Riverview Academy [Character Creation]

I'm afraid that is not the case. Energy is energy is energy, and nowhere in my CS does it mention that my character's powers is electromagnetic, let alone describe it as such. In my character's case, he can absorb and manipulate all forms energy but life energy (chi, mana, etc.) The ambient power of his was included as a twist, but he cannot control that. I did not feel that this RP necessitateed detailed mechanisms as to what energies were included, although I am aware of and have participated in other RPs that were more rigorous in their description of character's powers. Again, my apologies, but I'm sure that you can find another power from the myriads of other choices. If you really are set on energy manipulation, you could be a member of a branch family of the el Morgans, my character's family. However, branch family members would be inherently less adept with their powers than main family members, and I doubt you want that handicap, so please do choose any other power you wish.
If you truly had all energy manipulation, then you'd technically have fire, electric, cold, gravity, and literally anything involving chemical or physical reactions, including movement or being hit and be completely invincible :P

But nah, physics/chemistry pedantics aside, I get what you're saying.

You do have ~*energy*~ in general.
Yes, of course, you are right. However, I specifically intend to keep his powers from being able to control the kinetic energy of singular atoms so as to prevent full control over atomic vibration, as well as not allowing for a total absence of energy (effectively, Absolute Zero). But, there are other powers for @King of Imagination to choose from. After all, he is the King of Imagination. XP But really, I was suprised energy manipulation wasn't taken by the time I posted my own CS. 
@King of Imagination Do you still intend to join? I sincerely hope I wasn't off-putting for this RP. It really is shaping up to be good.
Oh yeah haha.

Your powers are absolutely well defined enough, I wasnt trying to dig at your character haha, I think he's awesome.

Just debating pedantics haha x3

Oh and thankyou very much for the compliment King of Im, your character was neat too; just unfortunate.

Hopefully you arent put off by the difficulties.
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Name: Daedalus Sedrian Calum

Nickname: Dae (pronounced day) or just call him his full first name.

Place of Birth: The U.S.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Year: Third

Likes: Music. Sunlight. Reading

Dislikes: Intense silence. It gives him panic attacks.

Power/Ability: Daedalus is a technomancer. He has the power of technokinesis. He is able to control and create technology with his mind. However, to activate this ability, he has to make contact with the device, from simple machines to the most complex machinery. He understands any technology he comes into contact with. There is one major drawback to this though. After a little while using this ability, he gets a headache. In addition, he does not retain this knowledge after using it to understand and almost talk to the technology.

Weapon of Choice: He created a low grade burst pistol. It fires off energy rounds that overload the nervous system and effectively stun and/or knock out the target. This weapon is only effective within about 100-150 meters. In addition, for melee, he enjoys the use of a double edged schiavona.

Weaknesses: He is unable to control anything that isn't tech. Medieval weaponry, basic house hold tools, knifes. If it can run off of electricity or is consiered a type of complex machine, then he can control it. Otherwise, not so much. His eyes are also photo-phobic, so intense light will really screw him over.

Abnormalities: N/A

Personality: Despite his affinity for technology, he is actually quite the social person. He loves to talk and echange ideas with others, although sometimes he comes off as a bit of a know-it-all. However, this is never his attentions, and he doesn't want to scare others off. In all truth he needs the human interaction.

When it comes to missions or other things that require his attention, he almmost always finds a way to goof off during it, and tries his hardest to make everything fun, no matter how impossible it may seem to do so.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.ce2830d577226334250e3fab10aac433.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12330" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/image.jpg.ce2830d577226334250e3fab10aac433.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: His glasses act as visual enhancers, he doesn't actually need them, but he can flip through different settings. Infra-red, targeting, niight-vision, etc.



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Now this is intriguing. It has been a while since I've seen technomancer powers. So long, in fact, that I didn't even consider them myself. Excellent power choice. Now, it's up to Ortho.
I was originally just gonna go with he's good at building stuff, but then technomancy came to mind, and I immediately jumped on it.
Telios said:
Name: Telios Choi Lang
Nickname: Tel

Place of Birth: Shang Hai, China

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Year: 1st year

Likes: Technology, Stealth, Games and Racing

Dislikes: Being controlled by someone he don't like.

Power/Ability: Red is the base to all his powers, Green is mastered and Yellow is practicing.

  • Life Strength a.k.a Mana: This is the source of all his powers. Only having 10% left, he can't use his powers and may faints instantly. Having no Mana and he will go into a coma and have a 10% of dying. Must rest for a long time (12 Hours) to regenerate it fully.
  • Materialize: He can materialize pretty much everything from atoms surrounding him, from non-life matter to life-filled ones (Kinda like reviving), but can't clone others. Can only made one object at a time. If he tries to materializes too much famoliar objects or even only 2 copies of perfect ones of unfamiliar objects, he will faint instantly. The same rule apply to a really big unfamiliar object (Such as black holes, super novas, ect.) The bigger the object, the more Mana he needs.
  • Teleporting: He can use them but he might be sometime teleported to a unknown location where he don't know.

Weapon of Choice:

  • Wristband-swords: They are one on his each arm, it can be retracted and extended at anytime he like. (Pretty much like the ones in Assassin Creed IV)


  • Personality can be exploited as a weakness.
  • His materializing powers are mostly used for defense, need to be trained more for offense. So without his wristband-swords, he is really vulnerable when can't use his materializing powers.
  • He has to learn the shape of the object and tries to materializes it multiple times to make it the same as the real one. If he is not familiar with the object, he will take a lot of his strength and time to make it perfect.
  • Only having 10% of his Mana left, he can't use his powers and may faints instantly. Having no Mana and he will go into a coma and have a 10% of dying. Must rest for a long time (12 Hours) to regenerate it fully.
  • Only one power can't be use at a time. If he teleports while he was materializing something, he will get drained a lot of Mana and the thing he was materializing will get broken.


  • When he is weak (Only 25% of Mana left), his eyes turns into a grey-ish color.


  • Distant but protective of his friends: Hard to trust other people but once the person is trusted, the friendship will stays for a long time. He will even tries everything, including dying to protect his friends.
  • Shy of older people: Usually, he is afraid of bigger/older people than him. He'll be reserve in front of them and near them, he maybe even try to get away from them if he can.
  • Clever: He studies a lot and quick to pick up new knowledge and skills too.



  • His father is a Chinese and his mother is Japanese (This explain why he look more like a Japanese but have a Chinese name.) He has a pretty good life and many friends until 4th grade. At that time, he was betrayed and got hit by his friends. The boys who hit him was punished but he is afraid that someone could betray him again. Then at 5th grade, he was bullied by the ones who hit him in the 4th grade. Since then, he left school, has homeschool and have no friends. (This bio explain his Personality, doesn't it?)


  • He is familiar with being alone, since when he was a young boy, he don't have any friends. So putting him into a solitary confinement is useless.
Alright, I just want to put this here as everyone seems to read this more than the OOC. My character's ambient power is a constant Life-Energy Drain on those surrounding him that he cant' contrl. Thus, he doesn't like to be around people for long periods of time lest he drain enough for physical harm to occur. However, for those who utilize Chi, Mana, or are made of "Life Water", he avoids them even more. In battle with such people, he could hurt them without even actually fighting, so, again, he avoids confrontation with such people. Now, your characters don't know this, but at least you all will know why my character reacts harshly, apathetically, or tries to get away from your character.
[QUOTE="Zachariah el Morgan]Alright, I just want to put this here as everyone seems to read this more than the OOC. My character's ambient power is a constant Life-Energy Drain on those surrounding him that he cant' contrl. Thus, he doesn't like to be around people for long periods of time lest he drain enough for physical harm to occur. However, for those who utilize Chi, Mana, or are made of "Life Water", he avoids them even more. In battle with such people, he could hurt them without even actually fighting, so, again, he avoids confrontation with such people. Now, your characters don't know this, but at least you all will know why my character reacts harshly, apathetically, or tries to get away from your character.

Well, my character is safe for now since he is also distant. xD
If your "Life-energy" absorption refers to more than simple glucose and extends to Chi as well, Yi will more than likely notice, seeing as if you are absorbing Chi, not only will Yi notice the colossal amount you possess, he'll notice you draining it from the environment as well.
I suppose he will notice. However, I doubt he'll understand how such a thing is possible as only certain, disherited members of the el Morgan family every truly practiced the art of draining the very life from others. They most certainly did not do so anywhere near Yi's place of origin, so I assume he will notice, be weary, but won't grasp why it's happening, or even if it is intentional or not. And, you are correct in assuming that Zachariah's chi levels are quite colossal by virtue of this.
No, I don't believe that Zachariah can distinguish between the forms of life-energy that he absorbs as he is somewhat self-loathing when it comes to the ambient power. However, contact with specifically Chi users or specifically Mana users will allow him to begin to differentiate throughout the RP.
If constant contact with Chi helps to differentiate, than Zachariah should be well aware of the differences by now, as he'll constantly be absorbing it from the surroundings, unlike mana or regular life-energy which he absorbs from other individuals.
My apologies. It seems my words didn't correctly convey my intended meaning. Over the duration of the school year, being in contact with Chi and Mana, as in learning with and observing Chi users and Mana users, will allow him to begin to differentiate between various life-energies because, as stated before, initially, he detested the very existence of such a power. The reason for such extreme abhorrence of the power will be revealed later as it relates to his shadowy past.g
@Nyx "Hard candy worth sucking on." ;'D I'm dying. omf. xD Yes. Accepted. acccceppteddd. 
@Telios, accepted.

@Ene Kagerou, accepted. 
I hogged most of the powers because I could and would and I have never had an OP character and knew full and well it would be unfair so I did it in spite of it being completely unfair. Muah. #noshame #getonmylevel

@King of Imagination, accepted.

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