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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

Slipping through the open portal, first Snowfall and then Eron spot a pair of men in lab coats that are seated nearby at computer terminals, their attention thankfully focused on the displays in front of them. You are only feet away from these two, and you have mere moments to act before they have a chance to spot you and try to raise an alarm.

Purr Purr and Silanon Silanon What do you do?

Sherwood Sherwood

While I can appreciate your looking out for the party's P.P.E. and Portal spell (those are indeed good things!), I fear one my few but strong buttons has been pushed here. I really don't like it when someone starts (I believe the term is) "power-playing" or "bunnying" (is the term "god-modding?") another's character, especially when it's the DM/Storyteller. When you inform us that Eron is taking an action Sil clearly implied Eron wasn't taking, that's... doing just that.

I don't "god-mod" players in the games I run because I feel if I take control of your non-possessed, dominated, Charmed, etc. PC, then why would you bother staying at our table? Just to watch me play YOUR character? What's the point of that? If I want to see people playing each other, I'll watch television. Right?

I mean... say in Sharseya right now, you, Luna's creator and sole Player, declare to me, "Dann, Luna stays with the party and sorts out a plan while Kaerri sneaks off." If my next phrase is, "O.K.. Kaerri and Luna go down to the giants together," then something has gone wrong. And , at least in my head, it requires immediate fixing!

Sherwood, when you "take over" Eron and inform us that he stepped through the portal right after Snowfall with no break in-between, not only do I feel like our entire plan has been disregarded, but I don't feel like my voice as a PC is... valued? Cared for? Even if it isn't my PC. And I'm sure you care. That's why this action surprises me. Plus, our entire situation has now gone sideways. We now go from Snowfall in Cloud Form quickly peeking into the room and possibly warning the party to... "Hey, you have about two moments to Roll Initiative oh and it's all because Eron stepped through too!"

He did? Do what, man?

Here's how much god-modding bugs me. In the extreme, I have cheerfully departed games when the DM repeatedly won't back down being what I see as a controlling DM. After just a few displays of this behavior, it tends to look like this (and yes, it's happened on RP Nation too):

DM: "Dannigan, your character is going to do this."

Dann: "Pardon me? It's my character. You have plenty of your own to play. My character wouldn't do this; they'd do that."

DM: "Well, you're wrong."

Dann: "Why are you doing this?

DM: "I'm the DM and I say your character is doing this."

Dann standing up and collecting his things: "Have a good day, everyone! I'm off to find the fun elsewhere." *takes my character sheet and leaves with a surprised smile*

Now, you and I are nowhere near that level of the staircase, but with you telling us what Eron is doing and not Sil, I think we're firmly on the first step. You have declared that Eron and Snowfall are now in a position neither of them wanted to be in nor made any declaration toward.

So... now what? Snowfall and I are stunned out of our minds! Time to adapt? Time to retcon? How do we fix this?

It's your game and you're the GM and I respect that, but I feel our characters should enjoy that same respect, now and in the future.

I need to do some processing. I had not realized that my post would make such a problem.
No worries! That's what I thought happened. I really appreciate you hearing me out, bud! =)
OOC Lets try this again.

Snowfall slips through the portal and looks about, and within only a few feet of the portal there are two men seated at workstations, focused on their work. But that will not last long if they manage to spot the portal or hear the sound of someone coming through. You have only seconds to decide what to do: Have the others come through or abort and try again? Or something else entirely?

Purr Purr
Sherwood Sherwood

Fixed! Thank you, thank you! =)
Hey, folks? Thanks for getting this sorted out, both of you. It's one of the things I really appreciate about playing with you. You tell great stories and write awesome characters, but you also speak up and listen when things inevitably go wrong every once in a while.
I try to keep things moving in a fair and balanced manner, but I'm still human and make mistakes. At least I have a bunch of good friends here that are willing to talk to me about it in a calm and reasonable manner instead of going off on some flamewar and ending a good game.
We kinda like this game and it would be a shame to let it die off due to some misunderstanding on anyone's part.
Hey, folks? Thanks for getting this sorted out, both of you. It's one of the things I really appreciate about playing with you. You tell great stories and write awesome characters, but you also speak up and listen when things inevitably go wrong every once in a while.
There is a part of me that simply has to. I've always stood up for my beliefs and things that I'm passionate about. Plus, role-playing is all about communication. What good does it do Sherwood if I just keep my mouth shut and stew about it until I blow up? Best, I think, to get us all on the same side so we can find a solution for the problem together.

There is a thing inside my soul that demands excellence! If When I'm the one making a mistake, how in the world am I supposed to do anything about it if I don't see it? I rely on people I trust to point things out (this is why not getting feedback sometimes drives me nuts - hit me with it! Not only can I take it, I'd greatly prefer that I did. The alternative is silence and people not talking almost always only makes things worse. At least in my world. =)

We kinda like this game and it would be a shame to let it die off due to some misunderstanding on anyone's part.
Right! Clear communication prevents misunderstandings. I say if two parties are disagreeing, the first thing I try to find out is - are they communicating with accuracy? Do they honestly get what the other is saying or is there a "loose wire" somewhere? Half of the time I mediate it's because someone failed to comprehend something important to the other.

I try to keep things moving in a fair and balanced manner, but I'm still human and make mistakes. At least I have a bunch of good friends here that are willing to talk to me about it in a calm and reasonable manner instead of going off on some flamewar and ending a good game.

I recently put up another ADHD-fueled blurb on my Status here on RP Nation. It was about finding the right people to game with and then some. If the people around your table (virtual or otherwise) are willing to start a flamewar, well, I have to ask - were you really friends? Or just acquaintances?

That's the best part about playing with real friends. And by that, I mean people who honestly give a damn about YOU and YOU honestly give a serious damn about them! Sure, we all have negativities in our lives. That's part of being alive! But when you share a circle of good friends? Hell, you're never alone! Here on RP Nation, I can't tell you the amount of times I've typed something out and gotten it out of my head fully confident that someone who gives a damn will reply to it! Not just brush it under the freakin' rug. Dismiss it like so much junk mail. But treat it like a well-awaited letter from across the way addressed only to you and yours.

That's something precious to me. And so are all of you. =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Now let me go see what kind of trouble Snowy can get into here. After all, Sherwood did retcon the whole thing! Wooo!
Sherwood Sherwood Look! I goofed already; Tai Chi doesn't have a foot sweep! Instead, it uses Push Open Hand. I've changed my post with OOC details to this effect. =)
Oh. My. GOSH! How can I possibly game with such a cheater?!? I am out of here!

Just kidding! Ha! Thanks for correcting that mistake.
It's not my fault! Psyche taught me everything I know!

Cookie Monster GIF
Psht! As if you aren't crazy?!? Yeah, right! I call bullshit on that one!
Well, maybe I'm a little crazy. But I'm so cute it makes up for it.
Cute and psycho? Isn't that... dangerous?

*reads Psychie's signature again about the rose and thorns*

Hrm. =)
What do you guys do now?
I'm going to hold off on taking any actions until Silanon gets a turn. For the sake of the role-playing, I'll just have Snowfall ask Terra something.

The portal worked perfectly, placing you inside the small reactor room that is providing an uninterrupted supply of nuclear power to the genetic cloning tanks making these Omega Beasts.
O.K.. So we are inside the small reactor room? We can see it, touch it, examine it, etc.. We have Mega-suits, Glitter Boy armor, our Mega-damage ride and so forth as references. Now might we have any kind of notion how much M.D.C. this thing has?
I can't help it; I'm just sooo cute all the time!
You have to be, Psychie! You like My Little Pony and the Muppets! I mean... what's not to like?

Don't answer that, Sherwood.

We may have to come and get you! =)
I'm going to hold off on taking any actions until Silanon gets a turn. For the sake of the role-playing, I'll just have Snowfall ask Terra something.

O.K.. So we are inside the small reactor room? We can see it, touch it, examine it, etc.. We have Mega-suits, Glitter Boy armor, our Mega-damage ride and so forth as references. Now might we have any kind of notion how much M.D.C. this thing has?
Hmmm. You guys lack the needed mechanical skills to get a good read on it, but based on an Iq roll, you can guess that it has in the neighborhood of 500 to 700 MDC.

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