I'm probably gonna go for finding and eating every poisonous plant I can find, so Surgeon-exclusive toxins wouldn't be my main weapon anyway. That being said...
Solitaire: A small, red wildflower with knife-shaped leaves. Induces vertigo and prosopagnosia when consumed, leaving combatants unable to distinguish friend from foe and making their attacks at random.
Golden Lotus: A golden lotus (duh) with soporific properties. Each round where those dosed don't take damage, they lose one to all dice pools; when their combat pool reaches 0, they fall unconscious. Taking damage reduces the penalty by 1.
Sandalberries: Small, dull green berries, also known as "shitberries." Induces uncontrollable purging of the digestive tract in most mammals. Needs to reach the stomach to take effect.
Ironshank: A tincture made from the sap of certain hardwood trees. Slowly paralyzes the leg muscles, reducing their ability to move around the battlefield by half and then completely if a second dose is administered. A character can force themselves to move at the risk of seriously damaging their paralyzed muscles, taking 1 and 3 condition damage, respectively, for each turn where they exceed their allotted motion.
Solitaire: A small, red wildflower with knife-shaped leaves. Induces vertigo and prosopagnosia when consumed, leaving combatants unable to distinguish friend from foe and making their attacks at random.
Golden Lotus: A golden lotus (duh) with soporific properties. Each round where those dosed don't take damage, they lose one to all dice pools; when their combat pool reaches 0, they fall unconscious. Taking damage reduces the penalty by 1.
Sandalberries: Small, dull green berries, also known as "shitberries." Induces uncontrollable purging of the digestive tract in most mammals. Needs to reach the stomach to take effect.
Ironshank: A tincture made from the sap of certain hardwood trees. Slowly paralyzes the leg muscles, reducing their ability to move around the battlefield by half and then completely if a second dose is administered. A character can force themselves to move at the risk of seriously damaging their paralyzed muscles, taking 1 and 3 condition damage, respectively, for each turn where they exceed their allotted motion.