Riverview Academy [Character Creation]

I looked over some people's skeletons and they have much more powers than just one. Should I pick up on another power or two, or just overpower my only one?
Kiro Akira]Can I get a link to the original? :( [/QUOTE] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/threads/riverview-academy-signups-ooc.8617/page-8#post-322398 said:

Paranoia said:
I looked over some people's skeletons and they have much more powers than just one. Should I pick up on another power or two, or just overpower my only one?
If you add more powers, you'll need more weaknesses to compensate. 

Fall said:
@Highly Unorthodox did you look over my characters? You said you would.
I just looked it over and you should list more weaknesses. Weaknesses not related to your character's powers. Such as a fear of clowns or heights (which would be ironic and something to work on xD ). But other than that, everything looks fine.

Name: Renshii Akahero



Major: Basic Sciences

Place of Birth: Not sure? D:

Power/Ability: None



Personality:Renshii is pretty calm and relaxed,he's generally laid back and enjoys his time when he's teaching a class. He loves to do chemistry most and blow viles and beakers up.

Abnormalities: A little on the crazy side?

Biography: Love you right now :)


Name: Night Misuki


Place of Birth: Not sure O.o



Year: 1st


  • Waterfalls
  • Rivers
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Drawing

Split Side:

  • Fire
  • Destruction
  • Volcanos'
  • Making others upset


  • Being aggressive towards others
  • Hurting anyone
  • Watching people being bullied
  • Being alone

Split side:

  • Being nice
  • People
  • Helping others
  • Being around "nice" things

Power/Ability: (Describe in detail)

He can control small things of water, maybe a gallon of water at a time?

Split side: Can control earth, as long as it's under 20 pounds he can use his magic to lift it.



Weapon of Choice:

Death scythe (Both sides like this weapon


His water powers can easily be taken over if he loses focus. It'd be simple to catch him off guard and other water users to take the water in their control. Same thing with split personality but with earth rather then water

When it comes to any form of battle he's weak to earth magic. And he's still young and small, his body is still weak and frail in a sense. And Night can't control his split personality side.

Split side:

Same as his original side but weak against water rather then earth.



Very calm and relaxing he's about as nice as they get and will do anything to help anyone out. He is also very shy when you first meet him, doesn't talk to anyone unless confronted.

Split Personality: Very aggressive and can't stand anyone. He dislikes people and can be a (Jerk?) to them. And has fun doing it.

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[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]D: Ok, but yes I want science >D 
I see Scientist, can I have that rather then Basic Science? O_o and you can just remove basic? 
@Highly Unorthodox I fixed up my sheet to the new one

D; but I like my scientist. You canals another if you want? There isn't just one scientist. I was basically going to rp the team of scientist in the background but if you were to make one, less work for me. That makes me happy. :'D alright. Just give me two hours or soon to check the characters out. I'm not on a computer at the moment.
Lunar_Angel]okay what are the powers that have been taken so I know what isn't. [/QUOTE] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/threads/available-powers-riverview-academy-information.17628/ said:
http://www.rpnation.com/threads/available-powers-riverview-academy-information.17628/[/URL] Here are some that haven't been used yet.
Highly Unorthodox] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/threads/available-powers-riverview-academy-information.17628/ said:
http://www.rpnation.com/threads/available-powers-riverview-academy-information.17628/[/URL] Here are some that haven't been used yet.
have you had someone that has the power to absorb others powers when they're around them?
I'll make a character with energy manipulation, so I'd just like to reserve that power, at least for one day. Just enought time for me to create and post a character.
[QUOTE="Lunar_Angel]have you had someone that has the power to absorb others powers when they're around them?

The ability to completely take away their power around them? Nope. That's new. 

[QUOTE="Zachariah el Morgan]I'll make a character with energy manipulation, so I'd just like to reserve that power, at least for one day. Just enought time for me to create and post a character.

The role play is starting up today. Would you like to take a professor spot? I lost the person who reserved the subject History of the Paranormal. If interested, pm me and I'll give you the details of what you would have to do for the rp.
Name: Aurora Sky Ramsben

Nickname: Aurora

Place of Birth: Denmark

Age: 18

Gender: female

Year: 4th

Likes: Music, being alone, guys, confidence, candy, water, peace and love

Dislikes: Cocky people, arguments, jerks

Power/Ability: Power Manipulation: To manipulate one's powers by

*Power Absorption- The power to steal some or all the powers from others and make them one's own usually temporary victims naturally regain their powers.

*Power Negation- The power to suppress the powers of others by canceling out the users powers making them unable to utilize their powers while under the user's control

*Power Mixture- The power to absorb several powers all at once (which can be very dangerous to the wielder of the power) .

Weapon of Choice: Ax that folds up into necklace

Weaknesses: Caring about people, telekinetic powers, mind readers, Power suppressor. After using to many of her powers at once she gets light headed and either faints, gets nose bleeds or can't muster the strength to continue using her powers.

Abnormalities: ear piercings, unusual birthmark

Personality: Keeps to herself, very cold, when around the right person she can be very sweet, caring, outgoing and down to earth

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.f509deff1ffacba466595cef05a020b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.f509deff1ffacba466595cef05a020b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Aurora came from a long line of elementals. But her and her twin brother were the first to be power manipulators but when they were together their absorption power was like nothing their family has ever seen. Auroras family was very rich and were very well know for the medicine they grew in their small town of Denmark. Her family basically ruled the town. They were seen as royalty. But with power comes a price and not everyone loved the Ramsben clan. As long as aurora could remember she could absorb powers. She first absorbed the power to control the earth when her mother was growing things in the garden but her brother would absorb the power of water. Every time one would absorb one power the other would absorb the same power without being around it. They would feed off each other. Aurora and her brother were adored by their clan they were unique, but their mother worried about them becoming a target. Auroras mother did everything she could to protect her and her brother. And everything had seemed to be perfect in Aurora's life until one dreadful day when Aurora went off to get food from the market. She turned the corner of her street when two trucks sped by her going toward her house. She quickly turned around and ran back to her house. Aurora knew in the back of her mind that something awful was going to happen. As soon as she reached the gates to her house, it was already up in flames. Tears streaming down her face she ran to stop the flames but a woman with a shovel came up behind her and knocked her out cold. When Aurora had awoken her former home was burnt to the ground. All of her family dead inside. That day something changed in Aurora, Physically and emotional. Her eyes changed from a bright blue to a blistering red. And her expression cold as ice. And her powers grew stronger. But only at the expense of her brothers death.

Other: No one else in her family had the power of absorption and after that day she started to develop more than just power absorption. After the tragic day she came to the academy.



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If I could suggest, perhaps Lunar_Angel should add some weaknesses. I mean, the ones she has are good, but I'm referring more to weaknesses and/or side effects of her using the power. Just a thought as that seems to be the general trend. Plus, taking a power away permanently may be a little too much, but that's neither here nor there, and its inclusion is at Highly Unorthodox's discretion, so pardon my intrusion.
[QUOTE="Zachariah el Morgan]If I could suggest, perhaps Lunar_Angel should add some weaknesses. I mean, the ones she has are good, but I'm referring more to weaknesses and/or side effects of her using the power. Just a thought as that seems to be the general trend. Plus, taking a power away permanently may be a little too much, but that's neither here nor there, and its inclusion is at Highly Unorthodox's discretion, so pardon my intrusion.

its quit alright(: yeah you are right it is alittle much but I was going off of the site I got it off of. But yes thank you for the tip ill go fix my weakness now thank you
[QUOTE="Lunar_Angel]its quit alright(: yeah you are right it is alittle much but I was going off of the site I got it off of. But yes thank you for the tip ill go fix my weakness now thank you

Yes, permanently is a little too overpowered. Also, you're last ability is taken. Replicating powers is mimicry and that is taken.
[QUOTE="Highly Unorthodox]Yes, permanently is a little too overpowered. Also, you're last ability is taken. Replicating powers is mimicry and that is taken.

okay I changed it.
[QUOTE="Lunar_Angel]okay I changed it.

Make sure to adjust your biography to fit your power now.
[QUOTE="Highly Unorthodox]Make sure to adjust your biography to fit your power now.

Lol I did I kept the same story line but I put alittle twist in there(:

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