Riverview Academy [Character Creation]


Hoo boy, am I ever glad someone speaks my language. I agree whole-heartedly with that sentiment. It had been nagging me earlier that some people made far too many characters. A simple drawn Venn Diagram would sooner prove that the remaining pool of powers has...diminished. A lot. Because of multiple powers existing within only one player's control. Think it fair that this happens? I do not think so. 


Shou Tatsumura



Place of Birth:

Stuttgard, Germany






4th Year


Shou has no technical 'likes', but prefers silence and order over noise and chaos. She gravitates towards intellect rather than strength as well. Despite this, she very much relishes the moments where she completely destroys her opponent.


Once again, she has no discernible dislikes. Rather, she avoids all sorts of noise and chaotic environments. She expresses a sort of disdain towards those who would flaunt their strength and those who saunter around like peacocks with their achievements. Those who refuse to listen to logic or reason are at the top of her list to maim.

HATES getting the wrong answer for simple questions.



The general control over all things metal, be they ferrous or not. This ability grants her the power to:

  • Create metal at will, disregarding all laws of physics and chemistry
  • Shape, compress, liquify metals at will, allowing her to sharpen or dull any metal object if she so wishes. (Note: This ability only works if she is touching the object)
  • Creating weapons out of the metal she has created or nearby metals, ranging from normal blades to ship cannons.
  • Detecting nearby metal objects within a 100 meter radius
  • Move and or or lift any metal object at nearly any speed she wishes, allowing her to travel on metal, not unlike a hoverboard.

The ability, too, opens up several doors to other abilities, such as:

  • Metallokinetic Regeneration: Rebuild limbs and their functions through the metal she can generate or with the supplied metal around her. *Note: Has never been used*
  • Metal Mimicry: Grant her a metallic skin to increase physical attack strength as well as mount up defenses. At the same time, decreaess movement speed to a crawl. *Note: Has been used often.*
  • Wire Manipulation: Most wires are made of copper, allowing her to deabilitate some electrical appliances. Sharp wires (e.g. the butler from Hellsing) can be manipulated by her to wrap around an opponent and either restrict them or kill them. *Note: Has been used before*
  • Argentopoeia: The act of turning items (and people) into silver *Note: Has never been used*
  • Chrysopoeia: The act of turning items (and people) into gold. *Note: Has never been used*

Weapon of Choice:

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She has her own katana, which she wields with much skill. Any metal near her, though, counts as a weapon to her.


She is a close-ranged combatant, and her ranged abilities need time to build up the metal required. Furthermore, if she comes in contact with any metal weapons, she can destroy them with ease. Ergo, ranged weaponry and attacks may effect her more than up close and personal.

If her metallic armor is deployed, her speed is drastically decreased.

She can only generate so much metal. She cannot form an entire tank without drawing in the metal around her. If she does, this will eventually lead to the destruction of public property. Which is no good. The maximum she can form for now is a metal wall that is as tall and twice as wide as she is, about an entire foot thick.


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She has two scars across her chest, that make up an "X" figure. The center lies directly at the middle of her chest. It is not known where this scar came from. She refuses to comment on it.


"Complain once more and you'll meet an army of me."

A quiet young lady, Shou is one who does not try to get along with anyone, or even form any sort of emotional connection with anything at all. Her sword is the only thing she trusts. Her sword and the many other metals nearby. She is very passive in her daily life, drifting in and out of class, getting good, but barely noticeable, marks, has rather good combat scores, though not very impressive, and chooses to train in the simulation room. She does the latter in quiet, choosing not to reveal the fact she was only two levels away from the top record. As mentioned above, she doesn't like noise or chaos, especially if she is sitting by, revising her work. If provoked too far or ignored, she'll make quick work of whoever seemed to be disturbing her peace. She is strict when applying her unique brand of judgement and gives no quarter. Those who would want to oppose her will should be ready to put up a fight. If one were to whine about it, she'd outright destroy them right there and then. Quite a few students have been sent to the infirmary for just saying that she was too harsh.

Despite her cold attitude, she does have quite a caring heart. It is not rare to see her aiding other students who are weak in their studies, as well as feeding the strays outside the school. It seems that she is only doing this out of the wishes of some warm place in her cold, cold heart, rather than out of trying to be noticed. Usually, when these students start to thank her, she vanishes before they can get a better look at her face.

Shou is obsessed with perfection. Should her work be anything less than her expected level of perfection, her tolerance level drops drastically, and if anyone as so much as makes a peep next to her, they'd be looking inside a neck-cast for a few months. She simply cannot stand it when she makes a careless oversight. If her answers are as much as slightly flawed, she'd tear the paper into pieces and start over from the beginning with renewed vigour....and anger. At these moments, she seems to resemble a minefield.


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Her height is about 6 feet 3, and weighs about (information undisclosed). She has black hair and dark brown eyes. Her measurements are



There isn't anything interesting about her that puts her as unique from the rest of her peers. In fact, it is her dullness that could be her interesting fact. Her papers indicate she came from Stuttgard, Germany, born to a Japanese family, and her father was working as a manager of some firm. Her mother was a housewife and her elder brother a businessman of sorts. The curious thing, however, about this file is that it never affirmed how she came to Riverview, and how she knew about it. Attempts to draw out the truth only received cold glares that chilled her prospective interviewers to the bone.

Note: The following is a personal account of Shou's history. You can open it to spoil yourself silly about her actual role in this whole shebang, but do note that no one, absolutely no one, with maybe exception of the headmaster (who is too cool), knows of her actual past.
The winds were cold, the snow numbed her touch and the world seemed dark. The sky and the ground intermingled as both black and white, darkness and light positioned right next to each other. The starless night and the white snow. She supposed it was all white, except for her silhouette. Her blood seeped into the white, polluting it with red. Even as the pain found its home in her body, she felt anger like she never did before. She had been a child of love and care. Her parents may have been first-class criminals, but they loved her as much as any other parent would their child. Now, all those emotions were lost in place of anger and hatred, pure loathing of those who did the deed. She clenched her fist, brought it up to the sky. A roar escaped from her lips as she brought the fist down back to the snow in frustration. The pain would have incapacitated any other normal person. Not Shou. If she were to survive to take her vengeance, this pain was nothing to her. She had to live with it, an eternal reminder that she had an entire organisation to destroy.

The Red Hoods. Those were the people that took away her heart, her love, her every other emotion. They who had slaughtered her parents cold in front of her, and near killed her as well as she raised her hands to fend for herself. She gritted her teeth, and raised on arm over her eyes, as the other hand tightened over the last memory of her father: a katana with a bone pommel and a black sheathe. She would not cry. She would not cry until it was all over.

But the tears fell anyway.


Riverview was the opening to the Red Hoods, where she could take them apart from the inside. Falsifying her documents and her past, she entered the school with only one wish: To destroy the Order once and for all, to wipe the slate clean.

Hmmmm. Quite the unfinished product. I will finish the biography if my head decides to work properly. Otherwise it's more or less complete.


@Highly Unorthodox



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Name: Garrett Paul Green

Place of Birth: United States

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Year: 5

Likes: Music. Big groups of people. Shopping. People with loud/odd laughs. Animals.

Dislikes: Staying inside. When people talk quietly. Silence. Keeping secrets. Gossip.

Power/Ability: Garrett has the power of voice alteration and sound imitation. If he hears a voice or a sound for the first time he can attempt an imitation but it is not always spot on. If it is a voice or a sound he hears a lot he can imitate it perfectly. He uses his power mostly to entertain himself or others. One of his favorite hobbies is bird watching. He enjoys learning the different bird calls.

When asked about his power, Garrett tends to brush it off. He doesn’t view it as a power at all. “Power sounds heroic,” he’ll say, “I’m not a hero. I’m just noisy.” With great focus Garrett can also use the power of charm-speaking. In other words he can manipulate his voice to strongly persuade people. However this aspect of his power isn't very strong yet.

Weapon of Choice: Garrett prefers range weapons over close combat. He is most proficient in firearms.

Weaknesses: Garrett tends to be impatient. If he has to wait for something he usually just gives up on it. He is also very energetic which tends to make him lose his focus. His lack of an attention span means he offends or annoys a lot of people trying to hold a conversation with him. He will jump on any opportunity that excites him in that moment. He is not organized and not good at planning things out.

Garrett becomes extremely uncomfortable when it’s too quiet or if someone approaches him alone. When this happens he tends to touch his ears or tug on his ear lobes. Garrett cannot fall asleep without music or some sort of white noise. He has a lot of trouble keeping quiet. He gets rather fidgety near the end of classes from the prolonged silence.

Fighting is not Garrett's forte. Physically is rather weak and he doesn't do well in most combat situations.

Abnormalities: Garrett has a sleeve of tribal tattoos on his right arm.

Personality: Goofy, social, eccentric. Garrett doesn’t take himself too seriously. He loves to laugh and have a good time. If he had his way he would roam around town every day meeting new people and finding little trinkets to bring home. He has the most fun with loud energetic people and tends to feel uncomfortable around quiet people. At times his inability to hold conversation with introverts embarrasses him. He would love to be able to hold his focus but his over active mind always has him jumping around subjects and activities.

Fiery, passionate, loud. Garrett is not afraid of being heard. Wether it be his thoughts or his singing he does not shy away from piping up or chiming in. He tends to work in short bursts of energy and then spend some time goofing off. He gets distracted easily but his constant desire to try new things means he is always starting different projects before finishing other ones. Despite all of this he always does things from his heart. If something interests him he pursues it passionately, that is until something else grabs ahold of his mind.



Lovebirds. Nolan Green met Regina Clement when he was young and foolish. They were both young and foolish as a matter of fact. Their shared love of music is what brought them together. They thought they had it all figured out. They would live off of their music and never work a day in their lives. Maybe one day they would have a family, maybe not. They never planned anything, not even their wedding. Things just seemed to fall into place. One day Garrett came along. The doctors said he had the loudest cry they had ever heard.

“My little song bird” Regina would coo. From the day they brought Garrett home from the hospital he never stopped making noise. It wasn’t until he was about 5 that he started making strange noises. Odd noises. Unnatural noises. Garrett would sit by the phone, staring, waiting. His face would light up with joy whenever it began to ring. He’d open his mouth wide and emit a perfect imitation of ringing. He loved to watch tv. Whenever someone had an interesting voice Garrett would jump up and parade around the house imitating it flawlessly. And music, oh music! Garrett could listen to his parents make music for hours on end. With every airy note that sailed from his mother’s guitar he would perk up and copy it.

Garrett’s power never concerned his parents. In fact they always told him that once he was older that he could be a part of their band and be any instrument he wanted. Life was grand. Garrett was home schooled and all he really worried about was singing and making music. That was until Garrett turned 13 and something terrible happened. No one saw it coming. It wasn’t planned. It just sort of happened like everything else in their lives. Nolan died of a heart condition that ran in his family. Garrett and his mother were shattered.

From that day on, Regina promised herself that her life would change. She would set in place some sort of stability. She wouldn’t live in the moment anymore. She would plan. Two years later she met Wayne Rice. He was a kind and caring man and more than anything he was concerned for Regina. Perhaps it wasn’t love at first sight but Regina felt that marrying Wayne was the responsible thing to do. Garrett needed a father figure and she needed help providing for him. However Wayne’s military career made for an inconsistent living situation. Instability is the last thing Regina wanted.

When Regina and Wayne discovered Riverview it seemed perfect. Wayne never admitted it but Garrett’s powers concerned him and Regina just wanted a stable place for Garrett to be. They enrolled Garrett without telling him and to their surprise he was okay with it. He was ready to be on his own away from home. Home felt oppressive. Even if they were moving at least once a year it all seemed so routine. Garrett came to Riverview with one promise to himself. He would not fall into a routine. He would live freely.

Other: He has a secret phobia of fish because they don’t make any noise. His fear embarrasses him. Garrett has never been on a date or had a best friend because talking one on one with someone makes him uncomfortable.
@Highly Unorthodox I noticed that a few minutes after I posted this. Note to self read more carefully before creating a character OTL Well considering his power sort of determines his entire back story and personality I guess I'll make a different character.
Minnow said:
@Highly Unorthodox I noticed that a few minutes after I posted this. Note to self read more carefully before creating a character OTL Well considering his power sort of determines his entire back story and personality I guess I'll make a different character.
Take your time. The first character in the plot is just starting to get tested. Once it gets close to the time where testing in the rp is almost up, I will be shutting down the rp so that no longer can people join.
@tem502 That's what I was thinking too, but the character Ingrid has voice manipulation which is pretty much the same as Garrett.
Man, this is really getting a bit messed, dont you think? So we can't use a subset of another person's powers?
I was thinking that at a school for gifted students wouldn't some people have the same powers so they can learn about them together? I feel like it would create interesting relationships between characters. I don't know, just a thought.
@Highly Unorthodox I'd like to join this game if there's still a spot free. Also, it seemed to me you were suggesting it is possible to create a character with no supernatural powers but some other asset, is that correct?

Here's the quote:

It typically houses those possessing supernatural abilities that we can only theorize about, but there is the occasional average human that catches the Academy's eye through their exceptional talents that may be considered beneficial or an asset to Riverview.
Name: Lawrence Ulgrin Kampbell

Nickname: Luk

Place of Birth: U.K

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Sweets, Food, Cheese especially.

Dislikes: Other Brooding People, Other peoples Problems, and most of all Crying. Mutants or Specials.


High pain tolerance

Highley trained Human in the peak of conditioning and abilities.

CQC master knowing many different fighting styles he can pull and adapt from.

Weapon of Choice: Forearm shields, Retractable Rods, Stun Gauntlets, assortment of utility grenades/bombs (think Batman), Guns, Knives.

Weaknesses: He is Human

Abnormalities: light scarring all over body, burn mark on left shoulder, scar tissue on right forearm, right ear missing a chunk from the top. malcoloring on chest and left leg from wounds. missing rib on left side.

Personality: He is brash and arrogant on the outer bits towards people with a large self loathing complex of inferiority. He is easily jealous of pretty much anything, from love life to abilities and skills. Always willing to try things once though. Luck is something he blames everything on from whether his toast is burned or he is hurt. Lawrence never takes responsibility for his actions and blames everything on others inabilities. Quick to point out other peoples weaknesses in order to make himself feel better. He comes off as a Cold and a Jerk. To sum him up in a single word would be a "Prick."


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"A Normal mans Manifesto"

Time and time again we are told how lucky we are. Lucky how we were born lucky how we have food on our table, lucky you can see hear, touch, taste, smell. When we place our lives next to others that have misfortune we attribute that to Luck. Why is it those that are normal should be thankful and feel lucky about being on par. Misfortune when sized up to others just shows you how much you lack. Unlucky as they call it is a curse of the envious or those who can not be complacent.

My Birth was Luck, My survival was Luck, My Nickname is... Luck.

Born into a world of super beings and freaks. Powers ranging from cataclysmic to demi god it seems unlucky that in this world I am born normal. Born into a life that is surrounded by this. My father is a Red Hood a freak like the rest of them. Powers and skills that no mortal man ever possessed until now. Screw them its not fair. Why am I cursed for being normal now? how am I misfortune that I can only walk, talk and do everything else man has done for thousands of years!

With my name and family comes an expectation. Thats the only reason why my existence in this hell hole of a school is necessary. My name is a privilege they say. People expect me to be great they say. I'm so... lucky.

From the moment of my childhood I noticed being unlucky as my "uncles", "aunts", and "family friends" all had talents I did not possess. Being self aware as a young child of your worth which will never be greater than those circus freaks is scarring and heart breaking. Before I could conjugate full sentences I learned that I would never be able to be the greatest at anything or be the best. All because I was unlucky.

This name Kampbell is less of a privilege more of a shackle. Instead of some high school and college normal went to i'm here sitting in these classes watching other mutants perform their amazing feats. Then some sit there and cry about how their family gave them away or people turned their backs on them. They go on how LUCKY I am to have a supportive family. They have powers I do not, they have no family to hold them back and I do. Whose lucky through whose eyes?! Are mine not good enough for them am I not special ENOUGH FOR THEM?! Cry and weep to someone else like you.

Talking to me and asking me questions about my life what I did over breaks of school what I did with my family. I kill things thats my job thats my curse thats my shackle a soldier in the Red Hood going out into the mountains with guns and gear to stop me from freezing to death and a gun to kill someone marked dangerous. Winter break?! What break I go out and do a job. I have to train every day harder than you homosapien monsters. I have to train harder so that maybe one day when you become greedy enough to try and extend your powers for self gain that im the one ending your miserable mutated life.

I am so Unlucky...




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Name: Olivia Elise Kohl

Nickname: Close friends call her Olive

Place of Birth: United States

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Year: 2

Likes: Fashion, Makeup, Dance, Arts and crafts, Early mornings

Dislikes: Cold weather, Staying up late, People who aren't straightforward, Pessimism, Close mindedness

Power/Ability: Olivia has the power of replication. She can instantly replicate herself and inanimate objects numerous times. She can also remove these copies as quickly as they appear. Some applications of this power include: using copies of herself as decoys, flooding an area with replicated objects, and avoiding being tracked by sending a copy in a different direction.

Weapon of Choice: Olivia prefers small weapons she can conceal such as knives.

Weaknesses: Throughout her childhood it became clear that Olivia had an immune deficiency. She becomes sick very easily and has a hard time fighting off something as small as a cold. Because her powers are not mastered yet not all of Olivia's copies are perfect, some may appear faded or flawed in some way. She also cannot replicate very large objects yet.

Abnormalities: none

Personality: Confident, ambitious, optimistic. Despite her young age Olivia has always always been very sure of herself. She always strives to carry herself with pride. Satisfying high standards is always a must. With her parents never settling for failure, Olivia always tackles her goals head on and with great zeal. A challenge is always exciting for Olivia because her optimistic attitude usually has her believing she can do anything. Some may view Olivia's optimism as idealism. In some cases she does take on more than she can handle. If she fails to complete a project or reach a goal Olivia will take a while to forgive herself.

Olivia prides herself on being honest and straightforward. People who are passive aggressive to try to get a point across infuriate Olivia. She would much rather receive harsh criticism than have someone beat around the bush with her. Because of this Olivia is rather blunt when speaking her mind but she would never intend to discourage someone.




Mom;; Carol Kohl, 45, dance instructor, rarely shows physical affection, holds very high standards for her daughter, Olivia mainly views her mother as her coach.

Dad;; Ronald Kohl, 46, doctor, rarely home, also has great expectations for Olivia. Olivia has high respect for her father but is also slightly bitter towards him because he wasn't involved in her childhood.

Carol and Ronald Kohl promised each other that together they would create an above average life. Both of their occupations brought in a hefty income that allowed for a beautiful home and an altogether lavish lifestyle. When their daughter Olivia was born, they wasted no time molding her into their above average child. Dancing and academics were the main priorities, but any activity that would prove impressive to the tight knit community they lived in would be forced upon Olivia.

In truth a lot of Olivia's early childhood was a big show perpetuated by her parents' desire to look like the perfect family. So when they discovered Olivia's inability to fight of sickness, her parents were devastated. It was as if they believed her body's weakness somehow affected their reputations as parents. During a period of time when Olivia was very ill, her father had her stay in the hospital he worked at. After a number of extensive tests Ronald discovered her special abilities.

There was talk in the neighborhood of young people with freakish powers or odd mutations. For fear of risking his high status in the community, Ronald kept his daughter's power a secret. The only solution he could think of was sending her away. So Olivia's life was turned upside down. At the age of 12 she was whisked away from everything she knew in order to protect her parents from gossip. Her parents still keep Olivia on a tight leash despite their distance.

Other: Due to her weak immune system Olivia is quite afraid of germs. She keeps herself and her belongings incredibly clean. Some would say her cleaning habits are a bit compulsive or ritualistic.
@Joker, I don't believe we need a teacher but if you would like to consult with @HeartBrokenIceQueen, her teacher is teaching two subjects, so maybe she will be willing to pass up a spot.

@Macaberz, you may join. The rp is open until the testing in the rp is almost completed, which it isn't even close at this point. Yes, that is correfct. You may have a character with talents that catches the academy's eye. Such as naturally good with weapons, or a very good sniper, or a anything of that sort. Anything abnormal to "normal" humans. Like being able to uncode things or maybe a computer genius (hacker). The world is your oyster.

@Humor In order to be accepted and not be a supernatural being, you need an ability listed under ability. Check my reply to Macaberz and get a quick understanding.

@Minnow, accepted~
Name: Ignatius Bartholomew Mathias

Nickname: (None, does not understand the concept)

Place of Birth: Created in same laboratory as Vanessa by Faust Hiloerth.

Age: True age is unknown; possible extreme altering or complete termination of degeneration of cells on an imperfect level. Appears around 17 though was already in this 'form' when Vanessa was created.

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth

Likes: Ignatius has a very selective, narrow, and almost merciless view of things he deems like-able or dis-likeable. Even deterring from using the word 'like' and instead referring to being 'fond of' rational thought, people who provide challenges; though not to the point he is angered. He often refers to this as the amusement one takes in watching a cat chase a piece of string; enjoyment as long as he is in complete control. One of the few things Ignatius will go beyond 'fond' with is praise, which there is less than enough to fill a thimble in his life. On a more, sadistic note, Ignatius has been known to appear excited and eager when he battles people who are surprised by his ability. Indicating an almost eagerness at surprising people and exceeding expectations, which he was never able to do while under Faust. Oddly enough, since his creation Ignatius has had a peculiar fondness of music.

Dislikes: Disliking things for Ignatius is..... tricky. As he has very little knowledge beyond combat and the most limited social interaction, except with a very young Vanessa which he found.... confusing at best. He does, however, begin to get aggravated and even enter a rage if someone is overpowering him. As feeling helpless is ground deeply into his psyche and he despises the clenching, squeezing feeling he gets in his chest when he disappoints someone.

Power/Ability: Void Manipulation: What makes Ignatius so deadly in a world of powerful magic-users? His ability to generate potentially endless amounts of 'Void' as it's come to be called. Void is a completely malleable and static substance that Ignatius shapes to his own will. However he has only shown consistent use of two forms of Void, as to whether he can ONLY use these two forms is unknown. As for now, however, the most he has recorded generated is enough to engulf a school bus.

Magi-Sight: Perhaps the most costly of Ignatius' abilities is 'Magi-Sight'. Ignatius sees using his own form of magic through the Void, and sees much like infra-red vision. However, his sight locks on to and hones in on magical sources. Allowing him to 'see' the energy others use for their abilities, further enabling him to nullify enemies. This however has come with a steep price, as anything non-magical, appears grey like a black-and-white movie. Even more so when it comes to people. Objects he has learned to identify. Mundanes or animals, however, appear as nothing more but barely-formed wisps of featureless grey.

('Crystal Void': A transparent, slightly-purple hued crystalline form of Void. Arguably the more deadly of the two forms of Void. This form has been known as an 'Anti-Power' of sorts. First impression of this material were that it absorbed the energy from enemy attacks and fueled Ignatius' own. However, unknown to anyone but Ignatius, is that rather than absorb energy. The crystalline Void emits a wave of stasis, preventing any sort of alteration to the area within an eight foot radius that 'gifted' abilities require, thus making them impossible within the 'Void Field'. Even this 'Void Field' itself be retracted or shifted within it's definite range at will. The Crystal Void moves by forming over old layers, so it cannot simply appear ten feet away from Ignatius without some already existing. Meaning it all originates from Ignatius, thus it's spread could possibly be prevented. *Crystal Void moves at the same speed as 'Dark Void'*)

('Dark Void': Contrary to it's name, this Void is not darkness, but rather a thick, tar-like substance that can move at approximately an average of four miles per hour. However, recently Ignatius has mastered the ability to link the Dark Void to his arms' movement, enabling faster reactions and more flexible methods of attack than previously. in opposition to it's counterpart, the Dark Void is extremely durable and can be used for a multitude of things. From grabbing a cup, to smashing solid rock on command. It can became as sharp as a steel blade or wield the blunt force of a club.)

Weapon of Choice: Requiem: Apart form his regular Void-controlled weapons, Ignatius does possess a sword only partly influenced by the Void. Allowing it to be stored and move through the Void without being on his person. He's taken to calling it 'Requiem' as his odd sort of apology to all the magic-users he's killed. It is a simple blade, of average size for a longsword and reinforced by both types of Void. Allowing him to harden it beyond normal metal and also 'cut through' magic. (This does not mean, however, if faced with a blasts of flame or ice, Ignatius can deflect it all with one slice. It would only destroy the magic in the space the blade goes through. Meaning, at most, the width of the flat side of the blade.) It can, however, cut through magically-created weapons like butter. As a magically-altered weapon itself, it reacts to other altered weapons much like normal weapons would react)

Void Cloak: The cloak Ignatius wears is comprised largely of Dark Void, with the buttons being small pieces of crystal void added in for a tiny amount of almost inherent magical resistance. This idea, being one of the few he received any form of praise from Faust for. The Dark Void will react like a personal defense mechanism and unlike the rest is completely left to the Void's more emotional form of control. Allowing Ignatius to focus on controlling the Void at a distance and not worry about wasting attention on deflecting small, weak, or inaccurate attacks on his person.

Weaknesses: Unbeknownst to anyone yet upon arriving at Riverview, Ignatius' Void has one fatal flaw. The magic-destroying 'Crystal Void' is as fragile as reinforced glass to physical blows. Magically created weapons break against it's surface, however, magically-altered weapons only get repelled. In vice-versa, the 'Dark Void' is physically strong like armor, able to even stop bullets semi-effectively. But it is however, an odd tar-like substance in it's natural state when not hardened by Ignatius, and at least partly liquid. Making it melt away from flames and even conducting electricity like water. Also, the Void will not usually move without direction from Ignatius himself. Making distractions an effective tool against Ignatius as he must conduct the movements of his Void, or give it a general verbal command to follow. Lastly, and something that happens under dire circumstances, is that the Void is animalistic. A protector to it's wielder and can even refute commands in favor of emotion. Meaning if say, Ignatius was threatened by two people, one of which at a distance while the other waited silently with blades. If angered at the ranged foe, the Void will react accordingly by desperately trying to extinguish the foe. Regardless as to whether Ignatius calls it back to aid in his defense against the physical assailant. Also, as stated previously, Ignatius is... of average physique and is not the most physically powerful, and has actually never ran in his life, as the Void must keep up with him.

Abnormalities: Aside from his greyish complexion, Ignatius' skeletal structure is surprisingly durable given his less-than-muscular physique. Bright lights and darkness, obviously, do not bother Ignatius, even if they are bright enough to blind others.

Personality: Ignatius, in a nutshell, is very child-like, at the same time as being very intelligent. Such as the first time he was ever injured when he accidentally cut open his finger with Requiem. He was at first, curious to this new sensation, before beginning to cry silently and hating this new feeling. As stated above, Ignatius is very fond of music and often sits alone and listens to anything that comes on the radio. He does, however, avoid rap. Referring to it as 'weird talking' rather than music. As for intelligence, when not confused over a subject, Ignatius appears very intelligent and matter-of-fact. Mostly on matters that are less factual and more common-sense based, for example he dislikes math and science, and often simply goes for the most obvious, simplistic answer. Often appearing naive or unnecessarily blunt in delicate situations. His stoic, black and white view of the world leading to his life-long struggle to understand emotions that "don't make sense" to him. Such as fighting when you have no chance of winning, or sacrificing yourself for someone else.

Appearance: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3131/2861431578_9c3aa89323.jpg

Biography: Having been raised in seclusion by Doctor Faust, Ignatius remembers very little from his past. Among perhaps a few of the more powerful of Faust's enemies, which brought him small tokens of the praise he so hungrily desires, only two real 'memories' other than simple things, and brief glimpses of some unfortunate scene he had undoubtedly caused, stays with Ignatius. He couldn't remember how long he had existed, he never bothered to check until that point. But he does remember the day Faust offhandedly mentioned he would be receiving a 'sister'. He had frowned at that word, not understanding the meaning, and the cruel smirk on the Doctor's face at the time had eluded to the purpose of the painful remark. To do just that, cause him pain which Faust knew would undoubtedly turn into rage at his next target, much as he tried to hide it. Always his memory would skip to days later, one of the very, very few days he was aware of the newly created girl to not be under testing. She was three, and sitting on the sterilized bed in simple children's clothes. He had approached slowly, watching the young child simply wave it's hands and make indistinct baby noises. To which he had simply listened to for a moment, then dismissed as developing speech capabilities. "Hello, I am Ignatius." he had spoken plainly extending his hand to the child who had simply gripped his thumb and waved his hand about, giggling slightly at the simple action. To which he had recoiled and blinked at the strange child, instinctively scratching his forearm in nervousness at not understanding the laughing and what was so funny. He had opened his mouth, attempted to speak, and failed, then simply left the room. His mind buzzing in confusion as he walked to his 'room'. The other memory.... is far more personal and hidden.

Other: As far as Ignatius' current views on his... "sister", there are many. Depending widely on his overall mood and situation. Mainly, he sees her as something to compare to, seeing himself as a simple test and she the real result. Often leading to him becoming envious, and then angry at suddenly feeling an emotion he had no way of understanding. Other times, exactly the opposite, as a sort of role model and something to strive for, this however often leads to negative thoughts as he begins thinking of himself as inexcusably less and unworthy.
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@Zachariah el Morgan

I don't think there is a list anywhere let, and there's no one assigning roommates as such, people have just been asking folk with a character the same year and gender.

So far I think there's;

Florence and Shou,

Olivia and Christina.

I think someone else might have picked, but I'll have to have a looksie through the thread to see.
[QUOTE="Highly Unorthodox]@Joker, I don't believe we need a teacher but if you would like to consult with @HeartBrokenIceQueen, her teacher is teaching two subjects, so maybe she will be willing to pass up a spot.
@Macaberz, you may join. The rp is open until the testing in the rp is almost completed, which it isn't even close at this point. Yes, that is correfct. You may have a character with talents that catches the academy's eye. Such as naturally good with weapons, or a very good sniper, or a anything of that sort. Anything abnormal to "normal" humans. Like being able to uncode things or maybe a computer genius (hacker). The world is your oyster.

@Minnow, accepted~

@Humor, accepted.

@Mad Prince of Sanity, accepteddddd!!! <3

Name: Yi Long Huang

Nickname: Yi,

Place of Birth: Henan, China

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: 4th year


Likes: Sleeping, fishing, Chinese food (He'll have none of that crap Westerners try to pass off as "Traditional Chinese food"), reading, shooting at animals with slingshots.

Dislikes: Unfounded arrogance, injustice, anything to do with Chuck Norris, unsatisfactory tea.


Crimson God Fist

Both the name of an Ancient fighting style and a power involving the use of one's own life force (or chi, as it is more commonly known) in battle. The fighting style is one that focuses on offense over defense, employing overpowering and fast strikes, eschewing the more calm and fluid nature of most Chinese Martial Arts. It is well known and practiced within the temple of Yi's origin as well as several others. The power however, is something only exhibited in select individuals every few hundred years. Forming the entire basis of his powers is:


The life force of the world, or so the Chinese believed at the very least. Chi is essentially life force, it flows through the land and through people, permeating everything, nourishing all that it passed through and linking their surroundings together. All bearers of the full power of the Crimson God Fist have abnormally high amounts of Chi, and are capable of manifesting and utilising it in both offense and defence. The powers granted by the Crimson God Fist are:

  • Enhanced Physical Attributes: Crimson God Fist multiplies the users physical attributes, like speed and strength tenfold, allowing the user to perform feats such as punching faster than an enemy can see or weathering blows that would fell a normal human. Combined with his extensive martial arts knowledge, it makes Yi a formidable closed ranged combatant.
  • Chi Manipulation: Crimson God Fist's Core ability, it allows the user to manipulate and project his own life force either offensively or defensively. Examples include imbibing one's fist with energy to strengthen blows or firing blasts of Chi from both the hands and feet of varying shape and size. Any projectiles created can be redirected mid flight. Despite appearing magical in nature, Chi is more akin to a physical force, rather than an arcane one. His Chi manifests as a bright red, flame-like substance.
  • Chi Sensing: Every living being possesses Chi, regardless of whether they know it or not. Yi can sense the Chi of others in the immediate vicinity, making it extremely difficult to catch him by surprise. Also, each the nature of the Chi within each individual is unique to them, and as such, Yi can use this to identify people, rendering disguises useless. It also allows him to read any hidden intentions or feelings of others through fluctuations in their chi, though he cannot detect the specific reasons and rationale behind said intentions. However, given the sheer quantities and subtle differences between each individual's Chi, it is nearly impossible to identify and remember each and every one. As such, Yi only chooses to remember those of close friends and family. It also gives the user the ability to commune with nature and understand their surroundings.
  • Presence: By flaring his chi in the surrounding area, Yi can project an aura in the surrounding area for intimidation purposes. Against the meek and the weak willed, the effect is remarkable, striking fear and panic into their hearts, more often than not sending them fleeing. Against those of steadfast spirit however, its effects are vastly diminished.
  • Aura: So long as Yi has Chi remaining, he is constantly cloaked with an invisible layer of Chi, granting limited protection.
  • Accelerated Healing: Yi heals from injuries naturally much faster than most, although he can't heal from things a normal person can't, like lost limbs. It also requires the user to be at harmony with his own body and chi, meaning it only kicks in when out of combat.

Legends of wielders have spoke of wielders displaying feats far overshadowing Yi's current abilities, with tales of men destroying mountains or making tornadoes through sheer speed. However, Yi is not even remotely close to mastering his own abilities yet.

Weapon of Choice: When not using his fists, Yi may use a straight, double edged Jian sword, or else a Bo staff.


  • Since Chi is essentially Yi's own life force, overuse of it can severely damage or even outright kill him if not properly used and regulated, as such Yi must constantly regulate and monitor his output, requiring much focus and concentrations. Surges of emotions and distractions can prove highly debilitating depending on how long they last.
  • Due to the aforementioned limitation, Yi can only use his enhanced strength and speed in quick bursts, prolonged use, while possible is highly dangerous. For example, Yi might be able to throw punches in rapid succession, or perform acrobatic leaps and bounds easily, but he cannot hold up extremely heavy weights or sprint at full speed for long.
  • Despite his enhanced reflexes and overall durability, Yi is still human. Gunfire, while able to dodge or take a bullet or two, can still make quick work of him. The same goes for stab wounds, burns, electrocution, etc etc...
  • Chi can only be replenished via meditation or gradually over time, there is no other method of doing so, be it with magic or medicine.


Naturally red hair, a side effect all bearers of the Crimson God Fist power have. He also has 6 dots burned into his scalp, the mark of a monk, though it's currently covered, due to him growing his hair out.


When it comes to everyday life, Yi's general demeanor can be likened to that of a pig. Laid back and lackadaisical, Yi can most often be found sleeping in all sorts of places, a trait that got him into all sorts of trouble during his youth in a monastery. Be it the toilets, the cafeteria, the roof or up some random tree, if a place exists, Yi can and probably will sleep there. He lags behind in most classes, and is almost always a beat behind everyone else, but he has a knack for things involving nature and biology, due to the nature of his powers. He is quick to forgive and forget, more out of laziness due to anything and is slow to anger. He is also quite kindhearted and usually tries to help those he sees in need, assuming he isn't asleep and can actually see them, that is. When he does get into a fight though, he undergoes a radical shift in personality.

When engaged in activities he is particularly fond of, like sparring, fishing or ogling women through peepholes, his personality does a complete 180. He becomes filled with passion and vigor, and will attempt the task at hand with fiery passion, the likes of which are have been noted by many to be similar to things like "A lunatic burying a chainsaw into a baby." This is most apparent in combat, where Yi will enter the fray screaming like a barbarian and delivering as many kicks and punches possible to his opponent and any walls or obstructions unfortunate enough to be caught in his fury. Despite his hot-bloodedness, Yi remains completely and utterly focused, a surge of emotions too vast can be potentially lethal, so even in his rampages Yi still has to regulate his output constantly. After all the excitement has died down, Yi is quick to revert to his slovenly ways.

Due to being brought up in an environment cut off from modern society, where Martial arts was a big part of culture for the better part of his youth, quite a number of his mannerisms and belief are rather archaic and he has a tendency to go "Backwater country boy" during normal conversation. One such belief is the assumption that those in leadership roles are the most skilled in combat as well, and has mistaken people like class presidents or executive office workers as giant badasses, cowering in fear from them.



Biography: (Optional)


Yi has a fondness of shaping his chi blasts like dragons or tigers, be it either short quick blasts resembling tiger heads or larger, flowing blasts shaped and moving like actual dragons of legend

That's about it, I'll think up a backstory if I can get my schoolwork done and my brain functioning correctly. Otherwise this is complete.

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Name: Rinninaki Averin

Nickname: Rin

Place of Birth: Japan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year: Third

Likes: The dark, her katana, butterflies, snow, and anything that is black.

Dislikes: Pointlessness, stupid questions and people, overly-happy people, being hugged.

Power/Ability: She can become invisible for as long as she chooses, but has to hold her breath. Along with invisibility, she can see into the future. Her ability to see into the future is currently very weak, and she can only see ahead about ten minutes. She also has an extremely strong senses of hearing and sight.

Weapon of Choice: Katana. Rin has mastered the use of swords and she has good upper body strength.

Weaknesses: Having a very good sense of hearing, Rin is very vulnerable to overly loud and high pitched sounds. She doesn't like to be touched without giving consent and gets very skittish and sometimes enraged when people touch her in the slightest way, be it a pat on the back or a hug.

Abnormalities: N/A

Personality: Rin came from a village in Japan and has been molded into a model ninja. She is very stealthy and often sneaks up on people on accident because she doesn't make much sound. She is often called emotionless for her lack of feelings. Rin has been taught to keep her emotions to herself, as they could be exploited as weakness. She is a bookworm and has her nose in a book in her free time when she isn't training. Rinninaki is very cruel but has a soft spot for young children. Rin can often be found hanging around outside at night looking at the sky.



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SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Might wanna change that Virus, the Katana, Ninjas and the name Rin are all Japanese, not Chinese.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do for my character and I ended up flipping back and forth and I forgot to correct that part.

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