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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Hmmm. You guys lack the needed mechanical skills to get a good read on it, but based on an Iq roll, you can guess that it has in the neighborhood of 500 to 700 MDC.
Ah! Excellent! I'll likely have more questions after Sil has had a chance to act with Eron. =)
Since it appears dear Sil will be out for a time, I'll post now.
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Sherwood Sherwood Is it possible for Eron to reach the other incoming skelebots before they get close to the reactor? My thinking is that i want to leap into action with Eron and draw attention while Terra gets the job done and Snowfall closes the doors to stop their reinforcements...
Great. And I have completely forgotten to activate any of Snowfall's items prior to combat.


Oh well! Own up to it. Learn from it. What else can a guy do, right? =)
Could be worse; it might be raining.... ;D

Seriously, pushing the biohazard containment button shouldn't take long. You should have plenty of time to activate some defensive powers.
Psy is right. Pushing the button is a simple task, leaving you a moment to turn something on.

Silanon Silanon once you post your action IC, I'll start the scene.
In other words: Once I post, we're all dead. Unfortunate. Any last words, folks?
Folks? Short question: The telekinetic leap allows to end with a leap kick attack. How does that work out for Eron, damage-wise? The numbers are for a leaping psyker, not a supernatural Crazy. He also takes sdc damage from the landing - would he just ignore that, or would it turn into mdc damage somehow?
That's completely up to how Sherwood wants to work it. There are lots of variables here. Is Eron attacking for a possible Critical from Behind since they apparently haven't noticed him yet? Stuff like that.

Sherwood Sherwood I'm also not entirely certain exactly how many bad guys we're up against? The numbers have been jumbled a bit in my head since Snowfall's patrolling of the place and now. At first, I thought the two scientists we took out were the only scientists present. I thought it was just us and the reactor. That's clearly not the case now.
Folks? Short question: The telekinetic leap allows to end with a leap kick attack. How does that work out for Eron, damage-wise? The numbers are for a leaping psyker, not a supernatural Crazy. He also takes sdc damage from the landing - would he just ignore that, or would it turn into mdc damage somehow?
What little damage will be SDC, so it will just bounce off of your armored hide. No worries there.
Sherwood Sherwood I'm also not entirely certain exactly how many bad guys we're up against? The numbers have been jumbled a bit in my head since Snowfall's patrolling of the place and now. At first, I thought the two scientists we took out were the only scientists present. I thought it was just us and the reactor. That's clearly not the case now.
There is a total of ten surviving scientists, but they are not armored or armed in any way and are all running for cover from a potential explosion. They are not going to engage.

In the larger room attached to the reactor room is a total of twenty Skelebots spread out, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. Once Snowfall hits the lockdown button, that will at least temporarily seal the chamber and keep reinforcements from rushing in. Right now, heading for the door where Snowfall is, there are three of the bots, and heading towards the reactor space are also three more bots for a total of five of them right near Eron, Terra and Morrolan. If Eron angles his jump just right, you can get the 'critical hit from behind' on your target.

Just to give you a image of what you are dealing with, this model of Skelebot has a total of 150 MDC to them and are armed with a set of vibroblades and a lightweight rail gun.

Well, I'm definitely going to try for the critical hit. I'm still uncertain what kind of damage the hit would do, though - Eron has supernatural strength due to his implants, so it's probably not the standard damage - but I can't find the right one, only those for standard attacks.
That's the plan! Once I've figured out what to roll, I'll also do the bonus point thing. First impressions are important.
You have time to activate a tattoo or some other ability before we go into a standard combat round.

o rly? Activate an ability or tattoo? Or... maybe an item? Hmm?

Sherwood Sherwood I don't know how the battlefield is set up but... what if... given Snowfall's understanding of magic (Lore: Magic: 86%), how potent might it be if he whips out his Rod of Weather Control in here and throws, say, a Wall of Wind spell? Placed nowhere near Eron or the grenades, mind, but between us and the non-webbed-up Skellies? Maybe... on the remaining Skelebots? Would that buy us some time?

Would it be of greater worth if such a wall were placed lengthwise to produce the "wind tunnel" effect described in Book of Magic (physical copy), page 125?
Ok, a quick read shows that the Wall of Wind will stop the Skelebots from physically walking through it since they are far under the weight limit of the spell. The rail guns that they pack can shoot through it, but I will assign a sizable minus penalty to their to-hit roll, and that is assuming that they are willing to fire on a target in the reactor room and risk damaging the power core itself. The damage done by the winds would be minimal to them if they try to walk through the wall, but every little bit counts, right?

Lets see, what else? It can be cast up to 100 feet away, so you have the range to do that. Also, the size of the wall is 10 feet per level of xp of the caster, and you can adjust the size to fit the space as needed, so that is not an issue either. The wall is only 6 feet high, so it is possible for something to be thrown over the wind wall, but the Skelebots are not equipped with grenades as a standard weapon, and they can't jump that high.

Long story short, if you cast it, it will be rather effective in blocking off the space.
Consider it done! 8D

Fly Away Hair GIF
Just make sure you post IC to make it official.
Whaddya think I'm doing? Didn't I just ask everybody to "Roleplay it" in Sharseya quite recently?

This is roleplaying, bud! I can DO this! Wooooo! 8D

Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson

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