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Rifts Adventure - IC Thread

Raven fires his assault rifle at bot number nine and damages it even more, but it is still in the fight.

Oleg tries to toss a grenade but it falls short and explodes away from his targets.

Skelebots 9-12 continue to attack Raven. Three of the four will hit unless you dodge. Sherwood Sherwood

Purr Purr is up with Dreamy

Round One
19 - Dreamy [2] <====
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [2]
17 - Rab [2]
16 - Sylvie [2]
15 - Skelebot 5 - minor damage [2]
15 - Skelebots 6-8 - minor damage [2]
13 - Xinyi [2]
13 - Raven [3]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [2]
7 - Skelebot 9 - serious damage [2]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [2]
Raven whips his psychic shield around in front of his torso to take the hit.

Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300 / 287
Psi-Shield MDC: 80 / 42

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85 / 70
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 39
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6
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Psychie Psychie Dreamy tries to get a feel of the battlefield - what did she know? She knew these were Coalition States Skelebots - these would be vulnerable to Raven's Cyber-knight-bestowed gifts. While she didn't know as much as she wanted, the 2,000+ year-old Altaran knew darned well that nothing robotic fared all that well when the famous Cyber-knights sprang into action.

These Skelebots are not undead, nor are they supernatural creatures. Dreamy feels she has no serious edge like Raven. She could only keep herself safe while shooting these machines until the very last one explodes and stops threatening this magical newcomer...

...and that is a thing Dreamy feels she can do!

Using her terrific speed and stealth, Dreamy tries to Dreamy aim at the most-damaged of the bunch (Skelebot 9) and looses at it - preferably from behind if she can get the shot!

Total Strike Modifier: +12
Total dice damage if successful: 7D6 M.D. (doubled if Critical from Behind is successful).

Blackwood Bow note:
  • Silent Firing: The bow makes no sound when fired. In addition, the arrows make no sound in flight and the arrow makes no noise when they strike their target. Skill rolls to find the archer are at -40% or -8 to perception.
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The damaged skeleton robot clutches at its chest as the arrow plunges into it, then it shudders and falls to the ground.

Skelebots 2-4 continue to cut away at the Magic Net. They are making progress but are still trapped.

Rab fires his pistol at #5, catching it in a weak spot in its armor and doing done serious damage to it.

Not to be outdone, little Sylvie scrunches up her face and throws a tiny but powerful ball of fire at the damaged #5, and it falls to the earth.

Skelebots 6-8 turn their attention to Xinyi and try to slag her with laser fire. They will hit unless you dodge.

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Xinyi, and you have a defense to declare.

Round One
19 - Dreamy [3]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [3]
17 - Rab [3]
16 - Sylvie [3]
15 - Skelebot 5 - minor damage [3]
15 - Skelebots 6-8 - minor damage [3]
13 - Xinyi [2] <====
13 - Raven [3]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [2]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [2]
Not to be outdone, little Sylvie scrunches up her face and throws a tiny but powerful ball of fire at the damaged #5, and it falls to the earth.
Dreamy has lifetimes of discipline that tell her not to give away her position against the enemy. Still, she cannot help but silently mouth the words at the group's smallest little hero, "Nice going, Sylvie!"
Xinyi watches the target she dented first with her kick, then it gets shot with something from somewhere else and then blasted by a fire bolt, and just as Xinyi were going to look around to see who else was helping she saw the group of nearby skelebots turn towards her to fire.

Her golden eyes go wide..."Ummm.right"

Xinyi turns and spins as she perceives the shots coming towards she...her body turning in the well trained and familiar motions taught to her since she had hatched. It was almost like watching them move underwater, the moves seemed slow but timed just right as their long hair, cloak, scarves, and robes seemed to flow around them, their golden eyes and freckles seemed to glow as the energy bolts came at them.

Xinyi rolls Automatic Dodge 1D20+10 = 3+10 = 13

But it seemed she was unable to stop all of the incoming fire as her lay line force field flashed gold and disappeared as the hits came, with the remainder of the the lasers then penetrated and contacted her body...she let out an exasperated "Ow!"


After the barrage she stopped and glared at the skelebots knowing well that there were others around helping. She began to whisper an incantation in backwards Dragonese as blue energy from the ley line around her coaleses into her body, and for a moment her whole body flashes silver and then the silver sheen fades away.

(Backwards Dragonese) "<em ot marh on od llahs ygrene!>"

She then yells at the Skelebots...(English English) "IF YOU WANT ME! SHOOT AWAY MACHINES!"

OOC Xinyi cast Impervious to Energy on herself, note that the Ley Line Force Field regenerates fully at the beginning of the next melee round.

Hand to Hand Bonuses +4 Strike, +10 Automatic Dodge
Full Strength Punch Damage 3D6 MDC
Wall of Ice MDC = 200 > 112
Ley Line Force Field MDC (28) 28
1 of 4 Attacks Per Melee remaining
Current MDC (300) 300 - 10 = 290
Current PPE (209) 194 - (20-10) = 184
Current ISP (80) 80
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The three robots hit and their weapons sting with a total of 38 MD.

Sherwood Sherwood is up

Round One
19 - Dreamy [3]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [3]
17 - Rab [3]
16 - Sylvie [3]
15 - Skelebot 5 - minor damage [3]
15 - Skelebots 6-8 - minor damage [3]
13 - Xinyi [3]
13 - Raven [3] <====
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [2]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [2]
Raven does his best to keep drawing fire from the Skelebots as he continues to shoot his assault rifle, this time at #5.

40 md damage
Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300 / 287
Psi-Shield MDC: 80 / 42

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85 / 70
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 36
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6
Raven’s burst hits the bot hard, but it is still up and active. You do notice that other than the Skelebots in the Magic Net, the rest of the robots are struggling to deal with Ravens Cyber Knight powers to confuse modern weapons and robots. The bulk of the enemy are out of actions.

Oleg lobs another grenade and this time it blows up in the middle of robots 5-8.

Purr Purr is up

Round One
19 - Dreamy [3] <====
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [3]
17 - Rab [3]
16 - Sylvie [3]
15 - Skelebot 5 - major damage [3]
15 - Skelebots 6-8 - minor damage [3]
13 - Xinyi [3]
13 - Raven [4]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [3]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [3]

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