Roleplay Pet Peeves

@Storytale It gets better when you do something wrong intentionally. I know well that Revolver cant be used midair (unless im just that detached from dmc3) and i would instead use Helm Breaker or the dive kick move

BLASPHEMY. On purpose as to make the scene move along? *GASP*

lmao, but you can't do that because I don't like it. So therefore I'm not only going to rage about that but ALL THE OTHER THINGS THAT I SEEMED COOL WITH but totally have an issue Triggered. 
Roleplayers who can't tell the difference between Erotic Roleplay, Romantic Roleplay, a Lemon, a Sensual Roleplay, and Thoughtless Smut. i know most of those are illegal on most sites. but here are the differences

an Erotic Roleplay is loaded with graphic details that titillate the senses of the readers

a Romantic Roleplay is a love Story

a Sensual Roleplay is all about exploring the sensations

a Lemon is a plot built around getting to the intercourse quickly. most people can't do a lemon very well

and Thoughtless smut is a shameful thing where you just create smut for the sake of easy but lazy wanking material.

tbh considering erotic roleplaying/smut/etc isn't allowed on RPN anyway, I don't think any of us really need to know the difference

especially since there are quite a few young roleplayers here
Erotic and Sensual used to be synonyms that referred to an adjective defined as the concept of the very act of teasing or stimulating the senses. i am actually fine with roleplays that tease or stimulate the senses. though i know Erotic and Sensual are both bad terms to use for that style due to their warped and narrowed definition. i honestly want to learn to stimulate the senses of others. it need not necessarily be sexual.
Erotic and Sensual used to be synonyms that referred to an adjective defined as the concept of the very act of teasing or stimulating the senses. i am actually fine with roleplays that tease or stimulate the senses. though i know Erotic and Sensual are both bad terms to use for that style due to their warped and narrowed definition. i honestly want to learn to stimulate the senses of others. it need not necessarily be sexual.

Again as explicit content is forbidden on this site I'd move away from this topic. I don't want any of us getting in trouble with the Staff. and as has been mentioned it's forbidden on this site and thus not a good topic for pet peeves.

I hate when people put "I like to be the female/male" in their partner searches

"be the"


it gives me this weird feeling like they identify their character as themselves in the RP and it turns me off hella

plus it almost always implies 1. the dynamic is going to be MxF and 2. there will only be one character per person
which are both things I do not necessarily enjoy
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roleplayers who appeal exclusively to the sense of sight. i don't mind a detailed view of what i see, but i also want to know what my other senses are picking up. i can be more forgiving of this for less experienced or less exposed roleplayers, but a big reason i play characters with additional senses or enhanced senses, is because the other senses are important in roleplay to me. having a description of the sensations allows me to better put myself into the shoes of the character experiencing them, it doesn't have to be a massive description, but maybe the sounds and smells of the local area are enough to get me plenty immersed. just because you roleplayed a long time, doesn't mean you were exposed to a lot of experiences.

Roleplayers who hide short actions behind walls of text that don't advance the story. most of the time, these roleplayers tend to be godmodders, and most of the time, they intentionally hide their godmods behind walls of text so as to not get caught godmodding. though godmodding can be just as simple as making a power grab character as a power grab. i mean, unlike most people, i won't whine about immortals, but i will whine if the immortal eliminated every other means to remove their character from the fight. there is a difference between being unable to stay permanently dead or age, but still able to get sick or fall unconscious, and a character that has literally all the immunities.

I hate when people put "I like to be the female/male" in their partner searches

"be the"


it gives me this weird feeling like they identify their character as themselves in the RP and it turns me off hella

plus it almost always implies 1. the dynamic is going to be MxF and 2. there will only be one character per person
which are both things I do not necessarily enjoy

There is a good chance that they do identify their character as themselves. Now, it might just be that they didn't think too much about the wording, but this is how you can tell so you can get the hell out of dodge:

1) They take any insult to their character, that is from another character, as a personal insult. (Even if that character was suppose to be a jackass that insults people)

2) They refuse to give their character any negative traits and overall the character is very Mary-Sueish/Gary-Stuish

That's my experience anyways.
There is a good chance that they do identify their character as themselves. Now, it might just be that they didn't think too much about the wording, but this is how you can tell so you can get the hell out of dodge:

1) They take any insult to their character, that is from another character, as a personal insult. (Even if that character was suppose to be a jackass that insults people)

2) They refuse to give their character any negative traits and overall the character is very Mary-Sueish/Gary-Stuish

That's my experience anyways.

they give thier character negative traits but complete forget the negative traits are there. suddenly, mister happy go lucky casual is doing professional navy seal manuevers and shooting children because apparently, thier happy go lucky attitude doesn't matter when they are fighting seemingly innocent women and children they have no way to know were the next generation of supersoldiers or whatever. or heck, that hypoglycemic character can somehow finish the marathon sprint without thier snickers.

I hate when people put "I like to be the female/male" in their partner searches

"be the"


it gives me this weird feeling like they identify their character as themselves in the RP and it turns me off hella

plus it almost always implies 1. the dynamic is going to be MxF and 2. there will only be one character per person
which are both things I do not necessarily enjoy

Self inserts don't bother me but now that you mention it I always did find something about that off putting. Like that exact phrasing I could just never put my finger on why.

for me it's the pushy romance element. I could care less if your roleplaying as yourself. And if you choose to believe that likewise I am a blue haired witch in training in real life more power to you.

but don't come at me with oh I'll be the [gender] and you have to be the opposite gender or else it's weird. 

Why? Shannon why is it weird? Is it maybe because my being a woman somehow throws off your fantasy image of my character Thad saving you from dragons? 

Like you do realize most smutty romance is written by women. So I never understood this weird hang up where we all have to be the real life genders of our characters or it makes romance weird. 
@call me rae

"Shannon why is it weird?" made me laugh so hard tbh

I'm dead

But I do agree with the point you're making. Typically if someone specifies what real-life gender they want me to be, I'm already put off.

Honestly, if someone tries to dictate my character at all it's usually a deal breaker. There are exceptions, like if a character is meant to fill a certain role, but I'm not cool with being told my character HAS to be a certain gender or sexuality tbh.
Self inserts don't bother me but now that you mention it I always did find something about that off putting. Like that exact phrasing I could just never put my finger on why.

for me it's the pushy romance element. I could care less if your roleplaying as yourself. And if you choose to believe that likewise I am a blue haired witch in training in real life more power to you.

but don't come at me with oh I'll be the [gender] and you have to be the opposite gender or else it's weird. 

Why? Shannon why is it weird? Is it maybe because my being a woman somehow throws off your fantasy image of my character Thad saving you from dragons? 

Like you do realize most smutty romance is written by women. So I never understood this weird hang up where we all have to be the real life genders of our characters or it makes romance weird. 

@call me rae

"Shannon why is it weird?" made me laugh so hard tbh

I'm dead

But I do agree with the point you're making. Typically if someone specifies what real-life gender they want me to be, I'm already put off.

Honestly, if someone tries to dictate my character at all it's usually a deal breaker. There are exceptions, like if a character is meant to fill a certain role, but I'm not cool with being told my character HAS to be a certain gender or sexuality tbh.

all you need to know, is the characters you are roleplaying with. not the person behind the mask. i generally fabricate details about whom is behind the mask, so people don't end up pursuing or prejudicing me for potentially playing a character whom isn't my true self because i don't do that many self inserts. when people ask for self inserts, i do an overly dramatic persona that people can consider a self insert because i'm not sharing my true identity with somebody i never RPed with before.

when people ask me my age, my sex, and my location, i usually refer to whichever persona i am adopting, or intentionally act clueless. i remember marking my location as a neighboring state on another site to throw people off..
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all you need to know, is the characters you are roleplaying with. not the person behind the mask. i generally fabricate details about whom is behind the mask, so people don't end up pursuing or prejudicing me for potentially playing a character whom isn't my true self because i don't do that many self inserts. when people ask for self inserts, i do an overly dramatic persona that people can consider a self insert because i'm not sharing my true identity with somebody i never RPed with before.

when people ask me my age, my sex, and my location, i usually refer to whichever persona i am adopting, or intentionally act clueless. i remember marking my location as a neighboring state on another site to throw people off..

I wouldn't necessarily give specific details even if they are lies. Because chances are if your worried about people stalking you then you shouldn't give them information they can actually vet.

as I've heard of people who stalk across social media platforms including facebook stalking etc.

like for me if I'm gonna tell you information about me I'm just gonna do it. If I'm not comfortable with you knowing stuff then I'm not gonna tell you crap. 

Again i I don't care if you are playing a self insert and if you choose to believe I'm doing the same I can't stop you. 

But it I think the big difference between me and 90% of the people on this site is I could give zero craps what you think of me as a person. If you are incapable of telling the difference between me and my characters and choose to view my bitchy character as me being a bitch I don't care. Chances are I'm not gonna be able to tolerate your lack of division between reality and fiction and drop you anyway. So if you choose to view that as me being a horrible person that's fine with me.
I wouldn't necessarily give specific details even if they are lies. Because chances are if your worried about people stalking you then you shouldn't give them information they can actually vet.

as I've heard of people who stalk across social media platforms including facebook stalking etc.

like for me if I'm gonna tell you information about me I'm just gonna do it. If I'm not comfortable with you knowing stuff then I'm not gonna tell you crap. 

Again i I don't care if you are playing a self insert and if you choose to believe I'm doing the same I can't stop you. 

But it I think the big difference between me and 90% of the people on this site is I could give zero craps what you think of me as a person. If you are incapable of telling the difference between me and my characters and choose to view my bitchy character as me being a bitch I don't care. Chances are I'm not gonna be able to tolerate your lack of division between reality and fiction and drop you anyway. So if you choose to view that as me being a horrible person that's fine with me.

i can separate player from character. a bitchy character is a bitchy character, you aren't a horrible person at all. but i have gotten stalked while roleplaying before, which is why i give false information and hide behind a persona. better to know simply the character than to know the roleplayer.

roleplayers who try to make things into a personal matter and resort to stalking and harassment, are one of my biggest peeves. being a roleplayer of physically underdeveloped female characters, this actually happens to me a lot more than it does for players of more normal female characters.
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"Those" kinds of people who just abuse the "super secret place where I never mentioned in my CS with loads of good stuff, weapons, gear, food and no zombies can get in/are close" in ZRPs, it just makes me cringe harder than Leafyishere.
i can separate player from character. a bitchy character is a bitchy character, you aren't a horrible person at all. but i have gotten stalked while roleplaying before, which is why i give false information and hide behind a persona. better to know simply the character than to know the roleplayer.

roleplayers who try to make things into a personal matter and resort to stalking and harassment, are one of my biggest peeves. being a roleplayer of physically underdeveloped female characters, this actually happens to me a lot more than it does for players of more normal female characters.

First off I wasn't saying you are incapable of telling the difference between players and characters.

I was addressing specifically the problem with telling people with a known tendency to stalk you ANY information whether it's real or not. Because just because you lie and say your from Mayberry USA doesn't mean these people aren't still going to attempt to stalk you.

And chances are they'll know your lying. Whereas if you block the people out right or refuse to answer they have no way of stalking you at all short of hacking your computer. 

I was more telling you that lying is probably putting you in as much potential danger as telling the truth. Whereas not saying anything and reporting the behavior would still give you your privacy and also protect you and others from being further harrassed by those kinds of people.

Like there are people on the internet I would not be comfortable telling anything because these people are likely unwell and could potentially offer me either physical harm or emotional abuse.

So your best bet is to just get rid of these people once and for all. 

That's why I said I don't care what other people think of me. A lot of people would let the aformentioned behavior of stalking escalate because they don't know how to defuse the situation or they are afraid of hurting people's feelings.

I myself am of the opinion that my safety and mental well being are far more important than some strangers precious feelings.

So I will report report report OR I will flat out call you on your bullshit and I don't give a single damn whether that offends you or not. Some behavior is unacceptable and we shouldn't let it pass on the premise of being "nice".

Lol as you can no doubt surmise I have a Mama Bear's instinct for dangerous internet behavior. I've roleplayed with a lot of youngsters over the years so the kind of situation your describing makes me even more bitchy than usual ( and I am bitchy about it I'll even admit that ). 

Because I just think what if this was my friend Susie or my little sister on the other end of this harassment? You bet your ass I would bring forth the Wrath of God through the internet on whatever creeper was trying to harass them. 
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone uses small or colorful font. It hurts my head.

Another one is when you talk to their characters and interact but they keeping making their characters leave and ignore you characters like they want them to be chased constantly through the whole roleplay. Every once in while cool, they need private time but every dang post. 

I also hate when I send 7 paragraphs and I get three sentences in hard thinking just went to waste because now I have writer's block from this. Like how does this character feel, what are they doing at the time...hell, what color are the dang walls in the room. 

I oddly feel better getting that off my chest. :)
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone uses small or colorful font. It hurts my head.

Another one is when you talk to their characters and interact but they keeping making their characters leave and ignore you characters like they want them to be chased constantly through the whole roleplay. Every once in while cool, they need private time but every dang post. 

I also hate when I send 7 paragraphs and I get three sentences in hard thinking just went to waste because now I have writer's block from this. Like how does this character feel, what are they doing at the time...hell, what color are the dang walls in the room. 

I oddly feel better getting that off my chest. :)

You talking to me?

Just kidding! I'm peeved by that too 
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone uses small or colorful font. It hurts my head.

Another one is when you talk to their characters and interact but they keeping making their characters leave and ignore you characters like they want them to be chased constantly through the whole roleplay. Every once in while cool, they need private time but every dang post. 

I also hate when I send 7 paragraphs and I get three sentences in hard thinking just went to waste because now I have writer's block from this. Like how does this character feel, what are they doing at the time...hell, what color are the dang walls in the room. 

I oddly feel better getting that off my chest. :)

Just to add on.


Anyone who uses comic Sans in a bright colour should try and read their own writing.


I get it, it looks nice and kinda like real-life writing, But it is soooo hard to read, so just don't, okay?
Just to add on.


Anyone who uses comic Sans in a bright colour should try and read their own writing.


I get it, it looks nice and kinda like real-life writing, But it is soooo hard to read, so just don't, okay?

Although just as a devil's advocate. There is the Night Theme presumably some of the lighter texts would actually show up pretty nice against a black background. Not recommend using them, in fact I recommend not using colors at all for that very reason. What looks good one one theme might not look good on the others. And since you don't know what other people's themes looks like I wouldn't risk it. 

Blah yeah this is kind of obnoxious even on black background but I can at least read it. Yellow mellow looks dang good actually. I hate this color but it looks amazeballs on black. 
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