Roleplay Here


Brooklyn Original

Welcome to the first day of Walt Disney High! It's a new year and we're glad to have you all back, along with any new faces.

Flynn sat in detention.  Who gets detention on the first day?  He wasn't even allowed into class before being whisked away.  

This time it was for stealing the Basketball team's league trophy, but, also this time, he didn't do it. 

He sat, with his fist keeping his head propped onto the singular table and stared at the bare walls.  Not a good start to the year.

"This is ridiculous!" He kept muttering to himself as he caught his reflection in the mirror before wincing and redoing his hair.

When Jasmine's chauffeur dropped her off at school, Jasmine kept her head down as she walked into the building. It's bad enough people thinking you're a rich snob, but being dropped off in a limo doesn't help with that image at all. This was Jasmine's second year at Walt Disney High, and she was just as happy to be here as the first day she came last year. She was secretly excited for another year of school, she wouldn't let anyone know that. School is about Jasmine's only time to get out of her house. Some would love to stay in her huge, exotic mansion, but that's the least thing she wants to do. Her father loves her and she loves him, but she doesn't know if he gets it. Jasmine wants to see the world, not be stuck in her home. After begging and pleading her father to be sent to a normal high school and not some stuck-up academy, she was able to come here.


Her outfit:

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James D. Hunt

Betsy roared into the parking lot, announcing James' arrival at Disney High for the morning. He still couldn't believe how fast the summer had gone by. Of course he spent it working almost nonstop so it's not much wonder it felt like a blur to him. Still he wasn't entirely happy about having to return to this place for another full year. Disney High wasn't bad by any means but he wasn't looking forward to taking all the nonsense classes they'd made him sign up for at the end of last year. None of this would be useful to him since he didn't plan on pursuing a higher education. In fact he had his future pretty much set in stone. He'd be interning at the logging company his father worked for and they had already offered him a position when he turned 18. All he needed to do now was graduate and that would be a piece of cake.


James pulled into an available parking spot and cut the engine. Betsy was in great condition lately and he was thrilled to be able to drive her to school every day. The money he made from interning allowed him to purchase a new transmission that had Betsy purring like brand new. James smiled fondly at the dashboard before grabbing his bag and getting out of the car. He made his way up to the building, stopping short as a limousine whipped up the front of the building, letting a girl out. He recognized her from some classes they'd shared last year but they had never spoken more than two words to each other. He briefly wondered what it must be like to have everything and want for nothing. Not that he didn't appreciate and value hard work; but it must be amazing to never have to worry about money. He envied her that. Sighing James made his way into the school ready to tackle his final year.



Time had come again for school to start.  As Meg's mother drove her daughter up to the front door, Meg watched all the students walk into the building.  There were many old and new faces alike.  He wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole situation.  She would be surrounded by people she really didn't feel like seeing.  Still, it was against the law to just not go to school, and she knew her mother would have made her go today even if she was on her death bed, so there was no avoiding it.  When her mother finally stopped the car, Meg told her mother goodbye, and got out of the car.  She didn't turn around to watch her mother drive away, but instead walked straight towards the school.  As soon as she got through this school day, the better.

Mystery Twins

Dipper  Mabel


Mabel bounced up and down in her seat, looking anxiously out the bus window. This was their first day as high schoolers! She couldn't be more excited. She clutched her rainbow backpack, feeling the imprint of her grappling hook in her bag, and smiling at the odd comfort the tool brought her. Her other hand reached out to find her brother's own. She felt for Dipper's hand, only to come up empty. Finally she looked back over to Dipper, and ripped his hand away from the edge of Journal #2, and held it in a bone crushing grip.


Dipper was enamoured in the journal that he'd gotten to read the least of, and had completely tuned out the rest of the world, when his hand was snatched away, and squeezed painfully. "OWW! OWW! OUCH! MABEL!" He called attempting to jerk his hand out of her grip before he lost a finger. "Stop that!" Dipper did finally get his hand back, and used it to fix his pine tree hat that had been knocked askew in the scuffle. 


Mabel blushed a bit, and said, "I'm sorry Dipper... I'm just really excited! Our first day of high school! We'll finally understand the angst that's supposed to surround us, as teenagers!" 


Dipper sighed and smiled at his overzealous sister. He slipped Journal #2 into his bag, and reached up to fix the collar of Mabel's favourite shooting star sweater. "Then we better look our best for it!" He chimed, while working to hide his birthmark. He took Mabel's hand nervously, as the school came in sight. He gave his sister a soothing smile as they stood up and exited the bus.


Mabel gave Dipper a hug before they walked into the school, and said, "It's going to be fine Bro-Bro!"


Dipper smiled, and hugged back. "Thanks Mabel!" With that the two turned and walked into the building hand-in-hand.

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Today was the first day back to Disney High for Hades. Most kids despised going back but Hades preferred it over The Underworld. He had everything ready for the most part but he still needed Pain and Panic, if he left them while he was gone no telling the problems he'd have to deal with when he got back. "Pain!Panic! You'd better be ready to go or so help me your hides will be charred to a crisp!" he shouted from the throne room of his palace. It didn't take long for a pair of short humanoids to come running downstairs, they bumped and pushed each other trying to be first. "Pain!" "And Panic!" "Reporting for duty!" the imp's announced, Pain was rubbing his arm where Panic bumped him sorely, and Panic was shaking like a leaf. Hades looked them over "Okay so you're both ready and I'm ready, so now here's the easy part for you... Don't screw up kapeesh?" he said, smiling in a malevolent manner. Both nodded "Got it! Yeah w-we get it!" They said. "Good good, now let's jet." he said, walking down to the stables, which was basically a garage now. He looked at a black and red car, it's engine turned on as he clicked the keys lights flickered on and off in Morse greeting. "Christine babe, looking good we're going to go on a ride today back to school you know the drill!" he said, While Pain and Panic fought over shotgun. Eventually Hades forced them both to backseat. The car drove quick as a whip roaring out into the living domain, it looked like a blur on the road to everyone else. It practically drove itself. Hades didn't know how quick they got to the school, but it must have been quick because people were still showing up. He parked in the parking lot and locked the doors after everything was settled. Panic was breathing fast while Pain tried to calm him down. Hades ran his hand through his flame and snapped causing both imps to stop what they were doing and follow him. It was time to go back to school, they made their way to the entrance and entered. Hades wanted to watch inconspicuously for now and kept to the darker part of the school interior, while Pain and Panic slunk around by him.


(Sorry if this was too much, phew)
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Despite the drama, work, and uneducated boys here at the school, it was Jasmine's favorite place to be. She's just surprised her father allowed her to come another year. If he had it his way, she would be back at that stuffy, uniform-wearing academy he wanted her to go to. This place had freedom, something Jasmine didn't have at home. She'd be locked up in that mansion without even stepping out in the front garden. After looking at the small mirror she had put in her locker, she noticed a girl who Jasmine recognized as Megara. Deciding to make new friends, she walked up to her and said "Hi! I'm Jasmine," with a smile.

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Belle 'Tink' Barrie

Head high Tink walked through the front door of the school. Her second year at it, and she had not missed it at all. She felt caged in here, not able to live, to run, to dance. A hand through her hair, moving it over her right shoulder, the blond locks disobeying her and falling down on her back again. Her eyes moving through the other students, some of them new, some of them old. She recognised almost everyone, but she did not know them. She spun in place when she got to her locker, her skirt blowing up and a smile spreading over her lips; at least her outfit was on point for the day. The skirt was not long, but neither would it be considered short. It had a wounderful light blue colour. Her top was in a light, almost seethrough, white fabric showing of the outline of her black bra.

 Opening the locker glitter fell out, Tink let it fall to the floor, her locker was filled with crafting material from last year, and glitter had always been her favourite crafting item. She picked up an old pad and a pen before closing the locker and walking down the corridor to her first class for the year

Principal Mickey

Principal Mortimer "Mickey" Mouse sat in his large office filled with tons of different pictures. Casually reading a book, he waited for the first bell to ring initiating the first day of school to officially start. The faculty all came to a small party he hosted a few days earlier. They all talked about their summer and what their plans were for this school year. Looking through the window on his door to his office, he saw Flynn Rider who was sitting in detention. Sure Flynn was a trouble maker who got off too many times, but he made Mickey laugh and he enjoyed the kid. Glancing at the clock thinking it was a good enough time to let him out, he stood up and walked over to Flynn. "Now Mr. Rider, I trust you'll have a better record this school year," he told him, hoping Flynn would lower his shenanigans. "If you promise you will, you may leave."

Flynn stood up off the desk. 

"I really didn't steal that trophy. I promise. I don't do that anymore principle Mouse. I'm trying to be good"

Flynn rubbed the back of his head with his hand. The principal always made him nervous.  He always had to speak with his foster parents when he was younger. But now he spoke to the guys he lived with. They teased him relentlessly about being a naughty boy.

"So... " he shrugged and held out his hand "I promise.  I won't steal anymore. Sir,  I might still be cheeky and a bit of a brat.  But I can't help that. Sorry."

Principal Mickey

Mickey held up his hands in defense chuckling. "I know you're trying to be good, Flynn," he said. "However, I don't think you're cheeky and a bit of a brat, you've got a big heart." Mickey didn't want kids to be afraid of him, he wanted them to feel comfortable around him. He turned to open the door out of detention and said "You may go." He was sure Flynn didn't know who actually stole the trophy so didn't bother to ask him. "Hope you have a good first day," he said with a smile.

"Thanks principle Mouse!" Flynn picked up his books, bags and folders and finally made it to his locker. He opened it and found his old storybook "The Adventures of Flynnagan Rider".

"Oh there you are" he grinned leading through the pages "i must have left you here!"

He put it back and took out his notepad and sighed. This year was going to be a toughie. 



Meg had arrived at her new locker in record time.  It was nice not having to yell at people to move because they were taking up half the hallway doing gods knew what.  She went to open her locker, so that she could put the books she didn't need in there.  She looked at the spines of all her books, and shoved the ones that she didn't need for her first class in, though she was momentarily distracted by the one girl who opened her locker, spilling glitter everywhere.  She just stared, thinking of the poor janitor who was going have to clean that mess up.

She was pretty distracted until someone walked up to her.  She immediately recognized the girl from last year, though she had never really talked to her.  She was the girl who came to school in a limo almost every day.  She had heard rumors that her dad was some kind of oil tycoon, but she never knew how much of that was true and how much was just a stereotype.  "Everyone knows who you are," she remarked with a slight smile playing on her lips.  "I'm Meg, but you probably already know that, too."  

She closed her locker, holding her English textbook in one hand.  "So, how was your summer, Jaz?  Spend a lot of time at the summer palace?" Her tone of voice was slightly sarcastic, forgetting that they probably weren't that close of friends to be making those kind of remarks just yet.

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aAdam DuRose parked his Charger and glared at the school.  It was his last chance.  Mr Cogsworth, the executor of his parents' will, had sent him to WDH after he was kicked out of yet another private school.  He hated feeling caged like this, but it was either make things work here, or be shipped off to military school.  

 He skulked off into the school to find his locker.  He didn't look like the heir to the DuRose Hotel billions ("Be Our Guest!"), in his holed and ratty jeans, work boots, faded and frayed black tee with the word "CURSED" stretched across his brawny chest, his long hair and beard of stubble.  

 He didn't approach, or even smile at anyone he passed, and people gave him a wide berth upon seeing his stony glare.


Jasmine was a bit confused whenever Megara said everybody knew who she was. What did they know about her? What did they think about her? Was it good or bad? she thought to herself. Instead of asking, she just simply smiled and nodded. "Oh my summer was quite well," she told Meg. "Father did actually take me to the summer palace back in Saudi Arabia," Jasmine said. "Quite nice to go somewhere else for a change-" she paused and then said "Oh, were you joking?" She'd never had someone tease her like that, she kind of liked it. 

[SIZE= 18px][FONT= 'Trebuchet MS']Mystery Twins[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Dipper [/COLOR] [FONT= 'Courier New']& [/FONT][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Mabel[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Dipper grinned excitedly at the people around him. He tried to wave at some people, only to come off as a total nerd, and be ignored. He attempted to talk to some people but was, again ignored. He turned to go back and talk to Mabel but his sister had vanished. "Mabel!" He called, as he began to scurry through the unfamiliar halls. In his haste to find his sister, he ran strait into a large boy, who reminded Dipper of a werewolf. Of corse that couldn't be the end of it, as Dipper's honed reflexes took over, and he managed to trip the large boy along with him.


Mabel had, in actuality, set her sights on a cute boy at his locker. Dark brown hair, smouldering brown eyes, and no gills, puppets, or bowler ties! He was perfect! Mabel was a little worried about a relationship, or even a crush after her numerous failed romances over the summer. She approached the older boy carefully, looking for signs of him being anything out of the ordinary. He was showing his neck and head area, so he wasn't a bunch of gnomes. He didn't have scales or fins, so not a merman. He didn't have a ponytail, which just held a lot of weight in her book. Finally mabel approached the much older boy, and leaned on the locker next to him, and proclaimed, quite loudly, "Hey! Guess who's Mabel!? I am! Care to learn more? I bet you do... You like like a learner..." After her proclamation, she promptly fell to the floor, due to her shifting wrong, and being off balance. She was back on her feet in seconds with a proclaimed, "And I'm up!"


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Flynn turned around after the sound of a calamity coming from behind him. He turned with one eyebrow to find a small girl with brown her beaming at him. Was it her who he heard introduce herself in such a well-rehearsed way?  Was it to him?"

"Hey?" He lowered his head and.... well he smouldered.  He couldn't help it. "How you doin? The names Flynn Rider."

Flynn was all too aware of his dashing good looks and he knew how to Impress the ladies.  Well, that's what Flynnigan Rider would have done, wasn't it?
Something collided with Adam, sending him to his knees.  With a snarl, Adam whipped his head around, glaring daggers at whomever it was.  A boy with a pine tree hat was sprawled out on te floor.  Adam felt a hot wave of rage and hoisted the boy up by his collar, hands tightening into fists.  

After a beat, though, he put the boy down.  "Walk away," he said through gritted teeth.
[SIZE= 18px][FONT= 'Trebuchet MS']Mystery Twins[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Dipper [/COLOR] [FONT= 'Courier New']& [/FONT][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Mabel[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

"Mabel Pines, at your service!" She chimed. The smoulder would have probably worked out better for Flynn, had Mabel not been scrutinizing the older student's appearance for any malformations. It wasn't that she was against them, of course. She was simply not too keen on having another crush/boyfriend be some kind of supernatural creature. She wasn't apposed to something like an extra finger, or pointed ears, or a third eye. If she learned anything over the summer it's how to embrace the weirdness.


Dipper stared at the bear of a boy in fear, as he was hoisted up by his collar. His hand went into his pocket, where he fingered a piece of a broken golf club, just in case the bear-child decided to start a fight. When he was let go he released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Dipper hastily stammered, "I-I'm really sorry about that..."

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"Okkaaayyy" Flynn closed his locker.  This little lady was sure an eager beaver "can... can I help you?"

He wasn't being rude when he asked this.  He was simply suggesting that he wasn't sure why she was staring at him.  He felt all self conscious and strange.

He looked at the clock.  Well, he was definitely going to be late for class.   But that's the teacher who put him in detentions fault.   Not his.

Seeing the look on the kid's face, Adam took a deep breath and forced himself to relax.  He gave a little shrug of one bowling-ball shoulder.  "Accidents happen," he grumbled.  "Just... be more careful, okay?"

Was he so wound up he was about to rip th kid apart over a harmless accident?  
[SIZE= 18px][FONT= 'Trebuchet MS']Mystery Twins[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Dipper [/COLOR] [FONT= 'Courier New']& [/FONT][COLOR= rgb(238, 130, 238)][FONT= 'Comic Sans MS']Mabel[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Mabel smiled, her braces glinting in the light. She leaned on the locker next to Flynn, and said, "Actually I think you can... I seam to have lost my number, can I have yours instead?" Mabel Pines, ladies and gentlemen: queen of cheesy pick up lines.


Dipper chuckled nervously, and released his death grip on the broken club. He took his hand out of his pocket, and instead used it to re adjust his backpack, already weighed down with the Journals, as well as his own research, and theories. Dipper pulled his hat down a bit further to hide his birthmark better, and said, "I will... Usually am actually... I was just looking for my sister..." At that point Dipper resumed his panic, and began looking around desperately for his sister. "Hey, have you seen a girl about a millimetre taller then me, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pink shooting star sweater, with more glitter then should ever be deemed legal!? I can't find her anywhere! MABEL!" Dipper had shouted the last part, hoping to draw his sister to him.

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Adam arched an eyebrow.  Jeez, the kid was excitable.  "No, I can't say I have," he said.  And besides, this was a school, not Times Square.  What was he so freaked out about?  Adam grumbled and again hoisted the kid up--he was a little guy--this time lifting him up above his head.  

"Here," he said.  "You see her?"



Hades wasn't too interested in getting to know his fellow classmates. Until he heard an all too familiar voice. He had to make sure he wasn't over hearing someone else's conversation. His flames briefly flared up but remained blue as he recognized Meg, there was no mistaking it was definitely Meg. Hades could see she was in the middle of talking to Jasmine, one of the high class kids. "Okay boys, I'm going to meet with a friend of mine sooo you're going to go to my locker and get my supplies, small potatoes." he said to Pain and Panic. Both imps looked at each other with small grins "Okay it's our first assignment at school... Race you!" Pain said, bounding down the hall getting a head start. Panic chased after him "No fair you cheated!" he shouted, taking chase. Hades watched them run... The wrong direction. He rolled his eyes, he could get his stuff after he caught up with Meg. 

Hades snapped and took on a more ethereal smokey form to get the jump on both girls. He zipped to their location, able to go to Meg's left and slightly behind her so she couldn't see him unless she turned. He took back physical form seemingly materializing from nothing. "Meg, babe this chick bothering you?" he said, letting his presence be known. He looked at Jasmine with a smirk.



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