Roleplay Here

"You can jump on the back..." Flynn laughed, tossing the keys into the air and catching it again.  "Only if you want to!"
"Skip school? On my first day?" She groaned weakly, I thought this happened in books and movies she watched "You think I'm an idiot?" She asked again as she was sitting straight up now, watching the keys rise and fall

"After school, you goon."  Flynn stopped and leant forward "I'm not a complete tool"

he gave a wink and leant back again, throwing the the keys up and down again.
The red head rolled her eyes and looked around the room. She seemed to spit more furniture in the room than anything else but if it looked close enough and you could see all that was inside the furniture. If you looked at the wall you see her pencil- bow markings

Merida fumbled for her schedule and read her next class "Hmmm... Art.." She muttered like it was no big deal and folded it back up and threw it with her stuff 
FLynn put a blank peice of paper on the table and a pencil.

"Et Voila!" He laughed "go on.  Draw a picture.  Lesson done!"
Flynn chuckled slightly then started to pace around his "classroom".

"You have five minutes class" he said in a rather stupid deep posh voice.
She rolled her eyes again as she set the pencil down with the paper "Finished..."She said and leaned back on the couch to look at her small sketch of the horse

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"Ahhaaa". Flynn picked up the paper and looked at it. "And that's an A+ for you.  Top of the class!  Nice Job!"   

He took a thumbtack and hung the picture on the wall.  

"Look, it's on display!"
"See?  Who needs school?   We've got it all here!!" Flynn laughed as he looked at the drawing on the wall. "Do you know, that's pretty good.. seriously!"
"Sure! It's amazing." Flynn slumped himself onto the coach.  "There's just so much detail!!"

He looked at his watch.

"it's lunchtime.  Fancy braving the cafeteria?"
She smiled as she looked at the picture "We may as well..I didn't eat breakfast cause I was in a rush.." She said quietly, not looking at him and staring down the horse 

Flynn rushed  to the door all excited.

"They have burgers today!!" He said holding the door open for Merida.  "They're the best burgers too!   So so goooooddd"
Merida laughed a little "I hope.." She did softly as she dug in her pocket to make sure she had cash "Do we have to pay for lunches?" She asked him with a worried look on her face as she got up and grabbed her things to follow him 


//Hey, would you like to move this to PM since no one is currently replying but us? If you want to continue just send me a PM with your next reply if not reply here..Thanks you! ~B.F.E

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