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Rifts Adventure - IC Thread

Raven gives Xinyi a sad smile. “Sadly, that is true. There are so few people, be it human or Dbee, that can be trusted. There are still some of us out there that can, though. I will say that if you ever come across a fellow Cyber Knight you are probably in good hands with them. The Order does its best to ensure that. Now I don’t know about you, but I am definitely in need of a hot bath or shower, so I am going to see if one of those options are available to us.”
Sherwood Sherwood

With Raven heading to get cleaned up, he is escorted to his room. The place looks like it used to be a small bunk room for maybe four people, but there is only the one bed and a small alcove with a working toilet slightly partitioned off from the rest of the room. The room is somewhat bare even for a guest room, showing the simple life of this religious order. All in all, you have been in worse rooms, do in comparison, it’s not bad. There is a communal shower just up the hall from your own room and it has plenty of hot water to shower in.

After getting hosed off and with the layers of dirt removed, Raven is feeling much better.

Purr Purr

Snowfall’s curiosity leads him about the place, poking his nose here and there, trying to see the last of the land. He is able to discover fairly quickly that this place has four levels accessed by elevators and stairs, with one small building on the surface and three below ground. The lowest level is filled knee deep with smelly water and appears to be abandoned. The next level has all the living quarters for the monks of the order, complete with a small chapel with a service being held for a group of young men.

The top level is the smallest of the three, and it houses a series of small greenhouses to provide fresh fruits and vegetables for the residents. This level is where the motor pool is, and it has a security station with several suits of powered armor that are manned and ready to defend the place from any intruders. At first it seems to be a lot of firepower for a religious order, but then you remember where this place is and you reconsider.

The last part of the place is the submarine bay. It is large enough to house two of the old boomer style ballistic missile subs at once with a huge sea lock that allows them to enter and exit completely underwater and unseen by outside eyes. At the moment there is a single smaller sub here that is probably a relic at least four hundred years old and able to house about a hundred people, depending on how close the pack in and how much of the original stuff of the vessel still remains intact. The other dry dock bay is currently empty.

Eonivar Eonivar

Xynyi is escorted to another guest room and is showed where the women’s shower and mess hall is located. Her room is much the same as what Raven has, with no artwork or plush furniture, just simple things that reflect that this is basically a monastery underwater.

Is there anything you wish to do for what appears to be at least the next day?

GunMan2 GunMan2

You are also shown to a room that happens to be next to Ravens’ room. Unless you advertise your mechanical nature, the monks here don’t seem to know you are a Borg.

One thing that you all can see is that the doors to your rooms are simple SDC doors with no locks on the handle, so it is not a prison cell in any sense of the word. You are all told that you have free run of the place except for the lowest level. It has a bit of a flood and is not safe. The pumps are keeping the water at bay so there is no danger unless you are foolish enough to romp around down there.
After the door is shut behind her Xinyi gazed over the room with interest.

(Dragonese) <"Reminds me of home">

They did not feel like trying to shower with strangers. So instead, they use their magic to cleanse themselves (Xinyi casts Cleanse on themselves), whispering the ancient arcane words as the dust and dirt magically is removed from their clothing.

They then sit for a moment and sew the holes in their robes where they had been shot by the skelebots earlier. After they finish mending their robes, they stand up and proceeded out of the room to explore the place and meet any people that may be around.
Snowfall does what foxes do - he remains curious and finds what he can find. He finds the entire layout of the base to be very clever and he dearly hopes the likes of the Coalition States never finds it. He continues to get a feel for the area that it might come in useful in some future adventure.

Meandering wherever his feet will take him, he opens his senses to the supernatural - specifically magic which all Kitsune can detect within a short range as easily as a normal human might hear or see. Humans as a whole were not inherently sorcerous creatures - might there be something down here that they might have missed that a Kitsune of Inari might find?
As Snowfall wanders about, he comes to the conclusion by means of his magic detection powers that this is a group of normal humans, and there appears to be only three people down here that have any kind of magic or psy powers (besides the party, that is). It appears that the only means of defending themselves against attack is the mechs and powered suits that you have already seen.

Everything on the top two levels appears to be wholly dedicated to a monastic way of life, with few luxury items of any kind. The lowest level appears to have been abandoned a long time ago, and even the most inquisitive of foxes finds only moldy furniture and ruined clothes.

For the guests of the Order, everyone you come across appears to be human in every sense, and they are all polite and helpful. They answer any question you pose to them, but for the more esoteric questions the monks refer you to their leader, Father Brannigan. This Father Brannigan is a low level mage of some sort, but he doesn’t flaunt his powers that any of you have seen and it is very likely that he has not used any kind of magic in years.

It is during one of the communal meals that Rab comes up with a smile. “I have good news. Our ship to Europe will be here on the morning high tide. We’ll be able to be on our way tomorrow and then it is a short trip to the main temple for your reward for a job well done. I apologize that we are not the most exciting of hosts. We lead simple lives, with few creature comforts. I do hope that you don’t think ill of us because of that.”

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