RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

...That doesn't seem to be going well.

I'm used to having trouble writing, particularly when it comes to starting anything, but this is a bit much...

I think I'll give it some more thought and try to write a traditional backstory, and just hope I can manage...

Gah, I had hoped I was over this. Any decent player could have finished characters for all the games I'm in a week ago, at the latest.
Relax and take your time. We can add you after the first mission if need be. From what I've seen you put a lot into your characters, so the time is understandable.
I just worked on the assumption that my character might well not survive the briefing. I'll get attached to him later if he lives long enough.
Well...I didnt know if I was considered or not until just now and noticed the game is on my board. So is there room for one more still?
Posted it. If you need more info, please let me know.

oh and CW....hopefully we can call our squad the 13th.



Eric will certainly shout that, even as he screams in a foxhole as Sectoids bear down upon him with fiery plasma :P
Translator malfunctions: "DON'T RUN. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS"

Mission one will be kicking off shortly. Phoenix and Atrius may have to wait until mission two to take to the field.
So, is there something I should be doing to keep my interview moving along? Been sorta waiting for awhile... I know I need to finish up a discription still.
...Again, I'm sorry. I finally managed to get myself to start on something, so hopefully I can finish tomorrow, but... I really shouldn't have taken this long.

I was hoping to finish tonight, but... sometimes the more I write the more time I have to think about my writing, and I'm far from the best writer, so sometimes it gets a bit difficult to continue. I thought I was getting over this, but, ah, I don't know. I need more sleep...
Okay, I finished.

...Well, finished something, at least. It's not much, so if you want more detail or just a traditional backstory, or something else, I can write more.

It has come to the attentions of our commanding officers that our greatest benefactor, Grey, has been seized, abducted, or dare I say, kidnapped by the enemy. It is our duty as X-Com operatives to storm the alien stronghold and bring Grey back from the depths of that hell hole.

No man shall be left behind.

Now lets go kill those sons of bitches....then sell their corpses.

(Hope everything is ok Grey)
I was talking to him today.

His lappytop has been brainwashed into thinking it's a different brand of laptop. This would be fine, except it refuses to recognise the keyboard anymore.

In short, Grey's laptop went nuts and he has very little net access right now. Soon as he figures out a solution, he'll be progressing the game.
I have Vista' date=' so I'll test the game as soon as my brother gets off Steam.[/quote']
Oh, yeah, I was supposed to do this. Sorry.

It seems to run fine on my computer... what problems were you having?
That I dont have it, and when I go to places to DL it and play it, it doesnt work. Intro musics on, but black screen.

But is it that you HAVE to play it on Steam?
You do if you have the version for Steam, but I don't see why any site would have that for download rather than an original version of the game...

Did you try running it with DOSBox?
Yo...I tried that and I just don't understand it, or was I able to get it to work.

Would you be able to help with a step by step?

I just dont understand DOS. I am so glad they iced it over with Windows cuz if Computers were still in DOS, I'd be bald.

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