RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

Initiative is flat speed - higher speed, sooner turn. Unless you draw, and then it's a roll.

Awareness is marked Perception on your sheet, my mistake.

Difficulty varies, this time it's eight and assume so unless stated otherwise.

I may get mildly confused about the system from time to time, as I'm constantly revising it and I can't always remember what version we're using or how much I've updated it.

Rolls are typically a straightforward Attrib + Skill, should be obvious what to use in most situations but don't hesitate to ask.

I'll explain shooting when someone gets a clear bead on a target.
So, I sort of assumed Mark and I were running over to where Andrew was. This is apparently not the case? Or some miscommunication has occured?
Sarky didn't specify which outbuilding, so I assumed the barn, which would be closer, and the only cover would be the rear wall thereof. Andrew is on his own, poor bugger.
Me and you are in one of the outbuildings, the others are around behind the barn, and the farmhouse is waaaaay over there. According to Grey.
I'm going to be out of town this weekend - so is there any sort of arrangement I should make in regards to posting during that time (I won't have access to a computer)
Heya all.

I had NO connection for the past week so I do apologize for my delay.

Ill read the in game post later today or tomorrow and post.

Again, sorry.
No worries, blokes. Things are moving fairly slowly right now, so try not to worry. I'll assume those of you without access are finding cover and staying tight for a bit, if necessary.
Bowing out.

Grey and players,

Thank you for considering me as one of your players.

Unfortunately all, I am going to have to bow out.

Alot of stuff is going on IRL that I am not able to focus on the game. From the internet thing, to various other things, I am just being a no show.

This looked like it was going to be a good group too.

Have fun y'all.
Sorry to lose you, Scorp.

On an unrelated note, you may all be interested to hear that while I'm not changing the system for this game, the system has been upgraded and reworked extensively. Combat remains largely the same, and Sarky will tell you precisely how hard you need to worry about getting shot.

Incidentally, a note on combat - You recall your Combat Pool? For shooters, this should be comprised of your Perception/Awareness/whatever I used in this build + your Dexterity. When you want to take a shot, you roll as much of your Combat Pool as you like - don't worry about target numbers, just copy & paste the numbers you get for me - and you should get a hit. However, pleasantly mimicking the original X-Com, using up all your CP to attack leaves you with none to defend or run away. :)

Reserve some dodge dice. Seriously.
Grey said:
Sarky will tell you precisely how hard you need to worry about getting shot.
Under the revised system I saw a half-vampire fighter get beaten to death by a couple of pygmies with pointy sticks :(
If it's not too much to ask, could someone PM me when the mission is over, or there's otherwise a chance for me to join in? Just to make sure I don't miss it again.
I'm waiting for you guys to move - the aliens are doing their own thing.

This is all heavily dependent on your decisions, not my railroading.
Lucky for you I know grenades do not bounce. :) Edited my last post to reflect this.
Hmm, seems I've missed a lot, tried to post once, but I think it got lost in the madness. Grey, feel free to just have my character become an NPC and a puddle of goo if it helps drive the story along. :D

Twas fun while it lasted, folks!
Aww, well, I can do that. I'd prefer if you stayed in, but if you're busy I understand.
Pfah, you can get in easily enough. You could have been lurking on the dropship this entire time because OSHITTHEPLASMACANNONS.

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