[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

Have the super power wiki tabbed.

I wish Dago the best of luck trying to pick and choose powers.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Hey, have you guys heard of Boku no Hero Academia (manga)? This RP has a few similar concepts to it.

Yup. One of my fav manga series right now
DaughterofAthena said:
Hello everyone!

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]It's zero kelvin.
Yeah, lame pun...I know...

Wouldn't true zero Kelvin like, freeze the universe? How bout .1 Kelvin? *nods*
Hmm I wonder how Saitama would react to this...probably...


On a side note:

< I really want this phone case

< and this mug

< and this T-shirt.

...Yeah, that's all.
OverlordSenpai said:
@Giyari I like your new woman character. I feel like her and my male would be perfect for a maybe sort of romance. That is up to you xD ! I just found it ironic they have the same hair color and around the sameish age and they both are into some type of business. I am not done with my character yet but I have it all set up in my mind I just need to put on the sheet itself.
Go for it! Maybe they work on the same block? Maiya could maybe be a face he sees in his bar every now and again at lunch time? Or maybe instead she lives on the same block and visits the bar after work with her friends sometimes?

I like the idea that Cedric and her have chatted a number of times, but what with Maiya's playful cheeriness and "flirty tendences" Cedric maybe has no idea if she's into him or just being friendly, and it's maybe left his head in a pickle, haha! I think that would be cute :D
Face Manifestation

Spoon Manipulation

Terrakinetic Constructs

Power Level Measuring

Plant Growth

Draconic Breath

Prehensile Tongue

Dermal Armor

Poisonous Fangs

Regenerative Healing Factor

Illusive Appearance


Earth Manipulation

Compass Sense

Rhythm Intuition

Dragon Physiology

Dark Shield Construction

Force Armor Generation

Fire Breath

Penguin Physiology

Idiosyncratic Manipulation

Tranquilizer Breath

Ferrokinetic Wing Manifestation

Ice Manipulation

Venomous Claws

Snow Mimicry

Earth Bolt Projection

Cloud Generation

Multiple Hearts

Pain Transferral

Sonic Scream

Chlorokinetic Constructs


Snow Manipulation

Aerokinetic Constructs

Pipe Manipulation

Supernatural Accuracy

Voice Manipulation

Elemental Manipulation

Wax Wing Manifestation

Concussion Beams

Enhanced Smell

Size Enhancement

Paper Manipulation

Multi Weapon Wielding

Magnetism Generation

Elemental Breath

Explosion Vision

Oxygen Independence

Coral Physiology

Elemental Bolt Projection

Skin Hardening

Zombie Physiology

Water Attacks

Enhanced Memory


Geokinetic Surfing

Enhanced Jump

Jorugumo Physiology


Beauty Inducement

Thick Skull

Double Jump

Painless Damage

Additional Limbs

360 Degree Vision

Gold Mimicry

Dimensional Storage

Appendage Generation

Rain Generation

Umbrakinetic Wing Manifestation

A mixed up and unranked list of all powers randomed this far!
Welp, time to sort through all of these and try to figure out which ones are level 5 just for the hell of it.

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