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  • Tallulah Azzarà

    # The Magpie

    # Gratiela Brancusi

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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very very very rough but oh well... do not look too hard as i make some touch ups over the next few days to fill in ~plot holes~
...also the music won't work so pls just imagine the sweet music of hozier as you read this LOL



Such a waste of a girl, such rumination. I am obsessive. I contain nothing but the replay. I am blood and blood and replay.

L. M. Basile

the sabo-teur


Full Name

Selin Kaliev


Seda Kaliev, amongst others




November 11






Low Society



As It Was





At 5'5", Selin does not stand out in crowds for her height. She is of perfectly middling stature, neither so tall nor so short that she is easily memorable.


Selin's figure reflects the physical demands of life on the streets - lithe and strong, there is an athletic, practiced grace to every movement, every step she makes. Her profession has permitted her to permeate even the wealthiest of circles, and her services come at a steep cost. Her proximity to such vast fortunes has prevented the characteristic hollow cheeks and protruding ribs of poverty from encroaching on her body, but she is no glutton - living in the lap of luxury does not interest her.


Selin's thick, dark hair is and tightly coiled and unruly when not managed properly. She often styles it in quick but intricate braids, or wears a scarf to keep it out of her face, as well as to protect herself from the sun and unwelcome stares. She has quite an attachment to her hair, particularly for someone so keen on remaining unseen, preferring to keep it long and suffer the inconvenience of maintaining it rather than cutting it to make her routine easier. The final shred of her humanity, maybe, a callback to the ties that once bound her to others.


Her hazel eyes are shockingly light. She regularly lines her eyes with kohl just underneath her waterline, giving her eyes a narrow appearance. Without it, she has a more doe-like, wide-eyed look, but she is no innocent. Her piercing stare is that of a caged beast: piercing, assessing, and ultimately desperate. There is an equal sort of gauntness that haunts her gaze, as though some corner of her mind is elsewhere, constantly re-visiting a long-forgotten past.


Jessica Parker Kennedy



A ghost of a person, Selin moves from town to town, never staying in one place for too long. While she calls Antares home, there is nothing that requires her to stay in the port city around the clock. She enjoys the impermanence of it all, drifting across the nation until she is given a new assignment; unencumbered by ties or strings, she can simply lie in wait in the shadows and watch. In fact, "gifted" may be a better choice of words than given. She has learned to enjoy her work as much as anyone can enjoy what she does. She appreciates the control it gives her, and is fascinated by the way a simple, unassuming herb can drain the life force out of a person's eyes in mere minutes. A ruthless perfectionist, when she is given a mark, she does not stop until the deed is done. It is not about the profit, although a coin purse full of gold does make life (even in the shadows) much easier. No, it is about creating the perfect poison, about orchestrating the most technically sophisticated end to a life. She is not above using a knife, or even her bare hands, in matters of life and death, but there is something satisfying about careful hours spent tending to her plants, crushing herbs, and dissolving and diluting colourless, odourless liquids to be poured into perfect glass vials of all shapes and colours. She has spent over a decade burying the shame of her trade, the horrific path to her present - just because her work is not done in the light of day does not mean that there is no dignity in her profession. No, there is an elegance, a grace, or so she tells herself as she creeps about the world.

She is quiet, deathly so. A master of stealth, Selin excels at passing through crowds sight unseen. She is accustomed to going unnoticed, having been trained to make herself smaller and less remarkable, a perfect chameleon. When someone does notice her, or when they go so far as to speak to her, it catches her off guard, and she often requires a moment to collect her thoughts and return to the world of the tangible, of the living, before responding. When she does find herself being observed, she gets cagey - she is not used to it, being in the limelight, and prefers the comforts of the anonymity of life on the periphery. She is no leader, and prefers to carry out orders rather than conjure them up herself. Flighty, she runs at even the slightest chance of danger. This life is about self-preservation, and she will not extend a hand to those who are too weak to realize the truth. This is why she makes it a point to know as little as possible when it comes to her targets. Whatever they have done to deserve their fate, it is of no importance to her, or so she convinces herself. Sure, every now and then, she feels the tantalizing tug of curiosity within her, but she is quick to snip any ties, emotional or social, between her and her victims. She cannot afford to empathize, cannot face the consequences of sympathy. If anything, she is offering them a kinder exit from a cruel world, death at the hands of the soft kiss of arsenic or the subtle slowness of foxglove, rather than the sharp edge of the blade. The true north of her moral compass fundamentally compromised after years of cruelty at the hands of Madam Adelina and life on the unforgiving streets of Antares, Selin's words and actions are just another means to an end: her survival, if only for another day.

Nevertheless, however emotionally detached Selin is, she still finds herself fiercely loyal to the man who saved her from death. She knows that love, that hope, makes her vulnerable, and yet she cannot tear herself away from her past, no matter how hard she tries. Her debts with be the death of her, she is certain, and should she fail to carry out her plot against the Leviathan's maiden voyage, her life will surely be over, but the end will not come painlessly, nor will it come quickly. As such, she does not smile. In fact, she is not sure if she can feel anything at all.


Silence. Puzzles. The dark.


Swimming/deep water. Itchiness. Loud noises.


Drowning. Failure.




Selin's arrival into the world was unremarkable. She was simply one of two new mouths to feed, an empty-handed hatchling with nothing, not even down, to provide protection from the harsh new world she had found herself in. Only buried recollections of warm, calloused hands and a lullaby in a language she now rarely speaks serve as proof that, at some point, her family was more than just her sister - her mother did exist, however briefly their lives intersected. Otherwise, her early memories are plagued by sickness, the blight that had passed over Antares like a thick fog, infecting everything and everyone it could. Some had called it a cleansing, ordered by the gods, while others had deemed it a curse, but regardless, few remained whole in its wake. Her parents had been no exception, and their bodies had quickly joined the piles of corpses that lined the narrow streets of their impoverished neighbourhood - like the others, they were soon wrapped in cloth and dropped unceremoniously in the ocean, sinking, sinking, sinking, until the blackness of the sea embraced them.

Selin and Seda joined the legions of orphans that roamed Antares in search of scraps. The sisters became more than a unit; no, they were an entity, moving almost entirely in synch, two puppets controlled by the same strings, the sinew beneath their skin being pulled by the same set of hands. The girls lived hand-to-mouth for years, scavenging where they could, living on the scraps of others. Selin was better at surviving than Seda, despite the fact that they were both equally adept at poaching purses swollen with coin and staying out of sight. She had no qualms when it came to stealing to protect her sister, to ensure that they had enough food, enough money, for one more day, one more hour, enough to hopefully keep them alive long enough to find a way out of this place. People were animals, and animals were not above stealth and violence. But no, Seda was different; starry-eyed and hopeful, she felt remorse, and remorse was weak - dangerously so - when survival meant preying on the misfortune of others. That was what killed her sister in the end, Selin knows, her weakness - but the reality didn't make her absence ache any less, didn't fill the new hollowness that yawned within her. She had almost given up, given in, to that same weakness too. She had almost allowed the rats to finally gnaw at her fingers, and the dampness of the dark alleyway where she had found Seda's body to swallow her whole. She would rot there, hand in hand with her sister; they had entered this world together, and they would leave together, too. Of course, everything changed when Idris found her, half-dead and dreaming of drowning in her sister's long, dark braid, a black, salty river that carried her body out to the sea, where her mother's bloated, once-soft hands clawing at her daughter, a silent, bubbling scream ringing in Selin's ears. Now she knows better, knows that grief is a heavy burden best set aside and forgotten.


It had been hard at first, yes, undoubtedly so, but the worst parts of it had since become so blurry, so faded, that they hardly mattered anyways. Certainly, she could still remember those initial few months, how she had sweat through her clothes and scratched so hard at her skin that small rivulets of blood had appeared, small tidal pools of red gathering under her nails. She still had the scars to prove it, thin, pale crosshatch patterns all over her calves and forearms from where she had furiously attempted to shed her stinging, flaming flesh. She could remember how her vision had begun to go, how she had wept as the pinhole of darkness in front of her had slowly engulfed the entire room, ultimately bathing her in nothingness. How she had dragged herself along the floor in search of water, in search of salvation, before the pain had consumed her body entirely, before all she had been able to do was writhe along the stone like a snake, unable to breathe for fear her lungs would set aflame. How she had begged and pleaded until her voice was ragged, and then until it was no more, until language was no more and there were no words for the feeling that had taken over her body.

It was an endless cycle. Success demanded repetition, crowed Madam Adelina, and eventually Selin was too weak to fight, too weak to do anything at all other than allow herself to be smeared in foul-smelling salves and spoon-fed bitter tonics. Soon, however, she started to find a particular peace in the agony that inevitably wracked her body, an almost religious sacredness in this new ritual, a holiness in the time spent gasping for breath as she pressed her burning cheek to the floor in a desperate attempt to extinguish the fire that raged on the surface of her skin. She could feel nothing, and so she became nothing, stripped of any and all reminders of what had happened before, what had once been. She could only know what what was now, and now was simple: bone-twisting, unimaginable, all-consuming pain, pain that did not leave space for anything else.

While she lay there, passing in and out of consciousness, Madam Adelina told her of the girls who had come before her. How this practice was older than both of them, older than young Selin could ever begin to imagine. The girls before them had once had a title, a legacy since lost to time for the rest of the world, but a small handful of them still dotted the continent, poisonous spores released on the wind to settle in the four corners of Solas, destined to bloom in between the darkest, most depraved jagged cracks of the world. Young girls, raised on a carefully crafted diet of poison and antidote, in the hopes of achieving immunity against some of the most powerful botanical toxins known to man. Sometimes, when she found herself deep in feverish dreaming, Selin saw them watching her from the corner of the room, her beautiful, poisonous kin, their pitiless gazes demanding to know if she was enough, if this pathetic creature was really one of them, a true vishakanya.

Eventually, she became familiar with the soft, gentle cradle of hemlock, like a mother singing her babe to sleep; the soothing, numbing embrace of aconite, the bittersweet kiss of black hellebore, the cleansing, almost baptismal touch of stavesacre. She learnt how suffering could be quick, how a single drop of venom could make the world vanish in a matter of seconds, and how it could be prolonged, how decay and dying could be engineered to last for weeks, months, and even years. As she grew stronger, strong enough that her eyes only watered and her nose no longer bled, and eventually so strong that she no longer felt the urge to give in to the pain, strong enough that she could survive, Selin learnt more. Madam Adelina showed her how to craft sleeping draughts that would gradually slow the heart until it no longer remember how to beat; tinctures that, when mixed into a goblet of wine, could cause permanent blindness; tonics that brought about pain and suffering in spades, depending on the dose, easily concealed in food, wine, and perfume. There was a grace in poisoning, a precision, one that she came to appreciate as she spent hours watching, learning, absorbing. Evolving into something stronger, a creature more shadow than human, a set of skilled, deft fingers with only one purpose: to kill, silently.


The message is short, as with any other missive detailing a new assignment. The less detail, the less evidence, and Selin's clients have no interest in having their dirty laundry exposed to all. They come to her for her secrecy, and she has no interest in falling short of such lofty expectations, nor her own careful standards. Her reputation is spotless because she does not have one; she is a shade, a shadow, a warm breath of air blooming on cold glass, only to disappear in seconds, the sound of a creaking floorboard only for you to turn around and discover that there is no one there. She is nobody, she is nothing, she is a ghost. She prefers it that way, prefers living in the dark, prefers to watch rather than to participate.

The completion of her voyage will be perilous to us all. Prevent it.

Inside the envelope, there is a boarding pass for the Leviathan. He knows she is already here in Zenith, that he did not have the time to call her back home, and it is a stark reminder that he is intimately familiar with her location at all times, always, even when she has not returned to Antares since Madam Adelina's death three years ago. Like a well-trained dog, there is a strange comfort in feeling the familiar tug of the leash. How he obtained the pass, she does not know, but it does not matter. It is registered under her name, her real name, which indicates that he has left her no margin of error. She cannot afford to fail, or she risks the thick of a noose around her throat. Treason, surely, if not for murder. She could evade capture, of course, disappear into the shadows and run from the law, just as she always has, but she would not be able to run far from him, and the threat of what fate would certainly await her should she not carry out his orders is one worse than death. And so she boards the ship.






Selin's deceased twin sister. The pair were inseparable in their youth, carefully entwined in history and spirit, two sets of identical, curious eyes and matching braids. Selin still sleeps on the left side of the bed, and sometimes she swears she feels her sister's freezing heels press against her calves in the middle of the night, a ghostly reminder of a childhood spent sharing everything, including a narrow bed and paper-thin sheets. The only thing they share now is a name - after all, it is impossible to trace the steps of the dead.

Idris Kaliev

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, hence why Antares natives know better than to speak Idris Kaliev's name above a whisper; even then, the wiser ones know that every wall of the city has ears, and that any man worth his salt who finds himself as deep in the illegal trade business as Idris will surely make it his business to know when someone is brewing a plot against him - and to ensure that such schemes are quashed as soon as they begin. Although she is no daughter of his by blood, Selin is the closest thing he has to family. They say the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, but regardless, family means debt, loyalty, no matter the price, and Idris has made it clear that Selin will owe him for the rest of her life. He has her under her thumb, and, like a dog, she comes when she is called, no matter how far she must journey to be at his side and do his bidding.

Madam Adelina

Beautiful in her old age (and equally as dangerous), the grand dame of Antares, Madam Adelina, was instructed by Idris to take Selin on as her protegée. It was not her first time stepping into the role of the teacher; she had indentured many a young, dirty street urchin and shaped her into a tall and fine young woman, perfectly versed in pouring drinks, catching the gaze of a sailor across a bar, and convincing him to empty his pockets in the hopes of getting the chance to see what hidden treasures lay beneath her bodice. This, however, was a different kind of education. Although Madam Adelina never loved any of her girls, there was an unmistakable pride in the way she gazed at Selin, her most precious creation.




Selin has been conditioned to avoid tenderness at all costs. The closest thing she has felt to love throughout most of her life has just been various forms of twisted manipulation, of abuse disguised as care or the desire to make her stronger. Gentleness is foreign to her; it has been so long since she has been touched with softness. It would be interesting to see another character (perhaps one who reminds her of her late sister - a found sibling dynamic?) bring out Selin's softer side, a part of herself that she has buried for so long, she's not sure if it even exists within her anymore. Of course, she would want those she cares about to be safe, and would make it her goal to make them stronger, just as Idris and Madam Adelina did for her - she must eliminate the weakness within them (to the point of making them her protegé(e)?). Whether or not she realizes that gentleness is not synonymous with being marked for death is up to fate to decide.

She is also accustomed to working alone - while she obeys the orders of her clients, it is her sole responsibility to ensure her task is completed. She is quite the perfectionist when it comes to her poisonings. It would be interesting to see her work with others to complete a heist, etc., and see her develop new loyalties (however long it may take for her to trust them), fidelities that are not between a servant and their master, but between equals.


LOL yes! I had such fun crafting Selin - even if she is not selected to join the group, I would love to be contacted if another role opens up, or if another opportunity to be involved in the story comes up.

♡coded by uxie♡

not sure if i messed up the coding somewhere or if the font is too dark but code is by uxie < 3
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