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Fantasy π‘πŽπ†π”π„ 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 β€” OOC

Good morning crew the CSes are looking juicier by the day πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ thank-you for all ur hard work.
I have just finished reading absolutely everything and Seething With Information and Ideas as one does. Gao Gao - If I understand it correctly, I can make a character outside of the listed roles? And am I allowed to create a setting myself or should I limit it to the mentioned places at this time?
Mypilot Mypilot You absolutely can! The roles are just some optional pitches to help with ideas, and can be modified to fit your character or you can create a whole new role.
As for settings, I am open to writers creating their own as long as they differ from the existing ones. I imagine all cities to have minor towns and farmlands littered nearby that writers are free to establish (as well as how that town's views/culture may differ from the closest city), as well as being open to writers creating a city of their own. After acceptance we can tweak anything that needs to fit, and incorporate it into the document for others to view/attach their characters to. Hopefully that clears up your scrumptious little questions!
I am RUBBING MY HANDS TOGETHER. I'm going to submit an application for the Ambassador tonight!! and then tomorrow I will put your timely answers to use and make another character who shall be a weird little freak if my ideas align correctly
oh i LOOVEEE to hear it, so very excited to see what everyone is brewing in their malevolent & magnificent brains 🀲 πŸ§Žβ€β™‚οΈ
Gao Gao I seek spare ingredients...perhaps anything you can tell us about the guards who serve the King...if there's any current or past wars...maybe what the most dangerous encounters protecting the king look like
So fooking good. The DMs give me life. πŸ˜‚
Gao Gao I seek spare ingredients...perhaps anything you can tell us about the guards who serve the King...if there's any current or past wars...maybe what the most dangerous encounters protecting the king look like
oK ignoring that qunqun has leaked the sacred texts (I promise I'm very normal and not weird to dm and I take lore and scheming very seriously!! I am a tyrant GM!!!), I've got further INGREDIENTS in my kitchen:

At the current time I haven’t introduced lore of a current or recent war (at least none in this King’s era), however I have been dabbling over a historic war against Umbra? Hence their isolated nature and smaller population. Though this would have occurred before the current generation (I also feel evil implementing late lore so this is just an idea, would love some yummy feedback from writers as I don’t want anyone to be like wtf gao don’t add shit).

I would also like to add that while there is no ongoing war, (hint hint, nudge) a future war may arise. I’m sure there’s also smaller conflicts throughout the realm between small townships, farmers that take their produce very seriously, looters, piracy against merchants and whatnotβ€” not exactly wars, but will prompt the intervention of authority.

The most dangerous encounters for the King would probably be the standard threat of assassination, poisoned food, the potential for civilian rebellion, the occasional brigand siege upon the capital, the red corsairs behaving downright foolish, attempts to procure and hold his immediate family or other nobles for ransom, even travelling out of his little castle and being in the streets would require guards to chaperone him around. But the main danger would definitely be attempts on his life which like any royal family, I’m sure are frequent.

As for the guards themselves, I’d assume there’s some hierarchy to it depending on experience, skill, or years devoted (or maybe you’re a nepotism baby, who knows). Basic guards on the street or sentinels at the port, for example, probably don’t hold much importance. However the King himself may have personal guards, those chosen to protect him directly, and it would be up to the writers whose characters are affiliated closely with the King to decide the dynamic and reason why they were appointed (if there is one, maybe they just got the job, hurrah.)

I hope this makes sense cuz I’m ngl my knowledge of this area irl is very lacking.

Edit; I will likely accumulate all answers I've given (both here and in dms) into a little questionaire area to make people's lives easier.
oK ignoring that qunqun has leaked the sacred texts (I promise I'm very normal and not weird to dm and I take lore and scheming very seriously!! I am a tyrant GM!!!), I've got further INGREDIENTS in my kitchen:

At the current time I haven’t introduced lore of a current or recent war (at least none in this King’s era), however I have been dabbling over a historic war against Umbra? Hence their isolated nature and smaller population. Though this would have occurred before the current generation (I also feel evil implementing late lore so this is just an idea, would love some yummy feedback from writers as I don’t want anyone to be like wtf gao don’t add shit).

I would also like to add that while there is no ongoing war, (hint hint, nudge) a future war may arise. I’m sure there’s also smaller conflicts throughout the realm between small townships, farmers that take their produce very seriously, looters, piracy against merchants and whatnotβ€” not exactly wars, but will prompt the intervention of authority.

The most dangerous encounters for the King would probably be the standard threat of assassination, poisoned food, the potential for civilian rebellion, the occasional brigand siege upon the capital, the red corsairs behaving downright foolish, attempts to procure and hold his immediate family or other nobles for ransom, even travelling out of his little castle and being in the streets would require guards to chaperone him around. But the main danger would definitely be attempts on his life which like any royal family, I’m sure are frequent.

As for the guards themselves, I’d assume there’s some hierarchy to it depending on experience, skill, or years devoted (or maybe you’re a nepotism baby, who knows). Basic guards on the street or sentinels at the port, for example, probably don’t hold much importance. However the King himself may have personal guards, those chosen to protect him directly, and it would be up to the writers whose characters are affiliated closely with the King to decide the dynamic and reason why they were appointed (if there is one, maybe they just got the job, hurrah.)

I hope this makes sense cuz I’m ngl my knowledge of this area irl is very lacking.

Edit; I will likely accumulate all answers I've given (both here and in dms) into a little questionaire area to make people's lives easier.
I offer a devious idea... admist my many diabolical plots... the orphanges of Zenith feeding children to the guard...
This is very feasible !! I imagine the pipeline between those with poor upbringing / without family to becoming sword-fodder very valued guards... is common.
Better make the little orphans useful rather than wasting TAXPAYER MONEY RAAHHH !!!
hmm this talk is giving me rather lovely ideas......expect more DMs in coming time Gao.
hmm this talk is giving me rather lovely ideas......expect more DMs in coming time Gao.
I'm scared ... why must you be like this, birb? Why must you do this to meeeeee? 😭
oK ignoring that qunqun has leaked the sacred texts (I promise I'm very normal and not weird to dm and I take lore and scheming very seriously!! I am a tyrant GM!!!), I've got further INGREDIENTS in my kitchen:

At the current time I haven’t introduced lore of a current or recent war (at least none in this King’s era), however I have been dabbling over a historic war against Umbra? Hence their isolated nature and smaller population. Though this would have occurred before the current generation (I also feel evil implementing late lore so this is just an idea, would love some yummy feedback from writers as I don’t want anyone to be like wtf gao don’t add shit).

I would also like to add that while there is no ongoing war, (hint hint, nudge) a future war may arise. I’m sure there’s also smaller conflicts throughout the realm between small townships, farmers that take their produce very seriously, looters, piracy against merchants and whatnotβ€” not exactly wars, but will prompt the intervention of authority.

The most dangerous encounters for the King would probably be the standard threat of assassination, poisoned food, the potential for civilian rebellion, the occasional brigand siege upon the capital, the red corsairs behaving downright foolish, attempts to procure and hold his immediate family or other nobles for ransom, even travelling out of his little castle and being in the streets would require guards to chaperone him around. But the main danger would definitely be attempts on his life which like any royal family, I’m sure are frequent.

As for the guards themselves, I’d assume there’s some hierarchy to it depending on experience, skill, or years devoted (or maybe you’re a nepotism baby, who knows). Basic guards on the street or sentinels at the port, for example, probably don’t hold much importance. However the King himself may have personal guards, those chosen to protect him directly, and it would be up to the writers whose characters are affiliated closely with the King to decide the dynamic and reason why they were appointed (if there is one, maybe they just got the job, hurrah.)

I hope this makes sense cuz I’m ngl my knowledge of this area irl is very lacking.

Edit; I will likely accumulate all answers I've given (both here and in dms) into a little questionaire area to make people's lives easier.
oh this would be HELPFUL for putting more pressure on little ily to be a RESPONSIBLE ADULT at the ripe age of 7 yes i can incorporate this-
It is done. Also because I didn't notice it the first time I used it: there's stuff underneath the images in the misc tab if you scroll! That's where all the ~extra~ information is
It is done. Also because I didn't notice it the first time I used it: there's stuff underneath the images in the misc tab if you scroll! That's where all the ~extra~ information is
Mypilot was NOT playing around when they said they'd slave over a character sheet we have been dutifully fed πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³
Man when I tell you how pumped I got reading the interest check, I stood up and had to pace around my room with excitement no less than 3 times as I read all the lore

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