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Fantasy Red Hood Society

"Alright, but I cannot move very fast. I'm so tired...and weak Ackara. If I begin to drag you down just leave me. You have a far better chance of escaping them right now." he tossed more logs into the fire before curling up inside of the makeshift shelter. He was too weary to even shift back to wolf form.
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Honus followed rather quickly into the witch's house, not being very trusting of it at all. He knew that she was secretly unsympathetic to his cause, so she was to be watched with extreme scrutiny. You never can trust a witch after all. But the newcomer seemed rather kind, genuine in her intentions even. "I don't have too much time," the man said selfishly, "at least I don't think so."
Athena wiggled free from Harken's grasp, limping a bit. She looked around in awe, eyes wide and bright. "I-It's very pretty miss!" She proclaimed, holding her bleeding arm. Then she began sort of wandering a bit, examining everything. She finally picked up a green bottle and poked at the liquid in it. It looked pretty, and smelled nice to the child, so she drank it.... She's a child
FireMaiden FireMaiden JokerValentine JokerValentine Aleikya Aleikya

Ackara slowly curled up beside him, trying to keep him warm. "I don't want to leave you... If need be, I can fight... Don't talk like that either, we're going to get out of here..." Yasero slowly wandered into the clearing, sitting down near the two, but not in the shelter.
"I f***** up..." She mumbled, poking at the fire and ignoring Ackara's tense figure. "I lost Athena, didn't I... Well, I at least have to help you both. I know a pack not too far from here. They'd jump at the chance of new members. I might come along if you don't mind... I can't risk hurting little Wisdom any more."
"Who are you?" Ackara asked and Yasero chuckled.
"Just a wolf. That's all we'll ever be..."
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""You have enough time for me to deal with the child first," She said, taking the bottle (which was filled with nothing more than a non toxic, and unfinished potion) from Athena, and sitting her up on a table. "Here darling, drink this. And do try to hold still," She said, putting a vial of purple liquid in the pups hands, before going over to a bucket of clean water. There, Bonus would see her do something she's done many times for him and others after missions and attacks. The water bubbledonly around her hands, glowing slightly, before she walked back over to the child. Here, She would gently press her hands to the child's wounded leg. The purple liquid would heal her arms, and other smaller injuries. "Take a seat you two, this'll only be a minute." Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine Aleikya Aleikya
Athena slowly sipped on the purple liquid, taking about three small ones before deciding she was done. "Lets go misser meany! We gotta explore!" She chirped, grasping Horus' hand and trying to drag him off. A small little grin was on her face and she looked pretty eager. "We can explore it! Please misser meany?" She didn't know his name, so she made one for him, even if she couldn't fully pronounce Mister.
JokerValentine JokerValentine Aleikya Aleikya FireMaiden FireMaiden
Athena huffed and tried to pull herself back on the table. She was a bit too short, but she got back up and sat next to Honus with arms crossed and cheeks puffed out. "They never let me go..." She grumbled, looking rather annoyed.
FireMaiden FireMaiden JokerValentine JokerValentine
(Bewaaare of the one liners my friends. They often lead to making it harder for responses. lol)

"I do mean it though. If I can't keep up, you go ahead. I can follow your tracks if need be." He sighed and leaned into her warm fur. His gaze turning to the young wolf appearing in the clearing. The moments not long ago may have been quick but he did recognized her.
"don't worry young one. It couldn't be helped, you were only in defensive mode. We'll get the pup back eventually. For now that pack sounds like a grand idea. There is always strength in numbers and comfort. It would be nice to see some of our own around again wouldn't it?" He chuckled.
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Ackara nodded, closing her eyes. Since Marius seemed comfortable with Yasero, she calmed down. "A pack is always nice." She mumbled, leaning against him more.
Yasero sighed. "Athena and I travelled from them. They're a good bunch. I like Ajax, he was wonderful with the pups. Are you two having any soon?" She asked and Ackara shot up.
"What?! N-No! Not that I know of, a-are we?" She asked, looking very confused.
Axeykins Axeykins
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Honus shot Cae a glance of pure annoyance, seeing as she was his only ally in this situation. It was one thing to reserve himself in the face of the enemy, but he had no choice. The stupid, idiotic child that was the werewolf was getting on his nerves, yet apparently the excuse of it being a kid somehow justified any and all resistance efforts. He'd surely consider having to kill the werewolf, but what made it especially hard was that it was a child. But of course did any werewolves show the same concern for children? "Funny seeing that you went from loyal to sitter in a matter of moments," the male remarked with sarcasm.
"Mmhm. It will be painful for a bit as it is not our old pack but it's always a good start for recovery. The way you talk about them is very promising as well." His face turned bright red at her comment. Both of their comments to be honest.
"Er, um....why are you asking me that? why are you even asking that to begin with?" He turned away as his cheeks flushed red. Cursed human form giving away so much in mere facial expressions. "I do not know and couldn't say. Um...why don't you tell us some about you and the young pup you travel with?"
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Yasero tried not to laugh at the two, though a smug expression made its way onto her face. "Uhuh... Well, Athena... She was orphaned by a group of honestly rather terrible wolves about three years ago. They bit her and fled before the other villagers could get them. She was only four then, but I took her in. She's a sweet girl, but a bit too trusting honestly. I think it might get her killed someday..." She sighed, looking down.

"Hope my pups aren't like that..." Ackara mumbled softly, fiddling with the sand like dirt.
Axeykins Axeykins
"Poor child, what a rough life she's lived so far. It is hard when you are a turned one though, always drawn back to where you once lived. I can only imagine how it must be for a child." He shook his head sadly. Leaning back against Ackara once more as a cold breeze filtered in through cracks in their shelter.
"Thankfully she had you though to help her, it's always easier when there is someone there for you. We'll be sure to get her back from the witch once she's healed so she will be in safe hands in the pack. Maybe help you in teaching her a little bit of caution. Her innocent curiosity and trust is quite adorable and admirable, but not terribly good for our kind in this world." He laughed softly. "Not to mention pups are quite a handful to raise and look after. It takes a pack to raise them without being driven to sanity's end haha."
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Ackara took a deep breath. "Marius... I've gotta tell you something..." She sighed, looking very nervous. She waited for several moments before lowering her head again. "Nevermind..." Yasero began laughing like crazy.
"Seriously? It's so easy to tell!" Yasero cried, doubling over in laughter. "I reeeeeeally want to tell him..." She chuckled an Ackara looked mortified.
Axeykins Axeykins
Draven moved through the woods silently. Like a foreboding mist, his massive form hardly making a sound or mark on anything around. Awakened from his deep hibernation by dark stirrings active once more. Much had changed in this region. The trees were no longer mere saplings and there was a far stronger presence of humans in the woods and the wolves were scattered about.
That was going to need fixing. He was going to have to set his beasts straight again. Scope out how many hunters and settlements would needs to 'taken care of'. Make damn sure those Hoods were rid from the earth once and for all.
Black Jade Black Jade
"I was never loyal to your cause, I was conscripted, by you. Though I'm not sidding with the wolves, I don't see your aggressive nature towards them necessary," She said, now back to tending the child's wounds. "Now, like I said dear, you may play after I'm done. I have a few things around here that would be safe you to play with." Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed JokerValentine JokerValentine Aleikya Aleikya
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The man rolled his eyes with stern resistance. He knew she was right, but of course there were reasons. "Ah so it is personal," he said with a strong tone, "that's what this is all about, ain't it? You think you're teaching me a lesson, aren't you? That somehow I'm supposed to see the err of my ways and beseech to the stars for forgiveness just to have them ignore it? You can only claim your moral high ground for so long, because when this war becomes yours, when your people get targeted, when my people whither and die, perhaps then you'll understand."
"What is it?" He stared at her, his head cocked curiously at her behavior. "You say never mind but that only makes me more curious as to what it is. If you're not feeling well or nervous about this new pack? Do you need medical assistance because the witch may allow us in her abode if so." He nudged her gently. Looking up at Yasero with a slight frown. "Oh hush! You are not helping the matter. Let her tell me on her own, if she is willing to that is?"
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Ackara took several deep breaths. "W-Well... While you were gone... T-Things weren't good..." She mumbled, looking down. "There was another... Another wolf... And, um, Marius..." She hadn't been in consent when it happened, but the wolf didn't stop. "Marius, I'm having pups..." The last part was barely audible, and she was actually about to cry. Yasero sighed and held her head
Axeykins Axeykins

Athena huffed in annoyance, kicking her legs a little bit. "Why can't I go play yet? Misser meany doesn wanna be like me, so he wan to get help... Can I go play while you help misser meany?" She asked eagerly, perking up quickly.
JokerValentine JokerValentine FireMaiden FireMaiden Aleikya Aleikya
"Wh-what?" his heart broke. How could this have happened...he should have come back after the raid. "Oh Akcara...I am so sorry." He gently wrapped his arms around her soft neck. Rubbing her head soothingly. "I will be here for you now, protecting And helping you through whatever this brings...and if I see the one who did it I'll tear him apart. Or if that bastard hunter tries anything again."
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Ackara leaned against Marius, slowly shifting back to her mostly human form. She smiled softly, clinging to him now. "Right now I think you're the one who needs protecting..." She chuckled, looking at Yasero.
Yasero ignored them, putting leaves on the fire and watching them burn. Then she pushed a squirrel in Marius' direction. "I already ate, you have it."
Axeykins Axeykins
"My 'people' were targeted long before the wolves, long before humans, or any other race for what we are. What we can do. That's why they hide, why they...are so hostile. Trying to teach you a lesson no, manners and patience, maybe. You will get help, I'm almost done," Harken said, the water falling from her hands and dissappearing before it hit the floor. "Now, Athena you can go play. Do be careful though, not everything here is safe for a child. And Honus, do take your shirt off, it's easier to work if there is not cloth in the way of the wound." JokerValentine JokerValentine Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Aleikya Aleikya
FireMaiden FireMaiden Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Aleikya Aleikya

Honus felt that, in the heated rage he exchanged, he felt quite warm. It was truly a bad sign, that he was just beginning to develop symptoms. But, as much as he could return the girl's volleys, he complied to her commands and removed his shirt. He wasn't fit, surely not. He had a bit of hair after all, as if he were to take his own blade to himself any time soon. "And you are trying to tell me that humans have been unkind to your people? Last I saw, werewolves gave you no home. We protect your places of refuge, and you think we have no sympathies for your.... magic? Perhaps some witches are evil, certainly mysterious. But humanity prefers your people to the dogs."

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