• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




[sad jester jingle noises]
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
font callfont callfont call


Applications are currently CLOSED to newcomers.
Hello hello and welcome to the application area of Rogue Waves. HERE is the google document of “Lore”, which goes over Faction groups & Locations to assist in your character sheets. I have added a spoiler underneath this section with unformatted information for those that are unable to view it.
I will note that even if you are logged into google, nobody can view your name or profile picture when viewing this document (not even me). Like everyone else you will show up as an anonymous animal, so do not fret if you’re worried about someone seeing your Xx_ShadowLordSlasher839_xX email. If you are still uncertain, do open it on Incognito or scroll through the spoilered info below. I usually prefer to have all information in one place to avoid clicking around different links, but found a Google Document was the easiest way to display it.
What I’m looking for is a range of characters with different backgrounds, values, ambitions, and a balanced crew of loyal/neutral/evil. Do remember to remove my annotations in brackets, they’re just a guide. I've asterisked what is compulsory to include, everything else is optional. I use codes because I find them pretty and enjoy customisation, but you are not forced to use them to partake in this roleplay. Just make sure if adding an image to your uncoded post that it is not the size of a house. Thank-you ♡.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the ooc or send me a dm! A deadline for applications will be applied further into the future.
As a quick reminder, there is a limit of two characters (for newcomers), and characters are to be over 21 and human.
*Full Name: [Their real name]
Alias: [Nicknames, perhaps a name they prefer, or have to go by]
*Role: [For example, “The Marksman”, or your crafted role.]
Place of Birth: [Locations are listed in the doc & spoilered beneath]
*Face-claim: [Written description or realistic]
*Eye & Hair colour:
Written description of appearance:
*Personality: [This can be communicated through descriptions, bullet points or even a written scene. Just something that gives me a nice feel of your character.]
*Likes & Dislikes:
*Strengths: [What are they good at? What are their skills? Does not have to be battle or physical oriented, nor written at extensive length.]
*Weaknesses: [Same as above, but the opposite.]
*History: [I know this part sucks. I’m sorry. You are free to write instances that had an influential impact on your character, do the classic Childhood, Adolescence, Adult, or style this in any format you see fit.]
*Reputation: [Are they well-known? By who? For good reasons? If publicly, what cities would they be known in?]
*Why did they board The Leviathan? [What is their motivation? Is there one, or are they drifting aimlessly?]
How did they get on board? [Legal means? Illegal means? Appointed by the King? Bought themselves a spot? Feel free to be creative with this.]
Faction: [Listed in the google document as well as the spoiler below. Can answer as none if not applicable. For those that answer yes, is this a past or present affiliation? If it’s in the past, how does your character feel about them? How/why did your character join, and how/why did your character leave them? Would this faction recognise you today? Are you now affiliated with a new faction? Are you part of two simultaneously? You don't have to answer all of these, but do consider them.]
Status: [Also listed in the google document & spoilered below. This is their social position, can be past or present.]
Opinion on royalty: [Are you loyal, neutral, or against?]
Opinion on piracy: [Swing sword be sexy? What do you think?]
Extras: (If you have a Spotify playlist or a Pinterest moodboard for your character, place them into my loving hands at once.)
The following questions are compulsory for your darling GM gao.
*What I would like my character to encounter/experience/develop in this roleplay are: [Maybe close relationships, character development, a certain injury, a scenario that is the embodiment of what they fear most. Wanna make them cry and lose everything they love? Let me know and it’ll help my scheming.]
*If not selected in the first round of applications, I am willing to be contacted at a later date if the GM feels there’s a fitting opportunity for my character to make their grand arrival: [Y/N]
night owl

This is related to their social position and what circles your character may be involved with, or has been involved with. More than one may apply, and is completely optional to include in your character sheet.

KINGSMEN: Loyalty for the crown, those onboard the Leviathan will be seen as Kingsman by proxy (for now), but there are those in the group who have pledged themselves to the King wholeheartedly. Whether that devotion will survive the dilemmas of the Leviathan is unknown.

PRIVATEER: A pirate by branding, a Kingsman by contract, crimes have been pardoned to have your skillset working for the King. The melted letter is branded ropey and thick into your wrist, but better than the thick of a noose shaped for your throat.

WANTED: Desired by whoever has the money to print and distribute these posters, they may depict a missing person or criminal, and at times, be promised a bounty for their death or return. The more appealing rewards invoke the pursuit of money-hungry bounty hunters.

HIGH SOCIETY: Politicians, the wealthy, and those that are subject to run at their beck and call. You are so entangled with this fanciful way of life, sentenced to smile without teeth and drift between the fingers and lies of sycophants, that you forget there are more pressing issues beyond this golden cage.

LOW SOCIETY: Struggle is familiar on your tongue, familiar in your voice and familiar in your destitute hands. Stomach sieved and coin purse light, street urchins and beggars alike, you are the slums of society, frequently admonished by the arrogant slopes of upturned noses. You may be diamonds in the rough, if you can manage to shed the extrinsic muck from your body.

ROYALTY: Blue blood, beasts of this high-status ilk are drooled with intangibility. The highest of society with the wealth and reverence to match, your value is incalculable, ransom-worthy. But pedestals propose the risk of a plummet, love for the sun and devotion bathed languid in, born in, or the Icarus plummet to a gnashing seabed. You cannot have both.

OUTCAST: Everything of yours is revoked, cracked open and scoured of both identity and your place in society. By the King’s decree you are to own no land, bear no children, and exist as a severed, nomadic thread outside of city walls. Death isn’t a worthy punishment for what you’ve done, but ostracization and living with the haunt of your regret is.

These are established groups throughout Solas. Same as Status, these may be past or present affiliations, and your character can be part of several or none at all. Neither of these are compulsory in your application, but will help with plotting, pivotal events, and connections throughout the roleplay. I do advise at least reading these for ideas.

CARMINE CORSAIR: ( organised piracy ) Identified by a fleet of ruby sails and gunpowder tempers, this faction is one of few organised pirate groups ruled by its own flavour of sovereignty. While there is no “Pirate King” per say, The Red Baron enforces law of both this faction and the residents of the location Antares. They’re known to loot any boat, bring waste to a seaside town for no purpose other than to test new ammunition, and are overall cutthroat in their practices. They are the most pressing concern to King Rowan.

STYGIAN ORDER: ( thieves guild ) While originating from Sirocco, this Thieves Guild is webbed throughout Solas in clandestine locations. Emerging from the routine of pickpocketing habits are rumours of a heist, rumours of members that have bigger ambition than swiping bags and coin purses; the bank of Siroc remains enforced by guards, but these rogues have a magpie appeal to everything labelled off-limits.

PIRATE: ( disorganised piracy ) While Carmine Corsairs are imposing, there is a vast collection of pirates throughout the realm that are independent from this red-sail brigade. Morals may differ between each vessel, as does the danger they pose. They can be branded or unbranded, unknown or renowned, but know that the punishment for piracy in Zenith is a plummet from the gallows or a chained drowning from the tide. If one is especially lucky and offered a small mercy from the King or his council, a privateer contract may just revert your fate.

COVENANT OF AETHERA: ( religious sect ) Emerged from The Cascades, followers are swathed in ivory and lost in a devotion that can border absurdity. They revere celestial bodies as ancient deities, believing the dark that haunts the Cascades is punishment for those that are sceptics to their practices, those that have deterred from the natural path. Stars as their prophet, the “Oracles” are the two leaders that interpret these, and they believe sickness, murder and war is a predetermined fate that deserves no intervention— save they anger the cosmos once again. It is the key to salvation, to unbinding the curse that ensnares the marble city, and they spread their beliefs through flashy public ceremonies and offerings that tourists are always enraptured to experience.

Most should be pretty self explanatory. No Tiktok. No converse sneakers and ripped skinny jeans. No Harry Styles to adopt you from your mom.

Rogue Waves is based in the fictional world Solas, hosting limited magic and fantasy species, yet these are subject to discrimination in most corners of the map. I may allow characters in the future to dabble in these subjects, but for now it’s forbidden ooo.

There is an assortment of sleepy towns, farmlands and minor cities littered throughout that you are free to create yourself. Just make sure to detail these in your character sheet.

Please note if you choose to assort your character into these locations, that they do not have to abide by stereotypes, skills, jobs or traits that are listed. These are just to give you an idea of their society, values, culture etc. You can have a friendly character from Umbra who hates soup, a humble aristocrat from Siroc, etc etc.

THE CAPITAL OF SOLAS, CITY OF ZENITH: The Leviathan hails from this hub of trade, as does the monarchy. A cobblestone capital nestled between plains and ocean port, it’s a bustling epicentre that disperses into dark, narrowed pathways riddled with uncertainty. Sailors make home at heady taverns, same as clandestine crime and muck-ridden poverty do in the back-alley webs of Zenith. King Rowan presides over the majority of Solas, has a daughter but no male heirs, and with circulating rumor of an unwell wife, expectation for his family reign is to be short-sighted.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Crowns, balance scales.
KNOWN FOR: The marketplace, largest port and flotilla of stalls in Solas. The royal family, an annual Carnevale, military resilience & presence, connected rooftops, storage warehouses, tunnels beneath the city, political hub, the gallows, largest prison in Solas, guilds, a concerning number of orphanages, branding pirates.
ORIGINATING FROM ZENITH MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Connections, bargaining, entrepreneurship, street smarts, adaptability, multilingualism, politics, leadership, apprenticeships, education, nobility.

THE CASCADES: An endless night ensnares this opaline stronghold, accursed to be held hostage by what devours in the dark. Lacquered opaline, Cascade cuts a figure of tall ivory into the inky backdrop, and proves to be a beacon of perseverance in an environment that desires to render it down to a crude cage of skeletons. Streets of milky pavement and origami lanterns, it’s an ethereal epicentre for tourist attraction and exploration of the arts. Those that hail from here are steely to what haunts outside their walls, and residents that live beyond the protective wards of the glowing city have found methods to live and travel freely. If not for the fact you can throw a lump of meat into the dark and it will hit the ground as a licked-clean bone, the Cascades would have surely eclipsed Zenith as the Capital.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: The moon, stars, lanterns, origami.
KNOWN FOR: A Forever Night. The annual light festival. Religious temples, academies, crystals and gemstones. Strict laws and minimum crime, and as such, guards that are revered across Solas. Strange food, tourist traps, uncommon flora & fauna, regular art exhibitions. Live (and often cruel) executions are noted to be their intense retaliation to criminal activity.
ORIGINATING FROM THE CASCADES MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Wisdom, tradition, keen eyesight, caution, creativity, eccentric fashion, obedience, religion, insincerity, academia, art.

ANTARES: A frequent layover for sailors, and a lay is often what they get. At the nucleus of binge drinking, brothel visits and mulling of sticky tobacco, Antares is a party port with little concern for self preservation. King Rowan has no governance here, and disorder is Antares’ closest companion, seconded only by The Red Baron; a reputable pirate at the helm of the Carmine Corsairs. Granted you’re not preaching loyalty to the King of the Capital, there is no reason for you to be turned away from their shores. While not exclusive, this is a pirate oriented location. Rum is strong but the strike of a fist to the jaw is stronger, and accolades of barfight bruises are not uncommon in this region.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Red sails, crossed swords, skulls.
KNOWN FOR: The Red Baron. Carmine Corsairs. Drinking, fighting, blacking out on the pavement. Opium consumption, murderers, thieves, pirates, homebrew alcohol, smuggling dens, illegal trade, gambling, the worst brothel in Solas (they bite), crooked royal personnel, greasy food.
ORIGINATING FROM ANTARES MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Street smarts, resourcefulness, bar-brawls, hand-to-hand combat, bomb making, pickpocketing, resilience, determination, self-reliance, risk awareness.

SIROCCO SANDS: From the heart of the desert is the skyline of Siroc, drooling rooftops of yolky gold and pooling fountains of freshwater oasis. Boasting wealth for invitations to the most exclusive events in Solas, affluence and upkeep of appearances are abundant in this city. Visitors are met with respect, granted you have the money to prove your worth. Two sides of the same coin, the surface is nourished with activity whilst the undercity chokes; beneath the crust are forges of flame and metal, pluming cinder and ash into the salty lungs of impoverished residents. Pain seeps into hands that are pebbled by callous and scar, canvases to showcase the decades of tough, menial work. The upper class nourishes itself fat on the survival of the poor.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: The sun, scepters, lions
KNOWN FOR: A surface and undercity divide. Blacksmiths, affluence, banks, sand, metals, the origin of the Thieves Guild, high-society soirees, sandstorms, wealth discrimination, annual ballroom events, most acclaimed brothels, gladiatorial entertainment, freshwater baths, luxury and relaxation.
ORIGINATING FROM SIROC MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Metalworks, banking, scamming, mining, socialising, trading, combat, horseback riding, hardworking, poverty, physical injury, high society, laziness, greed.

CITY OF UMBRA: A northern fjord cleaved by alpines, reaching the city of Umbra is a showcase of frozen shipwreck artefact. There is nothing in terms of hospitality, a glacial waste met in both the environment and its inhabitants. There are surrounding, smaller settlements, but they are all eager to be rid of outsiders. Insight to their secrets or traditions are reserved for residents, for this place will ravage you cold, but to welcome the warmth of others is a risk of extinction. As you leave, you notice something seems to move on the ice when you’re not looking, like a reflection of sunlight clashing at a wrong angle. You notice the crew seems larger than when you left port. You notice something has come on-board with you. You notice it has come on-board for you.
MOTIFS INCLUDE: Snowflakes, bears.
KNOWN FOR: Funeral pyres, gatekeeping, fur pelts, boat-builders, unconventional mounts, defensive location, blizzards, nice soup, pet bears (I know you want this), being the most secretive of all Solas communities.
ORIGINATING FROM UMBRA MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Skinning, hunting, keen perception, boat-building or repair, distrust, boat manoeuvring, slip-resistance, secrecy, monster-hunting, beast-taming, hard-won loyalty.

KESTYR: The port town of Kestyr is not a place for the easily confused. The people are strange and speak in a (perhaps deliberately?) confounding manner. The folk of this town perhaps do not say it with words but with actions: there is us and then there is you. The days are brutal and hot, and when the sun is out you would be hard-pressed to see a townsperson about. This is blessedly offset by the days being very brief, for like clockwork a fine mist rolls in that blocks effectively all sunlight and leaves the town in a fugue of greys and shadows. Residents can navigate their hometown with ease, and many set up elaborate sounding calls for meals, for services, for calling each other home. Along their rivers they send down a variety of spices grown in their strange climate: ships are laden with fine-ground bags leaking coloured powder, fingers are forever stained from the herbs and flowers, and any resident can easily identify an herb by its sweet smell or heady aroma.
KNOWN FOR: Spice trade, political neutrality, lack of piety. Quick-wit, simple living, small communities, humidity, gardens, strong smells, heat, bugs, nightlife, hard work, harder living.
ORIGINATING FROM UMBRA MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Sneakiness, quick-wit, agility, thinness, frugality, solitude, selfishness, blunt speaking, a keen nose, distrustfulness, soft-speaking, watchfulness.

WATERS OF ALGOL: An uninhabitable cluster of islands is girdled with water that is perpetually cloudy, as if the laden silt has been kicked up from tumult. Navigation is precarious, and many a boat have found their final tomb in Algol. Ragged reefs and shallow loam hidden in the cloud of pallid water, only the experienced or desperate tend to even consider travelling through this region. Men are sometimes plucked from the waters of Algol with little left to their memory but clammy hands and waxen skin, sedimenting what is thought to be egregious fiction into a real life account. What Solas knows is enough: Don’t go into the water.
KNOWN FOR: Murky water, shipwrecks, uninhabitable islands, unpredictable weather patterns.
ORIGINATING FROM ALGOL MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Dying. You will be dead. You cannot live here. No free real estate. Begone.

THE CANALS: Fluvial, people of and found on the river; they are bound by no city, not even a King, and are instead a dying population scattered through a single, unmapped river. Refusing to partake in the politics of monarchy or war, Fluvians have been spurned by those that rally behind the King. They are ostracized to their placid life upon the waterways, a consequence that wouldn’t seem at all a problem if not for the lack of protection. While comfortably sustained by the river’s resources, there is no justice, no threat of gallows to deter violent pillaging. What little they have is reaped, and Fluvians are left to drown in the remains without help from the Capital. They are Outcasts, treated as such. Those on the river are gentle, their biggest virtue and vice.
KNOWN FOR: “Deserting” the King. Townships are left uncharted from most maps. Reeds, tranquility, freshwater springs, production of high quality instruments, lily pads, canoes, “Fluvian” (derogatory), homely, community, dwindling population, swarming visitors with gifts and curious attention.
ORIGINATING FROM THE CANALS MAY EMBED TRAITS OF: Balance, foraging, fishing, swimming, pacifism, hobbyists, community, diplomacy, negotiation, light-footed, stealth, climbing, wariness, skittish, knowledge or appreciation for nature, comfortable clothing, sea legs, rowing, outcast status.

If wanting visuals of the locations, I advise perusing the Google Document because I was super sexy and didn't save the images to put in here 🕺.
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All completed (excluding pinterest & spotifies ignore that) but this is my obligatory heads up that this code is nefarious and the third tab (portrait icon) has secret information stored away in the three clickable circles along the top







    Landon Alström


    Rat, Ratthew, Rathaniel etc.




    The Cascades



nine lives







    Funai Ren


    Just Ren 🔪




    The Canals



nine lives







    Lexis Margaux Graves


    Lex, Lexy, Mr Graves ):







nine lives

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  • tw: medical talk, needles, xenophobia, heavily implied child/family illness/death

    • ILYA



      St. Loreto


      ILYA MIKHAIL Jovanović













    nine lives

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  • a fury's roar.


    The Maestro

    full name

    Aryon Solei Hóng


    Altalune Onyx Starfury

    date of birth

    June 4th






    All Pronouns



    marital status


    social status


    place of birth

    Sirocco Sands

    face claim

    Dylan Wang


    written description

    Aryon is an androgynous individual standing at 6'0. As first impressions go, they appear delicate and unassuming. However, after incorporating dance in their performances, Aryon developed a strong core and powerful legs. They're exceptionally flexible.

    Their hair is a light platinum (almost silvery) blonde. Their hair is long, sweeping past their hips in sleek waves. Their eyes are dark grey (almost black) and framed with long thick lashes.

    Their pale complexion — a light fawn beige with a cool rosy undertone — is clear and unblemished.




    A pigment as rare as a blue rose blooming in the heart of winter. A blonde so pale, it can only be bestowed by the Moon Goddess herself. The natural coloring — a rare mutation renowned in the Hóng bloodline — is a blessing and a cruse.


    A raging thunderstorm with streaks of lightning. In other words, a stormy grey so dark, it can only be described as black. If the stormy grey is exposed to light, flecks of silver penetrate the dark clouds.

    dist. features

    Their moonlight hair and stormy grey eyes are their most striking features. They stand out like a moonflower masquerading as a sunflower.

    body modifications

    Their earlobes are pierced twice.
    As an act of defiance — a dangerous gamble since it made them more identifiable — a single forget-me-not is inked on the back of their right ear.

    preferred style

    Like a desert bathed in moonlight, silver and blue are their bread and butter. Once upon a time, the colors represented the Hóng family. Unless they're forced to represent House Goldwyn, they avoid green and gold. Since their husband forced them to be the matriarch of the House, their wardrobe featured a variety of feminine clothing. However, they grew to love dresses and corsets.

    In truth, Aryon doesn't mind feminine or masculine clothing. If they find a Hóng original, they'll do anything to obtain it.

    one flower one sword




    Light can be found even in the darkest of hells.

    TW for implied physical abuse and threats of non-con.

    On the surface, Aryon is charismatic, flirtatious, and well-mannered. As a royal, their renowned beauty and impeccable grace earned them the epithet, Blue Rose.

    Tears slid down their mottled cheekbones. Aryon bit their lip hard, the taste of copper bitter on their tongue. They clutched the dagger — a stolen ceremonious blade as ostentatious as the Archduke — with trembling fingers.

    Aryon is a performer. With a pluck of their strings or a hum from their lips, they drew in a crowd like a moth to a flame. Not even the most reputable musicians held a candle to their performances. An average entertainer couldn't compete against true musical genius.

    The doorknob twisted with a click.

    Aryon pressed their back against the wall adjacent to the door. As the door opened, they slide behind it and waited.

    "My sweet Songbird~ Where did you go?" A silky voice crooned.

    Their heart thudded against their chest. It felt as if it were ready to burst. Aryon raised their dagger, ignoring the twinge of discomfort. Their ribs ached.

    Despite their pale coloring — the source of their renowned beauty — Aryon learned how to blend in the background. While it became a necessary tool to survive — Archduke Goldwyn wanted an obedient and submissive husband — it introduced them to the world of secrets. Eventually, information gathering became their bread and butter.

    With their charming wit and honeyed words, Aryon collected secrets — no matter how small and insignificant — involving the upper class. If a careless noble spilled a dark secret during an extravagant ball, they knew.

    The skin on their arms resembled a constellation of black and blue. The shackles on their wrists were tight, rubbing their skin raw. A single thick chain connected the shackles together, restricting their movement. However, since they removed the shackles around their ankles, their wrists aren't their current priority.

    Escape first, pick the lock later.

    "It seems my Little Bird has escaped from their cage." The Archduke picked up a set of shackles; the same shackles they removed from their ankles. "You're only delaying the inevitable, Doll. A bird with clipped wings can't fly."

    Their grip on their dagger tightened.

    Songbird ... Little Bird ... Doll ... Aryon hated it. The terms of endearment were like a sweet Sirocco wine laced with the deadliest poison.

    Despite the unforeseen circumstances — the Archduke chaining them to a bed wasn't part of their plan — they refused to admit defeat.

    Below the surface, Aryon is anxious, clingy, and manipulative. Before the fall of the Hóng family, Aryon was gentle and naïve. They believed in fairytales and dreamed about their knight in shining armor. However, after the Archduke forced them in a loveless marriage, their sweet naïveté shattered.

    Once they witnessed the true darkness of the world, Aryon stopped believing in fairytales.

    "I know you're in here, Little Bird. The room has no windows for a reason~" Despite the lighthearted tone, an undercurrent of anger bubbled beneath the surface. His patience was reaching its breaking point.

    Aryon bit back a sob. They closed their eyes and struggled to calm their heart. When they planned their escape, Aryon anticipated a possible encounter with the Archduke. However, it didn't erase their petrifying fear.

    The platinum blonde was terrified of their husband.

    Suddenly, the door slammed shut, revealing their hiding spot. "Found you," Viren sneered triumphantly.

    Their wealthy background taught them how to navigate through high society. However, to survive the Capital, Aryon constructed a perfect façade. They buried their vulnerable heart and hid their pain behind a flirtatious smile.

    They became their own knight in shining armor.

    Their blood ran cold. No...

    "You know what happens when you try to escape, Doll. Was your previous punishment not enough?"

    The carriage was waiting for them. Please, no.

    "I'll admit, you've grown craftier. I have a beautiful and resourceful husband," Viren praised.

    A hand caressed their face, evoking a flinch. The gentle stroke felt vile and repulsive. When their husband's other hand trailed up their thigh, their heart sank.

    Deep down, Aryon craved companionship. While they desired freedom above all else, their traitorous heart remembered their family's unconditional love. Despite their flirtatious tongue and cunning wit, they're a romantic at heart.

    Unfortunately, Aryon is terrified of being vulnerable.

    The Archduke leaned forward until his lips brushed against their ear. "If you're a good boy and don't make a single sound, I'll consider a lighter punishment," he murmured.

    All those months of planning ... embezzling ... blackmailing ... is this the end? Are they destined to remain a porcelain doll for House Goldwyn?

    The hand neared their inner thigh.

    No ... no ... NO! Something inside them snapped. "Get your hands OFF ME!" Aryon shoved their husband away. Before the Archduke could recover, Aryon lunged forward with their dagger raised.

    Despite their inner turmoil, Aryon is exceptionally strong-willed. Due to their resilient nature, they survived the Capital and House Goldwyn. After their escape, they joined the Stygian Order and boarded the Leviathan. The Thieves Guild was dangerous and unpredictable. However, after nine years of hell, Aryon learned how to be crafty and resourceful.

    They'll do anything to ensure their freedom.

    On a final note, Aryon is loyal. They despise betrayal more than their husband.


    Flower Language.


    The Capital.
    Hot Weather.




    Carding their fingers through their hair.
    Folding origami to clear their mind.
    Humming a tune under their breath.
    Using hand gestures while speaking.
    Venting their emotions through painting.


    Archduke Goldwyn.
    Loss Of Freedom.


    Charming the crowd with their performances.
    Dancing and singing.
    Gathering information and secrets.
    Playing multiple musical instruments.


    Being vulnerable.
    Giant sweet tooth.
    The sun and arid temperatures.
    Too flirty for their own good.
    Unable to set healthy boundaries; say "no" to sex.



    chapter one: moonchild

    On the night of a full moon — when the moon reached its zenith — a newborn wail pierced the silence. With hair as pale as the moon and eyes as dark as the night sky, Aryon Solei Hóng was akin to a rare desert rose blooming in the scorching hellscape known as Sirocco Sands.

    The news of the Hóng heir spread like wildfire. As one of the wealthiest merchant families in Sirocco Sands, the Hóng family dominated the textile trade and gemstone market. They were renowned for producing the most luxurious silks and exquisite jewelry. If one garbed themself in a Hóng original at a soiree, they were treated like royalty.

    Like vipers in an underground cave, the upper class waited eagerly for the young heir to grow. Once the Hóng heir reached a certain age, they would bare their fangs and strike.

    Marrying into the Hóng family was a dream they would do anything to achieve.

    chapter two: before debut

    The denizens of Sirocco Sands are hardy and unforgiving. While the upper class sat on their fat asses and drank their wine, the lower class — the true desertfolk — adapted to the scorching heat and dwindling resources.

    Like a delicate moonflower masquerading as a resilient desert rose — a beautiful flower destined to wilt under the sun — Aryon lacked the hardiness of a true desertfolk. With their pale features, Aryon was vulnerable to the Sirocco heat. Their alabaster skin burned like wildfire. Their dark eyes flinched under the bright sun. Their body couldn't handle the hellish temperatures. Due to their delicate constitution, Aryon spent their childhood behind the protective walls of the Hóng estate.

    Despite their sheltered upbringing, rumors of their otherworldly — as first impressions go, Aryon doesn't resemble a Sirocco citizen — vision spread throughout the city. As they grew older, high society circled around the estate like vultures, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

    chapter three: blood moon

    TW for implied fratricide and violence.

    Eighteen is a significant year. It marked the beginning of adulthood, a momentous milestone teeming with endless potential. After years of isolation, the Hóng heir stepped out of the estate and entered the world. Entranced by the wondrous sights and sounds, Aryon was too naïve to notice the storm on the horizon.

    It started with a single performance.

    While Aryon grew up in the Hóng estate, they didn't sit idly like a fat nobleman. On the contrary, Aryon received an outstanding education befitting a wealthy heir. Inspired by their beautiful mother, Aryon followed in her footsteps and learned how to sing, dance, and perform.

    On their eighteenth birthday, the Hóng family hosted an evening soiree — it marked their official debut to high society — in their child's honor and invited the most wealthy and influential.

    Determined to make a lasting impression, Aryon performed for the first time. While they dazzled the crowd with their delicate beauty and musical prowess, a dangerous predator lurked in the shadows. The shameless vultures who waited eagerly for the Hóng heir's debut paled in comparison to the monster circling the crowd.

    The moment Archduke Viren Goldwyn witnessed the dazzling performance, the traveling noble desired to own the beautiful Songbird.

    When Elyas Hóng — the youngest of the Hóng Pillars, an epithet bestowed to the brothers of the Hóng Merchant Guild — approached him with a sinister proposal, Archduke Goldwyn accepted.

    On the night of a full blood moon — two weeks after the celebration — the Hóng family fell. While the Archduke fulfilled his end of the bargain and elevated Elyas Hóng to Guildmaster, he stabbed the man in the back — literally — and seized the guild.

    Aryon, who witnessed the murder of their entire family, was kidnapped.

    chapter four: the leviathan

    As a child, their mother read them fairytales. She introduced them to worlds filled with daring adventurers and fantastical beasts. When the charming knight rescued the beautiful princess from the evil dragon, Aryon dreamed about their own knight in shining armor.

    After they witnessed the murder of their entire family, Aryon stopped believing in fairytales. Their knight in shining armor never saved them from the evil Archduke.

    When they arrived in the Capital, Aryon Solei Hóng became Aryon Solei Goldwyn.

    Nine years passed.

    Despite their commoner background — while they hailed from an influential wealthy family, they lacked a noble title — Aryon adapted to the Capital. Their renowned beauty and impeccable grace earned them the epithet, Blue Rose.

    With their new moniker and growing reputation, Aryon navigated through the lion's den known as the Capital's royalty.

    Due to their musical prowess, their husband exploited them for his own selfish gain. While they felt like a Songbird in a gilded cage, Aryon gathered their own power and planned their escape.

    When the perfect opportunity arrived, Aryon executed their plan.

    First step, they embezzled money from House Goldwyn's coffers. If they wanted to survive the outside world, they needed money.

    Second step, they bribed the right people to secure a safe passageway to their final destination. If they wanted to board the Leviathan without their husband knowing, they needed a secured route.

    Final step, they joined the Stygian Order — a seemingly powerful organization if their intel was accurate — in exchange for protection. They never imagined joining the Guild. However, if the Stygian Order shielded them from Archduke Viren Goldwyn, they'll do anything to survive.

    They refuse to return to their gilded cage.


    Elaryon Hóng

    The head of the Hóng Merchant Guild. With his keen mind and exceptional charisma, the Hóng clan became one of the wealthiest merchant families in Sirocco Sands. Despite his ambition, he treasured his wife and child. (FC: Wang Kai)


    Lyra Hóng

    A musical connoisseur of renowned beauty and impeccable grace. While she originated from the eccentric Cascades, she adapted to Sirocco Sands with finesse befitting a desert queen. She loved her child unconditionally and adored them until the very end. (FC: Qin Lan)


    Elrond Hóng

    The right-hand of the Hóng Merchant Guild. He inherited moonlight hair and dark eyes, a rare mutation renowned in the Hóng bloodline. Due to their shared inheritance, he doted on Aryon. (FC: Gao Weiguang)


    Elyas Hóng

    The youngest of the three brothers who founded the Hóng Merchant Guild. Unlike his brothers, he was egotistical and avaricious. (Chen Xingxu)


    Viren Goldwyn

    A ruthless Archduke with a penchant for violence and murder. The nobleman is known for his arrogance and vanity. After a visit to Sirocco Sands, he met the elusive Hóng heir. He became obsessed. So much so, he conspired with Elyas Hóng to overthrow the head of the Hóng family. However, instead of honoring their deal, he murdered the entire family and claimed the Hóng heir as his prize. After the downfall of the Hóng family, all of its riches and assets were transferred to House Goldwyn. (FC: Ewan Mitchell)

    Fun Fact:

    Their legal name is Aryon Solei Goldwyn. However, after their escape, they reclaimed their birthname; Aryon Solei Hóng.

    Opinion on royalty?

    Against disguised as neutral. The bitterness is a byproduct of their forced marriage. Their husband doesn't hesitate to use his noble title and royal blood to his advantage.

    Opinion on piracy?

    Neutral. As long as you treat them with respect and don't harm them, they don't care about pirates. Swinging a sword is sexy. However, buy them dinner first.


    After their escape, Aryon joined the Stygian Order. In exchange for protection, they became a valuable information broker. With the Order's resources, Aryon crafted a new alias: Altalune Onyx Starfury.


    As Archduchess Goldwyn, Aryon earned the epithet, Blue Rose. The Blue Rose was renowned for their otherworldly beauty and impeccable grace. They dazzled high society with their alluring performances, charming wit, and flawless etiquette. Due to their high rank, not many nobles opposed them.

    Outside the Capital, the Blue Rose doesn't carry much weight. However, in Sirocco Sands, whispers of the Hóng heir rising to Archduchess circulated through the upper class. Many wealthy merchants seethed with envy.

    As Altalune, Aryon is a new member of the Stygian Order. Despite their inexperience, they proved to be a reliable information broker.

    Why did they board the Leviathan?

    One word: Freedom. After they escaped, Aryon needed to leave the Capital. The Leviathan sounded like the perfect opportunity.

    How did they get on board?

    As an Archduchess, Aryon has the money and prestige to afford a spot. We don't talk about how they stole the money from their husband. Or how they manipulated the right people to secure a spot without their husband finding out.

    What I would like my character
    to encounter/experience/develop
    in this roleplay are:

    A romantic partner or partners (they're polyamorous) sounds juicy. My gey child deserves true love. However, you know what's sweeter? Their husband boards the Leviathan at a later port. The same husband Aryon wants to murder to ensure their freedom.

    If not selected in the first round of applications, I am willing to be contacted at a later date if the GM feels there’s a fitting opportunity for my character to make their grand arrival:

    *unholy screeching* YES! YES! GIBBB!




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • the devout.






    full name

    Vasariah "Nightingale" Aethera



    Seer Nightingale, The Heir Luscinia



    The Devout






    The Cascades

    • you believe me like a god.

      i'll betray you like a man.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Click Image !
FC— Ju JingYi
Click Image !
FC — Tang Shi Hao
Click Image !
FC— Yu Yan

    • Lilith

      Countess Harmony Liang
      Noble Society's Flower, Desert Rose
      place of birth
      The Capital
      Stygian Order - Present
      Royalty/High Society
      The Guillotine
    coded by natasha.
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    • Rogue Waves New Placeholder.png

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  • the huntsman

    death twitches my ear

    fc Aneurin Barnard

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    • 04
      full name
      Finnick Madden
      Magnus (his real name is dead to him)
      The Huntsman
      Low Society
      Stygian Order (former)
      Aneurin Barnard
      and all of my devotion turns violent
      He is known as The Doctor because of the surgical precision and cleanliness of his kills. Some would call it a mercy. Others shiver at the implications of such clean kills. No struggle, no hesitation. A fatal blow dealt with as much thought to him as breathing. If there had been mercy begged from trembling lips, it fell on deaf ears.

      It’s a well known rumor whispered across webs of criminals from multiple cities that if the doctor takes on your bounty--it’s pretty much a death sentence. And you won’t see it coming.

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    • 04
      Full Name
      Amelia Porter "Dahlia Blackwater"
      Unknown/Leaning to Pansexual
      date of birth
      Third of May
      place of birth
      "Pain is an exceptional tutor."

      Hand-to-Hand Combat, Resourcefulness, Pickpocketing, Lockpicking, and Stamina

      Her Anger, Stubbornness, Competitive Drinking, Sweets, and Intrusive Thoughts



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    • Blade

      Dutchess Aurelia Keiran of Solas




      Blade Longsword




      Male (allegedly)


      Sirocco Sands


      November 29th

    nine lives

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Luc Cardin

  • Luc CS1.pngFull Name: Luc Cardin

    Alias: Gallin Forestson

    Role: The Gemini

    Age: 28

    Place of Birth: The Cascades


    Luc CS 2.png

    Height: 6” 0’

    Eyes: His eyes are a deep chestnut brown (ironic as the poor lad is allergic to chestnut). If the sunlight strikes his eyes just right, they actually appear to me more of a golden brown. His eyes typically don't carry much expression; neither disdain nor excitement. His gaze always moving; his eye lids never quite fully open; the best way to describe his eyes would be bored and watchful.

    Hair: Short and black, sometimes braided. How he looks is half of his lie and his hair is half of how he looks and so he goes to great lengths to take care of it. The curls must be curling at all times; the hairline must be as sharp as a needle point. When braided, it is a single, thick, tight braid on each side, running from front to back and finished up in a ponytail, which is actually a "warrior's wolf tail" but is also definitely a ponytail.

    Distinguishing features: Always seen with a pen on his ear and a notebook is sure to be somewhere on his person at all times. After all, a scribe must be ready to scribe at all times because one never knows when inspiration will hit or anew story will develop.

    Detailed Description:
    Luc is a 6-foot man who sits at 185 pounds and has dark skin. His frame is fit but far from intimidating or muscular, such that he doesn't command much presence. Most people could bump into him and barely stagger. The boy was clearly built more for endurance and stamina more than he was built for strength and power. His muscles are small but firm, not likely to dish out much damage but capable of taking in a lot.

    His eyes are chestnut brown but lighten up to an almost golden-brown when hit directly by the sun and he styles his hair in a typical burst fade, usually braiding his hair when the top gets long enough. His outfits will typically have oranges or yellows in them, complemented by blues or blacks. He is a fan of the open shirt look and so one can just assume that all his shirts will have buttons ad he will use a total of zero of them. The abdominal muscles that peek out as a result are not large or attention-grabbing, but are well-defined nonetheless.

    Should he speak, his accent and tone suggest high-class upbring, an accent he picked up from his schooling. It is the same practiced cadence, a soft yet projected voice, with all sounds expertly enunciated. His speech is honey and his whispers are nectar and shouting? He knows no such word.​

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— Antarin "Tarin" Estor

  • req.


    ⮚ role
    the ambassador
    ⮚ age
    ⮚ gender
    ⮚ pronouns

    faction: kingsman

    status: none

    fc: enrico ravenna

    - nickname(s)
    Blade (to the King)
    - height
    6ft 1in
    - build
    lean, less muscle than he has known before
    - eye colour
    abyssal blue
    - hair colour
    brown near black
    - birthplace
    - reputation
    He is known in the certain circles. Some respect him for his continual loyalty to the crown, his devotion to their fine kingdom. Others whisper that he is without autonomy, just some puppet to parrot what the King’s ideals are. And others, for their own reasons, might despise him for working for the crown.
    - purpose on Leviathan
    He boarded the ship with legal means, appointed by the King to spread peace and good will around to those beyond Zenith. This is what is written on paper. Antarin wonders if perhaps he is more so intended to make sure that those who need to stay in line, do. And to be the king's ears as well as his voice.





♡coded by uxie♡

— Bec

  • req.


    ⮚ role
    the urchin
    ⮚ age
    ⮚ gender
    ⮚ pronouns

    faction: none

    status: low society

    - nickname(s)
    Boy; Bird
    - height
    5ft 4in
    - build
    bone thin, all long legs and arms
    - eye colour
    olive green
    - hair colour
    ashy brown
    - birthplace
    - reputation
    He is unknown, a nothing creature who had to give himself a name. He could vanish and not a soul would know he has gone.
    - purpose on Leviathan
    Bec snuck his way aboard hiding in the storage and supply crates. He follows the Leviathan because a whisper told him he should, and he is half whisper himself. It is not divine faith that guides him, but simple curiosity.





♡coded by uxie♡

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the advisor.






full name

Yuudai Hagino



The Advisor






The Capital

  • we do not see eye to eye.

    but that is fine. i will witness you from afar.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Armağan Kaplan

the soothsayer.

coded by xayah.ღ

the soothsayer
— basics
full name
— visage
5'2" / 157.48 cm
bald / shoulder length black wavy hair
pale sea green
— description
Whispers of a historical storm swirled around the Cascades, many people began boarding up their houses or seeking shelter, but one family was preparing for the arrival of their child. The Kaplan's had no time to prepare for the monstrous waves and winds that were heading towards them, the two bunkered down in their small home, Deniz Kaplan lie on the floor, screaming in pain, but nobody would be the wiser as they were deafened with the sounds of thunder. After many hours of labor, Armaǧan was born, and at the same moment, lightning struck the home.

Years later, Armaǧan's father, Ahmet, accepted a job under the King, while in this position, he overheard two members of the Covenant speaking about "the children". He tried to gather as much information without being caught, but alas he did. He was given two options, quit & stay quiet, or lose his life. His only reasonable option was to leave the position as he had a family to protect.

As Armaǧan grew older, they began showing signs of divinity, being able to predict things in the near future, and on occasion receiving messages from unseen forces, this concerned their father, as they did not want to risk their child being abducted by the Covenant, or worse. So, Deniz & Ahmet decided that it would be best to keep the existence of Armaǧan and their powers a secret. Regardless of living a sheltered life, the child grew and blossomed into a beautiful & intelligent human.

In the days leading up to the Leviathan leaving the port, Armaǧan's parents decided that it would be safer to board their child onto the ship, allowing them to leave the Cascades and be protected from any harm due to word getting out about their powers. The only condition that had to be followed was that Armaǧan could no longer use their family's name, the must adopt the identity of Kader, a nomad with no substantial history.
reveriee ©
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We are all just sinners judging other sinners for sinning differently.

Sui Ishida

The Navigator


full name

Lora Rover


Louise Fletcher


33 yrs old




Low Society



My Mother Told Me

The Hound + Fox FT. Adam Chance




182.88 cm


59.8 Kg

hair c.

dark reddish-brown

eye c.



Clara Paget as Anne Bonney



A true daughter of the sea, she's free as the waves. Calm, but can erupt like a fierce tide. To put it bluntly, she's got a mouth on her for sure. She gives off a laid-back calm vibe until you piss her off. Then it's like trying to steer a boat during a huge storm - violent and unforgiving. She's confident and refuses to let anyone put her down. Those who try are met with a string of harsh words and sometimes a punch to the face.

Foul-mouthed but kind hearted when you get past her harsh tone.

Down to earth and laid back most the time, but when needed she's actually quite reliable and hard-working. She enjoys her work and so long as she's not under strict rules, will perform with her maximum ability. She takes charting the seas very seriously and has never led a crew astray. Trustworthy, even if she has no bonds of loyalty.

Confident and quite a bit of a flirt. Tends to flirt as if it were second nature when she gets close to people. Speaking of getting close to people, she has 0 concept of personal space and will wrap her arm around others as if 'best of buds'. This often ends with some confrontations.


Adventurous. Clever. Intelligent. Brave. Daring. Fun-Loving. Hard-Working. Down-to-Earth. Charismatic.


Foul- Mouthed. Stubborn. Outspoken. Blunt. Unmannered. Provocative. Petty. Impulsive. Disobedient. No concept of personal space.


The stars and sea. Sailing. Drawing maps. Smell of the sea. Anything apple flavored (a fast way to win her friendship). Swords. Guns. Her father. Storms.


Royalty. Being told she can't do something. People who cry often. Alcohol. Sour foods. Peas. Being on land for too long. Her brothers. Horses. Rats. Being confined.


Dying on land, if she goes she wants to go at sea. Making a mistake and getting innocent people lost at sea. Going blind. Dogs.


Hands fall to her dagger when upset. Cracks her knuckles anytime she gets into a fight. Grinds her teeth.


Star gazing. Sparring. Cleaning her gun regularly. Star gazing. Sketching maps. Wood carvings. Whistling. Card games. Swimming.


Maps. Sailing. Swordsmanship. Honest when needed to be. Scaling heights. Knot tying. Fishing. Reliable. Protective.


Horse-back riding. Light weight/Drunk easily. Informal, often offensive to nobles. Provokes people for reactions sometimes. Un-loyal.



this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lora's birth had been harsh. Though the ship should have been docked safely in Antares, they found themself a few days behind their projected course. Seas rocky with the promise of an impending storm, and the muffled screams of the captain's wife in labor. They were completely unprepared for the situation playing before them. The ship doctor was no mid wife. Probably only witnessing 1 birth ever in his career and this was it. Some how. Some miracle of the Sea, the baby girl was born safely and the mother made it through. Those with boarded this ship were fighters. That included Cecillia and the now new life she held. Lora Rover.

Perhaps the very moment of her birth was embedded into Lora's veins because she loved the sea. Every time the ship would dock at a port, young Lora threw fits. Ending with her being left on the ship with a trusted crew member so her mother could handle errands.

As Lora grew, the more she and her older brothers fought. Harlan and Hadden were twins, and they were greedy and jealous things. Their parents favored her, giving her attention more than they gave the twins. It caused a rift between them that never mended, only worsened with time. She was 10 when her mother died of illness. Some drunken gunman whispered that Lora's birth had weakened her and was why she passed so suddenly. The boys took it to heart. Blaming Lora for their mother's death and Lora never stopped blaming herself for it over time.

She dedicated herself to being helpful. Whatever the crew needed help with, she did. But the hole left by her mother's passing still lingered. Her dad was her only beacon of light. She listened to his stories of the stars. The sea's harsh tales. His tales with lessons hidden in them. Her mind memorized every last one. Through him, she learned not to let her brothers get to her. She learned to turn to the stars and sea when she needed comfort. Under his guidance, she took up the sword. Learning swordsmanship was her confidence boost. One she desperately had needed. Gifted with a blade, and darn good with a pistol. Sparring and target practice became some of her favorite past times.

By her late teens, she was someone who couldn't be walked over. She would bend to no one's will. Lora began putting her focus in maps, wanting to be the ship's navigator since they never had a stable one. She found her calling and studied every map she could find, drawing her own when they were damaged. Piecing together the torn papers to create clear pictures. It took her time, a lot of learning and asking questions, but eventually she became very knowledgeable. She still can recall the look of shock on her father's face when she started leaving the ship when they anchored at port. Her? Leaving the ship willingly? Unheard of. But if she was to expand her knowledge, it was best to learn from people who knew more. Lora would bother anyone she could about navigating the seas. Some would give her useful information, maybe a spare map even. Though most would ramble and boast of their adventures at sea.

Lora's ideal future crashed in front of her eyes when she turned 23. A scuffle between pirates. A battle long fought. The crew of the Ole Rover won, but at the cost of their captain. Given Harlan has been her father's right hand, it wasn't much of a vote among the crew when they elected him as captain. His first order of business as the new captain had been hiring a navigator. Lora could tell he was doing it to keep her in check in some weird game of jealously. She didn't take well to it. She let words fly that day, and left the crew then and there. She had no desire for her brothers' petty games. Not when their father had just passed.

Lora jumped crew to crew, never really devoting her loyalty to any one. Usually would leave port in one ship , and would choose a new one at the next. She took whatever jobs she could to expand her knowledge of the seas. Traveling with a compass, collection of maps, and the dagger her father had given her. She didn't need much more. She just wanted to stay moving at sea.

Recently after stopping at Zenith port, she struggled getting in contact with a crew that would need a navigator. So, low on money, she took a gamble and applied to a job offer for the Leviathan. Somehow she manage to lie about her identity without getting caught. Or perhaps they knew and didn't care due to her knowledge. She wasn't sure, but at least she's got a job for now.





Eric Rover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

Harlan Rover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

Hadden Rover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

Cecillia Rover

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




"Superficial and bunch of cowards locked in their castle. Don't hate them, but I don't like nor trust them either."


"That a trick question? Asking a pirate their opinions on pirates?? Of course I don't mind them. "

The Leviathan

"I needed a job. No pirate crews have docked in port for a while now. So when I heard they were hiring a navigator for this big fancy ship, I gave it a try. Surprised they accepted me....it was so awkward coming up with lies on the spot. I mean...."Louise Fletcher? What kind of name is that? Well they believed it and hired me, that's on them. Job is a job. I'll jump ship if they try to shackle me though. "


"The Ole Rover is a well known ship. Well....known enough among fellow pirates and the royal guard I guess. We were no Corsairs, but I imagine theres a few storys out there about my family's ship. It's been captained by my grandfather, father, and now my brothers.

Most pirates will know me, I'm sure my brothers have spread word not to trust me due to my "unloyalty". My loyalty was to my dad, and will belong to no other captain. Hence why I jump ship to ship. Their opinions of me likely vary based on how much they believe my brother's words.

♡coded by uxie♡



When you believe in something, you give it power over you.


The Unfaithful


full name

Zaira Sezen


Kadri (Formerly), Zaira, The Oracles Hand (Formerly)


29 yrs old




Low Society, Criminal (In The Cascades Only)


Covenant Of Aethera (Formerly)


Sekai no owari




165.3 cm


60.32 Kg

hair c.

Raven black.

eye c.

A mix of brown and grey


Merve Boluğu



She's the whisper in the dark, telling you to doubt everything you know. Zaira is not a person of faith, despite growing up serving the Oracles every order. In fact, she despises them and the so called Stars. Though, she's only ever shown it too people of alike minds. To most of those who followed the belief, she was a devoted follower. The kind hand of the Oracles, doing the tasks they gave her. Something like an assistant to them. A servant of their will.

She's cunning. Always looking for opportunities that benefit her or allow her to spite the Oracles. Spite is her driving factor. Everything she's done up to this point was in spite. A bitter heart directed toward those who blindly follow the Oracles or the Stars. That said, she can be an extremely loyal friend or ally. Zaira would die to protect her friends. She take secrets to the grave for them. To her, friends are her family.

She's an adaptable person, always prepared to improvise when her plans go awry. It's what got her this far. She enjoys challenging authority as well as pushing the limits of what's allowed. Can be vain or materialistic. Her words can also come off as hurtful, condescending, or full of sarcasm.


Charismatic. Loyal. Cunning. Calm. Methodical. Adaptable.


Sarcastic. Skeptical. Deceitful. Amoral. Faithless. Money-minded. Challenges Authority.


Children. Peaches. Stormy weather. Money. Jewelry. Anyone who doesn't like the Covenant. Black cats. Card games. Planning. Traveling.


Authority. The Stars. People who follow orders blindly. The Oracles. Anything to do with fate. Being given orders. Ugly dresses. Insects. Gun shots.


She fears a painful death, but not death it's self. Falling ill. Disease.


Will run to a child if they cry, she can't help it. "Piano fingers"; moves her fingers as if playing a piano when thinking. Eye-rolling.


Card games. Drinking contests. Sewing. Challenging authority figures. Styling hair. Lockpicking. Provoking those who follow the Oracles. Climbing.


Loyal. Good at keeping secrets. Adaptable. Cunning. Lockpicking. Scaling walls/Climbing. Styling hair. Sewing. Calming children. A good liar.


Sarcastic. Vain. Provokes others for reaction. Challenges authority. Condescending. Judgmental. No idea how to wield any weapon. Stubborn. Doesn't follow orders. Will bite you if you try restraining her.



Followers of the Stars are rampant within the Cascades. Zaira's parents were no different. A family with many mouths to feed, they gave up their child to the Covenant at the mere age of eight years old. They told her that is was "the Stars will" and she took it to heart. Though, not the way they were expecting her too. Zaira at that age took it as the Stars told her parents to get rid of her. Out of 5 siblings, they choose her. She wasn't a bad child, so in her eyes that meant one thing. The Stars didn't like her. The Stars least favorite. She took this as a slight. Resenting the Stars and her parents both. They made their choice, and the young girl made hers. If they were too disown her, she would disown them. From that moment on, she never believed in the Stars words people claimed to hear. She didn't believe in the things the Oracles claimed. After all, the moment you start believing in something, you gave it power. Including power over you.

Despite her inner hatred for the faith, she let the Oracles give her a new name. Kadri. Pure. This began her new life learning to handle chores and running errands. Eventually being appointed as a caretaker over the children the Oracles took in. The ones that could hear the Stars. She swallowed her spite for the Stars each time she heard that name. Zaira gave the image of a devoted and kind caretaker when working with the children. After all, she couldn't say anything reckless. Who knows what the children would tell her employers?

It was during this time she met the Nightingale, assigned to be an assistant and handle their care. Zaira could tell they knew of her dislike of the Stars, but they never said anything. So, she felt she could be more open around them. Leading to a sort of ally like bond.

As she grew older, she gained more free time. By the time she was a young adult, she was secretly conducting what would be called scams. Selling charms she sewed to followers of the Stars. Taking money from followers in exchange for promising to give their words to the Oracles. Zaira managed to keep these scams secret, pocketing the money and keeping it hidden. Well hidden. Never spending any of it.

One faithful day, the Nightingale announced to her they were leaving. It was the first time she was ever surprised by someone's actions. Despite them giving her a chance to leave with them, she stayed. Covering up their tracks and bidding time. The Oracles found out and their was much disorder within the Covenant. Zaira prepared, organizing her grand plan. The Oracles found the clues she left that lead to her assistance in the escape.

A private interrogation was held. It was then Zaira felt truly afraid. Everything was going to her plan, but it could go awry. When they pressed her for details, she claimed innocence. That she was fooled by the Nightingale. They believed her or pretended too. She wasn't entirely sure. They agreed to give her a mission instead of punishment; bring back the Nightingale. She accepted. Backing her belongings; including her hidden wealth. She left the Cascades the next day. Leaving behind the name Kadri.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




"Ahh...nobility. How I envy their little cushiony lives and wealth. Must be soooo nice. As long as they aren't in my face giving orders, I don't care. Don't expect me to respect their so called power or the King's commands. I have had enough of following orders."


"They mind their own, I mind my own. Simple put; don't care long as they leave me alone."

The Leviathan

"A giant boat full of people. A cruise of a life time. It sounded too thrilling to pass up. Besides being on a boat keeps me moving without having to actually walk or find travel. Gives me a perfect opportunity to find a quiet place to settle down and live in comfort with the wealth I've taken. Oh my mission? Could care less. Let the Oracles solve their own damned problems for once. Do tell the madam I'm sorry for stealing her ticket, but she shouldn't have left it unattended. How foolish. "


In the Cascades she was know as the Oracles hand. Trusted for her devoted faith and kind image. Though it was all an act. Most till think of her fondly if they met her within the places of faith. The Oracles called her Kadri; pure.

When it was discovered she aided in the escape of the nightingale, she pleaded her innocence. Claiming to be fooled. The Oracles believed her, and wanting to handle the matter quietly; sent her to hunt them down. People were told she was serving somewhere else, rewarded for her contributions. Truth was they were likely happy to get rid of her quietly without drawing attention to the missing nightingale.

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • ➳❥ 𝕯𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊

    𝕽𝖔𝖑𝖊: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖌𝖊

    𝕱𝕮: 𝕯𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝕯𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖎𝖗𝖊

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    the scourge.






    full name

    Dolores Thorne



    Dol, Lori or Res.



    Twenty-six (26 years old)



    Female (She/Her/Hers)



    The Cascades






    The Scourge

    • Death

      is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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    • The Old-timer

      Maltke Cycek


      Sleep Token

      Known as

      One-eyed Maltke






      City of Umbra


      February 22th

    nine lives

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The Canary.




  • 01.



    Evelynne Clair "Lovett"



    doesn't mind Eve or Lynne.









    the canals.






    high society (formerly), outcast





    now that she is leaving the Lovett family she slowly taking back things they controlled. such as her appearance. she doesn't bother with make-up anymore. doesn't don a bunch of jewelry, nor wear clothes that draw the eye. simplistic. that is what she was back then, and what she desires to be now. she's brought jewelry with her with plans to sell it. if the Lovett's were so willing to toss it just because she wore it, then they wouldn't mind if she sold it off. right? she has wild, red hair as free as she once was running through the uncharted lands of the canals. it's long, cascading far down her back. when she has the energy, she may work it into a braid. other wise, she maintains it just enough to keep it healthy and clean. some may call it unkept, but it reminds her of her childhood. (she also just doesn't have the drive to style it currently. who cares how their hair looks when they are focused on getting back what was taken?) kind green eyes, that seem to radiate both gentleness and a glance of pain. eyes that always seem to be looking through you as if she's lost somewhere far away. and maybe she is just that. lost in another place. she's grown quite weak from malnutrition and poor care after the birth of her son. she looks frail and often pale in the face.


    eleanor tomlinson.

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • the blank slate.

    the drowned.

    Genevieve Kalten.

    Everyone will come, everyone will yell
    I'd thank you just the same if you didn't tell
    My mother says that I will surely go to hell​

    the basics.

    Genevieve Kalten
    People come to call her "Genny" or "Gen"
    "I suppose Genevieve is my alias, I don't know what my real name was..."
    date of birth
    June 13th
    Cisgender Female
    place of birth
    The Drowned

    the visage.

    143 lbs
    Deep, chestnut brown, Genevieve's hair borders on black, almost mirroring the waters she was pulled out of.
    Dark and dazzling, a deep golden brown like the sands of Sirocco
    face claim
    Adeline Kane

    the people will never know.

    the personality.

    No matter how much brain washing or memory loss Gen has gone through, there are a few key traits that make her who she is. Does she remember who she is? Not entirely really.
    In every iteration of herself, curiosity and the want to learn drive her decisions. She's just curious, this might manifest in asking a relentless amount of questions or taking matters into her own hands and snooping around for answers on her own. Genevieve has a high intelligence to pair with her curiosity, so not only is she very good at sneaking around for answers, she's very observant, picks up on cues and responses and subtle bits of communication to figure out what's going on around her.

    Those are the only defining parts of her personality as of now. She'd like to think she's brave or kind or useful or anything else, but the best she can remember is curious and observant.

    Hopefully soon, she'll uncover the traits that keep her connected to her father; Her fiery disposition, her stubbornness to only do what she wants to do, her strength to stay resilient in the harshest of conditions. She doesn't remember it yet, but she is the spitting image of her father both in looks and in heart.








    Geneieve is unaware of any "habits" she had before losing her memory, but soon enough they will present themselves; playing with her hair as an attempt to soothe herself in stressful situations, interrupting whoever is speaking when they speak of something she knows a LOT about and has a great interest in (astrology), giving random tidbits of information to whoever will listen


    Currently, Genevieve feels like she is on the run from... something... she's not quite sure what, but she's afraid of getting caught and dying the death of a worthless animal.

    why the Leviathan.

    With the only emotion being fear from the moment she was pulled from the waters, she was just looking for a "willing" ship to take her away. She didn't care who or where, she just felt the need to be on the run. (Open for plotting HOW exactly she got on board)


    She doesn't know this, but she was a part of the Covenant of Aetherea


    Before being plucked from her life, Gen was low society

    opinions on royalty and piracy.





    Umbra was probably the last place a newly wed couple wanted to begin their new life together, but Drake and Annabella [LAST NAME REDACTED] didn't have much of a choice. Being the wise old ages of twenty and eighteen, the young couple had no real life experience about how to face the real world, their harsh reality every which way they turned. But they knew that if they didn't leave their home, the Covenant would find them.

    The Covenant of Aetherea was always a threat in the eyes of Drake [LAST NAME REDACTED]. He watched as the cult took both of his older sisters, twins, and they were never seen again. His father believed some lie about twins having special abilities that would help banish the shadows from the Cascades. As Drake grew up and learned more about the Covenant of Aetherea, the more he hated them for taking his sisters.

    Annabella had a similar history, her parents kept her hidden almost her entire life. When they just couldn't hide her anymore, they tried to disguise her as anyone other than a small child. Annabella was raised in fear of the Covenant while Drake was raised in hatred of them. Somehow, possibly by fate, the two crossed paths. One thing led to another and they knew they had to flee Zenith. The capital was crawling with cultists and for their baby on the way, the two knew they couldn't risk losing her to them.

    So, not even a year of their life in the outskirts of Umbra, Drake and Annabella welcomed their beautiful baby girl [NAME REDACTED]. It took some getting used to, the cold and the dark, trying to make nice with a city full of people who rejected outsiders. Still, they did everything they could to give their one and only daughter a full life.

    As their daughter grew in the comforts of secrecy, she seemed to take a liking to the physical stars in the sky. Her parents were weary at first, scared they were dealing with someone born for the Covenant. [REDACTED] quickly revealed to just have an interest in the sky, in the glittering stars above, constellations, zodiac and astrology signs, the works. She would stay up until the middle of the night just to get a clear view of the stars.

    Drake and Annabella got a kick out of it. They watched their daughter grow, becoming more and more intelligent and well versed in her own interests. She was bright, she was stubborn, she was fiery and took after her father in every way. Drake and [REDACTED] were especially close, as he also took a similar interest in astrology when his daughter showed so much passion for the hobby. He looked for any and every chance that presented itself for him to spend time with her. Drake would give anything for his girls, he wanted to soak up as many memories with them as he could.

    the covenant.

    When [REDACTED] was about twelve years old, there was an ominous knock on the door. Without thinking, Drake opened the door and was met with individuals clothed in white cloaks and hidden faces. His heart sunk to his feet, his world began to move in slow motion. He had to tell his wife and daughter to run, he thought he was turning as fast as he could, but he felt like he was moving through molasses. He yelled at [REDACTED] to run, and as soon as she and Annabella saw who as at the door, they also tried to turn and run. But just as they turned around, there were two more cloaked figures, [REDACTED] tried to weasel through them, but they were too strong and stiff.

    Despite the entire family literally kicking and screaming, the cloaks overpowered them. Two of them held back Drake and Annabella while the rest had to wrangle their daughter and take her away. Just outside their home was a carriage, plain white but somehow shimmering just like the horses in front. Inside the carriage [REDACTED] could see at least two more children blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. [REDACTED] knew they were going to the Cascades, and there was a good chance she would never see her parents again. When the realization struck her, she didn't stop screaming the words "I love you" in hopes that her parents could hear. In some twisted way, it was a good thing that her parents could hear her screams right before the cloaks shoved a needle into their necks that made them pass out. By the time they woke up again, it had been an entire day, and their daughter was gone.

    [REDACTED] was now part of the Covenant of Aetherea. Upon her first day, she was given her new name of "Celeste". She and the other children she arrived with all received new names and were told they were part of the betterment of the world. [REDACTED] didn't buy it, and she refused to ever acknowledge her "new name". She had extensive talks with her parents about the evils that plagued and corrupted the Covenant, about how both of their lives were forever changed because of the Covenant; how they would snatch up children and who were never to be seen again. That was her, that was the position she was in now.

    The Covenant told her, specifically, that she was gifted, blessed by the Heavens above to read the stars. They told her that since the Heavens had been the ones to bless her with the gift, she had to repay them by using her gift to serve them. She knew they were full of shit. But now she knew why they came after her, but she still had no idea how they found her.

    "Celeste" knew the game she had to play. She had to play along long enough to earn their trust until she could find a way to sneak out. She acted like one of them, she "read the stars" and left it up to their interpretations, basically. She did well, for the next ten years of her life, she allowed herself to fall in line with the Covenant.

    This girl, plucked from her home in Umbra, proved to be one of the most useful "vessels" the cult ever found, but she wasn't doing anything supernatural. They would ask her what Aethera was trying to tell them, and 'Celeste' would give a vague description of the positions of the stars and other surrounding planets and let the Covenant come to their own conclusion.

    Finally, she reached the age of twenty-four, and she never once stopped thinking about her family. Her parents were her reason to keep going, to make sure she could stay alive. And after over ten years of being trapped in the Covenant, she finally believed she knew the way to escape. If she could turn just a few others, specifically the ones that were also taken from Umbra on that very same day, they might be able to have each other's backs enough to get the hell out of the Cascades, survive the shadows, and find their way back to Umbra. If anyone could survive the shadows, it was the Umbra born.

    Unfortunately, 'Celeste' seemed to drop her guard, some of the "cloaks" caught wind of her attempting to "turn" some of the other acolytes within the Covenant. She was viewed as too powerful and too stubborn, if she wasn't broken into full discipleship by now, it was never going to happen.

    So the Covenant knew they had to take care of her.

    the memory.

    It was a random day, in the dead of night, 'Celeste' was woken up by more individuals in cloaks and ushered out of her room, out of the dormitories, and out to the nearby docks. Waiting in a small row-boat was one other cloaked individual as well as the two other people who were brought to the Cascades from Umbra with her. It was in that moment that her heart froze up and shattered. She knew what this was. They said it was a trip to the capital, to Zenith, but it was so much more than that.

    This would be the extent of [REDACTED]'s memory, rowing out to the middle of Algol with her hands and feet tied up while being blind folded, and then "bumped" off into the watery abyss around them. She had no idea if the others were knocked overboard with her, she passed out.

    The earliest thing Genevieve remembers is slowly waking up on a dock in Antares. Somehow a helpful soul saw her, assumed, lifeless body bobbing in the water and fished her out. They told her it took almost an hour just for her to warm up, which would be the moment that she realized she was wrapped in used blankets and quilts, most reeking of fish. Whenever they asked her name and where she was from, she drew a blank. She couldn't remember anything from before she woke up. When asked for her name, the first one out of her mouth was Genevieve. Somehow, her survival instincts were in tact, and she knew it was better to act like you knew where you were and what was going on instead of a helpless and impressionable young woman.

    It didn't take long for her to convince the helpful soul that she was fine in order for herself to be able to wander off. She didn't remember how she ended up in the water, but her instincts told her to run; to blend in, not draw attention to herself, and to get on the first boat that would take her.


    "What I would like my character to encounter/experience/develop in this roleplay are: recovered memories, definitely some kind of angst from the Covenant, someone (or multiple people) that struggle through her fear of trusting (due to memory loss) and form close relationships, platonic and romantic, but you know me, I like making my characters suffer ((:"

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

    © weldherwings.

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: devana ludmilla acindius
ALIAS: lady devana of house acindius, the dark maiden, the cursed blood
AGE: 28 years old
GENDER: cisfemale
SEXUALITY: bisexual
STATUS: “high society”

a haunting presence, the glimpse of dark fabric before it disappears around a corner. eyes made of pure shadow and precious onyx stones. she holds the typical coloring of her bloodline. midnight blue hair flows like crashing waves. the wild curls nearly sweeping the floor if not for styling to keep it from doing so. darkness is a common theme with house acindius.

her skin speaks of a deepness often seen when looking at a clear night skin. a brown so concentrated that it reflects blue in the moonlight. she is no picturesque lady. no devana ludmilla acindius is something more. her scars speak of mistakes made and lessons learned. she wears each mark proudly, unperturbed as “proper” ladies and men eye her with barely concealed contempt. but there be a strength in her. beneath her layers of fur and armor is a body cut from stone, carefully carved and crafted to protect and defend. muscles cut from stone, gained from years of intense training and fighting have left her as solid as an oak tree.

amongst the whispers there are often mentions of her face. since a mere babe her face as been covered, first with a veil and then with a mask of her own. a face protected by broken porcelain lined with gold would surely draw attention. some believe her to be disfigured while others believe that she is truly a hideous monster. she has little intention to prove them right or wrong. those closest to her have seen her without her layer of protection and that is enough for her.

it is not known why her kin took to adorning mask but underneath the porcelain devana is something far too different to be traditionally beautiful beautiful. no, the word feels quite unfitting on the tongue. instead she is elegant, sensual in the way that a predator is. she has a face that some deem hard to look at yet they find themselves entranced all the same. there is something vaguely unnerving…otherworldly hidden in her features she is sharp angles and unblinking stares.


a blank expression that gives off the impression of something untouchable, something inhuman even. there is something about lady devana that seem to set most on edge. she seems completely unaware of this or perhaps she just doesn’t care.

it would be safe to assume that a lady of her nature is unreceptive when it comes to the company of others. yes, she is as secretive as any northerner and then some perhaps. her lips may very well be sewn together with how tight she is with personal information, however devana is not antisocial in the slightest.

her rather…odd mannerism are typically what tend to keep people away from her and the topic of her mad blood of course. devana is the cackle at a funeral, the loan figure that watches you from a corner as you lay paralyzed in bed. she speaks of dark matters as plainly as speaking about the weather. those dark eyes narrow in amusement at matters deemed unseemly by polite society. its rather off putting when the discussions of torture and death are met with bright, eager eyes and a too sharp smile. whispers of madness roll off her back like water on seal skin. her eyes twinkle with the barest hint of something feral, some malicious.

some speak of her northern blood as if it is something dirty, something tainted. she has little care for the opinions of others. devana cherishes her blood, it is even safe to say that she worships it. with each monster slain she prays to mysterious forces and ancestors, each kill done in their names. devana is deeply spiritual and holds a deep love for her culture. her tight lips are an act of survival, a way to make sure that said culture stays alive.

LIKES: rare & forbidden tomes, sitting by the fire, folklore, training, children, starry nights, spooking others
DISLIKES: northern slander, pretentious individuals, the monarchy, wastefulness

STRENGTHS: a skilled fighter with fast reflexes and deadly accuracy, a heavy hitter due both slaying monster and rigorous physical training and labor, knowledge of scavenging and healing, survivalist, can blend into the background, reading others and discovering bad intentions

WEAKNESSES: tends to push wounds and pain to the back of her mind in favor of fighting, her nature makes it hard to form connections with outsiders, blunt to a fault and has no use for pleasantries, trusting outsiders

FEARS: devana has a very intense fear of umbra falling under the monarchy’s thumb. she fear her home being forced to lift their walls so to speak for she knows it could mean ruin for them.


a madwoman who hails from a clan of the deranged and the strange. behind closed door they are mocked for the simple way in which they live and the strangeness of their ways. it can be counted on hand, the number of time that she has been to the capital and which each time the rumors only stretched and warped.

REASON FOR PASSAGE: the king says that with a member of the acindius clan on board, they would be able to face any monster that came their way. devana can see through the lies as well as her family clan. she knows that the tension between her family and the ruling family have come to a head. and what better way to flaunt one’s power than to send a house’s heir on a potentially dangerous journey.


ROYALTY: she would like to see them spout their superiority when stripped of their riches and influence. devana cares little for royals, their delicate sensibilities bore her and their entitlement makes her sword hand twitch.

PIRACY: devana has heard the stories of pirate, more bad than good. she can see the appeal in the concept of freedom, yet she knows better than to glamorize the lifestyle.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: baby throw whatever at her-

devana of house acindius, the noble daughter of casimir acindius and agata acindius. she grew up on tales of her great house and their refusal to bend the knee to the monarchy. though no official authority reigned in umbra, their ancient house had earned the respect from their countrymen long ago. for it was them who braved the wilds and reduced the threat of monsters that dwelled there.

it never once occurred to her that her ways were seen as strange to the outside world. how was she to know that other children were not taught to bite the hand that fed them on occasion? that it was not common for them to wander the hall of their ancient halls lined with weapons and paintings of terrifying ancestors that mounted nightmarish war horses, carrying the head of their enemies in their hand? devana grew up within a household of ancient knowledge passed down and dark forces revered under the cover of night.

she took to the dark with gleaming black eyes and childish giggles, learning knowledge often seen as too unseemly for children along with her siblings. it was common knowledge that the acindius family were an odd bunch, but a close one nevertheless. they were known to help those who sought their help and those who held dark intentions towards them…some say that they were forever lost to the cold and what dwelled beneath the ice and within the wilds.

sadly she could not hide within umbra forever. her parents had told her long ago how the outside world viewed them, how they disrespected their ways. her mother had smiled lovingly, her wicked laughter bouncing off the walls as devana snarled a curse at them. meetings outside of their home were always unpleasant. young devana wanted to do nothing more than sick their bears on all who wished to subdue and suppress them. she soon learned that the visits were little more than displays of power to keep the north in check. devana would welcome the biting cold once they returned home.

as time passed and she grew into herself devana developed into a fine heir, learning all the ways to look after her family and home from her father. it was under her mother that she learned to fight, to survive with her eyes blindfolded and without weapons. with each brush and death and each task passed, she only proved to be the leader that her house deserved.

code by birth of venus.
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Anon Keep

  • Anon.jpg

    Full Name: Anon Keep

    Alias: Forge

    Role: The Anvil

    Age: 32

    Place of Birth: Antares


    Anon 2 fr.jpg

    Height: 6” 2’

    Eyes: A deep sea blue, bright like the sun shining through a stained glass window. They are gentle eyes, innately kind. However, they are also the type of eyes that seem to bore into you and stare right through you. The kind of eyes that always have dozens of thoughts running behind them at any given second and somehow able to focus on every one.

    Hair: A long, dirty blond. If he feels like he is going somewhere fancy (hardly ever) and wants to dress up a little bit, he will go through the additional effort of styling it neatly back. Otherwise, he lets it fall loosely around him wherever it wants. For as care-free as he is with his hair, he takes surprisingly good care of his beard: always neat, always perfectly groomed.

    Distinguishing Features: Celtic arm tattoo on his right arm and a large one across his back.

    Detailed Description:
    Anon comes in at 6 feet 2 inches and 252 pounds. He is by no means a small person and he knows that. It is clear in the way he walks and carries himself. For his large stature, all his features are surprisingly gentle. His eyes are kind yet contemplative, his face hardly ever wrinkles and he walks around with the slightest of smiles, albeit a notably smug one.

    He makes himself presentable but doesn't necessarily fuss over appearances. He chooses comfort and functionality over anything else and has been known, on more than one occasion, to rip off his sleeves if he's wearing a particularly formal outfit and he gets uncomfortable.

    Most of his weight comes from muscle and so, while not particularly "bulking", his well-defined muscles still manage to make themselves known through any clothing that isn't considered thick winter clothing. In any case,, his wardrobe mainly consists of thick or heavy clothing as he's gotten rather used to being warm and/or in the heat.​



the handmaiden.




  • 01.



    Bridget Hegarty



    "The girl", "That servant girl" - variations on things that are not her name



    The Handmaiden









    Low Society





    face claim.

    Saoirse Monica Jackson




    Brunette. Straight and chopped short (the Lord Farquaad cut) for ease of maintenance.


    Blue. Often featuring eye bags from limited rest, devoid of light.

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • saar ennes

    the mutineer

    seize power. seize control.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    the mutineer

    Gregory Alan Isakov

    saar ennes —
    the mutineer, played by sollie

    A silent prayer slipped from the cracked lips of a manic woman. Hands clasped together, soaked in blood, sweat, and stained with dirt. Perfectly porcelain skin looked dull and lacking in the grey moonlight, stars twinkling with pity down at the perishing woman. Saar’s ears begged her to listen closer to the manic words of her mother, seeking solace from the familiar prayer. Crimson snaked through grooves in cobblestone, staining Saar’s hands which kissed the stone. Blood seeped into the grooves of her hands, traveling through the creases of her palms, and soaking into the delicate, thick skin of her fingers until her hands were stained red.

    The prayer ceased, but the noise of the port never did. The ocean taunted her, the harsh waves crashing ashore like laughter from the belly of her tormentor. She wondered silently if the stars were her tormentor, that they predestined tragedy to strike her so suddenly, and tarnish her so permanently. The limp body of a woman Saar once recognized laid motionless only a few feet from her unmoving form. Dark eyes pierced through her blood soaked palms, begging for direction in the red abyss.

    name — Saar Ennes
    aliases — The Blood Warden
    role — The Mutineer
    age — Twenty-five
    place of birth — Antares

    height — 5'2”
    weight — 120 lbs
    sexuality — bisexual
    eyes & hair — black
    scars/markings — saar is riddled with countless scars, too many to name their origin or their story. every thin or thick line on her body she wears with pride and dignity. they are proof of her survival.

    appearanceA shadow looms in the face of Saar Ennes. Light dares not linger in her presence. Deep eyes, sharp, keen, and piercing are framed by thick eyebrows, which often are flat or furrowed, inexpressive in her calm. Color is lacking in the woman's face, pale skin and dark hair contrasting light and dark in her features. Pink lips bring soft saturation to the picture, though they do not brighten it at all as an unamused expression often wears itself in place of a grin, snarl, or even frown. Stillness lives in even features of Saar Ennes. Calamity lies dormant in each shift of an expression.

    The lithe woman has no physical standing, and makes up for the unimpressive physical stature with a keen awareness and an incredible agility. Light on her feet, she is a feather in the wind when she wishes to be. An anchor for those around her, she acts as a supposed beacon for calm and tranquility.

    personality — Saar is a beacon of religious piety. Raised at a young age by a devout and delirious mother, Saar was instilled with extreme beliefs at a very young age. With a. skewed moral compass, Saar believes it is her duty to spread the will of the cosmos to all those she encounters, though she strays from traditional methods typically used by those from The Cascades and belonging to the Covenant of Aethera. She is still in her beliefs, and quick acting. Saar lacks large reactions, or fuss over simple things. The grand scheme of salvation for sinners seemed to weigh heavily on her heart and it influences everything she does. In her stillness, she finds herself often at the side of a Captain in her sea voyages. With a gift for controlling others, she finds ease in commanding and influencing. She is strange, but there is something alluring about her peculiar nature. Like an enigma, there is much more to be learned about the strange woman.

    Often closed off and secretive, it is rare for Saar to reveal her true intentions, her history, or her devotions to others. She believes fully in her cause and will has not been swayed yet. Her skin is tough and leathery, withstanding even the harshest of foes. This steely, often aloof woman has created a certain charisma around her and interacts easily with others. Once the mask if off, however, on lookers will be displeased to witness the woman Saar actually is. And if they aren't displeased... perhaps Saar has finally found an individual worthy of her true friendship and companionship.

    — rigid
    — spiteful
    — unwavering beliefs
    — violent

    — unemotional

    VIRTUES confident
    — amicable
    — intelligent/knowledgeable
    — hyper-vigilant

    LIKES thunder storms & rainy mornings
    reading her mother's scriptures
    quiet mornings
    the ocean
    — stars

    — heavenly bodies

    DISLIKES extravagance
    over indulgence (or indulgence of any kind really)


    debauchery, filth, lies, dishonesty, unholiness

    FEARS Despite her beliefs, Saar has a deep fear of death and judgement. Through her righteous quest, she feels she has been guided by the deities to enact their will. However, in the back of her mind, lying in wait... the thought of her mother's fate and sins and madness lead her to question her journey at times. She remains steadfast in her devotion, but fears she will be caught and sentenced to death for her virtuous acts of justice and judgement. Also being underground for extended periods of times-- Saar is plagued with repetitive nightmares of two things; dead doves falling into a black abyss, and being buried alive.

    HABITS Aside for her dedication to reading her mother's scriptures (once in the morning and once in the evening), she also engages in self-repentance when the deities to compel her to do so.

    STRENGTHS Saar's work with a blade is deadly. She is incredibly accurate, and with an adequate knowledge of the human body (and the bodies of many animals) she can manage a butchering of a creature with skill and ease. She finds ease in diplomatic affairs, accommodating and shifting herself to fit a palatable mold of herself. Agility and speed are on her side, she is light on her feet and quick in a fight, using strategy over brute force to overcome an adversary.

    WEAKNESSES Physical strength is not where she succeeds-- lacking in the stature to intimidate any being larger than her, her hand-to-hand combat skills are confined to defensive tactics only. Saar is loyal only to the deities at this point in the time-- she has no dedication to any creed or faction aside from the cosmos. She won't risk her life to save others unless she is compelled to do so on instruction of said deities. She can be unnecessarily violent in some situations and has a silent and secret bloodlust at times.


    While Saar Ennes is known only as a reliable sailor with a strong sense for justice and little patience for unsavory individuals, The Blood Warden in infamous in corners of Solas, particularly Antares. With a pretty penny for the Blood Warden's head, those that known the name and rumors surrounding the loathsome creature know how poorly thought of the Blood Warden is. In particular, The Red Baron has a bone to pick with the Blood Warden after the massacre of several Carmine Corsairs. Saar, however, is respectable and well liked in Zenith. She is generous with her time and money, and cares deeply for those around her, making her amicable and well received by civilians.

    STATUS WANTED; The Blood Warden wanted for violent murders in the port city of Antares and assassinations in Zenith. Posters depict a small statured individual cloaked in black.

    FACTIONS COVENANT OF AETHERA; Though not formally apart of the Covenant of Aethera, Saar feels she could reconstruct the covenant to align with the holy teaching of the prophet and saint of the stars, Ilja Ennis. She would not be formally recognized, despite her kinship with the pious covenant.

    So much of Saar’s life was spent in complete darkness, totally ignorant to the bliss and enlightenment brought on by belief. Despite this darkness that came before the awakening, the memories exist, despite her best wishes to push them away. These dim memories serve as nothing more than a reminder of what awaits her should she stray too far from the light.

    Antares was harsh to those who wished to stray from her corruption. The hostile conditions were cruel and unforgiving to the children of the patrons and unscrupulous scum that had the misfortune of procreating in the port city. While Antares operated as a stop for many wayfaring travelers, the unlucky few that inhabited the city year round suffered in the wickedness of the city.

    Ilja Ennes was a woman desperate to get by. Despite her age, any semblance of youth had been sapped from the woman through years of work as an escort for the sleezy sailors that washed ashore. Opium laced her blood, and sin spelled her name. Through some fault of her own, after a drunken night at a tavern or an inn– even she isn’t certain of the story herself– and a night of ecstasy and debauchery, she eventually came to be with child. To her merit, Ilja tried with all her might to spare a child the curse of being born in Antares. But when she failed at sparing the child’s life, she attempted to improve her own.

    While money from “The Gilded House” (those familiar with port in Antares fondly recounted “all roads lead home… or to a house at the least.”) was steady, Ilja’s carefree and immoral lifestyle was unbeffitting of a child. Clawing tooth and nail from the pits of impurity, Ilja found solace in the teachings of an older woman formerly associated with Covenant of Aethera. Delirious as this woman may have been, Ilja listened with open ears and open heart, desperate for a better future for the child that laid in wait.

    Through the nine months it took, Ilja changed her life– as best as she could. No longer did her skin feel cold and calmly, her body felt healthy and rejuvinated, and her mind, for the first time since she could remember being a child, felt hopeful and clear.

    Antares was contempetous and sordid landscape transformed by the verbal teaching of a skewed religion. Ilja loved Saar more than she’d loved a being in her life. Her child was bright, full of life and expectations. Even at eight pounds, Saar was a symbol of optimism in the den Ilja had been stuck in her whole life.

    For the first two years of Saar’s life, Ilja walked the straight and narrow, somehow managing to protect her child inside a den of sacrilege. The Gilded House provided shelter for the mother and daughter, but the brothel was rank with danger. Ilja heard stories of stolen babies, of sailors tossing the bastard children of prostitues into the murky waters of ports, thinking in their drunken stupor that drowning was more merciful than coming to age in a place like that. Saar was walking and talking before temptation called Ilja’s name again.

    The older Saar grew to be, the more she saw, and the more she remembered about her mother’s deteriorating condition. Ilja was the picture of piety, dedicating her time to teaching Saar the altered teachings of the Covenant of Aethera. Though the words likely strayed from the teachings in The Cascades, Ilja’s conviction guided her to speak, as if she was a prophet relaying the words of the deities. She was a vessel for holy information to be obtained. But as her condition deteriorated, her obsession with piety and her devotion to the deities intensified.

    Ilja began writing Aethera’s Manifesto when Saar was four years old and never finished. The last text was written the day of her passing. The page was written and stained with blood and tears, the writings of a woman on the brink of reuniting with the cosmos. Her soul would be redeemed, and the mistakes of herself and her forefathers would be forgiven. Or, at least, that is what she conveyed through her writings.

    The day Ilja took her own life, Saar remembers a horrible storm. Rain beat down on the roof of The Gilded House, escaping through small holes in the thatch ceiling and dripping rhythmically into buckets positioned strategically throughout the open living quarters. Her hands worked dutifully to fold the few clothing items she and Ilja shared. Despite her age, three and ten, and in spite of her mother’s endless inebriation, she felt safe in The Gilded House. Ilja, alongside the other women that inhabited The Gilded House, looked out for Saar as she grew and learned.

    “It is a beautiful day.” Ilja uttered, a strange smile plastered on her face as she scribbled down more words. “Are you still writing, mother?” Saar asked, pressing her hand into a fold she’d just created.

    Ilja stayed silent, only increasing the pace of her writing until finishing moments later and abruptly rising. “Let’s go out today.” She said, snatching the clothing piece out of Saar’s hand. “I’d like to go out to the docks today. Let’s go.”

    Saar was hesitant to allow her mother to go out in this state– as she’d learned, the docks were a dangerous place. Not only due to the incoming sailors and travelers, but in any state it could be easy to fall off the side and perish in the murky waters below. But something propitious glimmered in the tired eyes of her mother. It was difficult to refuse her, especially when she loved her so. Saar silently scorned her hesitance– the deties would allow them to meet their end when it was time. She couldn’t prevent anything, she could only push back the inevitable.

    “Let’s go.” Saar responded, extending a hand to her mother. The older woman graciously took it, embracing her daughter as they took to the streets of Antares, soaked in rain but blissful in their experience of others.

    “Mother I was thinking…” A young Saar began as they neared a tavern rowdy with another barfight. “Could we go to The Cascades? I am certain the Covenant of Aethera would accept us with open arms. Your scripture is beautiful, mother, and I think you should share it with those that will listen. Even those that don’t.” She held Ilja’s hand tighter. “The deities would want you to share your writing with the world– it is the only way they will know the light and love we do.”

    When Ilja’s life ended, Saar’s life began. The world became very clear to her after Ilja’s death. With her hands stained with blood, clothing soaked with red and rain, and mind fully clear, Saar’s purpose in this world seemed to be given to her. As if the deities themselves blessed her with the gift of knowledge as they took her mother from her.

    Antares was a city riddled with unholiness. They turned from the cosmos and disparaged others in the name of lust, pleasure and sin. All the years of teachings and ramblings came to fruition when Saar completed her readings of the Aethera Manifesto her mother written. Hundreds of pages of text, scriptures that were holy and rare to have. Divine intervention blessed Saar with her purpose in life– to purge the world of the impurities it was cursed with and return the natural order.

    The Aethera Manifesto was riddled with falsehoods, the writing of a woman inspired by alcohol, drugs, and madness. They strayed far from the words of the Oracles. But The Cascades were a holy land Saar could never reach, no matter how hard she tried. And regardless, she’d been deemed as a warrior for the deities. She extended her arm as their blade.

    Without Ilja, she lacked prospect and security. But what she didn’t lack was the ability to learn and teach herself. She poured over the writings of her mother day in and day out, working to survive and working where she could. She worked on the docks, tying ships off, ushering sailors in, studying the scum that crawled to Antares. She worked in The Gilded House restoring the den of sin to it’s original states, washing the floors clean of their infernal footsteps. And she worked with the blade that Ilja ended her life with, sharpening her skills and becoming one with the sacred blade. A sword of stars, she’d called it as a child. In her older adolescence, she knew the blade was a mere dagger, but it did the job.

    She studied matters of the body, the internal workings of man– if she had a mind for it, she might have made a good doctor, but her aim was straight as an arrow. The will of the deities would be carried out by her hands, influence by the writings of the Saint Ilja.

    At only six and ten, Saar set out on her quest of purging Antares of the vermin that called themselves patrons. Six and ten, lacking in physical intimidation, but making up for it in agility and alertness. Though, that was not always the case. Mistakes were easily made, especially at the hands of a young girl enacting justice in the horrible place.

    The black night masked her intentions, the blade of stars held tightly behind her back. “Sir.. Sir– Could you help me?” She called, sweet voice tantalizing the ears of a drunk man– Henrik, he was called. Henrik was Captain of a ship known for smuggling cargo in and out of Antares. He’d visited her mother several times. Saar remembered the marks he left. “Sir, please. I’m lost.. And scared and…”

    “Don’t worry little lady… I’m coming! I’m coming…”

    The mess afterwards was unseemingly and impure to Saar. Her hands were blessed with the blood of her mother, she could not taint them with a sinners blood. But Henrik’s demise taught her many things about her destiny.

    Gloves, to purify. A clean entry wound to purge. And a sinner on their way to salvation to show.

    Antares masked her work easily. The crime of the port city was hard to track for many, but Saar’s sights were not set on low status individuals. She felt a holy duty to rectify the wrongs of these individuals, and pray only for their salvation after she carried out the will of her deities. The more she purified, the more renown she gathered. Known only as the The Blood Warden, fear surronded her name and being. Caution was used when alone at night in particular areas. But Saar worked around these obstacles with ease and skill.

    The Red Baron did not appreciate her holy work.

    After an attempted attack on her life did she draw back to the shadows, retiring the blade momentarily. The Blood Warden was a wanted criminal, with a hefty price on her head. She’d been unable to eliminate the man sent to kill her, and he’d seen her face. The only man that could name the woman behind The Blood Warden was alive, with breath in his lungs, and a scar reminding him of Saar’s ability. Antares had been purged partially of it’s corruption, but more work was to be had. Unfortunately, it was impossible to do so with killers lurking around every corner. If Saar were to carry out her holy purpose, she might as well put a blade to her throat and end her life. Lying low would provide her cover to continue her righteous quest.

    The Cascades were an impossible dream, one Saar convinced herself would be too difficult to reach. The Cascades also held no true knowledge of the prophetical text of her mother– she feared ostracization for her work. Unfortunately, a place she felt called to could not harbor her. She searched for a city in need of her services and eventually found herself stowed away in the cargo of a ship headed to Zenith.

    The Capital of Solas would become a landing place when Saar wasn’t at sea– the ocean offered a unique opportunity for her. No one could track her if she was in the middle of nowhere. Spending years on a ship, learning the operations, the ins and outs, the intricacies, without running for her life… Well, it only strengthened her conviction in her faith. The Ocean became her home, and Zenith became her port. And greed began to infect her mind– greed for power. For influence. For station. If she were able to take the helm of a ship and pass Saint Ilja’s words down, the world could be changed. Solas could see a great reckoning from the deities above. And Saar’s hands would be the one to facilitate it, no matter the cost.


    THE LEVIATHAN? As a seasoned sailor, Saar has served as second and third mate on other ships. With her experience and ability to lead and aid the Captain, she boarded the Leviathan with the purpose of aiding and assisting the Captain first-mate. However her own ambitions of usurping power from the Captain and turning the Leviathan into a tool for the cosmos is her true intentions behind boarding or even acting as first-mate.

    OPINIONS ON ROYALY? Royalty, in any capacity, are sinful beings that attempt to take power from the real divine beings. They should be dealt justice and eliminated for attempting to be false deities.

    OPINIONS ON PIRARCY? Pirates operate with only sinful ambitions of stealing and pillaging. Similarly to royalty, a swift and merciless death should met them as punishments of their crimes against nature and their fellow man.


    WHAT I WOULD LIKE MY CHARACTER TO ENCOUNTER/EXPERIENCE/DEVELOP IN THIS ROLEPLAY ARE I'm very interested in introducing to Saar the idea that her entire life has been built on the foundation of madness. That her mother was insane and that the bloodlust that comes with her religious dedication is inherently wrong. Making her face the moral decision between being right and being wrong (and also her obsession with reshaping the Covenant of Aethera) would be so interesting! And/or introducing her to individuals that might make her question her beliefs or even stray from her beliefs. Right now, if someone is going to die, she will let them in a heartbeat. I would love for her to feel an urge to save someone and question her entire beliefs and life and have a crisis. I would love a total change in perspective and goals for Saar. (Because right now she wants to take over the Leviathan and mass murder sinners so...)

    Yes absolutely!!


    saar ennes.

    designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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the shaman.






full name

Nerrivik Kolit



Curer, Witch Doctor, Rivi



twenty six


gender + pronouns

female [she/her]


place of birth

Umbra (Village of the Firja)



the shaman

  • healing

    I do not need these books, I have Hri, and that will be enough to aid those in need.

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  • Cassandra Isabella Flores

    #The Bride

    #Catherine Zeta-Jones

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