Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

The crocodile snapped his fingers as he walked. ''yea.....bro...l-l-l-l-lets goo'' He nods his head to the beat of the snapping fingers. ''im the krookodile, king of reptiles, don't mess with me ill bury you under tiles, my scales are red, my eyes are black, mess with me or not ill still send ya back, ya outta wack, ya talk smack, ya shouldn't tell that but ya cant cause you aint all thaaaaaaaat~'' He kept walking as he points. ''as I walk, I move my feet and make my favourite shake, using my favourite move, EARRRRTHQUAAAAKE!!'' He lifts and stomps his massive boot on the ground to shake the ground.
"Such polutance..." Des thought to himself as he slightly levitated off of the ground. "I guess it can't be helped, especially with the recent outbreak..." he muttered scanning the surrounding area with his blood red eyes. "Now, if only I can find a place to stay for the night..." he continued to mutter to himself, levitating in a hunchback position, hearing sounds of grunts, slashes, clashing objects, and one particularly of the ground springing open.
That's when he heard earth quakes and really really bad rapping. ''my jaws are tough, my tail strong, may arceus destroy me if im wroooooong!!''
"My god... Such horrible use of words... It's an insult to even speak the same language..." Des said slumped, as he continued to move toward the melange of noises. "I feel as if this is a bad idea..." one of the other heads began to say. "Well, we won't know till we find out now will we?" he replied.
Hay man, don't mess with my music, there my rhyme and rythem!, its like my words and your doom to cooome!!'' He spins tail side to side. ''ya see my master, darkrai senpai hes gonna get back at you...AND YOULL ALL DIE!!'' He uses his tail to dig up the earth abit. ''I know your smart, but im the best its time for STONE EDGE!!'' He kicks all the rocks with his tail hard.
"Your words are crap..." Des said sticking out his tongue, which was covered in a dark aura. He brushed a finger over it and took the dark aura from his tongue and balled it up in his hand. Simply dropping it on the ground, forming a large dark barrier to cover his body and protect him. He just levitated in place, watching the stones either bounce off or miss their target.
krookodile's got a question just a hunch...what you think....OF MY CRUNCH!!'' He appeared from the sides, bouncing off the rocks and shooting up towards des's leg and attempts to bite at it. ''AHAHA YOUR NOTHING, NO ONE CAN RHYME, EVEN IF I DIE...MY MASTER WILL WIN IN TIME!!!''
"I think your bite is just as worse as your bark. Feeble... and annoying..." Des replied breaking off the barrier into tiny shards, which all gathered in his hand. "You're right, no one can rhyme, not even you..." Des Gardes said, and at that moment, he took the condensed dark aura and launched it as a Dark Pulse.
krokodile just looked eyes open. ''clever boy'' He was shot in the face, turning to stone slowly as he landed. ''a---ah....ha....AHHAH!! y-you...wont stop h-h-him...'' The stone crawled up his stomach to his face. ''heheh.....t-the master wont let me die....he needs me...r-right master....master....WHY MASTER WHY WONT YOU ANSWER!!!' He looks at des. ''I-im gone....nothing...I culd have done......ive...lost ....all....hope'' He turns to full stone and crumbles.
"Oh, you fool... Never put your trust into a false god... They'll just let you down..." Des muttered landing onto the ground or what was once his opponent. "I guess this would mean you've hit rock bottom..." Des said with a slight chuckle. "Oh humor, how cruel you are..." he muttered, as he walked through the massive battlefield dodging and blocking his way through.
"What the hell?" he thought turning around to see the spirit calling his name. "Well, don't tell me I'm cursed for using a little humor..." Des muttered.
"A great, another obstacle... I'm just gonna go that way..." Des said, ignoring the fact that the thing new his name. He turned back around and continued to walk.
the small darkrai pokes his chest. "payback" all the damge krookodile tootk was redirected back to des as it laughed loudly. "your nothing to me pest im a god!!!"
"You're a moron..." he said shrugging off the pain. A Dark pulse that was strategically ineffective against a Kroocodile, yet still managed to knock it out at best, was nothing but a minor scrape to Des. "And a false god at best..." he added shaking his head, reaching forward to grab the thing.
Des slowly became drowzy. "I'm just wondering if being a sleep walker will come back to haunt m-me..." he said shaking his head to prevent him from falling asleep. "... False... God..." he muttered as he slowly started to walk.
"Get out of my head you little ingrate!" he barked, yet at nobody. He continued shaking his head as a mean to stay awake, but he continued to grow more drowsier before he just started to become dillusional. Some of the figures around him were starting to warp and contort.
oh lets open them all" opens another nightmare door. "come on stop me huh ahh" the spectre left as his time was up as it returned to the true darkrai.
"You will regret this one day..." Des Gardes muttered falling to his knees, heavy with an unbearable sleep. He fell, off into dream land, but into less of a dream and more of a realistic nightmare. Then, as if nothing had happened he got up. Almost as if he were perfectly awake, but his eyes were tightly shut, he was in another world. His world. He 'awoke' covered in cob webs, surrounded by darkness and bioluminescent fungi that glowed a bright green. Which slightly lit up the appearance of a cave like background.
Ghost sat under a concaved tree. It had fallen over from the recent trauma of the dark king rising. His tail was quivered around his body, and his eyes were feral, darting around to see who was still alive.

Rao leaped about, her bright red hair shuffling behind her. He smiled a wickedly fake grin, before releasing a loud, echoing roar of the black fox. She let her voice resonate around her, before purring and looking up again to find her lord.

(sorry guys ive been out. So I got the rp back in the right section, this thread is officially revived! :D )
(yay ;D)

The darkrai leans his head on his claw, looking at the sky. "well...krookodile is gone....shame...I kinda like his....rhymes....'' He floats to another statue. ''lets see...who now...arialos, nah....shedninko....naaah'' He floats around looing around.

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