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One x One Return of the Scarlet Empress - OOC 3e

I certainly wouldn't mind a boost in the attributes starting out.... 😃
Yes your character sheet is heavy on charms/spells/martial arts but weaker on attributes and such.

It didn't look like you used the 200xp rules, rather the original 2e ones. I was trying to figure out things out.
I really need to update the character creation thread to show this.
I found my notes on this game finally, and I updated the OOC post for character creation. It did include extra points for stats and skills. Here is a copy:
Updated character creation rules:

200 xp
50 Sidereal xp
9-7-5 points for Attributes
35 points for Abilities

20 Bonus points
That's what I get for trying to half ass convert the game from 2e to 3e and not paying enough attention to the details. Shoot.

Ok, good one on you for spotting that. I had honestly thought that Essence 4 was farther off.

What the hell. Lets go ahead and stay at Essence 4.
OK I’m on the hard part of cutting down from 70 charms to the final 40 I have room for.

I think I’ll spend 10 in my martial arts, 10 more on defense (dodge resist) and then 20 on social ones. They got a couple of cool ones that let you fit in and get some benefits and merits as part of your cover that I like. I’m surprised how awesome Linguistics is this time around..
Also I’m sad they nerfed manses so much. I guess more useful for sorcery than essence Regen since essence Regen is so high in 3rd edition
How does Auspicious Prospects work in the game? Do you just give them upfront? Do we ping you for them each scene? So many charms need them or use them in some way.

Auspicious Prospects
Each Caste has an Auspicious Prospects for (Caste) power that divines how certain events or developments relate to destiny’s plan. If an event would help ensure destiny comes to pass, and the
Sidereal does something meaningful to ensure that event happens, she fulfills that auspicious prospect. The same is for thwarting something contrary to destiny. Fulfilling an auspicious prospect grants one Willpower, subtracts one Limit, and grants a Role Bonus (p. XX).

Not everything is accounted for by destiny. If an event doesn’t matter one way or the other, there’s no auspicious prospect to fulfill, but the Sidereal can intervene in the matter as she sees fit without having to fear any repercussions within the Bureau of Destiny — at least, not for official reasons. This is almost always the case for events involving the actions of the Exalted and other powerful beings (p. XX).

If the Storyteller doesn’t have a particular answer in mind, he should pick whatever result best serves the story. Revealing an auspicious prospect can introduce a plot hook for player characters to follow up on or a narrative complication to contend with, while a neutral result gives players license to make bold decisions.
OK I’m almost done with all the crunch. I’m just finalizing the artifact.

As for relationship, I like the idea of Fire and Ice; if you’ve seen Good Omens in prime the whole demon and angel team up feels cool.

So we’d be in opposing factions, but have defining intimacies towards each other like siblings or best friends
I’ll do really well in social combat and fairly well in defense. I have no idea how well I’ll be able to do damage in combat. I’m a bit skeptical about that.

I like the Godslayer Singing Martial Artist, I’m just a bit skeptical if it’ll amount to much. However non of the other martial arts really fit my build thematically so we will see.
I was waiting to get that stuff done when there were more characters ready to go. I'm working on Intimacies and background fluff in my head at the moment.
I was waiting to get that stuff done when there were more characters ready to go. I'm working on Intimacies and background fluff in my head at the moment.
All right. Give me your rough draft and we can jam on it. My current working theory is they are fraternal twins, who Exalted but were attracted to different factions. But I'm up for whatever.

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