Roleplay Here


Meg was a little taken aback when Jasmine had actually answered her question.  Not to mention, the fact that there actually was a summer palace surprised her as well.  It was rare that her fastidiousness was met with anything other than contempt and angry responses.  It was kind of refreshing in that way.  In another way, her Jaz's naivete was a little annoying, but really, Meg figured the pros out weighed the cons, giving the girl a knowing smirk when she finally realized Meg had been playing with her.

Despite this though, no amount of cluelessness could come close to the annoyance Meg felt when Hades seemed to appear so close to her.  His sudden entrance caused her to jump a bit in surprise.  "Epaphus, Hades!"  The girl put a hand over her chest, as if she was trying to get her heart to stop pounding.  "Would you quit with that?!  You're going to give me a heart attack!"  Her voice has a harsh tone to it as she looked between him and Jaz.  "And, I'm perfectly fine.  Jaz and I were just going to go find our home rooms."  She really didn't have a problem with Jasmine, but she had a feeling if Hades kept this up, Jaz was going to have a problem with him.


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Mystery Twins

Dipper  Mabel

Mabel smiled, her braces glinting in the light. She leaned on the locker next to Flynn, and said, "Actually I think you can... I seam to have lost my number, can I have yours instead?" Mabel Pines, ladies and gentlemen: queen of cheesy pick up lines.


Dipper chuckled nervously, and released his death grip on the broken club. He took his hand out of his pocket, and instead used it to re adjust his backpack, already weighed down with the Journals, as well as his own research, and theories. Dipper pulled his hat down a bit further to hide his birthmark better, and said, "I will... Usually am actually... I was just looking for my sister..." At that point Dipper resumed his panic, and began looking around desperately for his sister. "Hey, have you seen a girl about a millimetre taller then me, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pink shooting star sweater, with more glitter then should ever be deemed legal!? I can't find her anywhere! MABEL!" Dipper had shouted the last part, hoping to draw his sister to him.


(Sorry.  I didn't get notified!!)

Flynn just laughed for a second.  That was usually one of his lines.

"Oh go on then,sure". He reopened his locker and tore a bit of paper from a textbook.  He scribbled his number onto it and handed her the paper.

"There we go.. don't lose that one.   Okay!!"


Jasmine jumped up in a startled way when Hades "introduced" himself to the two. He was known for his arrogance, rudeness, vanity, and just about everything Jasmine hated. Especially in a guy. She noticed Meg got scared as well, which surprised her. Jasmine didn't know Megara could even get scared, even if it was someone just jumping out at her. She was always so calm and smooth. Jasmine, still being annoyed with Hades, listened to what Meg had to say to him since Meg had apparently dealt with Hades before. However, Jasmine nodded and smiled whenever she told Hades off and mentioned how the two were just going to find their home rooms and go to class.




Hades noticed he succeeded in scaring both Meg and Jasmine. He loved popping out of nowhere to spook Meg, unfortunately this sense of amusement was not shared. "Hey what can I say it never ceases to amuse, besides can't I say hi to you?" he said, shrugging while smiling. "Sure you aren't sick? Because I saw you getting kind of touchy with miss popular here like you were trying to get something off your chest before you croaked." Hades said in a joking manner. He didn't really get along with nor understand the goody-goody kids. He could already tell Jasmine didn't like him either. But he did want to tag with Meg if only just to get under Jasmine's skin. "Well Meg you're a sight for sore eyes, surely I can tag along... Or are you to good to be around me since you've got royalty with you?" he said snidely, pulling out guilt card on her.


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Meg glared at Hades.  She was not getting "touchy."  She was her normal bitter self, thank you very much.  "I might feel a bit nauseous, but that's been a real recent development."  She rolled her eyes, but conceded.  "Sure.  Fine,  Tag along.  We'll make this a crowd."  As much as Hades annoyed her, he was the closest thing she had to a friend, and they had a lot more in common than Meg cared to admit.  She flashed Jasmine a half-smile, as if she were trying to apologize ahead of time, knowing full well that Meg and Hades together were a storm of sarcasm and narcissism that most tried to avoid.

@ManyFaces @NJN25
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[SIZE= 18px][FONT= 'Trebuchet MS']Mystery Twins[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Dipper [/COLOR] [FONT= 'Courier New']& [/FONT][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Mabel[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Dipper was a little shocked at being picked up so suddenly, but it wasn't much different then when Soos did it. He began to look for his sister, and finally got a glimpse of glitter out of the corner of his eye. He twisted around and finally spotted her standing by a locker, and obviously flirting with a boy who was way too old for her. He smiled in relief, and said, "Found her!" 


He climbed off the large boy's shoulders, and said, "Thank you so much! I'll make it up to you, somehow!" He left no room for protest as he darted down the halls, towards his sister. "MABEL!" He cried, before he practically tackled her to the ground.


Mabel gave a silent cheer when she succeeded in getting Flynn's number. "I'll never lose it!" She vowed. That was when she heard her name shouted from across the halls. "Dipper?" She asked, before her eyes widened, as she realized there was no way he could stop in time to avoid a total collision with her. She barely had time to scream, and hear her brother's mirrored one, before she was plowed into. Suddenly she was on the ground, with a nerd on top of her. 


Flynn stepped back a bit a little shocked by what just happened.

Gently he picked the bulldozer kid up off the girl he was talking to and placed him on his feet.

"umm...." he wondered "what was that about?"


Jasmine of course forgave Meg since there was obviously nothing she could do about it. If you asked her, she thought Meg handled it perfectly. She kept her calm and smooth manner. However, Jasmine would be furious if that's how Hades approached her. Therefore, she forgave Megara. How could she not? She smiled at her, assuring her it was fine. Jasmine decided to suck it up and just ignore Hades. She kept a normal, unphased face, acting like it didn't bother her. If Hades would annoy her, she would just shrug it off and not listen to him. Jasmine followed Hades and Meg, looking a bit younger and more insecure than them.

Adam watched the little guy scamper off, the corner of his mouth twitching in something vaguely resembling a smile.  It didn't last long, of course, and he went back to trying to locate his locker.  

 Checking the numbers as he stalked down the hallway, he found it. He also found the little guy and a girl who had to be "Mabel"--damn, that was a lot of glitter-- talking to his new neighbor, a good-looking boy with dark hair.  With a sigh that came out somewhat like a growl, he opened his new locker and began stowing his crap.



Hades didn't actually think Meg would admit to being sick, he was usually good with diagnosing illness. He chuckled at her snappy remark, "Trust me you won't regret it, upper crust kids aren't any fun." he said, lowering his tone so that Jasmine couldn't hear. He noticed Jasmine lagged behind, he'd have to analyze what Jasmine might be capable of, and what got under her skin. Whenever Pain and Panic got back from taking the long way to his locker. He brushed a hand through his flame and looked at Meg "So what do you see in this chick?" he asked, not really understanding Meg's interest.


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Meg continued walking.  Why she didn't expect Hades to get possessive when he saw her making small talk with anyone other than him was a mystery to herself.  It was like have a boyfriend except Hades didn't have any interest in getting in her pants.  Maybe more so than that, he was that voice in her head that told her to shut everyone out vocalized so she could actually hear it.  A little part of her felt like he had a point, but like hell she'd let him know that.  "I didn't realize I had to see anything in her to walk to class with her."  She turned to face him, her facial expression coming off less than amused.  "And what exactly do you not see in her."


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That morning, Merida had sadly awoken late. Late, of all things on the first day of school!!! You idiot!! She thought angrily to herself but that stayed to herself as she sprinted to school. Thankfully, she only lived a few blocks away from here, but it was a distance enough to make her crave for water. She burst through the front door and looked at the time and sighed happily "Thank god.." She uttered softly to herself. She sighed weakly and looked at her wrist to see her locker number and combo. She followed the numbers to eventually find hers. She put in the combo once, twice, three times.. She groaned softly and kicked it as it popped open. She gaped at t and groaned loudly but sighed weakly and threw her backpack  in their, extra pencils and pens, a notebook and kept th rest of what she had. She pulled it her schedule to look at her first class. She kind of wanted to meet a few people but hey, today was the day she needs to get used to an American school. Or where she isn't home schooled.....
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Hades smiled at Meg "Meg, Babe let me list them out for you." he said, clearing his throat. "She's friendly, kind, a goody-goody, naive, probably spoiled by her rich parents, honest, and I know she doesn't like me so I have no reason to get along with her, babe I could go on!" he said, his words growing bitter. He could feel the temperature around him rising as his emotions took control, his flame was vibrant orange as was his skin. He tried to put himself under check, he took a few deep breaths causing his body to cool down. "But hey I'm sure you two will end up best buddies, until she decides she'd rather be with some upper class kids!" he said in a mock cheerful tone.


Flynn sighed and shook his head.  He clearly wasn't going get an answer that made sense.  He shut his locker and turned away.

His eyes were drawn to a girl with almost wild red hair.    She looked kinda lost.

 He though he'd show his teachers that he was actually a good kid by walking over to help her.

"Hey." He gave a not-on-purpose flirty smile "the names Flynn Rider.   Are you okay?"

@Bailey Forest Ellen

The red haired girl sighed weakly and turned around to see the boy. Is he only saying hi or trying to flirt with me? She thought and smiled went before loosing the smile. "Hi..Names Merida Dunbroch...Yeah ok fine..Why do you ask anyway?" She said, her voice with a very heavy Scottish accent, thanks to before she moved. She was a little annoyed someone was already having to speak with her but kinda glad at the same time. 

"You just looked a little lost is all.  I can help show you to your first class if you want?"  Flynn tried to peer over to see her timetable. He was a it taken aback by her thick strong accent.

"Where ya from?" He asked almost accidentally.  He covered his mouth to stop himself from asking anymore.  It was coming off creepy. 

@Bailey Forest Ellen
 Adam smirked to himself, watching his neighbor.  First the twitchy kid's sister, and now this Scottish girl.  Whoever he was, he didn't let any moss grow on him.  Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Adam went searching for his first class.  

Not really knowing where he was going, he sort of set off at random.  He'd been in schools with maps, schools with numbered doors, schools with wings dedicated to particular fields of study.  No such luck here.  He turned a corner and--was that guy on fire??


"Hmm..That could be helpful.." She said softly and nodded "I'll take yer offer.." She looked at her schedule and sighed weakly before she looked up at him "Where am I from eh?" She asked with a soft chuckle escaped her lips and she grinned softly "Scotland..." She continued to grin at him, dying of laughter inside but contained it

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"Ahh yeah. You wanna head down the corridor." Flynn beckoned her forward. "I'm in that class too... I'm a senior.  But I've been kept behind in that class... because"

there was an awkward silence 

"I spent more time in detention than in class."


She nodded weakly and looked down the corridor before she waited for a response to why he was still in that class. She best out laughing and covered her mouth quickly "Hmm..I'm sorry..But really? I would have never noticed until you said so.." She was left with a soft chuckle from her laughing fit 

"Sometimes some teachers just don't trust ya.  That's all.  That and my tendency to seek out a five finger discount.    I've stopped that, though.   Do they believe me? No."

Ryan continued down the corridor, winking at some girls as he went past.

"it's the first day and not even first period.   And I've already sat in detention already... they thought I'd stolen some trophy."


"Sure.." She said and rolled her eyes as he winked at passing girls "Maybe.." She said softly and walked along with him as she clutched her books tightly against her chest "Good job!" She said sarcastically and grinned "How did you manage that..? Ei?" She asked as the grin continued to stay on her face

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"I told ya,  they blamed me for stealing.  And I didn't do it.  Not this time anyway.  And here we are!!"

Flynn lined up outside the class, sniggering classmates looking at him being put back down into their year's class.   Flynn sighed and looked at Merida.   

"Sorry,  this school won't be like anything you had in erm... Scotland"


"Hah.. I won't get to close to you when I got something worth a damn..Oh..Lovey.." She said softly and rolled her eyes weakly "Oh?like in Scotland? I was homeschooled, there's no point in thinking  it's the same.." She laughed and smiled as she leaned against the wall and pushed her curly red hair to her back as a grin curled upon her face

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(Yup. No notification.  Again :/()

Flynn's eyes widened a little.

"Homeschooled? Cool.   So... wait.  How come your in this dump?   Oh. And by the way.   Watch out. It can get warm around here... only telling you because..."

he went into a whisper.

"I hear Scotland doesn't see the sun". He genuinely thought this to be true.

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