Roleplay Pet Peeves

Always being in the opposite time zone of the people you're role playing with. For example, you post something in the morning, go to school, come back and see NO new posts at all. You shrug, go to sleep and wake up the next day to see 45 posts. 45!! That is a genuine thing that has happened to me. Ok, sometimes, I get lucky and they're a couple hours later, but most of the time it's 8 hours or more, so it makes it impossible to play. Then, when you go to the OOT to apologise and leave, you have this one person who moans at you and calls you 'lazy' or 'uncommitted' or something like that. What!? So I'm lazy for not being awake in my 3:00am to post!? In which universe does that make sense!?

I think a lot of people assume everyone is on the same sleep schedule as they are. I've had people bitch and moan at me for not replying to their posts exactly when they happened and I'm like... oh sorry I had to eat with my family. Please forgive me for having a life. 

Actually that's pretty accurate to my own real life high school experience. And in the high school roleplays taking place in the real world in america it's not outside the realm of possibility the student body could be entirely or nearly entirely white.

At my school ( in mayberry admittedly where we have like maybe 5% of the population aren't white ) there were maybe 3 to 5 non-whites in my graduating class of about 100 kids. And of those I'm pretty sure there was like one other hispanic and three korean exchange students.

So I guess I wouldn't assume that there is any malice behind it if there aren't any POC or mostly caucasians. Likely the color of people's skin is entirely based one A. a face claim issue, in that they just half-assed a face claim by picking a rando model or B. they are basing it off their own experiences in being in a predominately white high school. 

If it bothers you I'd just ask if some people wouldn't mind adding in POC characters or if you can bring in your own POC characters. 

Lol I know there are mostly all white highschools, I had to go to one. That's just an example. I would simply enjoy people who introduce different cultures etc into a role play. I'm not saying there's malice either even though it's possible but that's nothing new. I do make poc characters of course, and I would love to see more that I don't have to be the creator of.
Lol I know there are mostly all white highschools, I had to go to one. That's just an example. I would simply enjoy people who introduce different cultures etc into a role play. I'm not saying there's malice either even though it's possible but that's nothing new. I do make poc characters of course, and I would love to see more that I don't have to be the creator of.

even amongst a particular skincolor or nationality. there are a lot of different ways to Run it. even if everybody in the roleplay were theoretically playing white characters, there are a lot of interesting white cultures you could use. but every color has a lot of potentially interesting cultures to use. so even if people were afraid to roleplay as characters of a particular skincolor, you can still have them Run the Culture of their character. Irish are Different From Norwegians are Different from Greeks, Romanians, Germans, Dutch, Russians, Italians or Even Australians. as an Example. play up those cultural differences. you don't even need to play a set of tropes or stereotypes, just research positive things commonly taught in those cultures. i hate the idea of using real people as faceclaims, because you are using an image of a real person without asking them, though i don't have these qualms about using animated faceclaims, whether left alone, or drawn/edited by self or another. with or without permission.
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even amongst a particular skincolor or nationality. there are a lot of different ways to Run it. even if everybody in the roleplay were theoretically playing white characters, there are a lot of interesting white cultures you could use. but every color has a lot of potentially interesting cultures to use. so even if people were afraid to roleplay as characters of a particular skincolor, you can still have them Run the Culture of their character. Irish are Different From Norwegians are Different from Greeks, Romanians, Germans, Dutch, Russians, Italians or Even Australians. as an Example. play up those cultural differences. you don't even need to play a set of tropes or stereotypes, just research positive things commonly taught in those cultures. i hate the idea of using real people as faceclaims, because you are using an image of a real person without asking them, though i don't have these qualms about using animated faceclaims, whether left alone, or drawn/edited by self or another. with or without permission.

I don't think they were talking about them making Roleplays like this. And the problem with all these different ethnicities is unless your making a international kind of high school it doesn't make sense for them to be there. There are only so many kinds of exchange students you get away with.

and most high schools in America don't have that high of a exchange student rate and those that do exist are mostly Asian or South/Central American. It would not be common to get an Australian exchange student or a British one.

like its not impossible but given the amount of exceptions you'd have to make to give those ethnicities a pass you might as well just make an American character of color, where you would need to do much less research and just switch out your face claim
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I don't think they were talking about them making Roleplays like this. And the problem with all these different ethnicities is unless your making a international kind of high school it doesn't make sense for them to be there. There are only so many kinds of exchange students you get away with.

and most high schools in America don't have that high of a exchange student rate and those that do exist are mostly Asian or South/Central American. It would not be common to get an Australian exchange student or a British one.

like its not impossible but given the amount of exceptions you'd have to make to give those ethnicities a pass you might as well just make an American character of color, where you would need to do much less research and just switch out your face claim

or don't use a Faceclaim at all and use a Description. like Roleplayers of the 1990s used to.
I hate when I'm thrust into a roleplay with 0 diversity. It was a highschool one, and there were like, 20 characters. Not a single one was POC or had more than 5 letters in their names.

Diversity for diversity's sake is equally annoying though.

Just let everybody play whatever character they want to, regardless of many are playing similar characters.  
Diversity for diversity's sake is equally annoying though.

Just let everybody play whatever character they want to, regardless of many are playing similar characters.  

I have to agree with this. Even as a POC, I can't stand it when people force it. I make characters of color, but I also make many white characters because that is just how I see that particular character. If someone doesn't want to play someone that isn't white, don't force them. I mean, the only time I would honestly find it racist is if the GM said: "NO POC!!!" 
or don't use a Faceclaim at all and use a Description. like Roleplayers of the 1990s used to.

 The face claim was an example. Not having one isn't really going to make people more or less likely to change anything. What I meant is asking people to create an entirely different ethnicity is overly complex work around when you can far more easily just ask them to make a person of color.
 The face claim was an example. Not having one isn't really going to make people more or less likely to change anything. What I meant is asking people to create an entirely different ethnicity is overly complex work around when you can far more easily just ask them to make a person of color.

truesies, but forcing someone to play a person of color for the sake of diversity can be seen as an annoyance to the person being asked. it tends to be a bit Alienating. being told "you have to play a person of color" is just as bad as being told "you aren't allowed to play a person of color.".

if a Whole Tabletop Group wanted to play Elven Rangers, you don't say "None of you can play Elven Rangers." you work your Tabletop Campaign around the Fact you have a whole party of Elven Rangers. the players aren't the only ones who have to adapt. sometimes the GM does too. at the same time, you don't say "You all have to be Rangers." Either, one of the Worst things i did in a Tabletop RPG was play a Nyxad Spellcloak because the Group already had a Multiclassed Drow Assassin/Illusionist and i wanted to play a Drow Assassin/Illusionist as well, so the GM provided a Solution that was basically a more powerful Drow Assassin/Illusionist that leveled Slower. the issue was he had a one character of each class combination rule, but he didn't stop characters from using sourcebook classes that did the same thing. either way, i would have rather just had the guy allow the Extra characters instead of trying to push diversity,
truesies, but forcing someone to play a person of color for the sake of diversity can be seen as an annoyance to the person being asked. it tends to be a bit Alienating. being told "you have to play a person of color" is just as bad as being told "you aren't allowed to play a person of color.".

if a Whole Tabletop Group wanted to play Elven Rangers, you don't say "None of you can play Elven Rangers." you work your Tabletop Campaign around the Fact you have a whole party of Elven Rangers. the players aren't the only ones who have to adapt. sometimes the GM does too. at the same time, you don't say "You all have to be Rangers." Either, one of the Worst things i did in a Tabletop RPG was play a Nyxad Spellcloak because the Group already had a Multiclassed Drow Assassin/Illusionist and i wanted to play a Drow Assassin/Illusionist as well, so the GM provided a Solution that was basically a more powerful Drow Assassin/Illusionist that leveled Slower. the issue was he had a one character of each class combination rule, but he didn't stop characters from using sourcebook classes that did the same thing. either way, i would have rather just had the guy allow the Extra characters instead of trying to push diversity,

I don't know what half that means but to address the parts I did understand , I'm not saying force people to be a specific race. I'm saying that your own suggestion of asking them to play different ethnicities but the same skin color is more difficult than a simple solution of just allowing different skin colors but the same ethnicity.

Because  different skin colors doesn't require lots of research or altering an entire characters origin. Whereas a different ethnicity at the very least requires you to do research on that culture and new place of origin.

And no one is saying force diversity down other people's throats. We're saying it's nice to see a difference and offering reasoned explanations on why most people play characters that are more similar than different to whatever is the status quo for the roleplay.
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I don't know what half that means but to address the parts I did understand , I'm not saying force people to be a specific race. I'm saying that your own suggestion of asking them to play different ethnicities but the same skin color is more difficult than a simple solution of just allowing different skin colors but the same ethnicity.

Because  different skin colors doesn't require lots of research or altering an entire characters origin. Whereas a different ethnicity at the very least requires you to do research on that culture and new place of origin.

thankies. sorriesies. you don't need to change ethnicities or faceclaims. if we get 5 people who play the same role or archetype, it is up to those 5 people to decide amongst themselves how they are going to deal with 5 of the same role. maybe a group of 5 female swimmers in a highschool means you focus more on the girl's swim team activities for example. and i am sorry for misunderstanding you. yes, changing race is easy as changing faceclaims.
I don't know what half that means but to address the parts I did understand , I'm not saying force people to be a specific race. I'm saying that your own suggestion of asking them to play different ethnicities but the same skin color is more difficult than a simple solution of just allowing different skin colors but the same ethnicity.

Because  different skin colors doesn't require lots of research or altering an entire characters origin. Whereas a different ethnicity at the very least requires you to do research on that culture and new place of origin.

This is just weird xD

Colour really doesn't matter, you could be pink for all anyone on here cares and it might only come up once.

Think about it, how often does this realistically come up? Next to never, because people are people, we aren't exhibitions.
This is just weird xD

Colour really doesn't matter, you could be pink for all anyone on here cares and it might only come up once.

Think about it, how often does this realistically come up? Next to never, because people are people, we aren't exhibitions.

It did come up someone said there peeves was lack of POC in Roleplays. The proceeding debate was basically different ideas of adding diversity. Either by keeping skin color but changing ethnicity OR changing skin color but keeping ethnicity.

but yeah people do want to see more diversity representatives. Not just skin color but sexual identity, gender, ethnicity, etc.

if you look at the modern high school genre especially it can look kind of white watched.

now this isn't something that I have an opinion on personally I was merely offering my opinions and playing devils advocate. 
I never said you should force people to make POC's. I understand people don't want to or they think it's too much work to look up ethnicities and don't think they can handle roleplaying it correctly, and that's fine. I just said I would like to see more diversity. That's it, clear and simple.
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I never said you should force people to make POC's. I understand people don't want to or they think it's too much work to look up ethnicities and don't think they can handle roleplaying it correctly, and that's fine. I just said I would like to see more diversity. That's it, clear and simple.

i find creating a new fantasy or science fiction species to be easier than trying to bind myself to the act of playing a human character of a real world skincolor or ethnicity. mostly because i am less likely to unintentionally offend real people of that skincolor or ethnicity when i play a fantasy species that isn't attributed to a real world skincolor or ethnicity. i mean, a lot of species are gimmicks, but a plant person or a faerie are a good crutch for diversity for example.
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When you're in an RP with an Unoriginal. Theres always one person that claims they made an oc, when its literally one of the canon characters with a different name, looks, age... Thats it, really

Visual Example:
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I don't think they were talking about them making Roleplays like this. And the problem with all these different ethnicities is unless your making a international kind of high school it doesn't make sense for them to be there. There are only so many kinds of exchange students you get away with.

and most high schools in America don't have that high of a exchange student rate and those that do exist are mostly Asian or South/Central American. It would not be common to get an Australian exchange student or a British one.

like its not impossible but given the amount of exceptions you'd have to make to give those ethnicities a pass you might as well just make an American character of color, where you would need to do much less research and just switch out your face claim

Well of course there are hardly any exchange students!! Who the fuck would want to come to America?!?! We're screwed as it is!!

Kidding. Kidding. Maybe a little serious but kidding.

And no one is saying force diversity down other people's throats. We're saying it's nice to see a difference and offering reasoned explanations on why most people play characters that are more similar than different to whatever is the status quo for the roleplay.

That right there. Literally that. It's really annoying when someone wants to speak their mind and talk about diversity and then it becomes-

"Lol why are you forcing it? That's just as crazy, it's not right. It wouldn't help at all. We all imagine characters to be a certain way."

No, I didn't put that up there for you to want to pull it down and drag it across the mud to try and silence my opinion. Go somewhere else with that.

But it is like how you said. It doesn't only just go for skin color, but it's race, sexual preference, religious views, etc. It's something that should be talked about. Not pushed away.
When you're in an RP with an Unoriginal. Theres always one person that claims they made an oc, when its literally one of the canon characters with a different name, looks, age... Thats it, really

Visual Reference:

Lol. instead of Recoloring core characters. which can be interesting if they did something cool like Knots Prower as an evil silver furred nautical counterpart to tails's yellow furred Aerial Self. but what would be cool, at least in the Sonic Verse, is if somebody used an Animal that wasn't a Hedgehog, a Fox or an Echidna. heck, as of 2,006. the character doesn't even need to be an animal. i could technically insert a Faerie, a Plant Person, a Djinni, or even an Angel into the Sonic Verse and it will still be a better fit than Ronic and Pails or Blonic and Cinos.
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When you're in an RP with an Unoriginal. Theres always one person that claims they made an oc, when its literally one of the canon characters with a different name, looks, age... Thats it, really

Visual Example:

Are you making fun of my Sonic OC asshole!?


Jk. :)
Creating an entire world on your own with many details for hours or perhaps even days for an RP you wanted your world in. Yes, you have people joining your RP and such. But the thing is, they ignore the history and lore that needs to be incorporated in their CS's. Like, your efforts has gone to waste. Same can be said about people bailing without any. Damn. Reason.

Also, created a large wall of words then get a short paragraph as a response. Like, wtf?
Well of course there are hardly any exchange students!! Who the fuck would want to come to America?!?! We're screwed as it is!!

Kidding. Kidding. Maybe a little serious but kidding.

That right there. Literally that. It's really annoying when someone wants to speak their mind and talk about diversity and then it becomes-

"Lol why are you forcing it? That's just as crazy, it's not right. It wouldn't help at all. We all imagine characters to be a certain way."

No, I didn't put that up there for you to want to pull it down and drag it across the mud to try and silence my opinion. Go somewhere else with that.

But it is like how you said. It doesn't only just go for skin color, but it's race, sexual preference, religious views, etc. It's something that should be talked about. Not pushed away.

ok hi that's exactly my point 
Are you making fun of my Sonic OC asshole!?


Jk. :)

Sonic has a Few Anime Adaptions. but it is primarily a Video Game Franchise. but as i said, a character with legitimately humanoid physiology probably fits the Sonic Universe better than a cheap recolored knockoff of a core animal character. even if that humanoid has wings, fangs, or magic. you can fit pretty much anything in Sonic and Have it work. i could fit a Nymph with Cellular Reconstruction into the Sonic Universe and it would probably be a better and more creative OC than Cinos or Blonic the Hedgehog. "Ilina? what is this Madness? you know Sonic is a universe loaded with Anthropomorphic Animals?" "But it also has humanoids, Magi, Djinni, Faeries, humans, Genetic Engineering, and Plant People too."
Can we stop with the whole "nobody is forcing you to play an diverse character" bullshit?

Sure, nobody is holding a gun to my head and threatening to pull the trigger unless I make an "diverse" character. But there are plenty of people who make passive aggressive posts about how dumb people who don't play "diverse" characters are. 
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Can we stop with the whole "nobody is forcing you to play an diverse character" bullshit?

Sure, nobody is holding a gun to my head and threatening to pull the trigger unless I make an "diverse" character. But there are plenty of people who make passive aggressive posts about how dumb people who don't play "diverse" characters are. 

No one in this thread is saying that. They are stating opinions just the same way you are. Now in the interests of keeping things civil I suggest we move away from the topic.

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