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Rifts Adventure - IC Thread

Initiative roll for Raven. I presume that the bouses from Sixth Sense do not apply, since we are going into combat without being surprised.

Total of 7
Activating my Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300
Psi-Shield MDC: 80
Body Armor MDC: 70

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 45
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6
Initiative so far:

Round One
19 - Dreamy
19 - Thea
13 - Xinyi
13 - Raven
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Initiative so far:

Round One
19 - Dreamy
19 - Thea
17 - Rab
16 - Sylvie
13 - Xinyi
13 - Raven
10 - Oleg

GunMan2 GunMan2 we are just holding on your roll to start. I'll give it a little bit before we move on.
Purr Purr and EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 are up with Dreamy and Thea.

Round One
19 - Dreamy <====
19 - Thea <====
18 - Skelebots 1-4
17 - Rab
16 - Sylvie
15 - Skelebots 5-8
13 - Xinyi
13 - Raven
11- Takuma
10 - Oleg
7 - Skelebots 9-12
Using Art of Stealth and the terrain to best advantage, Dreamy tries to scoot silently and place a silenced arrow directly in the back of the Skelebot most-threatening the two women.

Total Strike Modifier: +12
Total dice damage if successful: 7D6 M.D. (doubled if Critical from Behind is successful).

Blackwood Bow note:
  • Silent Firing: The bow makes no sound when fired. In addition, the arrows make no sound in flight and the arrow makes no noise when they strike their target. Skill rolls to find the archer are at -40% or -8 to perception.
Dreamy is able to work her way across the intervening ground and catch an earful of the fighting going on. With a steady hand, she fires her bow and hits the targeted Skelebot right on its back. Sparks fly as the arrow pierces the armor, but the robot is still active even with the damage done.

EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 is up with Thea

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1]
19 - Thea <====
18 - Skelebot 1 seriously damaged
18 - Skelebots 2-4
17 - Rab
16 - Sylvie
15 - Skelebots 5-8
13 - Xinyi
13 - Raven
11- Takuma
10 - Oleg
7 - Skelebots 9-12
The one robot that Dreamy got with her arrow spins around and fires a burst from its laser rifle, but it is firing wild and has no idea where Dreamy is, so all it does is kick up some rubble and dust.

Bots 2-4 target Xinyi. Only one manages to thread the needle of the heavy cover and will hit you unless you parry out dodge.
Eonivar Eonivar

Rab pulls the pin on a hand grenade and lobs it overhead to land in the middle of bots 5-8, causing minor damage to all four.

Sylvie zips up and casts a spell of Magic Net on group 1-4, entangling them in the web but causing no damage.

Skelebots 5-8 targets the ice wall, causing a grand total of 88 MDC damage to it.

Eonivar Eonivar is up with Xinyi for her defense and action

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1]
18 - Skelebot 1 seriously damaged, Magic Netted [1]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [1]
17 - Rab [1]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi <====
13 - Raven
11- Takuma
10 - Oleg
7 - Skelebots 9-12
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Xinyi quickly braces against the concrete wall as they hear the hiss and see the steam created by the Skelebots lasers striking the wall of ice.

Xinyi looks over and sees out of the corner of their eye a skelebot taking aim at them through the hole between the wall of ice and the concrete wall. Time seemed to slow for them as they started to move in the form that they had been trained in constantly for the last two years of their life...their body moving in the same instinctual flow and movements that they perform every day after meditation but with thought as to the best angles to avoid the incoming laser fire.

Xinyi Automatic Dodge Roll 1D20+10 = 16+10 = 26

As the short white haired woman spun, their cloaks and robes gracefully spinning about, they turned, stopped, aimed, and fired back with their pistol, pulling the trigger, the runes along the barrel alighting as the blast of fire came out of the gun towards the attacking Skelebot.

Attack - Aimed Shot with TW Firebolt Pistol + 3 to strike = 1D20+3 = 5+3 = 8

Xinyi frowns as the shot goes wide. "I am so horrible with guns, why did I even bother learning how to fire them..."

They holster their weapon, thinking of a different tactic may work better for them as they moved over into the protection of the concrete wall.

TW Firebolt Pistol Range: 800 ft Damage: 4D6 MDC Shots: (35) 24
Wall of Ice MDC = 200 > 112
Ley Line Force Field MDC (28) 28
4 of 4 Attacks Per Melee
Current MDC (300) 300
Current PPE (209) 194
Current ISP (80) 80
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The robot doesn’t show any sign of being upset at missing its shot. It simply recalculates for its next action to try and kill this annoying supernatural creature that has crossed their path.

Sherwood Sherwood is up with Raven

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1]
18 - Skelebot 1 seriously damaged, Magic Netted [1]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [1]
17 - Rab [1]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi [1]
13 - Raven <====
11- Takuma
10 - Oleg
7 - Skelebots 9-12
Raven levels his assault rifle at Skelebot 5 and fires off a three round burst of the exploding shells in his rifle.

Ooc clean miss.
Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300
Psi-Shield MDC: 80
Body Armor MDC: 70

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 42
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6
Raven shoots but is off target. Clean miss.

GunMan2 GunMan2 is up

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1]
18 - Skelebot 1 seriously damaged, Magic Netted [1]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [1]
17 - Rab [1]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi [1]
13 - Raven [1]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg
7 - Skelebots 9-12
Oleg takes his rifle and fires a burst at Skelebot 1, causing more damage to the bot.

Skelebots 9-12 see that Raven is a wonderful target up in the air and begin to light him up. They will hit unless you dodge.

Sherwood Sherwood is up with a defense needed.

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1]
18 - Skelebot 1 critically damaged, Magic Netted [1]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [1]
17 - Rab [1]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi [1]
13 - Raven [1]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [1]
7 - Skelebots 9-12 [1]
Raven will try to evade the shots with a dodge.
Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300 / 287
Psi-Shield MDC: 80

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 42
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6
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Raven gets hit multiple times, taking a total of 57 MD.

Purr Purr is up

Round One
19 - Dreamy [1] <====
18 - Skelebot 1 critically damaged, Magic Netted [1]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [1]
17 - Rab [1]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi [1]
13 - Raven [2]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [1]
7 - Skelebots 9-12 [1]
Psychie Psychie As much as Dreamy wants to nail the skelebots that lit up Raven, she is aware that he is protected by his Invulnerability Tattoo. With terrain and situation in mind, Dreamy moves to finish off the Skelebot she initially damaged. Just because it was immobile didn't mean it didn't present further danger with its guns.

Total Strike Modifier: +12
Total dice damage if successful: 7D6 M.D. (doubled if Critical from Behind is successful).

Blackwood Bow note:
  • Silent Firing: The bow makes no sound when fired. In addition, the arrows make no sound in flight and the arrow makes no noise when they strike their target. Skill rolls to find the archer are at -40% or -8 to perception.
Since the damaged Skelebot had turned and fired in the direction of Dreamy, she is no longer targeting it from behind. But with the damage done to the bot so far it is taken out by the well-placed arrow.

Skelebots 2-4 begin starting to cut their way out of the net with their vibroblades. It will take some time, but they will be able to do so.

Rab readies a heavy pistol and pops up from his position and snaps off a shot at a bot but misses.

Sylvie gets mad at the Skelebots shooting at her friend Raven and fires a Fire Bolt at one. It does minor damage.

Skelebots 5-8 look up at the most obvious target of Raven and fire on him. They will hit unless you dodge.

Sherwood Sherwood has a defense to declare, and Eonivar Eonivar is up.

Round One
19 - Dreamy [2]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [2]
17 - Rab [2]
16 - Sylvie [1]
15 - Skelebots 5-8 - minor damage [1]
13 - Xinyi [1] <====
13 - Raven [2]
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [1]
7 - Skelebot 9 - minor damage [1]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [1]
Xinyi struggles to make out all the noise occurring around them in their icy semi-circle and partially concrete cover. They look up to see human (?) fly up into the air firing a rifle and taking several laser shots. Xinyi recognizes the tattoo magic instantly, and exclaims in Dragonese....<"Tattooed man...hmm..." >

The sound gets a bit overwhelming and they shake their head. (Dragonese) <"OK Xinyi, get it to together, you cannot just stay here and cower..three, two, one...GO!>

The short white haired young woman moves out from their concrete and ice cover and attacks the first Skelebot they see...moving into melee range, and striking out with a crescent kick to the robot. "HIIIIIEEEEEE YAAAAA!!!!"

To Strike: 1D20+4 = 14+4 = 18 to hit!

Damage: 3D6+1D10 MDC = 6+5 = 11 MDC Damage

Hand to Hand Bonuses +4 Strike, +10 Automatic Dodge
Full Strength Punch Damage 3D6 MDC
Wall of Ice MDC = 200 > 112
Ley Line Force Field MDC (28) 28
4 of 4 Attacks Per Melee
Current MDC (300) 300
Current PPE (209) 194
Current ISP (80) 80
The first Skelebot that Xinyi comes to is #5, already damaged from the earlier grenade explosion. It suffers another dent in its armored hull but is not destroyed.

Sherwood Sherwood is up with action #3 for Raven, and GunMan2 GunMan2 is still on delay.

Round One
19 - Dreamy [2]
18 - Skelebots 2-4, Magic Netted [2]
17 - Rab [2]
16 - Sylvie [2]
15 - Skelebot 5 - minor damage [2]
15 - Skelebots 6-8 - minor damage [2]
13 - Xinyi [2]
13 - Raven [2] <====
11- Takuma <====
10 - Oleg [1]
7 - Skelebot 9 - minor damage [1]
7 - Skelebots 10-12 [1]
Since the person that they are here to save is in melee with one of the bots, Raven shifts targets to keep from catching the woman in the blast off the exploding rounds. He fires another three round burst at Skelebot 9. Hopefully he will hit this thing.

Ooc 16 to hit doing 40 mega damage
Invulnerability Tattoo and my Wingless Flight Tattoo.

Augmented Strength Power Punch: 2d4 MD
With Tattoo: Inflicts 6d6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 5d6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 1D6x 10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Level: 4
Class: Cyber Knight
MDC from Bio-Enhancement: 125
Invulnerabity Tattoo MDC: 300 / 287
Psi-Shield MDC: 80

Power Matrix PPE: 40
PPE: 65 / 5
ISP: 85
Psi Sword Mega Damage: 4d6 MD

Action Points: 7

Combat Bonuses
Number of Attacks: 7
Strike: +8
Parry: +9 / +11 (Sixth Sense)
Dodge: +9 / +12 (Sixth Sense)
Roll With Punch: +3
Initiative: +2 / +8 (Sixth Sense)
Perception: +6
Critical Strike on a Natural 20
Critical Strike From Behind

Assault Rifle
Triax Pump Rounds: 4D6 M.D. per single round or 1D4x10+10 M.D. per short burst of three rounds.
45 / 39
Barrier Projector
120 MDC Force Field Bubble, Two shots per melee 6 / 6

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