Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

Name: Soul

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Absol

Mad?: Not at all

Appearance: See profile picture

Info/Bio: Soul was an outcast, simply wishing to be noticed. He noticed something strange about some other Absols. For example, one tried to kill him, and thank Arceus he escaped. He learned about the Madness and Darkrai rising once more, and now he sees both as threats.
(hi falleen -blush-) Nichole walked around the forest she was in scared. she jumped at every little sound. she's been this way since she ran away. Nichole's stomach growled and she bit her lip.
(( No prob, Pain. And hello to you too, yullen-chan.)) Soul watched from a tree nearby. He was resting from narrowly escaping from the other Mad Absols.
Soul decided to stop resting and change place. He could hear the other Absols looking for him, so he stood up, dusted himself off and ran. As if it was decided by Arceus himself, he ended up at the place Nichole was at.
The sound of a mountain suddenly cracked open as a pair of arms and a single green eye opens. ''AAAHAHAHAHAH IM FREE FINALLY ATLAST, NOW NIGHT AND DREAMS WILL BE MINE TO CONTROL FOREVER AAAAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!'' The other pokemon soon where affected (only if mad) and soon began to attack each other. ''YES MY MINION'S ATTACK, CONTROL, DESTROY DO NOT REST AAAAHAHAHHA!!''
The shadow of a massive ghoul like creature soon engulfed the world all around, and closed, the shadow soon faded as quickly as it appeared, but the effect was still there on those that where affected.
He floated over to his old home. ''ahhh I have returned'' He slowly floated onto the seat and watches the world waiting for someone to stop him. '' hm hm AAAAAHAHHAHA!!''
The ghoulish creature sent his dark ghost like energy into the statue of a strange giant crocodile, soon a person appears wearing a massive red trenchcoat with black sunglasses. ''yo grooooovy cat, how ya been dread sama!!'' Dread just gave a malicious stare. ''go...cause chaos'' The male walked out, as he walked he started creating sandstorms.

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