it would take me too long


b) it wouldn't turn out great.

so those are my reasons for not doing it.

Oh I have no idea how the group roleplays work on here. Lol I did group roleplays on neopets when I was a kid and I did on some old forums and Vampirefreaks but now I stick to one on ones. I am an on call emergency vet tech from 5pm-8am on week days so I have to poof without giving a warning to who I am roleplay. Some "emergencies" I can give warning but most of the time I have can't waste time saying, "hey I have to go" because someone's pet is in a life or death situation. 
No problem. I really didn't mean anything by it, I promise. I have a no problem saying something offensive to someone but when I do I am not suggestive. I am more straight forward. If I thought you was an idiot who couldn't write because you use font colors then I would say, "you are an idiot who can't write because you use font colors." 

But I know using font colors doesn't define the level of someone's intelligence or the capabilities to write a decent roleplaying response. I am also a roleplayer of 14 years, so html code use to be one of the only ways to get font colors on forums back in the day(Man, I hate saying that). I really don't know how it works now. Back in the day, it was a major let down when you got tons of html coding but a one liner. I guess that was what I was referring too. So I'd call it a back in the day pet peeve when someone would take 30 minutes to make it pretty for a single sentence, but I was not accusing you of being that way. My response was in general. 

OMG all of this! I could not agree more
i started roleplaying in like 1995 when i was 6. 21 years later and i haven't been exposed to much and thus haven't progressed very far. i still suck with the codes and the like, and i try to keep my posts legible. i hate Comic Sans, especially in a bright color. but Old English is almost as bad. even more annoying is when posts are made in a foreign language without easy access to an English translation.
I personally hate it when people want to be a part of EVERYTHING. My RP's are story-based, and have a proper systems, so not everyone does something special (and no special snowflake, or anything like that). I mention this clearly in threads that work like this, and yet there is always somebody who says "Why couldn't we be a part of that?" and it just pisses me off that they didn't read the disclaimer, or just chose not to give a shit.

What I hate more than the above, is incorrect grammar. Sure, casual conversation is fine, but in RP's shouldn't being legible be more important. I want to be able to understand the damn post, not decode the entire thing.

It's also annoying when they expect total devotion, no matter my life situation at the moment. If I don't want to give a reason, I don't have to. People don't have to assume that I'm a jerk and refuse to reply.
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So we have complained about pet peeves we see in partners but what about pet peeves in our environment or technical difficulties.

Huge pet peeve for me, when my husky or my children won't give me five more minutes to finish a reply so they touch the screen of my phone or the laptop keyboard and somehow every time they manage to hit some kind of key that deletes everything I was typing. Seriously, WHY!? Every freaking time, they touch it. I swear. So now when they come around when I am typing intros or replies I stand up and type. 
I've been thinking about characters recently after coming across a question asking about what makes a character unappealing, and I've realized that there are a few peeves I have related to the usage of particular characters. (I think that almost any kind of character archetype can be done in an interesting way, but lackluster characterizations irk me even more in roleplays than it does in literature.)

The biggest pet peeve I have can apply to almost any type of character, and it is when players assume that their fellow rpers will be invested in their character because of how "amazing" or "interesting" their backstory is. Characterization generally needs to go deeper than a biography, and so when an rper expects others to immediately become intrigued by their character on the basis of description alone, it bothers me. More specifically, it bothers me most when this is paired with "the chosen one" or "tragic" characters. Maybe it feels like a sympathy grab, or maybe it feels like the character demands forgiveness that isn't fully earned because they have not really been firmly established yet. I'm not entirely sure what it is that irks me, but it is often coupled with other actions that bother me.

One of those actions is the refusal to play a real "bad guy" character. In the context that some players are asked to play on the villainous side, it is annoying when their characters are all are made out to be excessively moral and they will never do anything bad. I do think that the "bad" side should have a solid ideology or at least a unique sense of morality that dictates their actions (though that's a personal preference really). Unfortunately, I have met a lot of rpers who happily join the side known for murder and dubious morality, then proceed with the mentality of "well my character isn't really bad, just misunderstood".  Then they go on to refuse to even tell a lie or do a single action that could condemn them, proving the point that they're not bad, but making it utterly bewildering why that character would be on the "bad" side in the first place. Or somewhat more annoyingly, people sometimes say "my character is indeed a murderous crazy person, but inside they're really sweet and just want to be loved" (I feel the concept alone is inherently contradictory unless carried out is a very particular away). I do not like this type of character, and I like them even less when they just rant about how much they love blood and killing, but do not actually attempt to hurt anyone. It feels almost cliche in a way, or a way to cop out and play a "villain" without actually having to make the character even slightly reprehensible.

Another thing with characters that tends to irk me is when players rely too heavily on archetypes. Anime archetypes especially (I don't like them in anime, and I like them less in roleplays lol). The tsundere is particularly annoying when that is the only personality aspect to a character.

Building off of that, I really hate "shota" and "loli" characters. Especially because they generally come with a very submissive (and somewhat cringy) personality. I don't really mind child characters, though I don't particularly like them either. It bothers me when older teenagers or adults are portrayed as childlike for no reason (usually "because anime" is the reason behind it). It does not help that such characters are often sexualized, which is a big reason why I am glad that this website does not involve explicit content. In general, I tend to back out of a roleplay that uses this type of character. I have seen this sort of character done well (Mila Evans from the game Hotel Dusk comes to mind, so if someone were to make a coma patient who actually sees themselves as a child then that could be done in an interesting way). When it is just a sort of way to add a "moe" factor, it throws me off quite a bit.

I think in general I do not like characters who lack depth to them, but it is really only a pet peeve when mixed with cliches, poorly conceived archetypes, or who include backstory elements or personalities that are designed to manipulate other rpers into having a particular reaction. I could probably write a lot more about how much I hate badly done characters, but I'll spare you guys XD

what if the "Loli" or "Shota" character were developed into a 2.5 dimensional character that was actually more than a series of stereotypes? maybe the "loli" has more to her. "Loli" and "Shota" characters are at their worst when they are sexualized. but you don't have to play them as submissive goodie two shoes characters either. i can't think of any good examples, but a "Loli" character can be a lot more than a Sexualized "Moe Blob". maybe the RP is more lighthearted or somebody found a way to turn a "Loli" into a serious character that fits the setting.

i will say, that a child character or childlike character works better in a Fantasy Setting than a Realistic one. Arya Stark is pretty badass. some people might want to play a character inspired by her. 

what if the "Loli" or "Shota" character were developed into a 2.5 dimensional character that was actually more than a series of stereotypes? maybe the "loli" has more to her. "Loli" and "Shota" characters are at their worst when they are sexualized. but you don't have to play them as submissive goodie two shoes characters either. i can't think of any good examples, but a "Loli" character can be a lot more than a Sexualized "Moe Blob". maybe the RP is more lighthearted or somebody found a way to turn a "Loli" into a serious character that fits the setting.

i will say, that a child character or childlike character works better in a Fantasy Setting than a Realistic one. Arya Stark is pretty badass. some people might want to play a character inspired by her. 

I'm not sure what constitutes a "2.5 dimensional" character.

I don't use the term "Loli" if a character is not being sexualized because I'm referring to the concept inspired by the character "Lolita". If someone uses a regular little girl, and presents them in an acceptable context, then they are a "little girl character" not a "Loli". Same with "Shota"s. Little girls or little boys are not really as annoying, but I'm not a huge fan either. I just do not think people tend to write them well.

I don't think that kid characters work any better in fantasy contexts, but if they're well written I will get over it. If they're a Loli or a Shota then I will most likely bail because I don't find them appealing or cute, I find them disconcerting. 
I'm not sure what constitutes a "2.5 dimensional" character.

I don't use the term "Loli" if a character is not being sexualized because I'm referring to the concept inspired by the character "Lolita". If someone uses a regular little girl, and presents them in an acceptable context, then they are a "little girl character" not a "Loli". Same with "Shota"s. Little girls or little boys are not really as annoying, but I'm not a huge fan either. I just do not think people tend to write them well.

I don't think that kid characters work any better in fantasy contexts, but if they're well written I will get over it. If they're a Loli or a Shota then I will most likely bail because I don't find them appealing or cute, I find them disconcerting. 

2.5 dimensional means they are more developed than a 2 dimensional character but not quite 3 dimensional. a child character or childlike character is better if they are not done for the sex appeal. this is why i usually cover my childlke characters in modest fitting outfits and try to cover up skin in some way with something either cute or professional.
That brings up something that irks me. when people build their character around a fetishized anime trope. like a loli, an uke, etc.

First because this is a site that forbids explicit content so using a fetishized term is just inappropriate anyway.

Second because building a character around a fetish or their bedroom position just seems creepy to me
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That brings up something that irks me. when people build their character around a fetishized anime trope. like a loli, an uke, etc.

First because this is a site that forbids explicit content so using a fetishized term is just inappropriate anyway.

Second because building a character around a fetishized or their bedroom position just seems creepy to me

many RPGs teach players to build characters around what role they bring in a group environment. meaning that in a dice RP. that count's sickly child niece might be the diplomat of the group out of necessity because she might be seen as to ill to fight. at that same time, the big lumbering viking might become the meat shield or tank of the group. because RPGs teach that what skills your character brings to the table is more important than your characters personality.
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