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"My parents only thought I would need social skills, only because I stay away from people because most are complete idiots.." She sighed weakly and held a strong of her bright red hair tightly "We get no sun? Ha! Don't know what you've read. Its not the warmest but we do see the sun!" She laughed and grinned at him

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"Oh... well...". Flynn went red. He was  little embarresed "welcome to the dump hole.... were detentions last for ever and everybody wants summer vacation.  I'll be your tkhr guide."


She kept her grin as he went red (Check that off your bucket list), making her crack a small giggle that never happened often. She zipped the grin up to a normal face "Aw, how lucky am I!' She said sarcastically and smiled at him

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Flynn went into the class room

and threw his bags under the table, hearing the giggles at him from other class "mates". H rolled his eyes.

He looked at Merida,

"Hey, Scotland, you might want to sit this side of the room. That kid opens windows.  It gets freezing.  Here it's warmer... unless you like the cold?"


She wandered in and looked around "Well, gotta stay around my tour guide, no?" She said with a small smile and set next to him as she threw her stuff down on the table and twisted her already curly locks 


Flynn lifted up his patched- up satchel to pull out his writing paper, but the principles table name base  fell out onto the floor.

"Damn damn damn damn" Flynn, all flustered, fumbled to stuff it back into his bag.   He looked around the room to see if anybody had seen.

@Bailey Forest Ellen

Flynn smiled at Merida. He was fairly happy that she hadn't spotted what he had dropped. That would have been a deal breaker.  He looked at his watch.

"running late... as usual"


Merida nodded and looked around at the other students. She felt stupid to be in here. She wanted to be home, where she belonged, where she wanted to be. Alone with no body you really know personally is a strange thing to get used to..

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Flynn sighed, getting impatient.   

"Is he coming or what" he muttered shrugging to Merida.  He put on his best Tour Guide voice.  "Ladies and Gentlemen we apologise for the delay in proceedings.  Delay is due to the teacher being an imbecile"

Someone through some paper at Flynn.

"Go back to your Mom and Dad, Little Orphan Annie... or should I say, Eugenes" they sneered.  

Flynn didn't turn around he looked at Merida sadly and shrugged.



The red head turned around to see who threw it and grinned softly "Hey, nice shot looser,  you hit the wrong person.." She pointed to herself and turned back around smiling at Flynn

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"No" Flynn said humbly. "They... they meant me. They're not pointing out your hair.  Their not that clever.... I'm... in the orphan"


She smiled sadly at him and nodded  " I had realized so. I just can't stand people so to not punch them on the spot I did that.." She said as she then turned to face the front 


Flynn nodded and faced the front to, a little red. He hated backstorys.  And sob stories were a bit of a downer.

"Thanks" he smiled a little at Merida.
She smiled and felt better with herself (Another off the bucket list) She nodded a little and began to slowly sketch a target and a few other things as she was bored waiting for the lesson 

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Merida giggled softly at him and grinned "Oh, calm down, Flynn.." She said softly and made a stupid pencil and rubber band bow and used a pencil as an arrow and shot it past his head and hit the wall up front. She grinned as it knocked a paper down "Bullseye.." She muttered as kept her grin

Flynn looked at Merida wide-eyed, still wafting the air by his ear, as if to protect it from further arrows.

"What the... how did you

manag to.. what the?" He asked flabbergasted looking at the pencil embedded in the wall and then back at Merida, to and fro.

@Bailey Forest Ellen
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She grinned at him "All I can say to you.. skills.. many years of skills with my bow and arrow and when t was taken away.. this happened.." She said with a grin and put her mini bow down 

Flynn smiled "well I'm impressed, one day I'll show you what I can do with a frying pan!"

He looked at the clock, 15 minutes into class, still no teacher.

"Right I'm off. You're allowed to leave if he's fifteen minutes late." He said standing up. "You coming ?"
Merida laughed weakly as he spoke about wealding a frying pan. "Are you sure that's aloud? You've told me you've been in detention most of school.." She said as she he'd her bow up and shot the door with a sharpened pencil which bounced off and fell as she frowned weakly

Flynn shifted his eyes.  

"It's one of my rules, at least. " he gave an innocent shrug "besides, who really cares?  He's late.. he's not coming.  I've got better things to do"

He pulled his satchel over his shoulder.
She groaned weakly "What if this idiot teacher actually comes?" She asked and looked at him as she thought of coming but didn't want to get detention first day of school, outside of home schooling...


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