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Realistic or Modern Ridgeview High School (Mature/Always accepting)

Carmen took another sip of her beer when hearing a familiar voice, "Oh look, its you." Carmen winked and shrugged, "I would be enjoying the view if you were to move to the side." She smirked and crossed her leg seductively, "But I guess I can stare at you for a bit..." Carmen hopped off the counter and put down her drink and took Jake's hand, "Now, come on, I like this song and I want to dance." Carmen winked as she glanced over to the dance floor then back at this hot cocky guy staring down at her.

Jake smiled big and followed her. WOW he thought as he looked her up and down and made their way to the dance floor. He usually wasn't one for partying but this couldn't hurt. He got close and let her lead since he wasn't much of a dancer either. The light on the floor reflecting off her and Jake smiled. "Wow you're cute." he said. He did what he does best and that is show off by taking his shirt off and putting it around his neck, His abs and his perfectly chiseled body now in plain sight.


As Jake followed Carmen, she sashayed to the dance floor, twirling herself around to face him. Carmen wrapped her arms around his firm neck. She swayed her hips side by side, "I need to teach you how to dance one day..." Carmen laughed, not even thinking about what she just said.

Carmen smirked up at Jake and tilted her head, some of her hair swaying to the side, "Thank-" Carmen stepped back as she watched him take off his shirt. With that Carmen shook her head with a laugh, "You cocky ass!" Carmen said as she walked back up to him and poked his chest, "Damn, how much do you work out?! You're like a rock!" @NickOnTheReg
Jake looked at Carmen and nodded. "Yeah you can teach me as much as you want." he responded. "Of course I'm cocky, Look at me." he said laughing. His arms around her slim waist. His hands looked huge against her sides. "6 days a week, I'll be pro one day." He moved with her keeping her close to him. "I'll show you one day." he said. Then again he's said that to a lot of girls, but none ever come. Though he really doesn't care. He wouldn't pay attention to them there anyway.


Carmen nodded, "Wow, goodness, I'm sure you will." Carmen said agreeing with him, "I would never be able to work out six times a week... Too much effort put into it, plus... I don't like getting sweaty." Carmen laughed, knowing she probably sounded stupid saying that.

"I'm sure you would..." Carmen rolled her eyes at him with her basic smirk, "Lets say if you ever actually do take me to the gym, I'd be shocked... First off I doubt you keep any girl for a full day..." Carmen sighed, "I really shouldn't be talking on that part..." @NickOnTheReg
"You won't sweat, you'll glisten." Jake said laughing. Actually enjoying himself which he didn't think he would. "I'm usually at the gym now, but something in my head said to come to this party, and now I'm dancing with a girl like you. So it's a winning situation." he said laughing. Jake was always flirting. It was his nature. "I don't keep girls around for a day, because most of them bore me. I'd like someone to keep my attention." Jake got real close and whispered in her ear. "I don't sleep with every girl that's been seen with me. Those rumors are false." he said pulling his head back. His trademark smile and dark eyes looking right into hers.


"I'll glisten? Listen here, I'm no model." Carmen rolled her eyes with a laugh. Carmen was glad she actually came to this party. Usually boys would try and talk to her but she'd just zone them out... This time, there was actually when she was enjoying. Mostly all the boys (that are cute/hot) goes on her fuck list. This guy was definitely going on her fuck list... But maybe a special fuck list... For multiple fucking? Carmen didn't know... She was a flirter... But definitely not a romancer. There was something she liked about him though. He was different than most guys she'd like though. Which was a bit odd on her part.

"A girl like me? Whats so special about me?" Carmen asked as the song they began dancing to faded and another one started.

Jake leaned in and whispered in her ear. Carmen raised an eyebrow, "Shocker actually." @NickOnTheReg
"Listen, gym legends say that women glisten." he said laughing, probably sounding like an idiot. "But at my gym, I haven't seen a female in there in I don't know how long." Which is true. Most are turned off by Jake's gym he attends, because it's a bunch of big guys slamming weights. Most normal people would be turned away. He kept dancing with her which was already 10 times longer than he's spent with most girls at the school. "What's special about you?" He asked as a response to her question. "Well I can tell you're not putting up a front with me because I'm just a hot guy. I usually can tell who's faking right away." He laughed at her response from his whisper. "Why is that so shocking? Do I look like a guy who's been with a lot of women?" Jake said laughing at this point, because he knew the answer.

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Lilith pushed her way out of the crowded doorway of an empty room, locking it from the inside. As soon as she turned from the door, she walked into a gay couple making out pretty heavily against the wall. Well, okay.. Not everyday you see this. She ignored the practical hardcore porn going on in the hallway and made her way into the kitchen quickly, trying to find her way through the sweaty, smelly, drunk teens. This party will definitely get called off. Lilith opened up the fridge and grabbed two beers, before turning away and finding a bottle of rum. She smiled and quickly grabbed the bottle, shutting the fridge and beginning her walk out to the back of the porch to watch the drunks.

@ anyone

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After ten minutes of wandering she heard sirens in the distance 'uh oh' Lucy jogged outside of the house and started to run, some of the teens saw her run and heard sirens, they started to take off and abandon it, the party had gotten too loud and a neighbor called the police. Lucy stoped jogging when she was a safe distance away from them

@Everyone at the party (Next scene is school, so prepare your character)
Kyra heard the sirens as a police car drove by Spencer's house and turned to watch as they drove towards the house they had left. She was more glad now that Spencer had talked out of her not going to the party if the police were being called. She looked down to the end of the block and then to her left, wondering if her suggestions were alright. She could get something quick to eat before heading home and catching some sleep before school tomorrow. Kyra knew freshmen were at the bottom of the pecking order and as a transfer student, she'd likely be either a topic of discussion or at the bottom of the freshmen in terms of notice and popularity. Not that she cared about popularity. She wasn't like those stuck up prissy girls but having friends...true friends...would be nice. Any friends she'd had in middle school had joined new groups, one had moved before summer camp and the other was forbidden by her own parents from speaking to Kyra again. That had hurt, though not nearly as much as the rejection of her own parents just a week ago. Being on a plane when you were suffering from morning sickness for an eight hour total flight with a 45-minute stop was not the best predicament to be in. "What year are you?" Kyra asked as she waited for an answer from Spencer. @NekoQueen49
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c6a0548827fc498c99dfbd4796e19196.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.c6a0548827fc498c99dfbd4796e19196.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jun grabbed himself a can of beer from the fridge, while he was in the kitchen, Jun figured he could use some fresh, so he made his way out back. Jun leaned against the porch railing with his arms hanging over it, juggling the beer can between his hands. He sideway glanced the girl on the other end of the porch who was watching some drunks amusingly. She's cute. He thought, but continued no further. As he popped the tag on the can, he noticed flashes of blue and red lights just a couple of houses down along with faint noises that sounded like... Police siren. Jun looked down at the full can, shook his head and tossed it into the nearest trash, after that was done, he gave his sister a call.

"Hey bro, time to leave?" Kara sounded kind of drunk, or it might just be the background music. "Yeah, cops are heading this way, not sure that i wanna stay here to see the aftermath... Are you drunk? 'Cause if you're drunk then don't come, I'll just phone George instead." Jun has a strict 'no drinking/texting while driving' rule, which he was able to implement onto his family, though Kara constantly breaks the rule(which makes him really upset), It's not like he can force these things onto her. "Nah, nah, I'm good. I'll be there in five. Just don't get yourself into shit before I arrive. Byyee." She hung up before he could say anything more.

Back in the house, Jun gave everyone in the kitchen a heads up, some acknowledged and some didn't, while a few others laid passed out on the kitchen island, he shrugged and moves on to the lounge. Jun found Kiara first, sent her a word of warning, whether she listened or not the choice was hers. Then he saw Saint on the couch looking all sad and sentimental down at his phone, Jun nudged Saint's shin with the tip of his shoe. "Police are coming, your drunk and underaged, I think it's time to bail."


Mentioned: @TuffBbg



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Viktoria looked up when she heard the warning about the cops. Looking at the immediate group she spoke

"I live about 2 blocks from here, if we leave now we can get to my place, its empty so grab some booze and lets bail"

She grabbed a few bottles and passed a slab of beer bottles to Lucas before meeting the group of people

"we ready to move out?"

@Identical @Bea
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Saint Alexander Pierce

He looked up at him and nearly dropped his phone from the surprise and shoved it in his pocket quickly with a nod "Yeah probably" he said quietly with a sigh before standing up and stumbling forward much too close to the boy causing him to blush "Heh, more drunk than I thought..." he mumbled before taking a step back "I'll see you around?" he asked with a slight grin

Alexandria heard from passing peers that the cops was on the move. Unfortunately for her, she heard about this just as the police was pulling up to the house. So not prancing her way out the front door for her, she was used that though. Alex had her fair share of scattering out of parties due to police and close calls of arrests. The thing is that fact she has to more physical movement than walking annoys her, she's a lazy bitch. With the last down pour of fifth beer, she sprung up from the couch strolled her way to the backyard. The human embodiment of the void's salt levels risen as she was confronted with a rather high fence, two metres was the guessing measurement. Luckily for Alex, climbing was her forte. She took a few steps away from the brick fence and successfully did a running jump to the fence, pull herself up and over the fence. Falling in a strangers yard just as the cops came into the backyard. It was a close call for Alexandria
Jake was enjoying the dancing when he heard those dreadfull words. "COPS" someone yelled. "Shit" he said as he put his shirt back on quickly. He grabbed her by the hand and looked right at her. "No matter what, do not let go." he said as he basically shielded her from the pushing and mob of people trying to scramble. Once Carmen had her things, Jake started making his way through the crowd, pushing people out of the way if necessary. His muscles and big body came in handy for once as they worked their way outside. "I'm not leaving my bike here." he yelled to the random group of people. @Haus Of Alaska

Jake turned around and looked back at Carmen, "Put this on and hold tight, trust me." He said handing her his helmet. He got on his bike and started it up. She got on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Jake then took off on his bike. A couple cops followed as he weaved around them. He looked over his shoulder and yelled "hang on." As he ducked through traffic and giving the cops the slip.

Once he knew they were clear he arrived at his place without even thinking of it. He turned off the bike and sat there while she got off. Jake turned to Carmen, "sorry I just came here on instinct, did you want me to take you home? Or are you fine here? I always have the place to myself." Jake said laughing.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9bcfba82ba968b0194e29fb2c0e01097.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9bcfba82ba968b0194e29fb2c0e01097.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Jun nodded, although he was concerned about Saint's current drunk state and whether someone was picking him up or whatnot. He's a tough guy, he should be fine. Jun told himself. "Thanks for the invite, but I'm afraid my ride is here." Jun caught a glimpse of his sister's maroon Porsche through the window, but the car seemed empty.

"Really? Wow, you're so brave." Just as he left the party, Jun found Kara flirting with a young officer. And handsome. "And handsome." He almost laughed out loud when she said the exact same thing he was thinking she'd say. "Evening, Officer McCree. If you don't mind, I'll have my sister back, thank you." Jun grabbed Kara's wrist and pulled her away with a forced smile. "Uh-uh, I'm going to have to test ya first, June." McCree waved the breathalyzer that was in his hand. "Alright, but you're still not going to get anything." Jun shrugged, he stepped forward, took the breathalyzer and blew into it. After awhile, the number '0' appeared on screen. "Fine, you can go." McCree snatched the device away with a grim look on his face.

"You have got to stop flirting with any man you see." Jun said as they got in the car. "Yeah, yeah, it's not like I'm taking them seriously." Kara rolled her eyes and started the engine.

Responded to: @Bea

@Haus Of Alaska



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Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded in response and walked out the front steps before grumbling in response to the cops already being here, When one approached him he stiffened nervously and held up a picture on his phone "I've got a kid officer" he said with a slight grin, figuring that most people who had kids were old enough to drink "And I forgot my I.D at home, Dad brain and all that" he explained in a surprisingly unslurred voice and the officer just looked through the photos on his phone with a sigh "Alright you're free to go....this time." he said with a shake of his head and Saint didn't even think about the repercussions of anyone in the vicinity hearing that he had a kid. "Thank you officer" He said and nodded to him as he started walking towards the sidewalk. He couldn't believe he just used his son to get out of an underage drinking charge.

@ Anyone? @Identical possibly? ;P​
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(Kyra's not with the group at the party. Going to have her go home so the next scene can start.)

The police cars had stopped coming a short time ago but Kyra was beginning to feel her headache coming on. "Sorry but I'm not feeling well," she said by way of apology. "But thank you for letting me meet Myrtle and it was nice to meet you as well Spencer," she said before walking down the block and turning the corner when she got to the end of the block. Pulling out her phone, she called her aunt and was soon home, ten minutes later.

"How was the party?" Jasmine asked her niece as she made a sandwich and got a glass of grape juice for Kyra.

"I didn't go," said Kyra. "I mean...I went to the party but I met this older student who had a lab named Myrtle with him."

Jasmine smiled, knowing her niece loved animals. "What grade is this student in?"

"I don't know," said Kyra. "But probably a junior or senior is my guess as he was taller and older. His name's Spencer. He gave me some advice about not going to the party if that isn't what I wanted and we were going to go eat somewhere but the cops began showing up at the house and my headache came back. The kids here have awful music." They talked for a short time later as Kyra ate her food and took another prenatal pill before making her way to her room, the expectant mother falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
He opened his mouth to answer her question when Kyra said that she wasn't feeling well and ran off. Spencer watched her with a frown."Alright, bye," he said to the empty street. Though he guessed he would probably see her in school. As long as she actually went to school, that is. Spencer went back into the house, returning to his room to play some more video games and then go to sleep.

Carmen got off the bike once Jake pulled up to his place. Everything felt like it happened within a second... It was literally insane on what happened. But somewhat expected... Parties like this always got cops called.

She took off the helmet and messed with her hair. Looking over to Jake, Carmen handed back his helmet, "I think I'm good, my mother never really cares what happens to me anyway." Carmen rolled her eyes, "Always busy with her Mayor junk other than taking care of me."

Carmen shrugged and shook her head, "I can just hang out here... Unless you want me to leave..." Carmen did her signature smirk and crossed her arms, "But you know, its your choosing." @NickOnTheReg
Jake took his helmet. "I'd be cool with you staying." He said as he walked towards the door. "Over working parent, yeah that's how my dad is, but he leaves me money and this house so I don't really care." Jake had a nice house and anything he wanted so he was numb to that feeling. Once inside he took, "Well I have tons of shirts for you to change into for sleep wear and you can shower if you want as well. As far as school clothes for tomorrow, umm I don't have cute clothes." He said laughing. Jake actually enjoyed the company for the night. "Just let me know what you need." He added



Lilith watched as most of the teens began to scramble from the strewn out party, some getting out the pool and stumbling to find their clothes, some putting their clothes back on, if you know what I mean. She smiled and took a sip from her beer before stuffing the rum into her coat jacket once she found it. She took her heavenly sweet time leaving the party because, well, there was no need to leave in a rush, at least this is what she thought. Lilith took the opposite way from the running teens and took a shortcut through the woods. She wasn't drunk yet, but intended to be while watching Adventure Time or Orange is the New Black on Hulu.

Once she was back home, she carefully opened the shed doors to grab the ladder. The front and back door was always alarmed and on guard, so it'd be impossible to get in through there. Lilith moved the heavy ladder to the side of the house her room was at and carefully placed it against the house. She began her climb up and lifted her window so she could climb inside, before pulling the latch to send the ladder down to it's original size. She closed and locked her window, stripping of her alcohol-smelling clothes and jumped into bed, setting her alarm for four in the morning.


Carmen shrugged and began to walk up the stairs as she took off her crop top and dropping the crop top onto Jakes head and winked, "You can just send me home in the morning..." Carmen stuck her tongue out and walked into his room. She grabbed a teeshirt and placed all her clothes on his bed and made her to the shower. Once in the shower she quickly took a basic shower and quickly put on the large teeshirt, from one of many Jake said she could borrow.

Putting up her hair in a bun, Carmen made her way back into Jakes room.​

Jake smiled and watched her walk up the stairs and held on to her top. "I mean I could, but what if I didn't want to?" he said sticking his tongue out back at her. Once she was in the shower he saw the clothes on his bed and laughed. He folded them neatly at least and put him on the armchair in the room. He took his shirt off and laid back on the bed. "What a night." he said to himself. As he heard Carmen finish her shower he sat up and flashed a big smile as he saw her wearing one of his shirts. "It looks good on you." he said admiring her legs.


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